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jaylee-mcneal · 2 years ago
Geography is Destiny - Final Project (3/3)
Tombs of Buganda Kings at Kasubi https://whc.unesco.org/en/list/1022/
The Riverine Rabbit Thinking Path
Fon Art https://www.african-arts-gallery.com/african-art/ethnie-Fon
Ilesanmi, Simeon O. “Human Rights Discourse in Modern Africa: A Comparative Religious Ethical Perspective.” The Journal of Religious Ethics, vol. 23, no. 2, 1995, pp. 293–322. JSTOR, http://www.jstor.org/stable/40017853. Accessed 9 Aug. 2023.
Reliquary Shrine
Annual Rings
Reconciliation of small Effigies - https://www.jstor.org/stable/c97026ea-f341-3ddb-8856-41c12cf824d1?searchText=Reconciliation+of+small+Effigies&searchUri=%2Faction%2FdoBasicSearch%3FQuery%3DReconciliation%2Bof%2Bsmall%2BEffigies%26efqs%3DeyJjdHkiOlsiWTI5dWRISnBZblYwWldSZmFXMWhaMlZ6Il19%26image_search_referrer%3Dglobal&ab_segments=0%2Fbasic_search_gsv2%2Fcontrol&refreqid=fastly-default%3A8806dd042f16d7050fb35e51500e5a7f&searchkey=1691537659057
Collins, James B. “Geographic and Social Mobility in Early-Modern France.” Journal of Social History, vol. 24, no. 3, 1991, pp. 563–77. JSTOR, http://www.jstor.org/stable/3787815. Accessed 9 Aug. 2023.
Footed Bowl Offering Scene - https://www.jstor.org/stable/d59329ce-b637-39c9-8b5b-ba1de189554e?searchText=footed+bowl+America&searchUri=%2Faction%2FdoBasicSearch%3FQuery%3Dfooted%2Bbowl%2BAmerica%26efqs%3DeyJjdHkiOlsiWTI5dWRISnBZblYwWldSZmFXMWhaMlZ6Il19%26image_search_referrer%3Dglobal&ab_segments=0%2Fbasic_search_gsv2%2Fcontrol&refreqid=fastly-default%3Abe2fdf07fe2bda2ebfb7b55765bcedfc&searchkey=1691539157858
Geoglyphs, Blythe, Ca: Human Animal Figures - https://www.jstor.org/stable/bcc3b1af-544d-38e7-93d2-a81abead1e86?searchText=geoglyphs+Blythe+ca+human+animal+figure&searchUri=%2Faction%2FdoBasicSearch%3FQuery%3Dgeoglyphs%2BBlythe%2Bca%2Bhuman%2Banimal%2Bfigure%26efqs%3DeyJjdHkiOlsiWTI5dWRISnBZblYwWldSZmFXMWhaMlZ6Il19%26image_search_referrer%3Dglobal&ab_segments=0%2Fbasic_search_gsv2%2Fcontrol&refreqid=fastly-default%3A0e5229f39dddff3b7ae071e37d0f4ffc&searchkey=1691539548753
Oil - https://www.jstor.org/stable/88bcf90c-d197-3e97-bbfb-1e7f68d6a0bb?searchText=oil+Dial+Thornton&searchUri=%2Faction%2FdoBasicSearch%3FQuery%3Doil%2BDial%2BThornton%26efqs%3DeyJjdHkiOlsiWTI5dWRISnBZblYwWldSZmFXMWhaMlZ6Il19%26image_search_referrer%3Dglobal&ab_segments=0%2Fbasic_search_gsv2%2Fcontrol&refreqid=fastly-default%3A3b7271d87e865c6336c979bafd6ee046&searchkey=1691539928048
Atwood, Wallace W. “Geography in America.” Geographical Review, vol. 7, no. 1, 1919, pp. 36–43. JSTOR, https://doi.org/10.2307/207612. Accessed 9 Aug. 2023.
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jaylee-mcneal · 2 years ago
Geography is Destiny - Final Project (2/3)
Art Work in Africa
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Tombs of BuGanga Kings at Kasubi (1882)
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Riverine Rabbit Thinking Path, The Karoo (2016)
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Resuscitated, Calixte Dakpogan (2002)
Art Work in France
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Reliquary Shrine, attributed to Jean de Touyl created in (1325 to 1350)
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Annual Rings: photograph of the earthwork by Dennis Oppenheim (1968)
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Reconciliation of Small Effigies by Annette Messager in 1943
Art Work in America
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Footed Bowl Offering Scene (1200-1460)
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Geoglyphs, Blythe, Ca: Human-Animal Figure
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Oil by Thornton Dial in 2004 
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jaylee-mcneal · 2 years ago
Geography is Destiny - Final Project (1/3)
Geography is not just the definition of the physical place we live in on Earth. It goes further into the culture we have gained to support our meaning in life. We are capable of creating art that supports our beliefs, culture, and location. Everything we obtain is connected to the place where our knowledge started, and this can be translated differently for everyone. Art creates a connection that brings together cultures while being from different places in the world. 
