jeffrey25moore · 6 years
How to Move Forward with your Restaurant Business
Earning in the restaurant business can be challenging especially in the first couple of years. But once the Return on Investment has been made, the next question becomes “how to move forward with your restaurant business?”
With the steep competition, ever increasing cost of raw materials, plus marketing trends that come with a price, this question can be a tough one to answer.
Moving forward with a restaurant business can be a great challenge, but nothing cannot be achieved with perseverance, focus and hard work. (Photo Credits)
Entrepreneur.com came up with tips on how to make a restaurant more profitable. In their article they came up with a dozen tips to make a restaurant increase its profit. One of the strategies that they mentioned is Influencer Marketing. How To Franchise A Restaurant
“Influencer marketing. By tapping into local celebrities with large blogs and/or social media followings (“influencers”), restaurants can promote their business via this modern word of mouth marketing. Reach out to the top food bloggers in your city via email or social media and invite them in for a special menu item (on the house). Let them know you’re interested in being featured on their blog or social sites if they enjoy everything. Have the owner or chef take care of them and explain the meal thoroughly, then send them on their way — hopefully your food is up-to-par and you get a positive review to their thousands of local fans.”
Check out the rest of the tips here.
Small Restaurants
The Balance meanwhile came up with an advice for small restaurants and startups on how to move their restaurant forward and prosper in the food industry. One of the pieces of advice that they gave is marketing the restaurant.
“Building a solid social network through sites like Facebook and Twitter, as well as a restaurant website, are inexpensive ways to market your restaurant. Periodically running print or radio ads around the holidays and other special occasions are a good way to bring in business without breaking the bank. Catering services are another way to reach a broader customer base. You already have the resources for feeding large parties of customers, why not offer to cater parties, wedding, and other events. You can increase sales and market your services at the same time.”
Check out the rest of their tips here.
Growing a Restaurant Business
Forbes.com for its part published an in depth interview with a successful London Restaurateur who did not think twice about dishing out advice on how to be successful in the restaurant business.
One of Des McDonald’s advice for restaurant owners is to learn the ropes of the restaurant business.
“‘I like team sports and the kitchen isn’t dissimilar to the rugby pitch: it’s all about communication, discipline and structure. But I still went out and trained. My father got me in at the Ritz but I still went on a day-release course to get that structure, and my 17-year-old daughter has gone to Westminster College, because that’s where I went and I still firmly believe young people need that extra education and discipline. I see young chefs cooking burgers or cooking Thai food for four or five years and that’s all they ever know – they don’t have a broad knowledge of butchery, fishmongery and so on. Before you start refining your art, you need to do the hard graft in all areas. That also allows you to respect colleagues in areas you might not specialise in yourself.’”
Read the rest of his interview here.
Moving forward with a restaurant business may be a daunting task, but it sure is something that is attainable with the right knowledge, hard work, focus and dedication.
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jeffrey25moore · 6 years
Why Your Business Needs To Manage its Positive Reviews
Social Media Tips for Small Business Owners
The digital age has revolutionized how business people carry out their day-to-day operations. Small businesses now get the fair chance and attention of their target market, as long as they know how to properly manage their social media, and attract the right clientele.
Apart from getting your message across your target audience, social media also provides feedback on the product or service. This paves the way for improvement or retention of good business practice, and on the client side, a glimpse of what a company can offer. Why your business needs to manage its positive reviews is a question that can be answered by most digital professionals. Positive reviews need not only be propagated, it also has to be positioned where potential clients will be able to read it.
Social media can do a lot for one’s business especially the positive reviews that come with it. (Photo Credits)
Buffer Social encourages business owners to be consistent in their social media strategy and engagement to get the most out of it.
“We’ve found that it takes eight months to one year to really get the hang of social. Not only to get a consistent content stream going, but to figure out what your audience resonates with and what they don’t.
It all starts with planning. Create a social media strategy and write it down in order to hold your business accountable. Your strategy should include a basic company mission statement, content plan and goals. And most importantly, a powerful statement on “why” people would follow you on social media, what kind of content you plan on creating and posting, and what you hope to achieve.”
Read the rest of their advice here.
