Jasmyne • Ben Hardy hoe • Queen hoe • Sarcastic Bitch • Writer * Masterlist
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Ahhhhh, I've been so lazy. I feel bad cause I haven't posted the next chapter for CLTCL.
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reblog if i can message you and awkwardly make conversation with you so we can become best friends
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Crazy Little Thing Called Life

*This picture doesn’t really go along with this chapter but I thought it was a cute photo :]*
A/N: Wow, Chapter 7 is finally here. Sorry for such the delay like always, I’m horrible at time management. This chapter gets a little steamy and of course ends in a cliff hanger. Sorry to do that to you. But a lot kinda of happens in this chapter and it’s all over the place so sorry for everything horrible in here. Anyways, I hope you enjoy! Bye for now. ;]
~with lots of love, Jazzman~
Summary: A road trip/vacation between two old friends turn into something more(basic plot but whateva)
Song: Stand By Me by Ben E. King
Pairing: Ben Hardy x Reader
Word count: 3993
Warnings: language, slight naughty things, horrible writing skills.
If you would like to be added to the taglist, just let me know!
*Reblogs/asks/opinions are appreciated!*
Ch. 7: Who’s The Blonde?
This was the worst hangover you have ever experienced before in your entire life! Your head was pounding and throbbing, you felt like somebody had knocked you out. The room was spinning and the light from the windows were so bright, it was a pain to your eyes. You tried to stand up but when you got off the bed, your legs were weak that you almost fell, and oh my god, your stomach was whirling. Next thing you knew, you were running for the bathroom trying not to fall over on the way there. Sure, you had experienced small, little hangovers before but this, this was new. Maybe it’s because you had two whole bottles of wine last night. You can’t even remember anything from the night before, if you were being honest. You could have shared all of your feelings for Ben, with Ben, for all you knew! Your main concern right now, was getting rid of your sickness.
Ben walked into the bathroom from his room and saw you on the floor next to the toilet with your head down. He knew he heard someone throwing up when he walked into his room. He woke up an hour before you and had just gotten over his killer hangover. He crouched down beside you and lifted your hair out of your face and the toilet, you hadn’t really noticed that Ben walked in. You were too busy throwing up and your head was still throbbing.
“Love? Are you ok?” Ben asked as he rubbed your back to comfort you. As much as you loved Ben’s back rubs, you were not in the mood and you were too sick to care.
“Do I look like I’m OK?” You snapped at him as you placed your forehead against the seat of the toilet. You felt bad for snapping at him like that but god, you just needed some time alone right now.
“I’m sorry. I mean, do you need any help? Is there anything I can do?” Ben felt bad for you, he really did and he was just trying to be a good friend but damn, he just needed to give you some space right now.
“Yes Ben I’m fine! Can I please just be alone right now?” You were getting irritated and it wasn’t his fault. You didn’t even want to look him in the eyes or even lift up your head for that matter. Then another wave of nausea hit you and you ended back up in the toilet seat, throwing up everything in your stomach.
“Ok, I’ll be in my room if you need me…” He left through the bathroom door, into his room. Damn it, he was trying to be nice and here you are being a total bitch to him. You would call him back in here but you always stood by your word, even if you were wrong. What you didn’t know was that Ben didn’t stay in his room, he knew to give you space so he found another way to help. He went downstairs and made you tea to ease you up, got you some water to rehydrate you(that’s what he heard would help), and some ibuprofen to take for the headache. He secretly snuck back into your room and placed everything on your night stand next to your bed with a letter.
You felt like you were done puking but you were scared to go back to bed and have to run into the bathroom again. Your arms and legs felt weak but you pushed yourself up anyways and made your way out of the bathroom. Your hands tried to find things to hold onto as you made your way to your bed. Once you reached it, you moved all of the covers up and slid into it, all you wanted right now was some rest. That was until you realized the tea, water, and meds on your night stand. Of course you knew Ben put it there ‘cause it sure as hell wasn’t casper.
You sat up against the headboard and grabbed the ibuprofen and water, drinking the water as you took the medication. Your headache had gone down a little before, so maybe the meds would make it go down even more. As you were about to grab the tea, you noticed a little slip of paper under the warm cup. You pulled the note from under the tea and opened it. The slip of paper read:
I know you wanted space but I REALLY wanted to help because I felt bad, but I gave you some ibuprofen, tea, and water to at least help in some way. If there’s anything else you need, I’ll be in the room next door like always. Also I was gonna say let’s go to the beach today but your probably sick as fuck so we’ll just plan that for tomorrow but for right now I’m heading to the grocery store, if you need anything just text me! Ok bye Love! Get better soon!
Well ok then Ben. Damn it, why did he always have to be so nice to you even when your a complete bitch to him? You place the note back on the nightstand and resume back to your warm cup of tea. You just sat there and sipped your tea while thinking of anything you needed from the store. Nothing came to mind at the moment, but you knew the minute Ben comes back, you’ll finally remember something you needed. That’s just how your brain liked to play games with you. Stupid piece of shit, stop making life more difficult than it has to be.
Once you finished your cup of tea, you put the empty cup back on top of the note and tucked yourself away under the covers. Maybe taking a little nap wouldn’t hurt, Ben was out shopping so he probably wouldn’t care. Your eyelids suddenly got heavy and then before you knew it, you were passed out.
