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jeaaa03 · 2 years ago
The money should be invested in child development because shaping the youth well will result in a better outcome for the community in the later generations of adults. It should go to a long term solution because short term solutions won’t solve long term problems. Irrelevant information was the mentioning of local businesses and stores. All other information is relevant to the state of the neighborhood. Other information that could be needed to solve this problem is the estimated income of households. It should go to multiple interventions to result in a better overall outcome for the neighborhood. The proposal wouldn’t change much, we would just spread it through different problems rather than focusing solely on youth development.
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jeaaa03 · 2 years ago
Chapter 13
    A typical rainy day in Queens,New York  November 18, 1985  my grandmother took  the risk of migrating from Port au Prince Haiti to the states.  Life in Haiti has always been difficult because of the political unrest and the economic difficulties in the countries. Because of inflation prices of goods in the country were high causing it to be difficult for my grandmother to support her family. This causes life in Haiti to be increasingly difficult because the people could find little to no work. When my grandmother was in Haiti she worked as a street merchant selling small goods. The pay was tremendously low, not enough to support herself let alone 6 children. She was tired and angry and felt useless. She wanted to do more. That is when she decided she had to do better to change her condition of living for herself and posterity.  
My grandmother had a friend named Mary who told her that she can find a better paying job if she comes up to the states. “The American Dream” was presented to her and she automatically hopped on board. She moved to America and left my grandfather and her children behind so that she’d be able to support them. In the States she was eager to find work so that she’d be able to provide for her family. My grandmother's first job was babysitting kids that lived in her building. With the pay she earned she got herself an apartment and sent money back to Haiti every week to provide for her kids’ food, clothes, and education. Even migrating from Haiti to the States was a challenge on its own because of her  lack of ability to communicate with the people within her environment.  Asking for simple directions like “where’s the bathroom” or  “how to get from point A to point B” was a task but she told herself  “Lespwa fè w viv” which translates to Hope makes one live. 
Later on she found a job at Barnard College in New York City as a librarian. Working wasn't so easy in the beginning because the language was foreign to her. As time passed she was able to string together words to form sentences despite her broken English. Eventually she gained enough knowledge to be able to communicate with the students of Barnard. They cared for her because she was always there to motivate them and she grew to love them as she loved her own children. To this day, she still keeps in touch with some of those students that watched her gain traction in America. Barnard helped her make connections for life. My grandma always takes her hope and faith with her wherever she goes to help propel her. She was able to gain official citizenship and bring her husband and children to New York as well and help them gain their citizenship. My grandma is the reason why many members of my family were able to be successful and she is the reason why I am able to be here right now. Today my grandma still lives in New York and she spends her free time knitting and looking at photo albums reminiscing of the past in Haiti and being grateful that life is better now. 
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jeaaa03 · 2 years ago
Chapter 10 Social Class and Inequality
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Karl Marx - What is your social class? You'd have to ask Karl Marx. Karl Marx a communist , was the first to acknowledge the social class of people. He believed people fit into two types of categories, bourgeoisie and the proletariats. The bourgeoisie were a group of people who saw value in materialistic items. They had more "power" they owned the majority of the production and wealth. As any boss you need people to work for you, and that's where the proletariats come into play.  Proletariats are those who were looked at as “low class” ; they did the majority of the hard work. The bourgeoisie took advantage of those who they believed were lower than them. In this article it demonstrates Marx theories by it showing how a lot of American families suffer because of the "social class" society placed them in making it hard for them to have a living.
Max Weber
Max Weber theories are very similar to Karl Marx. Max believed in the 3 P’s, power, property and prestige. According to Weber Power can be illustrated in the social order by a person's status, in the financial order by their class, and in the political order by their party.not solely based on whether or not they own property like factories or machinery. Power, according to Weber He argued that the exploited workers would become alienated, overthrow the owners, acquire control of the means of production, and establish a classless society as a result. Marx furthermore believed that the relationships between work and labor, property ownership or possession, and the means of production identify and construct classes.
Pierre Bourdieu
Pierre Bourdieu was a French sociologist who believes that your cultural capital plays a role in your power and status within society. Bourdieu also believed that capital and habitus are the two main elements in educational reproduction. He believes in cultural capital playing a huge part one's values, norms, knowledge, and beliefs that are valued in society. A lot of political attributes play a part within out society. Bill gates is a prime example of a billionaire but like some typical billionaires, he was born in to his wealth. and he use that for his elevation. His needed resources were reachable which plays a huge part in his lifestyle today. Which agrees with the idea that " subjective but not individual system of internalised structures, schemes of perception, conception, and action common to all members of the same group or class" which means to me that your class defines you which all three theorist may agree with.