Africa, France, and America are three locations that opposite sides of the world but connected in their art. They have similar art styles but have their own cultures that create a different message. These locations have a shrine or offering that has been passed down through many years but stopped during recent years. Geoglyphs have been strategically laid out from years ago or recently produced to bring a message to the public. The assemblage provides a physical definition of how they value their goods. The three locations have histories that have intertwined. 
Africa is a content that includes many languages and cultures. South, East, and West Africa have provided art that resembles older and modern artists have created. Simeon Ilesanmi discusses the shift Africa has made in recent years compared to past years in “Human Rights Discourse in Modern Africa: A Comparative Religious Ethical Perspective”. Simeon goes over the importance that the start of morals and human rights have been written over many traditions. The traditions have included sacrifice and hierarchy. 
The Tomb of Buganda Kings at Kasubi was built in 1882 for the kings. Unesco explains that the Tomb became a burial ground in 1884, and was for 4 different kings. The purpose of this structure was a religious place for the kingdom and for rituals to occur. There is a strong spiritual link with this structure. This location is historical to East Africa and Uganda. 
Earthwork called Riverine Rabbit Thinking Path was produced recently in 2016 and is located in Loxton, The Karoo, South Africa. According to the Karoo site, this structure was built by Thirty-eight artists in ten days. The art resembles the endangered riverine rabbit and the Black-backed Jackal, they are both residents of the Karoo. This earthwork is to create a notice to remember before it is gone. 
West African citizen Calixte Dakpogan created Resuscitated in 2002. This is an assemblage that relates to the Fin structures that were produced. On the Fon art website, Fon statues were influenced by ethnic groups' travel and trade. Calixte’s version includes currently obtainable materials rather than the shiny materials that the Fon used. 
France has used loyalty to maintain their social status. In James B. Collins' text, “Geographic and Social Mobility in Early-Modern France” he discusses the need for loyalty in France. He explains that women are not given the important title that they are entitled to form our society. He also explains that society's roles of high class, working class, and poor citizens keep the economic cycle flowing. 
France has used religion for the majority of their art symbolism. The Reliquary Shrine is attributed to Jean de Touyl created in 1325 to 1350, but it was attributed to Touyl in 1349/50 when he died. The art is covered in gold trims with stained glass-like panels of religious text. Many artworks created in the 14thcentury were covered in gold trims to add status to them. 
The Annual Rings: photograph of the earthwork by Dennis Oppenheim in 1968 show the purity for a season before society gets to it. The snow looks clean and neat rather than having mud and dirt covering it. The middle section is where everyone has designated their footprints. 
The French assemblage Reconciliation of Small Effigies by Annette Messager in 1943, maintains the modern medium of having photography within the art.  This art is covered with stuffed animals and photos of body parts. France’s assemblage reflects their need to have the newest look in their artwork. 
North America has taught geography by having the understanding of universal life skills. Wallace W. Atwood in “Geography in America” explains that knowledge is the strongest thing that Americans can have. We will need to understand the exact measurement of definite resources we have and adapt. 
The Footed Bowl Offering Scene which seems to be around 1200 to 1460 does not have an artist or a specific location. From the human figures near the bottom of the bowl, it seems to be from North America since the bowl is ceramic blackware. In South America, they utilize colors to represent a story. 
The Geoglyphs, Blythe, Ca: Human-Animal Figure does not have a date or an artist as well. This earthwork has a huge environment that has adapted to the art that is still prominent. 
The America Assemblage Oil by Thornton Dial in 2004 is a direct definition of modern America. The mediums used are Auto shop parts, types of cloth, wire, and paint, these materials were long-term used but became trash when the user was no longer satisfied. 
            Africa’s traditional art comes from long-term vegetable products that will last for a long time with continuous maintenance. France’s artwork comes from a physical status that was changed every century. Americas have not kept track of their long-term artwork since most of their history started with verbal communication.  
            Art representation in these locations is different for each viewer. They are the same equation with different products. Their histories have not kept track of every document, but the art provides a story that is not written. 
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