Social Media Savvy
Socialnomics.net also came up with tips on social media management for business owners and brand managers. One of their tips is to avoid over-posting, or its opposite. eEndorsements Reputation For Hotels
“Social media experts will tell you that it’s safe to post multiple times a day. But how many times a day should you publish content? The truth is that there’s no one-size-fits-all formula; you have to decide the frequency of posting based on the social media platform. For instance, Twitter’s feed fill-up rate allows you to post at least 4-5 times a day, but do not do the same on LinkedIn, as you might be disfavored for spamming. Create an experiment or run a survey and see how many times you need to post to increase your reach and engagement, without affecting your reputation on social.”
Check out the rest of the material here.
Best thing to Do
SmallBizTrends.com also discussed some ways to stay on top of the social media game. One of their tips is to be consistent, and post out something that is of value to your followers. eEndorsments Physician And HealthCare Review Management
“Striking a balance here can be really hard. On one hand, you want to be able to post often enough that your profile grows. But on the other, crappy content is still crappy content. If you are just churning out useless posts like inspirational quotes or jokes, especially if you don’t have a fair amount of original content, you are nothing more than a glorified bot account. You may have noticed the best brand social media sites out there are the ones that manage to really engage with their customers. So post often, post consistently, but only post good stuff.”
Take a look at the rest of their advice here.
Why your business needs to manage its positive reviews is indeed important, to make the most of what the internet and social media can provide to your business.
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jeffrey25moore · 7 years
How San Diego Businesses Are Marketing Online
Importance of Online Marketing to Local Businesses
Marketing the goods or services of a local business is very important especially when the business owner wants to get the attention of its target market. Online marketing is a great way to get into the radar of the intended audience, without spending too much. Because unlike above-the-line advertising and marketing campaigns, internet marketing is inexpensive, wide reaching, and can be fine tuned or specialized to reach the exact market a business entity is gunning for. MadHatSEO San Diego – Website Analysis
In one of its published articles, Huffington Post summed up why a local business should invest on Online Marketing. “Now, more than ever, a local business must have a website that provides accurate and relevant information about its products or services to attract and engage potential customers. That website needs to be appropriately optimized so that it’s found in relevant online searches. It’s also important to have a website optimized for mobile devices. According to BIA/Kelsey, a local media research and advisory service company, more than 50% of local search will occur on mobile devices by 2015, and it has also been found that 67% of people say that when they visit a mobile-friendly site, they’re more likely to buy the product or service.” Read the continuation of this Huffington Post article here.
How San Diego businesses are marketing online largely depends on how these businesses want to reach their audiences and how much budget they have for advertising and marketing.
The website Chron.com meantime named the various benefits of online marketing, and for them, one of those reasons is to help build strong relationships with customers. “The Internet provides an important platform for building relationships with customers and increasing customer retention levels. When a customer has purchased a product from your online store, you can begin the relationship by sending a follow-up email to confirm the transaction and thank the customer. Emailing customers regularly with special, personalized offers helps to maintain the relationship. You can also invite customers to submit product reviews on your website, helping to build a sense of community.” Check out the rest of the reasons here.
The website Entrepreneur.com meantime went up a notch further saying that local businesses do not only need online marketing, they also need local SEO or Search Engine Optimization. In one of its published posts, it gave the many benefits local businesses can get from having their website optimized for local search. “Competition is increasing, so business owners will be forced to find smaller target niches in order to achieve relevant visibility. One of the most efficient ways to do this is to optimize locally, so local SEO will only grow in importance as competition continues to increase.” The continuation of this article can be found here.
Engaging on online marketing is one of the most critical decisions any local business should undertake. It is not just having a website, but also ensuring that this website gets seen by relevant people that can ring in the cash register.
The post How San Diego Businesses Are Marketing Online appeared first on Riverlights Booksense.
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jeffrey25moore · 7 years
Local Dentists Using SEO to Boost Their Traffic
Presently, all most all fields of doctors are creating an online profile to stay in touch with existing patients and attract new ones. The reputed online profile is one of a crucial element for successful business. Some of Doctors are adopting content marketing strategies to boost their traffic on social networks as well for example Dentists. This is highly in competition in the market of dental.
