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Let's change the world this #Lent. #charactercounts #popefrancis (at Anchor Park United Methodist Church)
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Breathprayer: "Jesus, may hope abound and anxiety flee my heart." . Breathprayer a come from what is most pressing on ones heart and the need one experiences most profound. For me, I live with a general anxiety disorder and keeping it in check requires attentiveness to physical activity, stimulus, emotions and overall health. But I dare not forget the greatest power available to me which prayer and an ever deepening dependence on God:s promises. Philippians 4:6 encourages is to not be anxious AND take those things to God. Let's walk in that Way. . #breathprayer #pray #prayer #hope #anxiety #depression #talkwithGod #trustinGod #spiritual #Jesus
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Breathprayer: Jesus, make me a source of hope. . As a new calendar year begins, the opportunity for reflection is in season. What I keep seeing and hearing is the longing of Advent continues and as the emotions of Christmas wane, people are longing for hope and looking for hope. 1 Corinthians 13 tells us faith, hope and love being the three most important aspects of the Spirits fruit and love being the greatest. Even so, hope must be part of this journey. I want to be a source of hope for others with my life. What about you? Will join me in praying to be hope in the world too? . #breathprayer #pray #praywithoutceasing #prayer #hope #donoharm #dogood #stayinlovewithGod #thisisthe Way #inspiration #behope (at Anchorage, Alaska)
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Why worry? . #wisdom #Donoharm #quotestoliveby #inspirationalquotes #quotescreator (at Anchorage, Alaska)
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Remember to do no harm! How can you best make a difference today? #donoharm #DoGood #dogoodbegood #stayinlovewithGod (at Anchor Park United Methodist Church)
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Breathprayer: "Jesus Christ, Son of God, I surrender all." . The song came into my head. Kind of like an earworm you want to have. The old hymn came to my mind as I listened to an old monk talk about his life and how God got hold of him. His life is simple but it is wrought too with the spiritual struggles. How do I live out the call to surrender to you, Jesus? Hear my prayer as I follow I surrender all. . #breathprayer #prayersimplybreathe #pray #prayer #Jesus #hymn #isurrenderall #Christianprayer #stayinlovewithGod (at Anchorage, Alaska)
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Yes, #prayer is that simple!! You can get your copy on Amazon in paperback, hardback and Kindle! #prayersimplybreathe #breathprayers #pray #stayinlovewithGod (at Anchorage, Alaska)
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Breathprayer "My will is weak, Jesus, strengthen me in your way." . As I follow you Jesus, I listen and read from others who have gone before. I see my own actions and motives and when I do, I so often see how I have gotten off the path of your example and teaching. How did this happen? The ways are multitude but for sure, I turn my attention and eyes to you and ask for your mercy and your strength to make my way back to the path few find. . #breathprayer #pray #prayer #Jesus #thenarrowway #thewayofthepilgrim #prayersimplybreathe #stayinlovewithGod (at Anchorage, Alaska)
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Breathprayer: Jesus help me live out the way you have shown. . What we believe is important but is that it? Is right doctrine all that following Jesus is about? Surely, what Jesus said consistently was "Come and follow me." There is a place for right belief but if there is not the Way - if there is just talk and noise (1 Corinthians 13), there is nothing. Jesus show the Way. . #breathprayer, #pray, #prayer, #stayinlovewithgod, #followjesus #theway #love #lovegod #lovegodlovepeople
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Friend posted this. I don't care your political persuasion, really, I don't. Some of ya'll care way too much. Many are concerned there is too much religion in politics. Well, too much of our religion is our politics.
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On my YouTube channel today, I am featuring an interview with an author who knows personally about the reality of women and girls in Afghanistan. Nicole Flemming is author of the book, "My Escape: Born into a Dysfunctional Family." "Nicole was born into an Afghan/Irish family in London. Frequently, when people tell stories about their childhood, they remember happy memories playing in the park, their birthday parties, and even adventures with friends. Yet, such a reality is not part of everyone’s life . . . This book takes you into the life of a British Afghan female where the male holds all the authority." She is a woman of faith and a woman of hope and I encourage you to listen and get her book. You'll learn the real stories about real people. #writerrecognition #youtube #womensrights #womeninafghanistan #womensabuse #protectwomen #protectgirls #hope #womenoffaith #faithforeveryday #myescapebook #nicoleflemming #author #reallifestories #interview (at Anchorage, Alaska)
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Breathprayer: Jesus, give me strength to live like you today. . Why does it seem so hard? It is like life doesn't want me to do no harm or do good and it surely doesn't want me to follow after God! Paul writes that there is no law against the these things but the natural laws of the universe seem to make following the way Jesus taught to be so difficult. This day, as I pray and seek you, Jesus, give me strength to live your way and follow your will! . #breathprayer #prayersimplybreathe #pray #prayer #prayers #prayerbook #prayerbeads #prayers🙏 #Jesus #donoharm #dogood #stayinlovewithGod (at Anchorage, Alaska)
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Breathprayer: "Loving God, use my faults to bring grace." . I can see my faults and failings. I don't like it but I know they are there. I am not the husband, father or son I strive to be. I want to be a better pastor and friend too and yet, I can see where I fall short. Regardless of what people say about the Bible or think they know what the Bible says, you don't dwell on that but hope and future (Jeremiah 29:11-13). . #breathprayer, #prayersimplybreathe, #prayer, #pray, #grace, #faults, #Bible, #Jesus, #hope (at Anchorage, Alaska)
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The new book is out and on #upperroomwednesdays I'll be sharing from #prayersimplybreathe! Hope to see you there . To get the book, FREE, follow the link in my description. (at Anchorage, Alaska)
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The paperback is already a number 1 new release and tomorrow, the Kindle version is free to download! Please support the book the launch by getting a copy and sharing a review on Amazon! It is so important for independent authors to get reviews! . And go to and sign up for my email list to learn about ALL the new projects coming out I. The next few months!! Thank you!! #breathprayer #prayersimplybreathe, #pray, #prayer, #writersofinstagram, #kdpauthor, #faithauthor, #newbook, #newkindlebook (at Anchorage, Alaska)
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How do you do good?!?! In today's #60secondsermon learn about @rebelmade_ak and check out my new shirt I got! Inspired during the pandemic, she got creative and inspired and that inspired me!! Do good!!! . #60second, #dogood, #alaskalife, #buylocal, #supportlocal, #alaskastatefair (at Anchorage, Alaska)
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Breathprayer: "The storms are raging God. Stand by me." . I miss the hymns. I have loved contemporary worship but the hymns of old are gold in my mind still. Rev. Dr. Charles Tinney penned the hymn, "Stand by me." He was a Methodist preacher who grew a church he once was a janitor for from 130 to 10,000 members in Philadelphia. He was the son of a slave and self -educated after the Civil War. He knew what storms looked like. He lived in them. And the hymn, inspired by Jesus calming the storm in Mark 4:37-42, reminds me today, God is with us in the storms if only we have a tenacious faith to call out. Let's all call out to God today God hears and will stand by all in the storms. . #breathprayer, #pray, #prayers, #Prayforneworleans, #prayforafganistan, #prayagainstinjustice, #donoharm, #dogood, #standbyme, #standagainstracism, #stormsoflife, #charlestinney (at Anchorage, Alaska)
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