JC Web Pros
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JC Web Pros is the leading IT Solution company in Mohali, India.It has started with a mission to make digital marketing affordable to all business individulals. We aim to grow the business to great hikes. Visit us at -  http://www.jcwebpros.com/
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jcwebpros · 4 years ago
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Google search results come in many different shapes and sizes. Here is a quick overview of the 4 main types of Google search results: 1) Non-Organic Results (Paid Ads, Shopping Ads) 2) Google Map Pack. Set of 3 location based results. 3) Featured Snippet - Specific search results that are featured on the top of Google's organic result appear in order to quickly answer a searcher's query. 4) Organic Search Results - Web Page Listings that most closely match the user's search query based on relevance. Also known as Natural search results; found underneath the ads in SERP. #googleresults #googlesearch #paidsearch #googlemappack #organicsearch #featuredsnippets #googlesearchtype https://www.instagram.com/p/CN45vh0nr7L/?igshid=123sc7cstlihw
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jcwebpros · 4 years ago
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Baisakhi de is paawan parv diyan sabnu lakh-2 vadhaiyyan! 🌸🥳 Waheguru Ji sab da bhala karein 🙏❤️🤗 #baisakhi #baisakhifestival #vaisakhi #waheguru #wahegurumeharkare🙏 https://www.instagram.com/p/CNmTxG4nQFY/?igshid=10jxqr8ujlzeg
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jcwebpros · 4 years ago
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Happy Women's Day to all the incredible women! 🌸❤️😇 Every Home, Every Heart, Every Feeling, Every Moment Of happiness is incomplete without you!! Keep shining and rocking the world with ur magical powers! #womensday #8march #8marchwomensday #womenpower #girlpower https://www.instagram.com/p/CMKEwwQHtHp/?igshid=6pimouh214iz
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jcwebpros · 4 years ago
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Ye Hmari Website h - https://www.jcwebpros.com/ Ye Hmari Services h - SEO, PPC, SMO, ORM, etc. Hmari exceptional services se Clients ki website popular ho rii h, phir success Pawri ho ri h 🥳🥳🥳😜😜 #pawrihoraihai #trending #trendingnow #instadaily #instafunny #seo #ppc #smo #orm #digitalmarketing #liketime #trendy #fun #JCWebPros https://www.instagram.com/p/CLdfqDZH0O4/?igshid=10jkum28pkcnb
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jcwebpros · 4 years ago
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Although both glasses consist of the same drink but still most of us would still pick up the more expensive one just because of the trust in logo! That's the power of Branding! Count on us to refresh, rethink and revamp your Branding! #branding #brandmanagement #brandmarketing #marketingdigital #marketingstrategy #digitalmarketing #brandinginspiration #brandinfluencer https://www.instagram.com/p/CLMYokjHy4k/?igshid=10cx4evjd2u54
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jcwebpros · 4 years ago
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Freedom in the mind, Strength in the words, The pureness in our blood, Pride in our souls, Zeal in our hearts, 👉 We are Indians! 🇮🇳❤️ #proudtobeindian 🤟😇 A thousand salutes to this amazing nation of ours! 🙏 Happy Republic Day Everyone! 🥳🥳🥳🥳 #republicday #republicdayindia #republicday🇮🇳 #proudindian #proudtobeindian #jaihind #vandematram #sarejahanseachahindustanhumara❤️ (at India) https://www.instagram.com/p/CKfumirnEXU/?igshid=1sh12mfgx0eqi
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jcwebpros · 4 years ago
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Boost your business's online visibility like never before and start driving instant leads with outstanding Pay Per Click (PPC) campaign creation & management service by JC Web Pros! #ppc #payperclick #payperclickmarketing #payperclickads #payperclickmanagement #payperclickadvertising #payperclickadvertisingservices #ppcmarketing #ppcads #ppccampaigns #payperclickconsultant #digitalmarketing #JCWebPros https://www.instagram.com/p/CKX9x-mnscI/?igshid=5v6zek8scuf2
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jcwebpros · 4 years ago
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If you don't control your brand online, someone else will! 💢 Protect, manage, and repair your online reputation with the REAL DIGITAL FIXERS – JC Web Pros!🤟💯🌟🔥 Get Free Evaluation today 👉https://www.jcwebpros.com/orm-services/ #orm #onlinereputationmanagement #onlinereputation #brandmanagement #branding #onlinepresence #onlinereputationmanagementservices #onlinereputationrepair #onlinereputationmarketing #brandinginspiration #buildbrand #digitalmarketing #digitalmarketing #controlonlinepresence #JCWebPros https://www.instagram.com/p/CKTu7qzHB8v/?igshid=17tquc1yengal
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jcwebpros · 4 years ago
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Sab nu Lohri di Lakh Lakh Vadhaiyan!!🔥☺🎉🎉 May the Lohri fire burn away all the sadness from Everyone's life and bring out joy, Happiness, and Peace!! #lohri #happylohri #lohriwishes #happiness #blessings #JCWebPros https://www.instagram.com/p/CJ98bFxH6_v/?igshid=1eladxrzav3qu