Your patients are from your area, correct? To get the attention of those area patients, first, optimize your site. 70% of patients prefer to book an online appointment. Without Dental SEO strategy no one is able to find you. Your site should offer the procedures such as Dental implants, sedation, veneers, teeth removal and cosmetic dentistry for Dental SEO. You need time to build reputation and market brand in real life and on the web as well. If you are a part of dentistry industry, follow the below steps strategies to increase your visibility and ranking.
Relevant keywords
Keywords should from the perspective of patients. Pull out all the specific keywords from whitening teeth to cosmetic dentistry. Traffic comes from the most of the searched queries. For instance, rather than focusing on simple dentist keyword, you should include the keywords like the dentist in your area, children friendly dentist, excellent dentist cosmetic surgery or more.
Optimize for local searches
Optimizing the local searches is a great way to drive traffic. This one of easiest way will improve your visibility by adding the name of your hometown and nearby towns. Make sure you will appear at the top when your clients search for near dentist, local dentist’s profile, phone number, category, description, timings, useful images/videos or something more about the local keyword.
Optimize your site
Focus on editing home page on regular basis with new events, dental seminars or more. Poor optimization can enhance the chances of in failure of ranking. Regular blog or directory posting, ads on the social network, patient reviews, proper links, responsive and up-to-time site features can help you to reduce the risk of losing. These managing responsibilities can only be done by a Houston SEO agency to produce new patient for you. These everyday jobs cannot be ignored; after all, you are running a full-time business.
Effective videos to grow the dental practice
A number of utilizing videos can boost your dental practice and traffic. Static videos will show how the procedure is actually carried out by you. Videos are rich in information, highly shareable and go viral within a short period of time. Try this effective method on this dentist homepage to get high rank on the Index page of Google.
E-mail marketing
E-mail marketing is one of the easiest ways to generate more patients and to get in touch with them for long term relation. If you have online appointment feature then let the people inform about their booking through E-mail. Deliver them a detailed & informative content with name, time, Doctor Name or more.
A dental SEO can manage your investments, so you need to approach a well-experienced SEO.
The post Local Dentists Using SEO to Boost Their Traffic appeared first on Riverlights Booksense.
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jeffrey25moore · 7 years
Web Application Testing Complete Check List
If you are going to check your website you have to consider a checklist. In this article, you are going to get a complete website testing checklist. Sometimes this checklist depends on your business requirements. Let’s have a look.
Website Testing Checklist
Website testing checklist is a given below.
Functional Testing
Usability Testing
Database Testing
Compatibility Testing
Performance Testing
Security Testing
Let’s discuss them one by one.
Functional Testing
In this category, the features and operations of the website are checked. The internal mechanism is tested. Its goal is to check whether the website is meeting the functional specifications that are mentioned in your documentation. In this part, it is checked that the optional fields are not generating error messages etc.
Usability Testing
It is just a user-friendly check for user experience testing. It is done to make sure that new users understand the interface. In this check, only the navigation of the website is tested. The content of the web page is also checked; all the fonts, texts, and spelling are checked. Broken links are also checked to fix them.
Database Testing
In this category, all the backend records are tested. All the data that is being displayed on the website should be matched with the data present in the database. The database design is tested thoroughly keeping in mind the functional requirement and the logic of the particular business.
Compatibility Testing
In this category, it is checked that the website is compatible with elements like operating system, browser, and hardware used. The performance of the website is checked with all these mentioned elements. Sometimes the website is tested on other browsers to check it is displaying properly or not. The HTML version of the website is also checked.
Performance Testing
All the components of the website are tested for performance preferences that are required. The architecture of the website is tested for experienced users. Also, the performance of website under different load conditions is also tested. All the infrastructure and application bottlenecks are identified in this category. It is also tested that the website can handle load volumes or not. You can not check the performance of the website manually. More resources are required. Also, proper system monitoring is required.
Security Testing
All the flaws and gaps related to security are tested. The web pages that require password, credit card numbers should be secure and protected. The important information like passwords and other elements should be displayed in an encrypted format. The user can not enter if the password is changed. All the error messages are not displaying any kind of important information. It is also made sure that the cookies on the website are not storing important information like passwords. If the user has logged out then it is also checked that the session is expired and he has to enter the password again to log in. make sure the website is not displaying any information that is stored in the database. All the information in the cookies should be in encryption form.