Ben decided to go out and go grocery shopping which is new to him. Sure, he went shopping with his mom but never by himself. It was new territory for him. Especially since he’s in a whole new state too. He didn’t know exactly what to get either but he didn’t want to call and disturb you. He went to this place called Vons, it had the same vibe as a Safeway back in Arizona so maybe it was all connected somehow.
He went through the aisles one by one and literally packed the cart with junk food and some alcohol to replace the two wine bottles you both drowned in last night. One girl came up to him and asked if something was wrong since he looked confused.
“No, I’m alright. I’m just new here actually.”
“You’ve never been to Vons?” She looked quite puzzled.
“No, but I also meant I’m new to Cali.” Ben chuckled as he saw how the girl’s face turned to a shade of pink from embarrassment.
“I’m sorry, I’m stupid, I didn’t realize that’s what you meant. Of course.”
“It’s alright, really, no need to be sorry love.” And with that, the random girl started to help him with his shopping once he explained everything and why he was here. She had to scurry away to her own cart but she gave him her number in case of anything. She seemed nice and she looked like she was in her 20’s. Sadly, he didn’t catch her name at all.
Ben checked out all of the items and was on his way home. He knew you would probably be asleep or dying over the pain. Either way he wanted to make sure you were at least better now than earlier. He pulled into the driveway and started to unload the groceries into the house from the back door. Once he was finished, he started putting all the food in the cabinets and the fridge and freezer. After that, he just went upstairs to check on you.
While Ben was away you took a relaxing nap. It was all you needed and the tea really did help. You woke up and checked the time to realize that you slept for only an hour. The hangover had gone away and you decided to go see if Ben was home yet. Right when you were about to walk out of your bedroom, you bumped into Ben at the door frame. You were about to fall back until Ben caught you with his arm.
“You alright Love?” His warm smile and soft, green eyes made you melt right into him.
“Yeah, I’m fine. Didn’t notice you came back.” You smiled as you stood up straight, out of his grip. You walked over to your bed with the little bit of grace left in you and patted the bed for him to go and sit next to you. You were still in his Bumblebee outfit from last night.
Ben quickly walked over to the edge of your pink, fluffy bed and sat next to you. You were still kinda tired from earlier so you laid your head in Ben’s lap. His thighs were extremely warm even though it wasn’t even hot outside or inside. Ben’s face turned into a crimson red as you did so. He wasn’t expecting that. He didn’t really know what to do. So Ben just started fiddling with strands from your hair.
“Hey Ben?” You said in a low hum that sent goosebumps up his body.
“Yes Love?” Ben said in a deep voice that sent shivers down your spine.
“Can you sing something to me?” Your hand was on his thigh now as you stared off into the dresser across from your bed. You rubbed your index finger in a circular motion in only one spot on his right thigh.
“I don’t see why not, but I’m not very good.” Ben said as he was thinking of something to sing to you. He picked Stand By Me by Ben E. King. He loved that song and he knew every word. He started to hum the beginning.
“When the night has come
And the land is dark
And the moon is the only light we’ll see
No I won’t be afraid, no I won’t be afraid
Just as long as you stand, stand by me
So darlin’, darlin’, stand by me, oh stand by me
Oh stand by me, stand by me
If the sky that we look upon
Should tumble and fall
Or the mountains should crumble to the sea
I won't cry, I won't cry, no I won't shed a tear
Just as long as you stand, stand by me
And darlin', darlin', stand by me, oh stand by me
Oh stand…”
Ben whispered the song and sang at such a low voice that it was making you sleepy again. You loved it when Ben sang to you, he has such a beautiful and deep voice. And only you get to hear it whenever you wanted.
Even though Ben was good at singing, you were great at many different instruments. Such as the double and electric bass, the piano, and the guitar. Sure Ben could sing but you were the talented little bean. At least that’s what Ben called you.
You had fallen fast asleep in Ben’s lap and weren’t planning on moving. He didn’t want to disturb you but he had to get ready for tonight. He decided to go out again but this time without you. Only so he doesn’t have to watch over you. At least, that’s what he would tell you later. He picked you up bridal style once again and laid you on your bed while tucking you in your cozy blanket. He tiptoed his way through the bathroom and into his room before shutting the door.
You woke up to find yourself in your bed and the morning light shining directly on you. It would be perfect if you weren’t so tired. All you remember is Ben singing to you before you passed out on his thigh. You want to get up but at the same time, you don’t. You’ve never been a morning person anyways. But you need to shower because you reek. Your hair was so greasy and matted. Don’t even start on the fact of how gross your face feels. Your face, for some strange reason, has always been oily and greasy as fuck and it gets on your nerves to the point that you take makeup wipes with you everywhere just to make sure your face isn’t shining like the sun.
You push over the covers of your bed and waddle your way to the bathroom. You turn on the hot water to full blast and hop on in. The scolding water feels somewhat refreshing and great on your skin. It feels good and it wakes you up a bit to start the day.
You jump on out of the shower and pick out some shorts and a giant t-shirt to wear. You felt kinda bad for being mean to Ben yesterday and then falling asleep on him. Maybe you’ll make breakfast for him if he isn’t already up.
You walk through the bathroom and to Ben’s door and creak it open a little to peak. He’s still asleep in his bed and barely covered by the sheets. He’s naked alright but hopefully he has some boxers or briefs on. You quietly close the door. When your done with the bathroom, you make your way down the stairs to the kitchen.
