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jedidiahreihlim Ā· 4 years ago
SELFeel Activity
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As you can cleary see in the images above, it is the different emotions that I express in the different experiences encountered. This emotions can over ride you sometimes so you must contol your emotions or they will control you and also donā€™t be a slave to your emotions. Control them. #SELFeel #MyEmotions #PerDevEmote
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jedidiahreihlim Ā· 4 years ago
Powers of my Mind: How My Brain Works
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I take the 2 of the brain dominance tests. Then it turns out the first test resulted that I am right brain dominant, while the second test is left brain dominant. I swear I take the test seriously there is no joke at all. I am confuse and want to find out what is the truth so I made little bit of searching. I search the characteristics of the 2. If I will judge my self, I am right brain dominant. Right brain dominant has all of these charcteristics: feelings visualization, imagination, intuition, rhythm, holistic thinking,arts. If you know me I love arts,dance,sing and many more. The things that I will do to balance both and to improve the left side are solving math problems, reading and writing. :)
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jedidiahreihlim Ā· 4 years ago
How I Cope with Stress: A Day to De-Stress
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Stress is everywhere. It matters on how you deal, handle and overcome it. Life is so short to be stress. Living a stressful life makes you feel always tired, old, haggard and many more. It also gives us different types of sickness and diseases. Being a teenager I encounter stress that lead me to anxiety and panic attacks and it happen last summer. I cannot stop overthinking about things. It takes months before I overcome it and without my mom I donā€™t really know if I can move forward in life. I conquer my stress by surrendering it all to God. It just like a red big helium balloon šŸŽˆ that Iā€™m holding all the worries, the stress, everything that i care about is inside of it. When everything is in there I will just let go the helium balloon in my hands. After that I have a peace of mind. I believe that If I let go God will take over. So whenever Im stress, I will just sit listen to word of God. Relax because I know that He is in control of everything. Last letting go because the Lord will fight my battles in life. Iā€™m so blessed to be stressed. God bless people! #ThisIsHowIBeatStress #SayNoToStress #PerDev
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jedidiahreihlim Ā· 4 years ago
My Life Guide to Become a Responsible and Capable Adolescent
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Fix your eyes - Fixing my eyes to Jesus, The pioneer and the perfecter of faith.
Believe right - If you believe right you will live right.
PersevereĀ - Even despite difficulty during this pandemic crisis, pushing to my studies will make me stronger and more resilient me.
Step out of your comfort zone - Growth happens in the uncomfortable places. You canā€™t grow when your comfortable.
Respect and Love -Ā  The world needs love and respect we cannot live in the world that is full of trouble and chaos.
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jedidiahreihlim Ā· 4 years ago
ā€œMY SIGNIFICANT OTHER(Dear Significant Otherā€)
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We all have families not only by blood but also by heart. Family that supports you, guide you, listen to you and special family that love you and always got your back. Iā€™m so blessed and thankful that God gave me this family, without them I am not where I am today.Ā 
Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā September 12, 2020 Dear loved ones,
Ā I know that Iā€™m not showy at all but always remember that I got your backs always. Yā€™all had a big impact in my life. I canā€™t imagine living without you guys. You guys served me strength and give me a inspiration to live and fight for my dreams. No words can express how much I love you guys and how much I thank God for your lives. Thank you for always there when I need you guys, through ups and downs you never leaved me. You guys help to me move forward and break through. I wish that God will keep you all guys safe specially now that we are in this crisis and I also ask God that he will prosper yā€™all in many things in life. I want you to remember that Iā€™m always here supporting you guys and Iā€™m just one call away! Also last but not the least I want to thank God (heavenly father) that he never leave me nor forsake me. He is always present in times of need. I think thatā€™s all Iā€™m gonna say. So to more memories and adventure with yā€™all I LOVE YOU and GOD BLESS YOU PIPS! :)
Jedidiah <3
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jedidiahreihlim Ā· 4 years ago
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Gags, embarrassment,insults are form part of growing up. These are some of the things that we cannot avoid in life. We always remember the time and the events when it happen. I think it sounds silly and funny but looking positively we learned from it.
I have many embarrassing moment but the most memorable of all was when I was 9 years old. It was 9th Tā€™nalak Taekwondo Competition at Koronadal City. Where at the middle of the arena in the climax of the fight a round house kick slap into my face and my baby tooth fly in the air and all of the sudden the world turn upside down. I thought it is the end of the world with blood all over my mouth. I felt pain, so ashamed, humiliated & down cast because I almost won the game and a split of a second it happens. I cried subbing from my defeat but with the support and comfort of everyone especially my dearest dad changes my perspective that I should not be over powered by my confidence and not underestimate the opponent. I will always treasure this memory because it thought me thisĀ ā€œ In every game it is not always winning that counts but the experience and the lesson you gainedā€.
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jedidiahreihlim Ā· 4 years ago
I am Jedidiah Reih M. Lim they know me as Diah. Iā€™m 16 years old and Iā€™m the youngest in the family. I lived in Gensan. My religion is Christian and I claimed that Iā€™m the child of the most high God. Someday by Gods favor I want to be a civil engineer. My parents name are Jonalyn M. Lim and Rex Y. Lim. I have a older sister his name is Jedynah Rejoice L. Senas. My older sister and I has a big gap (11 years). She had a own family so were not close. My dad died when Iā€™m in 7th grade. Growing without a father is hard specially when you are daddyā€™s girl. The struggle was never easy. Each day I always seek his presence, the love, the support, the care, everything! Lets move on to mom. My mom is a blessing from above. Iā€™m so proud of my mom because she will do anything to make me felt not only the love of the mom but also the love of dad. The sacrifices that she makes inspired me to fight in life. I know that its hard to be dad at the same time be a mom but she never show to me that she is struggling. I just want to share to you this it is because I am not who am I right now without this people and without this obstacles in life. Here I am fighting for my dreams and still discovering me self. ;>
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