The post Web Application Testing Complete Check List appeared first on Riverlights Booksense.
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jeffrey25moore · 8 years
Why Electronic Cigarette’s Are Healthier
Why Electronic Cigarettes Are Healthier
A rising number of traditional cigarette smokers are getting curious on the health benefits of switching to electronic cigarettes. Getting bombarded day in and day out about the health risks of tobacco-based smoking is one of the reasons why nicotine dependents are finding ways to cease their smoking habits.
England Based Health Website NHS Choices published a report saying that “”E-cigarettes are 95% less harmful than tobacco and could be prescribed on the NHS in future to help smokers quit.”
According to the article which they published here such data was the conclusion of an evidence review carried out by Public Health England.
Here are some findings of the study: “While data on their long-term safety is unavailable, expert opinion is that e-cigarettes are around 95% safer than smoking; When used as intended, e-cigarettes pose no risk of nicotine poisoning; E-cigarettes release negligible amounts of nicotine into the environment, and no health risks to bystanders (e.g. passive smoking) have been identified.” The whole report can be read here.
Studies like that published by NHS Choices make a number of people even more interested to try out e-cigarettes. Reason why the Deputy Director of the UK Centre for Tobacco and Alcohol Studies, Professor Linda Bauld wrote an article published by The Guardian urging the media and researchers to stop misinforming the public that e-cigarette smoking is as harmful as tobacco-based smoking.
“Few things are risk free, and no one has claimed that e-cigarettes are. However, as an alternative to a uniquely deadly product that kills one in two of its regular users, who lose on average ten years of life, e-cigarettes are a far better alternative.
Distorting study findings to say otherwise does a huge disservice to policy makers, health professionals, the general public and most importantly smokers who are looking for accurate advice about electronic cigarettes. Recent research in both the UK and USA has shown that smokers increasingly believe that these alternatives to tobacco are just as harmful as cigarettes. Studies like this one and media hype about their results contributes to this misperception. Meanwhile, tens of thousands of people suffer and die prematurely each year in the UK from cancer, heart disease and other conditions directly linked to smoking. Electronic cigarettes offer one possible escape route. Researchers and journalists need to stop blocking the exit,” she said.
Read the rest of the article here.
The Harvard Health Blog also shared some reasons why electronic cigarettes are healthier compared to traditional smoking. In an article written by John Ross, MD, FIDSA, a Contributing Editor  of the Harvard Health Publications, he stated that e-cigarettes are less lethal versus traditional smoking. “The major benefit of e-cigarettes, compared to regular cigarettes, is that they do not produce the tar or the toxic gases found in cigarette smoke,” he wrote. Read the rest of his article here.
And while some are still contemplating on whether they should give up their traditional smoking habit, the above mentioned articles suggests that electronic cigarettes are a healthier alternative.
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The post Why Electronic Cigarette’s Are Healthier appeared first on Riverlights Booksense.
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jeffrey25moore · 8 years
Top Concrete Construction Companies San Diego
Hiring a concrete construction company is one of the first things a property owner must do before starting on a project or job requirement at hand. There are a huge number of concrete construction companies in San Diego and it is very important for any property owner to be very discerning when it comes to choosing the right contractor to work with. A concrete construction company can definitely make or break a construction project, so it is better to choose wisely.
Here are the top qualities of a reliable and trustworthy concrete construction company:
Customer Centric. The concrete construction company should show A1 customer service right from the very start, up until the project is already concluded. This means they should be patient in entertaining inquiries, go beyond the extra mile to satisfy the client, keep the client posted, and provide client benefits that will surely give the customer the peace of mind.
Abides by the Rules. A reliable ad trustworthy concrete construction company should possess all the necessary state permits and licenses to operate their business. They should only be employing expert professionals who are licensed, trained, certified and well-experienced. The contractor should also abide by industry standards.
Gives clients the peace of mind. The concrete construction company should be able to assure its clients that should anything go wrong with the project, the client can always file for damages, and have an available fund to claim through insurance and bonds. It is imperative therefore that a property owner should only deal with fully insured, and bonded contractors. It will also be best if the contractor in question also provides a service warranty so that should there be any issue or concern after the project has been concluded, the client’s needs can still be met within an allotted time frame.