Just as your about to make ground level, you hear footsteps. Weird, the last time you checked, only you and Ben were living here. You turn your head around the corner to see a pretty blonde making herself some cereal in the kitchen. Why the fuck is she here? Does Ben have a secret sister you don’t know about? You slowly but surely go back up to your room to figure out a plan on what the hell to do.
You instead, go into Ben’s room and start to poke at his biceps slightly. He’s literally flexing in his sleep, Ben is a power machine while you on the other hand aren’t even able to do anything that requires upper body strength.
“Ben…” You whispered, feeling like a helpless kid who has to wake up their parents to tell them they threw up in the middle of the night. You stab at him a little harder this time and a little louder.
“Ben, c’mon wake up.” All he did was move around a bit and grumble something. You stabbed at him a little more.
“Ben,” you were giving up at this point until he said something.
“Come back to bed love. How about a second round before you go?” He grabbed you with both arms and put you on the other side of him on the bed. You could tell that he was only half awake. What did he even mean by second round?
Before you knew it, Ben was hovering over you, in nothing but his boxers and you could perfectly see the indent in them. You didn’t know what to do, you were too flushed and red to think properly. Ben was getting closer to your face by the second. His knee was in between your legs now, inching closer and closer to your core. Until eventually it was rubbing against it. Even though you’ve been liking this so far, it had to stop because of the problem downstairs. But before you could say anything, all you heard from Ben’s door, was a slam.
His eyes fully opened and realized that he wasn’t on top of his little fling from last night, but his best friend. He hadn’t fully comprehended who it was and had mistaken Y/n for the blondie, who he had completely forgotten the name of.
“Shit!” Ben quickly stumbled back to the edge of the bed until he fell on the floor. You were left laying there on his bed staring at the ceiling. You let out a breathe you didn’t know you were holding in. You felt cold without Ben’s body flushed up against you in every physically possible way. Almost every way.
Ben sat up and looked at you. He noticed your chest was heaving up and down rapidly. Not that he was staring up there anyways. He was breathing fast.
“I’m sorry, I thought- I didn’t mean-” Ben didn’t even know where to start. He felt like he violated you.
“It’s okay Ben. Just wasn’t expecting that.” You looked over at him. His eyes were intense, usually they were soft and gentle, but these were different. They had this sort of darkness to them. You shook your head and tried to focus on the real task here.
“Who’s the model in our kitchen?”
“The pretty blonde downstairs? Do you know why she’s here?” You still hadn’t gotten the full image.
“Oh. Well, she’s not here anymore,” Ben sighed as he got up and sat on the bed. “She just slammed the door when she saw me on top of you, I guess.”
“Why was she here though?” You still weren’t getting it.
“She was my little fling last night, if you want to call it that,” Ben sighed, “I had mistaken you for her and that’s why I got on top of you love. If I had known it was you, I wouldn’t have done that.”
Your face was bright red. He didn’t play with you like that because he wanted to, it was because he thought you were somebody else, he doesn’t like you like that. At least, that’s what you told yourself. You thought that he did that purposefully for you, not for her. You felt embarrassed and oh so much more.
“Oh.” Everything was clicking into place now. You brought your legs up to your chest and sat up against the head board. Ben can’t even look at you.
You decide to climb out of Ben’s bed and wobble your way back to the hallway. Your legs had fallen asleep, which for some reason your brain hadn’t comprehended, and you fell face flat on the floor next to Ben’s bed. He rushed over to you to try and help you up, but you just laid there. You didn’t want to move. All you wanted to do, was turn into a puddle and disappear. You felt like a distressed child.
Ben didn’t even know what to do, he just stood there looking down at you with his head tilted to the right. He bend down beside you and began tickling you uncontrollably. You turned into a laughing fit and felt like you couldn’t breathe. You even flipped over which was a poor choice since he just assaulted your stomach even more. Tears were springing from your eyes as you tried to fight him off.
Benny Boy lifted you off of the ground and threw you over his shoulder and carried you down stairs. You were still recovering from that tickle war with Ben and helpless on his shoulder. He sat you down on the couch and brought out the two blankets from your grandma’s house. He sat down next to you while you snuggled into the warm blanket.
“So Ben, why’d you bring me down here?”
“I just thought we could talk or hang out for a bit, love.” He said as his bright sage eyes bore into yours.
“Like?” You were curious on what he wanted to talk about. He seemed confident, until it was his turn to talk.
“Like, who that girl was. To be fairly honest, I forgot her name.” he chuckled. He felt bad but it’s not like he’d ever see her again.
“I have a question.”
“Ask away, princess,”
“Where’d you go last night? And how did she end up here?” You were curious because you didn’t know what happened after you fell asleep.
“Well, after you fell asleep, I tucked you into bed and I got bored so I went out to a club for a bit,” He started rubbing the back of his neck with his hand. “I also wanted to have a night where I didn’t have to watch over you.”
“Oh. Well you could’ve just told me, I know I’m younger than you, but I’m not a child.”
“I know. But I met the blonde at the bar and we really kicked things off and the next thing I know, we’re back here doing, you know.”
“Ew Ben, please don’t describe anything to me. I may be eighteen but I’m still a child! Also I’m never going on your bed again.” Now that you think about, you probably were laying exactly were they were- ew, that thought made you want to vomit. You’ve been a virgin all your life, so anything that was sex related was gross to you. You acted like a twelve year old learning about sex in middle school for the first time.
