jayleap · 25 days
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you get sandstorm's freckles! and YOU get sandstorm's freckles!
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jayleap · 25 days
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Here's a slightly more proper allegiance page for the cats of LutumClan! I don't have references for every character, but this is all the cats LutumClan currently has (that are alive, that is).
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jayleap · 1 month
Thunderclan: Holy shit those kits are TIGERCLAW’S they’re definitely fucking evil
Bramblekit and Tawnykit:
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jayleap · 1 month
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jayleap · 2 months
Loudclan - Moon 26
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The last traces of winter are finally gone as spring fully takes over. The good weather brings about good moods for the cats of Loudclan, and Dogwoodpaw often finds herself the center of attention during training as her mentor becomes more insistent that she accept her warrior name early.
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Dogwoodmoth has earned her warrior name. She is honored for her thoughtfulness.
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Later that night, while her sister sits her vigil over the camp, Rosehippaw sneaks out to visit the Black Water Pool.
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Rosehippaw returns to camp, shaken by the experience, and questions what legacy she will leave behind when she's gone.
[Probably should have split this into 2 parts cause it's so long but I was so excited to draw the second part I couldn't stand to wait! I love the healer kits so much I want nothing bad to happen to them ever unfortunately things are not looking good in that respect. In better news, however, Dogwoodmoth is named in honor of Mothtree! Several asks suggested this and I thought it was cuter than her original name of "Dogwoodmulch" so congrats and thank you if you were one of them!]
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jayleap · 2 months
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[Image ID: Fennelspot sits under the title of the post, “Name Deep Dive: Fennelspot”.]
It’s time for my BOY! The first cleric of RippleClan!!!!
Prefix: “Fennel”
Fennel is one of the most popular herbs in the five Clans. Grown alongside dry soils near the sea and the river, it is most commonly used as an addition to recipes. Like many plants, it cannot be used to excess or cats will start vomiting, but it provides a tasty addition to various flavorful dishes. Many cats love the taste, and it is considered an important strengthening herb, brewed into a tea for travelers.
Ironically, fennel does not grow well in SlugClan’s wetter soil, making it an odd name to see in a cat born in SlugClan. Regardless, the prefix is wonderful for future cooks and implies a particular interest in the culinary arts. Like all plant names, it also works well for clerics. “Fennel” in particular implies a light and casual strength, easily found and well-cherished.
Suffix: “spot”
“spot” is another of those suffixes that doesn’t have a lot of innate meaning on its own. Similar to suffixes like “fur”, “stripe”, or “tuft”, “spot” is used for cats with, well, spots! This works especially well for Fennelspot. He has a lovely rosette pelt, considered beautiful in SlugClan and AshClan, alongside a particularly notable dot of white underneath his looping vest.
Full Name: “Fennelspot”
Fennelspot’s name works well for a cleric! One of the two mental images conjured by a name like his is of finding patches of fennel around the territory. Clerics and caretakers can feel lucky to have found these herbs so they can then take them and move them to their gardens. In SlugClan, you only find fennel in the Dry Patch, the special portion of the territory used to grow herbs outside of the wetter soil, so finding a random spot of fennel is exciting to plant-minded cats.
The name also reminds many of fennel seeds, as a seed could be considered a small spot of fennel as well. Fennel tea is often made with fennel seeds, and fennel seeds are considered to be stronger than other parts of the plant for medicinal purposes. As such, this interpretation of the name better highlights the small strength implied by the prefix.
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jayleap · 2 months
Spikedawn, can you hunt? You might have to feed the little guy since he can’t.
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jayleap · 2 months
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Omg Ravenpaw is blushing at Barley in cannon omgomg
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jayleap · 2 months
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jayleap · 2 months
They’re in love!!!
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jayleap · 2 months
im a simple man i love firestar so much
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jayleap · 2 months
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Moon 1
Also just to be transparent, I did intervene here. Lionpaw originally became a Medic buuuutt that would mean literally no one could hunt and I didn't want them to die sooo sorry kiddo </3 gotta crush your dreams.
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jayleap · 3 months
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More info on Burnpaw!
He’s 8 moons old at the time of Moon 1, 2 moons older than Wolfpaw. A cleric apprentice, he’s insecure, nervous and a restless sleeper. Originally named Redkit, he was apprenticed at 6 moons as a warrior apprentice, but he was very interested in camp keeping work, which includes cooking, maintaining the camp fire, processing food, and keeping the dens cleaned. He got into trouble from his mentor often for trying to help the keepers and learn from them.
Shortly before Redpaw turned 7 moons he was out of camp, attempting to start a fire like he’d seen the keepers do. It was successful but he was caught by Thornstrike and the head Cleric, Burdockpelt. While the cats argued, the fire got out of control, when they finally noticed the blaze was strong. Neither Thornstrike nor Burdockpelt knew how to put out a fire. Thornstrike ran back to camp to get help while Redpaw and Burdockpelt stayed back to try and stop the flames. The cleric got caught in the blaze and the apprentice tried to save him, burning his left eye. Finally help arrived but it was too late for the cleric, he died in the fire.