Prioritizes safety. The concrete construction company works with safety in mind and follow all industry safety protocols to minimize and prevent deaths injuries and property damages emanating from the construction project. Also, the company should also be concerned enough to undertake a background check on all their technicians and service professionals, in terms of criminal background so as to assure the safety of their clients.
Uses up-to-date and modern equipment. The construction company should possess industrial equipment that is not just modern, but also at par with the best in the industry. Such ensures that the construction can be done as quickly and as efficiently as possible.
Hires only the best and experienced in the field. The concrete construction company should have technicians that are well-experienced, licensed, and at the same time abreast of the industry’s best practices.
Charges fairly. This does not mean that they should charge at a very low rate. This means that the company’s rates should be reasonable, and that there are no hidden charges during the final settlement of the bill.
The post Top Concrete Construction Companies San Diego appeared first on Riverlights Booksense.
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jeffrey25moore · 8 years
Tips on Hiring a Reliable and Efficient Electrician
Not all homeowners have a stand-by electrician contact for emergency electrical problems, or electric-related services around their home.
More often than not, a frantic search takes place when something goes wrong in the home, a new electric fixture needs to be installed or replaced, or worse when an electrical emergency occurs in the home.
This is when all the stress happens because frankly, it is not easy to find a reliable, competent, and experienced technician, who is trustworthy enough to make the homeowner feel comfortable to have around his or her home for a certain period of time.
The best time to choose an electrician then, is when a homeowner does not need one so that there will be ample time to verify and evaluate the services being offered by the electrician contractors serving the community.
Here are some tips on Hiring a Reliable Electrician:
Ask around. One of the best ways to find the Best Electrician San Diego CA is to ask for recommendations from your neighbors and friends. At least these people will give you reliable information in terms performance and trustworthiness, and even the level of customer care that could be provided by the electrician contractor that they recommend.
Scour the Internet. Once you have had a handful of recommendations, search the internet for leads on the recommended electrician contractors. If you are not so fortunate about asking for recommendations, then you may also search from the interest for possible leads to good electrician contractors in your community.
Background check. Once you have identified at least three prospective electrician contractors, then it is now time to make inquiries. Are these contractors licensed by the state to carry out electrician services? Do they have the appropriate work permits, and liability insurances? Do they employ trustworthy and licensed professional electricians? What is the general online feedback for this contractor?
Get in touch with the contractor. Once you have narrowed down your selection, the next best thing is to get in touch with the company and know about their policies. Do they offer emergency 24 hours a day, seven days a week service? How much time do they usually need to respond to an urgent call? Do they entertain home service requests during holidays? Can they give free cost estimates without hidden charges? Do they offer all in charges, or would you have to buy your own supplies or equipment? How is heir aftersales service? Do they have a service warranty period wherein if something goes wrong with their installation within a specific time frame, they can re-install or repair it without a fee?
Ask about their pricing. Ask them to provide you their usual menu of Services East and how much do they charge for those. Ask as well about service inclusions so that you can compare the cost of one electrician contractor to another fairly. Now pricing should not be the end all and be all of comparing one electrical contractor to another. And more often than not, the contractor offering the cheapest service cost, may not be the most ideal one to work with because one will never know the quality of service they render as well as the type of materials that they will use to fix or install your electrical fixtures.
Evaluate the level of trustworthiness of their electricians. Apart from professional licenses, capabilities and experience, it is very important that an electrician contractor company has in its roster honest and trustworthy employees that homeowners or clients can comfortably work with. Imagine having an electrician work inside your home is like inviting a stranger to stay in your house and have free access to your family and property – that is something that should be taken seriously. Choose an electrical contractor that can vouch for the trustworthiness and integrity of their electrical team so that you will have the peace of mind to have the over at your home.
Once you have already taken note of everything, then you will be armed to make the right decision in hiring the best electrician contractor for your home.
http://www.gforceelectric.com/electrician-north/ Electrician North
The post Tips on Hiring a Reliable and Efficient Electrician appeared first on The LEVIN Institute - The State University of New York.
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