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jcwebpros · 4 years ago
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To stand out in the SERPs, your result needs to scream “click on me!”… or else it’ll be ignored! Follow these quick win tips that always work! #seotips #seotipsandtricks #seo #searchengineoptimization #seotipsoftheday #seotactics #searchengineoptimizationtips #serp #searchengineresults #JCWebPros https://www.instagram.com/p/CJ8bYoPHBht/?igshid=1cngb1fbgzpsg
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jcwebpros · 4 years ago
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At JC Web Pros, we don’t believe in words, but commitments & visible results!🤘🤘🤘✔✔🔝 Get in touch with us today to take your digital marketing to the next level!🏅🔥 #digitalmarketing #digitalmarketingagency #digitalbusiness #digitalmarketinglife #digitalmarketingexpert #JCWebPros https://www.instagram.com/p/CJ57Vpln1Jn/?igshid=yuimqwdivxh2
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jcwebpros · 4 years ago
Must Read Beginners Guide to Image Alt Text
Today we can see that Google can throw as many text-based image results as possible. The search engine pulls a variety of clickable images on the main search result page and this is proof how images play an important role when it comes to ranking. Images are the most important component of your website and Image Image ALT Text or  ALT Tag Optimization is one of the most important considerations of On-Page SEO. Even if image ALT text is not visible to your visitors or readers but it provides search engine like Google with valuable data about your the content that your website contains, so it can be presented to the right searchers.
As you include photos and other images on your website's pages, it is necessary to represent every image with "ALT" text. Because Image ALT text is something in SEO that can’t be ignored. So this guide will teach you exactly how to use Image ALT text to optimize images and what actionable steps you can take to improve the On-Page SEO for images.
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What is Image ALT Text?
Crawler or Search engines are not humans, right? So they do not view images the way that we do. ALT text is called the alternative text for your images. The objective of the ALT text is to provide Google with some information that is related to your image. It defines your image to users who are using screen readers. Make sure to be very descriptive while writing Image ALT text so that people know what you’re talking about.
Why We Use Image ALT Text?
1. Helps Visually Impaired to Know the Image - Image ALT Text helps visually impaired person or people using screen readers to know what the image is about. Blind users use special browsers to know the image type. Special browsers read images to them. So, optimize images properly, be much more descriptive about your image, use relevant keywords and try not to overdo them.  
2. Search Engine Will Understand Your Content - As we know that search engines are really good at crawling text content rather than visual elements. So, optimize the Image ALT text of your images that it will let Google to understand what your website and image is about. This will make your website perform even better on the the search engine.
Image ALT Text Format -
Create an Image ALT Text that strike a strike a healthy balance between being descriptive and being minimal. Create a brief description that’s to the point, but don’t leave out any details. Remember, it should not exceed 125 characters.
 So, it would be like -
<img src=”filename.jpg” alt=”description”>
Let’s understand this with the help of an example -
Suppose a girl is sitting on the bed and using her laptop. What would be the ALT text according to you?
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Weak ALT Text -
alt=”Woman is Sitting”
Average ALT Text -
alt=”Woman is Sitting on the Bed”
The Best ALT Text -
alt=”Woman is Sitting on the Bed and Using Her Laptop” 
Now you can compare all the above alt text and know how to write the Image ALT text for the images in the best possible way. You alt text should be self descriptive and tell all about your image.
Secrets to Write The Best Image ALT Text?
1) Be Much More Descriptive About Your Image: For better understanding of search engines crawlers, visually impaired users, & screen readers describe your image in the most possible descriptive way. Avoid too short and too long alt texts for your images. Keep it within 125 characters. 
2) Use Relevant Keywords: Keywords are the base of SEO. They should be included in ON-Page as well as OFF-Page SEO so that you can rank for that specific keywords. So, don’t forget to include them in your Image ALT text too as it can your image & web page rank on Google and other search engines.
3) Try Not to Overdo Keywords: Using keywords in the description is a must thing that you should do, but don’t overdo it. It can not help you rank high but may effect your ranking badly. As shown in above picture, the keyword phrase is clearly “vanilla ice cream.” That’s sufficient and effective.  