Redpaw was named Burnpaw as a dishonor title, Jaggedstar struggled to find a fitting punishment, the name change didn’t feel like enough and she was tempted to exile him. But Darkfold, now the sole cleric of a large clan, told Jaggedstar she’d received a sign from Starclan and asked to take Burnpaw as an apprentice. As cold and grumpy as the cleric is, she has a small soft spot for kits and Burnpaw was the first kit she helped deliver when she was an apprentice. So she lied, Burnpaw does know, but he’s eternally grateful to her.
He struggles in his new role, he’s constantly second guessing himself and feels immense guilt for Burdockpelt’s guilt. He’s studious and tries very hard to learn, but he’s not spiritually gifted and majority of the clan still hate him for the fire. Before Wolfpaw defected he had a tentative friendship with her, bordering on a small crush. He was the one that hinted to Wolfpaw that Darkfold had received an omen about Lynxkit which caused her to spy on her mother, setting the whole story into motion.
His mother passed away in a border fight, his father is a warrior, they don’t talk. He has two littermates, sisters Wrenpaw who is a camp keeper apprentice and Brackenpaw who was a caretaker’s apprentice. Brackenpaw was recently switched to being a nursery apprentice, since the only queen, Willowtail, was forced to retire after Wolfpaw left. Prior to the fire he and his sisters were close, none of them were warrior material and considered weak by their clan mates. Now that he’s a cleric and despised, the three don’t talk much, meeting briefly in secret. Other than Darkfold he doesn’t really talk with anyone outside of medical treatment.
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jayleap · 3 months
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Greyclaw and Ashenstep, Wolfpaw’s half siblings. Their parents are Jaggedstar and her deputy Thornstrike before they broke up.
Greyclaw is a 32 moons old tom cat, he’s Duskclan warrior, he’s confident, competitive, a good climber, and a great teacher. He’s had 3 apprentices so far which is pretty high for a young cat. He had assumed he’d be Wolfpaw’s mentor and was disappointed when Jaggedstar took her as an apprentice. He got his warrior name at 11 moons old after his mentor got their leg stuck in two-leg trap, Greyclaw pried open the trap himself allowing his mentor to escape. His toe was nearly ripped off due to the incident and had to be amputated by both Duskclan’s and Honeyclan’s clerics due to the severity of the injury. He earned his name the evening of his amputation. He resembles his father more so than his mother, but he’s much closer to Jaggedstar, most of the clan assumes he’ll become deputy either after Jaggedstar passes or if Thornstrike retires, neither seems likely to happen soon.
Ashenstep is also 32 moons old and a nonbinary cat, they’re a historian of Duskclan but often patrols with the warriors or code keepers per Jaggedstar’s request. They’re strange, but sincere, a learner of lore and a great storyteller. Ashenstep was previously the black sheep of the family until Wolfpaw was born, they have strange rituals they have to do before certain tasks and specific preferences. Such as never eating birds, no matter how hungry they are, and needing to thoroughly clean their claws before they go to sleep. Eccentricity wasn’t necessarily looked down upon in the clan, but it certainly didn’t make them popular especially since they were so set on being a historian. To appease their mother, they spend half their time as a warrior and is a good fighter as well. They are the spitting image of Jaggedstar, just with short fur and a tail missing since birth, but they get along best with their siblings.
Ashenstep and Greyclaw are particularly close, still playing games together and holding competitions regularly. Both cats were excited when Wolfkitwas born, Jaggedstar returned to her leadership duties as soon as possible, leaving Wolfkit with the lone queen of the clan. They were both busy and couldn’t spend much time with her, hoping when she was apprenticed there’d be more chances.
Both cats were devastated when Wolfpaw defected from the clan and took Lynxkit with her. Greyclaw has assumed that she’s dead, but Ashenstep still holds out hope they’ll see their sister one day.
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jayleap · 3 months
[ Kits deserve to be loved ]
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Artfight attack for @loudclan-clangen *cries*
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jayleap · 3 months
this is where i post from btw
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jayleap · 3 months
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The problem child. The menace. Cloudkit you are a legend for the way chaos follows in your pawsteps.
I had forgotten just how bad the consequences were for allowing this horrible child into the clan. Even Fireheart has a moment of "I can't believe I have to put up with this" as if he didn't choose to bring this child into the clan lmfao
I'm actually really loving Cloudkit in this book. He's so fun and he's so MEAN to people. The way he doesn't even hide his disgust or dislike of Tigerclaw? The way he sideeyes cats when they tell him what to do? This boy has shitton of problems with authority figures and I love that for him.
ALSO THE ELDERS LOVE HIM AND HE LOVES THEM AND THAT'S ADORABLE. The way he hangs out with them everyday, and the elders even tells off Fireheart when he tries to discipline the bastard child? Hilarious. Fantastic, even.
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