“Sure sweetheart but knowing you, you’ll probably just end up back on it in a few hours, snuggled in my blankets and clothes.” Ben had a little grin on his face because he knew he was right. You were about to smack it right off his face when Ben threw a pillow at you, hitting you right in the face. You basically pounced on him and got yourself tangled in the blankets with him. It was the start of a pillow fight.
In just five minutes, Ben was laying on the floor with you straddling him, trying to put your hair in a ponytail as he tickled your stomach. Ben was still just in his boxer and your shorts weren’t very covering so of course you felt his bulge through the fabrics. You didn’t say anything though because you didn’t want this to end.
Before you knew it, Ben flipped you over so now you were the one on the floor. He was hovering quite close to you.
“Back where we started huh?” His eyes were hooded and dark. It frightened you a bit but it was kinda of exciting to see this side of the Benny Boy you knew.
“I guess so.”
The last thing you said before Ben closed the gap between the two of you. His lips were soft and smooth as they pressed against yours. You thought it would be a soft, sweet and slow kiss but Benny Boy over here was going at it. You wrapped your arms around his neck and tried to flip him back over which he did. You let go of the heavy kiss as you started to straddle him again, purposely pushing against his bulge. Ben let out quiet groan from the friction.
“Oh Benny Boy? You okay down there?” You usually liked being the dominant one in almost every situation, and maybe even in bed.
“You’ve got to speak to me baby.”
“I-I’m fine,” His head was thrown back as you kept grinding up against the ever growing bulge in his boxers.
You leaned back down and started to pepper kisses along his jaw and neck. That was until you noticed the giant ass hickey on his neck. Why hadn’t you noticed that before? Now you weren’t really in the mood anymore. That hickey had sort of set something off in the back of your head.
You stopped grinding against Ben and climbed off of him. You quickly grabbed your blanket and dashed to your room upstairs where you locked the door and sat against it. Leaving a confused Ben downstairs.
He didn’t know what happened, did he rushed things too quickly? Had he done something wrong? All he saw was the sad look on your face before you got up and ran off. What he didn’t know was the reason why you left…
@rogmeddows @queenlover05
#ben hardy#ben hardy x reader#ben hardy x female reader#fanfic#ben jones#cltcl#series#borhap#borhap cast
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CLTCL Update
So Chapter 7 is officially done and ready to be posted. It’s going to be up in a few minutes. But I got a question for y’all, Who’s The Blonde? 😬
#ben hardy#ben hardy x you#ben hardy x reader#ben hardy x female reader#fanfic#cltcl#update#series#ben jones
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Reblog if you write fan fiction
Doesn’t matter if you write in a frequent basis, or once in a blue moon, just how many of us are there?
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When is going to be the next part of Crazy Little Thing Called Life?
So like I've started it but then I've gotten lazy as per usual. So I don't really know but it should be sometime soon. Hopefully💕
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♡ joe mazzello being a literal ray of sunshine ♡
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Reblog if you are a fic writer who welcomes moodboards, playlists, remixes, art and any other type of gift based on your stories.
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john deacon aged 14
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BEAUTIFUL PERSON AWARD! Once you are given this award, you’re supposed to paste it in the ask of 8 people who deserve it. If you break the chain nothing will happen, but it’s sweet to know someone thinks you’re beautiful inside and out. 🌷:)

OMG THATS SO SWEET THANK U, my heart is going a million miles per hour right now💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕

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So I got bored and decided to make some mood boards and I made some for CLTCL so I’ll probably be posting those laterrrr ;]
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“I had no idea that you’re in deep I dreamt about you near me every night this week How many secrets can you keep’ ‘Cause there’s this tune I found that makes me think of you somehow When I play it on repeat”
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Crazy Little Thing Called Life

*Yes I know it’s not a gif, but just keep this picture in mind since he wears this outfit in this chapter when they gO oUt*
A/N: So, this is chapter six, wow. I said I was going to post this chapter on Tuesday but I got lazy and decided to wait until now. My friend/editor, wasn’t able to help me edit this one so there might be some mistakes I missed. Oops I guess. Also it’s like 11 pm here so i’m tired. ugh. but I hope you guys enjoy this chapter!! Bye for now! :]
~with lots of love, Jazzman~
Summary: A road trip/vacation between two old friends turn into something more(basic plot but whateva)
Song: Senorita by Shawn Mendes and Camila Cabello
Pairing: Ben x Reader
Word Count: 5032
Warnings: Language, mentions of underage drinking and alcohol, horrible writing skillsss
If you would like to be added to the taglist, just let me know!
*Reblogs/asks/opinions are always appreciated!*
Ch. 6: So Fine Red Wine
It was SUPPOSED to be a small nap that was SUPPOSED to last an hour or two. But nope, you and Ben ended up sleeping in until five. Ben this time, was the first to wake up, he had looked over to the clock on his phone and realized how long both of you slept in. He wanted the two of you to go out and have some fun tonight now that you both were old enough to. Ben was old enough to drink but you, you weren’t allowed to drink since you were only eighteen.
Ben stumbled off the bed to the bathroom, he didn’t wake you because he wanted to get in the shower before since you always took forever when you got in first. He didn't know if it was to just piss him off or if you actually took that long. Either way, he quickly took a shower and quickly got back out. He didn't want it to be too late when you guys go out.