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Conclusion -
Thanks you for giving your precious time in reading our guide on how to improve your Image SEO. Hope the information present in this article has given you a good idea of what alternative text is and how it can help improve the SEO of your online business. Don't forget to apply them on your website images. For more information contact us anytime.
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jcwebpros · 4 years ago
Give your Business a kick start with a Digital marketing campaign and increase the chances of your success by many folds! #digitalmarketing #digitalmarketinglife #howdigitalartworks #digitalbusiness #digitalmarketingagency #jcwebpros https://www.instagram.com/p/CJvpTpsHl7g/?igshid=kr3lelvfkui
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jcwebpros · 4 years ago
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Christmas Celebration at JC Web Pros! 😋🤩🤩🥳🥳 Ho! Ho! Ho! Jingle all the way! 🥰 At JC Web Pros, we can’t miss any single festival to celebrate. So, here’s how we celebrated Christmas! 🎄🎅🏻🤩🥳🥳 #christmas2020 #christmastree #christmastime #secretsantagifts #newspaperdance #frogjump #balloongame #pizzaparty #teamfun #happiness #officeparty #jcwebpros (at Mohali, India) https://www.instagram.com/p/CJPo1n1nnEz/?igshid=1ntu0tj7c7qni
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jcwebpros · 4 years ago
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Christmas Celebration at JC Web Pros! 😋🤩🤩🥳🥳 Ho! Ho! Ho! Jingle all the way! 🥰 At JC Web Pros, we can’t miss any single festival to celebrate. So, here’s how we celebrated Christmas! 🎄🎅🏻🤩🥳🥳 #christmas2020 #christmastree #christmastime #secretsantagifts #newspaperdance #frogjump #balloongame #pizzaparty #teamfun #happiness #officeparty #jcwebpros (at Mohali, India) https://www.instagram.com/p/CJPo1n1nnEz/?igshid=davmfold7adz
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jcwebpros · 4 years ago
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Christmas Celebration at JC Web Pros! 😋🤩🤩🥳🥳 Ho! Ho! Ho! Jingle all the way! 🥰 At JC Web Pros, we can’t miss any single festival to celebrate. So, here’s how we celebrated Christmas! 🎄🎅🏻🤩🥳🥳 #christmas2020 #christmastree #christmastime #secretsantagifts #newspaperdance #frogjump #balloongame #pizzaparty #teamfun #happiness #officeparty #jcwebpros (at Mohali, India) https://www.instagram.com/p/CJPo1n1nnEz/?igshid=1pd76r2c43g8q
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jcwebpros · 4 years ago
Must Know Modern SEO Keyword Research Techniques of 2021
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 SEO is an ongoing marketing strategy that gets several updates during a year. therefore we've to grant regular attention in order that we do not lose valuable traffic. With every update to SEO algorithmic program, approaches to SEO keyword analysis become superannuated and despite being dedicated to their SEO ways, several businesses homeowners are not seeing any smart results because of misconceptions associated with keyword analysis.
If you furthermore might have this same downside, then you must try and get a additional trendy keyword analysis techniques. Here are couple of tips to help  you.
1. Do Not Force Keywords Wherever They Do Not Belong:
Always naturally include your keywords in your content, never force keywords wherever they do not belong. As a result of this ends up in redundant and superfluous phrasing that makes the content of poor quality. Adding natural keywords to your content won't solely assist you in ranking however you may additionally build a far better impression on your audience.
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2. Choose a Healthy Mix of Head Terms Keywords and Long-Tail Keywords:
Modern SEO strategies should have a balance of head terms and long-tail keywords for better ranking.
v Head term Keywords:-  Short and simple keywords
v Long-Tail Keywords:- Keywords typically contain three or more words
Head term keywords are usually much more competitive and Long-tail keywords are less competitive. But Long-tail keyword research can significantly increase the organic traffic of your content. Because they are more more specific and provide context to your content.
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3. Do Not Target a Lot of a Specific Keywords:
Never target a lot of a specific keywords because targeting an individual keywords are often at the centre of black-hat SEO. And also give hyperlink of that keyword, the link which actually relate to the keyword. Revisit keyword research every couple of months.
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4. Reduce the keyword list:
You can probably take benefit from reducing your current keywords list. So if any of your keywords has a low volume in relation to the rest of your keywords list, then you can remove it altogether. 
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v Conclusion:
Keyword research is the biggest factor contributing to SEO success. But to do it well and find high-value opportunities, you must hire the best SEO service provider. JC Web Pros is a reputable SEO company in Chandigarh, offering best services worldwide. We help businesses thrive in a highly competitive business environment by customising them with the right SEO services.
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