jellybean-rambles · 1 month
Hey sorry I didn't talk to you for over a week time keeps moving too fast
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jellybean-rambles · 4 months
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gansey listening to edge of seventeen by stevie nicks on the second chapter of the raven boys after unconsciously learning he was about to die at 17….. i think about this all the time
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jellybean-rambles · 4 months
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some feelings for adam’s graduation
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jellybean-rambles · 4 months
i just have to post these here bc i think about this DAILY
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jellybean-rambles · 4 months
Are you a
space ace, ocean ace, or forest ace
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jellybean-rambles · 4 months
the aro/ace experience of going 'but am i actually aro/ace?' and then seeing an allo and being like 'oh. okay. yeah i am. what the fuck'
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jellybean-rambles · 7 months
hi!! I’m Samantha and I’ve been collecting ag dollies since 2011.
a little about me ౨ৎ
I’m 18 and a student in university, majoring in history!!
I have multiple dolls but Tulip (my truly me 118) is and will always be my favorite.
my sister is 7 years my elder and suggested the name of her favorite doll to my parents before I was born so I am named after Samantha Parkington haha.
I have been on AGIG (American Girl Instagram) since 2019 but I wanted to try something a little different!!
I’m autistic and I suffer from the chronic illness POTS. because of this illness I am in an online university program and will be getting a wheelchair in a couple months (and it’ll have pink accents, my favorite!!)
thank you for reading this far, I hope you’ll stick around ♡
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jellybean-rambles · 8 months
Little bit proud of this
Man, this is flopping like hell on tiktok lmao
And the only people who are interacting with it are the tiktok fuck-bots
My user is the same on tiktok if you want it
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jellybean-rambles · 8 months
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mornings on the farm
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jellybean-rambles · 8 months
omg couldn’t find the app for a moment there haven’t been here for aWHILE haha
i was thinking about post-greywaren post-epilogue Pynch where they travel around a lot and have more and more reunions and goodbyes .
Adam is ALWAYS late for his government psychic job across the country bcuz of their 1-hour long kiss-goodbyes and cuddles especially on morning flight!!
THEY DONT WANNA LEAVE THE BED but ugh they’re grownups now gotta pay the bill
or something haha enjoy these doodlez yall
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BONUS: TRB Adam&Gansey being weirdos
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jellybean-rambles · 8 months
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When Adam kissed him, it was every mile per hour Ronan had ever gone over the speed limit. It was every window-down, goose-bumps-on-skin, teethchattering-cold night drive. It was Adam’s ribs under Ronan’s hands and Adam’s mouth on his mouth, again and again and again. It was stubble on lips and Ronan having to stop, to get his breath, to restart his heart.
They were both hungry animals, but Adam had been starving for longer.
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jellybean-rambles · 8 months
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A quick lil’ thing for @pynchweek :”D I drew it between work hours so it’s kinda messy pls don’t zoom in too much //sobs/ There will be another one later today I’m trying to draw it better than this one hope I make it in time!!    Day 3 - Summer // Bonfire // Pride 🏳️‍🌈 
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jellybean-rambles · 8 months
Did you ever just feel so lucky for knowing someone you met online? Like.. I was one click away from not following you. I was one second away from never even knowing of your existence.I would never have been this happy!!!...
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jellybean-rambles · 8 months
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honestly ronan calling himself a dad in cdth is just him overcompensating for the fact that in pynch relationship he is clearly a mom. taking demonic children out of his dreamwomb. ovulating 24/7. manic giant nightmare girling in every single book. don’t worry sweetie, declan being a malewife does not cancel out you being one as well. it’s in your dna, go thank niall.
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jellybean-rambles · 8 months
After finishing Greywaren I was wondering to myself ‘what on earth inclined Niall to send his spooky ass kids to a prestigious private school’ but I can just imagine a 13 yo Declan walking up to Niall with an Aglionby pamphlet like ‘father I will be attending this academic institution’ and Niall being like ‘okay fine but you need to bring the human embodiment of an ancient magical forest with you’
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jellybean-rambles · 9 months
Did you ever just feel so lucky for knowing someone you met online? Like.. I was one click away from not following you. I was one second away from never even knowing of your existence.I would never have been this happy!!!...
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jellybean-rambles · 9 months
I can’t believe the Voltron crisis lasted only two years. Seven seasons in two years. Deranged. Awful time to be online. PEAK shipping discourse. And the evil is defeated.
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