When Ben walked out of the bathroom, all he had was his towel around his waist. His hair was still damp and hanging in front of his face. He decided to walk over to your side of the bed and wake you up. At first you didn’t want to get up and you threw your arm over your eyes to try and cover your face. Ben was not having it today with you. He scooped you up bridal style and threw you back on the bed again. He thought that maybe this would wake you up enough to get you going. And it did, just a little bit though. You groaned at the sudden awakening and accidentally rolled off the other end of the bed. With a loud thud, you just laid on the floor in pain from the sudden drop.
Ben waltzed over to his closet that was directly in front of you and closed the door. You laid face flat on the floor until Ben peeked his head out and said “Y/n, go get in the shower. We’re gonna leave in an hour or two, love.” After he said that, he closed the door and resumed getting dressed.
“Why? Where are we going?” You stumbled up and off the floor until you held onto Ben’s bed side counter for support. You made your way into the bathroom and closed the door. Ben came out of the closet in some basketball shorts and a t-shirt since he wanted to get dressed later.
“We’re going to go out and it’s a surprise!” Ben said from outside of the bathroom door. The hot water against your skin was just enough to get you to start going and process everything. Where was Ben taking you exactly? You mind started to wander until you forgot that you had to hurry. You finished taking a shower and instead of going out through Ben’s bathroom door, you went through yours and into your room. You knew you didn’t have to leave until an hour or so, so you throw on some booty shorts and a tank top for now. You walk into Ben’s room through the bathroom once again and flop back onto his bed next to where he was sitting.
“Shouldn’t you be sleeping in your own bed?” Ben asked as he turned his head over to look at you.
“Stop questioning my every move, Mr. Jones” You sat back up next to him on the edge of the bed. “Plus, where are you taking me? Are you gonna kidnap me?”
“No, I’m not kidnapping you, sweetheart! I’m just taking you to have some fun and to loosen up a bit.”
“Soooooooooo, what exactly is your plan?” You eyed him very carefully. Wondering what exactly was going on in that mind of his.
“You’ll find out later, just wear something nice.”
“When you mean nice, do you mean formal nice or slutty nice? ‘Cause I can do both.”
“Well, go with slutty nice.” Ben said as he wiggled his eyebrows. “We’re going out on the town, not to the Oscars.”
“You will one day Benny Boy. Your acting skills will take you somewhere!” Ben was amazing at acting. He would practice lines with you for plays in school and he took drama. Ben really could places with a career in acting.
“WE will someday, you will be my little tag-a-long partner.” Damn, Ben just friendzoned you into the future. You weren’t going to be his date, no, his little tag-a-long partner. You weren’t going to lie and say that didn’t hurt a little. At least he sees you in his future. Maybe you were over exaggerating a little bit.
“Sorry Benny Boy but I’m trying to settle down with a family. I’m not going to be partying all my life.” The expression in Ben’s face shifted for a second. You couldn’t make it out what is was. His expression went dull until he plastered on a fake smile.
“Of course, I want to but I can still go to award ceremonies now and then.” Ben started to fiddle with his thumbs. You didn’t mean to upset him. You didn’t even know he was upset, he was just emotionless, really. You leaned over Ben to grab his phone and checked the time. It was already 6:30 and you wanted to have enough time to get ready.
“Well, I’m gonna start getting ready. What time do you want to leave by Ben?” You asked as you stood up from the bed.
“We’ll leave around 7:30 or 8,” Ben said as he looked over to you, you were about to head over to your room before Ben called for you. “Hey Y/n?”
You turned around to face him. “Yes Ben?”
He tried to force the question out of his mouth but nothing came out. He couldn’t get the courage to ask you. “Nevermind.”
You turned back around and walked into your room to find a dress for the night. Ben closed his door and fell back onto his bed with a huff. Will he ever be able to ask? Probably not.
Once you got back into your room, you had to decide on a dress for the night. Maybe Ben was going to take you to your first club, or maybe a party. You don’t know so you go through your late night/club dresses. These are usually the type of dresses you wouldn’t wear to something formal. You went through them until you found it. The pearly white, silk dress you had recently just bought. You thought it would be nice enough for tonight at the least. You put it on your bed for now while you try to decide on what shoes would go with it. Which you ended up picking these white stiletto heels that you’ve never worn before. Now all you had to do was get dressed, you wanted to do your hair and makeup after.

After slipping on the dress, you stood in front of your dresser and used the mirror on top to do your makeup. Which didn’t take that long to your surprise. You checked your phone and realized it was already 7:30, you didn’t have time to curl your hair, so instead you just fluffed it out and kept it down. You grabbed your purse, finally put on the heels and walked over to Ben’s room, you knocked on the door.
“I’ll be out in a second!” Ben yelled back from behind the closed door. Instead of waiting for him, you made your way downstairs and into the kitchen. Your uncle must have some booze in here somewhere. You searched through the cabinets but couldn’t find any. Maybe your Uncle was really an old man now and didn’t drink alcohol anymore. What you didn’t notice was Ben coming down the stairs as you raided the kitchen. You huffed in frustration, you knew damn well you wouldn’t be getting alcohol tonight unless Ben bought you some and even then that was an obstacle.
“Didn’t find what you were looking for sweetheart?” You jumped at Ben’s low and husky sudden voice coming from behind you.