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jeaaa03 · 2 years ago
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My Kinship represents the family tree of dependents from Haiti. Starting with brother my grandmothers who was born in Haiti and grew up else where. My grandmother on my mom side was born in Haiti but lived in Aruba for most of her life before she went back to Haiti and had my mom and her siblings leaving them in Haiti to live in the US. Same as my fathers mom. She grew up in Haiti and migrated to the US later on in her years. She went back to Haiti and had my father and his siblings, and the evolution of the Beaubrun family began. My father has 4 sisters and my mother has 2 sisters and 2 brothers. All born in haiti but migrated to the US for the “American dream”. My family had no ideas what the American dream had consisted of but they just knew with the earthquakes and pollution happening in Haiti the best way to survive to to leave and that’s what they did.
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jeaaa03 · 2 years ago
Chapter 6
Growing up I used to always wonder if I was  mixed with anything. The sole reason for that’s was because of surroundings. I was Surrounded by people who come from all kinds of ethnic backgrounds, mixed, not mixed overall we ALL looked different.  Ethnically I’m Haitian/Cuban/European French. but i was raised in a Haitian household. My mother has been in the states for about 29 years now, and my dad has been her for 33 years. I’m completely in tuned with my Haitian background. From the  language and Food and music, sometimes even the clothing. My family has embraced American Culture to an extent. When you migrate from another country with a different culture you want to try to adapt to your environment as soon as possible so you don't feel left out. It also becomes a safety thing as well. People love to take advantage of those who may not understand the situation they are placed in. They had the mindset of learning to blend with their environment as soon as possible. I have family members all over the world Haiti, Republica Dominicana, France etc. Yes some may have  chose to live “The AMERICAN DREAM” but these no place like home for them. 
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jeaaa03 · 2 years ago
Chapter 5
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As a black person living in today’s society, we are built to live in fear, we are taught that our skin color determines our social class and defines who we are . The justice system is corrupt,  we have officers whose job is to serve and protect and stop all crimes , committing the biggest one, MURDER. people fail to realize that these officers are made to protect one category of people, and use what they call a badge as an excuse to kill black people. And the most disturbing part about all of this is the fact that they are being protected by the system.  A Lot of people are turning this into a political thing, and that is not even the case, this is just basic humanity, morality, and who we are as a person. If you can sit there and watch an innocent person die by the people “built” to protect us  and not see an issue or at least try to do something about, you're just as wrong as that  person committing the crime. I can't lie, I don't think this can actually change.. But even if it does not for long. This world is built with two types of people, good and bad. whether your black, white, asian ect...  We all have a conscience, and we have a fair choice of choosing what’s wrong and what is right and no matter how much we loot, how much we protest, and how much we scream and yell, once this system doesn't change in 10 years from now we are going to be in the same position.
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If the main purpose is to "protect" and serve WHY are they killing innocent people and using their badge as protection for their wrong doing? This is where Bias come in play, the system is created by people with fixed mindsets who live by "the superior the better" We must stand up and protest for justice for all lives, especially African Americans. Social media has a huge impact in our lives, if it wasn't for the media we wouldn't see whats actually happening behind closed doors. Officers are using physical enforcement instead of solely communicating with the PEOPLE meaning ( blacks, whites ands Asian ect...) within the community. "Many have been arguing for years about the need for better data on the use of force by the police in the United States, and for rigorous studies that test interventions such as training on how to de-escalate tense interactions or mandating the use of body-worn cameras by officers". White privilege is the benefits that society hands to white people. white privilege can be so may things. it could be be having the privilege to be paid more for the same job as someone who is not white, being favored by authorities, having the privilege to be completely ignorant to the struggles of other races, having the privilege to learn bout their race in school, being overly represented in books, ECT.
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jeaaa03 · 3 years ago
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Pillows was a fresh idea around 9,000 BC ago in Mesopotamia. Your idea of a average pillow may be a little different from the Egyptians. Their pillows resembled wooden stools. Some were made out of wood, some stone, overall just not comfortable. You may ask yourself, why sleep on that?  Egyptians used the “pillows” to protect themselves from bugs and too keep what they consider thee “center of the spiritual and life aspect of the body”, which is the brain safe. So that’s puts a huge gap on modern day reasons for using pillows, which mainly is for Comfort. As years passed by Ancient Greeks and Roman seen this idea and chose to make it a little better, and that’s where the evolution of pillows began.  I wouldn’t necessarily say pillows have a huge impact on my life personally because I don’t sleep wit pillows, but from the sleeps of the people around me I can say modern day pillows are great.
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