“Nope. You ready?” You said hastily as you turned around and grabbed your phone from the counter. As you did that, your eyes got caught on Ben. He looked amazing, he had a white shirt with a jet black jacket to cover it and some jeans. How did he look so goddamn good in everything?
“Yeah, I’m ready. Let’s go.” He said as he dangled the keys and headed over to the front door. You followed quickly behind him but these heels were making it ten times more difficult than it had to be. You closed the door behind you and made your way to the car. Now was the difficult part, climbing into the truck. You weren’t going to stress about it too much, so you just took off both heels and climbed in bare foot. Ben turned over to you and laughed as you climbed in.
“I would like to see you walk in heels, Benny Boy.” You huffed as he started up the car.
“We both know how bad that would be, love.” He said as he backed out onto the street. And then you both were off to who knows where…
You were right, Ben was taking you to a club. It was packed with people but luckily Ben could easily make his way through the crowd with you holding onto his hand for dear life. You knew if you let go, you would never be able to find him again. He finally stopped at a booth in the back corner of the room. It looked like it would usually be used for more people or a group of friends but whatever. All of the neon lights were slowly but surely getting to you and the air was stuffy from all of the people in the nightclub. It was scary for you and you would never forget this night. Everybody was sweaty from all of the body heat and the dancing. Fuck, you were even sweating too and when you glanced over at Ben, he seemed totally chilled. And of course you have to remember that Ben has gone to a club before since he’s well over eighteen. Ben catches you staring at him from the corner of his eye. He could tell you were tense.
“Hey, how about we go and dance for a bit?” He said as he grabbed your hand from across the table. You nodded and headed to the dance floor with him. Dancing in heels wasn’t easy but you made it work and sure, your dress was a bit short but who cares! Tonight was going to be a fun night. The nightclub that you were at didn’t play any of the classic rock or oldies that you listened to but they did play some really good songs that you liked. Like the one that was playing now.
I love it when you call me senorita
I wish I could pretend I didn’t need ya
But every touch is ooh la la la
It’s true, la la la
Ooh, I should be running
Ooh, you keep me coming for you
Throughout the whole song, it was just you and Ben, nobody else in the room mattered. Dancing your hearts out with each other, grind up against each other, neither one of you were even a tad bit tipsy yet and here you were dancing like crazy. This lasted for a good while until your feet started to hurt and you made your way back to the table and took off the white heels. Your feet were so sore from all of the movement, it hurt like a bitch. It’s been a while since the last time you wore heels. Ben finally made his way back to the table once he realized you were gone. He was dying of thirst and sweating like a maniac. He didn’t want this night to ever be over and neither did you.
“I’m gonna go get us something to drink, love.” He says as he stands up. “Don’t go anywhere with anyone, especially a guy.”
“Okay.” You didn’t argue with Ben because you didn’t want to get lost with some stranger in the club. You wouldn’t know what to do or where to go anyways. You pull out your phone and decide to go through your feed until Ben got back which was taking forever. You didn’t know if Ben was going to bring you back alcohol or something plain like water. But someone beat him to it.
“Hey girly. What you doing here all alone?” The guy was heavily drunk and you could tell from the heavy smell of alcohol on his breath.
“Just waiting for a friend to get back.” You told him back, not making eye contact. He seemed to have gotten closer than he was before.
“Well, my friends decided to leave me hanging around here and I was wondering if you would want to get something to drink, you know?” He said as he put out his hand for you to grab which you obviously didn’t.
“No, actually I’m good, but thanks for the offer.” You turned your head back down to phone. Not realizing that the guy’s face turn red in embarrassment. Or anger.
“Fine then bitch. Be that way.” He said as he walked away back to his group of friends who had “left” him. You weren’t even being rude and he took it the wrong way. You shrugged it off until Ben plopped back down in the booth on the other side of the table.
“Hey love? You alright? Saw that wanker come over here.” Ben handed you your drink which was just a plain ol’ beer just like Ben’s.
“I’m fine, he just got mad when I turned him down on an offer to get something to drink. Can you believe he called me a bitch? Unbelievable!” You weren’t really angry at the guy, maybe you came off a bit rude but he didn’t need to act like a big baby. You took your first sip of your drink and of course, you felt that sudden burn in the back of your throat but after a while you get used to it. When you had your first drink of alcohol, ever, you almost gagged at the sensation. You hated it at first but got used to it and liked the taste of it.
“Bloody twat.” Ben said under his breath as he looked over to the guy across the room. But of course you heard it anyways. But you didn’t care, it’s not like Ben would just get up and go fight somebody. You were usually the hot headed one, so it took you a lot of guts to not punch the guy right in the nose.
You had gotten suspended once during sophomore year for getting into a fight with a junior, but you had a good reason. She had just came up out of nowhere and started being a bitch. So you had to put her in her place and you beat the shit out of her. Luckily, she never bothered you again. Nobody ever did.
“Well Benny Boy, how long do you plan on staying here for? And what exactly do you do at clubs?” You honestly were curious since you had no idea.
“Usually it’s more fun with more friends and we just hang out, talk, and fuck around for a bit.” He said as he made a hand gesture to the basically empty booth. He has a point though, it would be more fun if your friends from school would’ve came with.
“Well then, I guess we just gotta make some new friends!” You really do want to make more friends but Ben was always the more quiet one and liked to keep his personal business between himself and you. Unlike him, you were outgoing and talked A LOT, you were the extrovert of the group. You missed your big group of friends but Ben was all you needed to survive.
“Maybe another time though. I kinda wanna go home and relax love.” And you nodded in agreement, you didn’t need to make friends right this second but it will happen soon. You were determined. He got up and out of the booth to help you out. He knew those heels were a pain in the ass for you. He lend you a hand out of the booth and back through the club. When you reached the parking lot, you took off your heels and sprinted towards the truck, you almost ran into it from how fast you were going. Ben unlocked the car and you instantly open the door and hopped in with ease. Even though you were tired as hell from dancing, you were somewhat wide awake. Ben climbed into the driver's seat and put his head against the steering wheel. He let out a sigh of breath.
“You alright Ben?”
“Just tired Y/n.” He lifted his head up and gave you a warm smile as he started up the car.
You both ended up racing each other into the house and up to Ben’s room. He won by merely a second because you tripped over one stair step and tripped causing him to get the lead. When he stopped in his room, he headed for his closet before you came running in and landed on his bed. This was just a routine now to take over Ben’s bed. He didn’t care, as long as you made room for him too. Ben had grabbed out a pair of shorts and whatever for himself and went into the bathroom to change. This is your time to go back there and find Ben’s diary or journal, whatever he calls it. You dash in there and find the clothes you had on earlier when you were playing dress up, you officially named it the Bumblebee collection. And of course you were going to wear it again for comfort and fAsHiOn. But your main priority was to find his diary, you went straight to his sock drawer and started digging through it. But nothing, it wasn’t there anymore, maybe he hid it somewhere else. You were going to look some more until you heard someone clear their throat. Damn it, it was Ben.
“You looking for something sweetheart?” Ben was leaning against the door frame with his arms crossed over his bare chest.
“I was just looking for some socks to match with my Bumblebee outfit actually…” You sucked at lying and he knew it.
“Mhm, sure, just make sure you don’t leave a mess when your done.” He walked away to who knows where. You sat on the floor in defeat, he knew you went through his stuff so he hid it somewhere, but where? Whatever, you’ll find it a different time. For now, you had to get dressed. You kicked Ben out of the bathroom and switched into Ben’s clothes.
Once you were done, you opened the door and told Ben that he could come in now. You were so tired from the night that you didn’t even feel like washing your makeup off. Luckily, you had a bestfriend who had learned your entire nighttime routine in case of something like this. Ben sat you on top of the counter in front of the mirror. He pulled out your makeup wipes and started rubbing the makeup off your face. He looked completely concentrated on cleaning your makeup off, that his face was kind of scaring you. But as you start to look at him some more, he didn’t look concentrated, he looked like he was thinking of something or having thought bubbles as you called them.
“What you thinking about Ben?” You wanted to break the silence between the two of you, you wanted him to talk to you.
“Nothing…” But you knew he was lying, he always tried to lie with you but you always knew when he was lying. He never could get away with it. But you didn’t want to bug him right now.
“Okay.” Ben had finished up on your nighttime routine and even decided to put your hair into a messy bun for you. He really was an amazing person and you don’t know what you would do without him, if you were being completely honest with yourself. Oh, but Ben wasn’t done with you yet. You hopped off the counter and were about to head to your room until Ben dragged you down stairs into the living room. He had set up a perfect movie night with you, he knew you were going to go to sleep in your room (or his room for a matter of fact) for all of eternity so instead he brought you out here to hang out. There was hot tea and biscuits on the coffee table which were always your favorite, a big bowl of popcorn, and the two blankets your grandma had given you on the couch. Ben really out did himself with all of this, you didn’t even know what to say. Your mouth was wide open in shock but Ben took it the wrong way.
“If it’s too much, I ca-”
“Benny, this is perfect…” You were so excited and couldn’t believe that he did this. “You did this for me?”
“Yeah, I wanted to make you feel better after what happened tonight love.” You let your feet guide you to the couch and snuggle up into the warm blankets. After Ben got settled in, you laid against his side and slid under his arm so he could hold you. Ben was your safe place to go, his touches were a sense of safety to you. He was like your little bodyguard, he would protect you at any cost and anytime, no matter the situation. He’s told you this many, many times before.
An hour had passed and both you and Ben were relaxed and comfortable. You didn’t want this moment of snuggling to end, you didn’t want to leave his side. He brought so much warmth to your body and god, he looked absolutely divined. His hair falling in all the right places, his warm, angelic smile, and his touch. Oh god, with his arm wrapped around your waist, you felt like you were in heaven with his touch. You had your head laid against his bare chest that had gotten so toned from playing soccer. His hand was like holding your waist in place so you couldn’t leave. Not that you were anytime soon.
The movie had just ended and now it was just silence, both you were wide awake and there was nothing else to do. That was until Ben got up and made his way toward the kitchen. He called back after him.
“Hey love? You want something to drink?” Instead of replying back like you usually do, you just got up and followed him into the kitchen. You didn’t want any water or anything because you were wanting some nice ass wine to down your problems away. But the problem was, was that your Uncle doesn’t have any alcohol and you weren’t about to make Ben go get you some at 11 at night. Ben looked around the kitchen to find the cups and he did after five minutes of being absolutely confuzzled.
“You never answered my question, so I’m just going to give you what I’m getting.” He said as he pulled something from the top cabinet, the one cabinet you didn’t check since you were too short. And out he pulled a bottle of red wine, not even opened yet. You walked around Ben to look into the cabinet but still you weren’t able to reach or see into it. Damn, you didn’t think you were that short. You placed your hands on the cool countertop and pushed yourself up until you could get both knees on. From that point, you stood up and looked into the cabinet area and come to find that your Uncle had stashed all of his alcohol in this one cabinet. He had liquor to whiskey and rum in there, basically drunken heaven. You were about to grab another bottle of wine but before you could, Ben wrapped his arms around your waist from behind and pulled you down like a toddler going through something they shouldn’t.
“Heyyy, I was gonna get another bottle. Bennnnnn.” You whined as he placed you back onto the tile floor of the kitchen.
“We’re not trying to make you pass out, just something to start the night sweetheart.” Ben said as he handed you your glass of wine. You pouted at him until you took a sip and realized that if you did grab that bottle, it would have been over in an hour. Alcohol isn’t your strong suit, sure, your stomach could handle it pretty well but your emotions and mind couldn’t. Your emotions always were wack when you drink and your mind wasn’t able to comprehend things clearly when you’ve had too much. Sometimes you spilled a little too much when you were drunk. And Ben knew that.
“Since we didn’t get to finish earlier.”
“Fair enough, but I am gonna grab that bottle down later, just for your information, Mr. Jones.”
“We’ll see about that Mrs. Jones.” Ben said with ease as he wiggled his eyebrows at you. For now, you’ll ignore it and move on. Your trying your hardest to not fall for him, you couldn’t lose him to your emotions.
“Well, can I have some now, Benny?” You gave him the puppy eyes so maybe he’ll hurry up ‘cause you were becoming impatient.
“Of course love, just don’t drink it too quickly.” He warned as he grabbed the bottle and his glass and brought it to the dining table. You followed suit behind him but sat on the other side of the table.
Now was the fun part, to get absolutely wasted, at least for you. Ben probably couldn’t say the same since he doesn’t get shitfaced after just a couple of glasses like you. You both loved red wine though, it was something you shared in common when it came to the adult world. When Ben finally turned twenty one, and was legally allowed to drink and buy alcohol, it was an advantage to you. You were still eighteen and underage to drink but people didn’t need to know that. Ben would supply you with the goods, except sometimes he would cut you off when it got too much. Sure, you shouldn’t be drinking underage but it’s not like any other eighteen year olds didn’t. Besides, who cares? Not you.
At this point both of you were completely shitfaced and drunk. You definitely grabbed the second bottle and it made things way worse. Now you both were just rambling on about stuff from high school.
“So, your telling me that you had a crush on…” Ben tried to complete his sentence but almost failed. He really did have a lot to drink. “My teammate when we were Juniors? Caleb? Really? Could’ve done better sis.”
“Ew, don’t EVER say sis again!” You laughed as you sipped some of your wine. You always liked wine glasses because they made you feel fancy in a way.
��“I’m just saying.” Ben raised his arms and hands up in defense.
“It was just a small crush, calm down.” You rolled your eyes at him and started to giggle uncontrollably. “Ok, maybe it wasn’t a small crush but it didn’t last long!”
“Sure Sweetheart, just keep telling yourself that.”
“You still gotta tell me who you had a crush on!”
“I gotta think, I don’t just fall for anybody.” And Ben wasn’t lying, he was a tough little prick when it came to dating. He always seemed to pick the not so hoe-y ones which was a good thing. His shortest relationship was ten months, he really knew his girls. You on the other hand, had a little trouble with the boys. You kept getting played over and over again, your longest relationship was six months. They never wanted anything serious and it always broke your heart. Poor Ben had to take care of you until you got over them which got easier as you got played multiple times. At least he was there for you.
“Oh, I got one! Rebecca, the only reason I liked her was because she was hot.”
“You liked bitchy Rebecca from the cheerleader sQuAd? Ew, even I did better.” You scrunch up your nose at that thought of Ben liking HER. She was a spoiled brat and always picked on some poor kid.
“Yeah, yeah, yeah, I get it. It only lasted for like a week or two.” And by the end of that conversation, the second bottle of wine was gone. Maybe it was time to chill for a bit and get some sleep. You both downed the two bottles so fast, that it was a bit shocking. And honestly you were tired and needed some rest from everything that happened today.
“Hey Ben?” You yawned as you got up from the dining table.
“Yeah, love?”
“I think, I think I’m gonna go to bed now.” You walked over to the kitchen and placed your glass in the sink and filled it with water.
“Ok, I’ll clean up here and I’ll be up there in a bit.” He picked up his cup and the last empty wine bottle. You made your way up the stairs, even though you tripped over some steps several times. Maybe you were completely shitfaced, who knows? You treaded your way up to your room until you pushed open the door and plopped onto the soft bed. You wiggled your way under the covers and passed out without a worry as to what was going to happen in the next couple of weeks to come.
Oh you poor, poor girl.
#ben hardy#ben hardy x reader#ben x reader#ben jones#y/n#borhap#ben hardy x y/n#cltcl#fanfic#ben hardy x female reader#crazy little thing called life
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ummm a video of ben saying good girl three times in that beautiful accent of his???? can i make this my alarm clock???
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So I have a question for some peepz to answer. Do u guys like that I'm writing the series in 2nd person POV or do u like it in like 3rd person or whatever? I just need opinions so i know overall what's preferred more, also next chapter coming out tonight! Be readyyy😁
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Pat Murray

The rest of the D-Backs and Bulldogs

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