jax-krum-blog · 6 years
“You’re the one who had to bring it up. I could have moved on in silence and you could have let it go. But here we are. Talking.” Disdain clear in her eyes as she spoke. 
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“I’m not doing this, not today. I’m so fucking exhausted with all this back and forth griping between us and for Daphnes sake I’m trying to keep it civil here” he sighed and ran a hand through his hair “Look I know you’re angry about everything that’s happened and Daphne and I are doing everything we can to get you answers. That’s why I’ve not been around, I’ve been going over all the paperwork, trying to dig up new leads.”
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jax-krum-blog · 6 years
daphnethegentle :
Daphne chewed on her lip gently, listening to him and knowing he was right. It just couldn’t be that simple. She knew she was overthinking things, that she always overthought things, and she probably missed out on a lot of opportunities because of it. It was just … safer, to focus on her work and not risk pain and rejection. But … Jaymes had kissed her first, hadn’t she? So maybe it would be okay.
“What about you?” she asked after a moment, lifting her gaze to look over at him. “I know you and Jaymes don’t really get along.”
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He could see the gears turning in her brain. Jax remembered all those times Daphne had dived head first into work because duty called for it but he didn’t see why she couldn’t have a life outside of being Queen. In his opinion she deserved happiness more than anyone. 
“What about me?” he asked raising an eyebrow “Look Daph, everyone isn’t going to see eye to eye all the time. I’ve got a lot of respect for Jaymes and I get that she’s angry about everything that’s happened - so am I. We clash because we most likely share a lot of the same qualities. Fuck, I’ve locked myself away for months going through everything to try and get her some answers...to try and sort this fucking shitshow of a mess. One of her own was murdered, that takes a toll on the soul Daph, believe me.”
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jax-krum-blog · 6 years
The muscles in her jaw locked, cementing her blank look onto her features. She shouldn’t have said anything. Jaymes knew better. The comment about coffee broke her expression, lips pulling back into a snarl. “Oh fuck you.”
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“Fuck you” he barked back “I’m just trying to mind my business and drink my coffee and you come in with some obvious issue. So what is it Jaymes? Spit it out” he sighed not in the mood to deal with this shit today
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jax-krum-blog · 6 years
Daphne chewed on her lip as he spoke. There was sense in what he said, but it couldn’t be that simple, could it? She shook her head slightly. “What will our subjects think if they see me taking time to cultivate a relationship? What if they see it as me neglecting my duty to them?” There were so many ‘what ifs’ that swirled around her mind, causing her great anxiety.
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“They’ll think that you’re having a life, like you know, you’re supposed to” he shrugged. “It doesn’t have to always be duty. You can pick both you know.” Jax pointed out and took another drink of his coffee “I can one hundred percent say that no one would ever think that of you. You work your arse off and you’re dedicated to the people, sometimes too dedicated. You can’t lose out on your life and experiences to please others. You can’t please everyone. Stop overthinking everything and do what you want for once. That overactive thinking of yours will be your downfall if you let it control you” 
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jax-krum-blog · 6 years
jaymes-alpha :
The only reason Jaymes left her apartment as a human was for food. She had been spending so much time in the woods running that her appetite had exploded. If the alpha hadn’t changed back to eat she knew she would have taken down a whole heard of deer to feast on. And that was asking for trouble. Now was the time to keep her nose clean and head down.
The alpha found herself with grocery bags full of meats and fruit and a strong craving for espresso. One more thing to help her stay awake, keeping the dreams from playing behind her eyelids. The closer she got to the cafe the stronger the scent of the king fermented the air around her. Shoving the door open she was almost baring her teeth.
She didn’t realize she stopped in front of his table until he spoke. “Good.” A cold rage had filled her chest. She knew it wasn’t all his fault, but when had Jaymes been known to be rational?
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Letting out a deep sigh Jax realised he wasn’t going to get any peace today. All the man wanted was a damn coffee and to escape his office to see some sunlight for the first time in months. He looked up from his cup to set his gaze on Jaymes the resident alpha who was obviously in no mood herself. He sat back in his seat and crossed his arms “Okay you know what, I’ll bite. What is it? What’s got you so pissed off today then? Did they not have the coffee you wanted or what?” 
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jax-krum-blog · 6 years
daphnethegentle :
Put aside all the political “bullshit”? How was she supposed to do that? She was Queen of the Sunnybrook Fae community. Her entire life was political. Daphne shook her head. “What I feel doesn’t matter, Jax. I mean, does it? I’m a Queen. I have … responsibilities and duties to my people. Our people. I can’t just … fall in love with someone. Put them above everyone else. Besides, what about you? I have a duty to you too.” She bit her lip gently.
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He knew her well enough to know the internal turmoil that she was causing herself. Duty was always the top of her list. “Yeah you’re Queen and I’m King and life ain’t easy blahblahblah but you have a responsibility and a duty to yourself to actually have a life Daph. Fuck. What you feel does matter. People will understand that you’re allowed to have a life as much as everyone else in this place and if they don’t then tell them to fuck off. You can’t fall in love? That’s literally the dumbest thing you’ve ever said since I’ve known you. The word can’t isn’t in your vocabulary and you of all people deserve to find that person. If that person is Jaymes to you then go for it. I’ll have your back no matter what decision you make.” he explained and took a sip from his drink “What about me? I’m not going to stop you from being with someone you care about.”
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jax-krum-blog · 6 years
Daphne sighed softly, moving to sit in the spare seat across from him. “It’s a personal matter,” she admitted. “I just … I don’t know how to handle it.” She bit her lip, chewing on it gently for a moment. “You know Jaymes, my friend, the werewolf Alpha? She kissed me the other day. I think she may … have feelings for me.”
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A personal matter. Now that caught his interest. “Okay, lay it on me” he nodded preparing himself for whatever issue he might hear from her. “Yeah course I know Jaymes” he added and raised an eyebrow at her confession “Well alright...and how do you feel about Jaymes? Put all the political bullshit to the side that we all deal with, how do you honestly feel about her?”
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jax-krum-blog · 6 years
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jax-krum-blog · 6 years
Daphne had seen Jax around the house, but she’d been so busy and he’d been content to be alone with his business that their paths hadn’t crossed much. She didn’t realize how much she missed him until everything had happened with Jaymes, and she realized she had no one to talk to about it. She wasn’t in the habit of involving Jax in her personal life, just because they were Queen and King didn’t mean they had to be best friends. But they were partners, and she needed someone. And since she couldn’t talk to Jaymes about Jaymes, that left Jax.
She went looking for him when she realized he wasn’t in his gym or his office. Walking past Central Perk, she noticed him inside, pouring alcohol into his coffee. With a soft sigh, she stepped into the building and approached his table. “I don’t suppose it’s very important, but I could use your opinion on something,” she admitted softly.
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The voice he heard was the only one that could coax him into a conversation when he was like this and he begrudgingly gave in. They passed through the motions over the past few months thanks to him falling into the role of a recluse with a drinking issue and even he had to admit that he felt a twang of guilt for falling into the abyss and leaving her to the forefront of the public eye. They were Queen and King, they were royals. They had each others backs but even supernatural creatures struggled with their own demons. 
Jax looked up from his drink and motioned for her to take the spare seat. “You know fine well that the statement doesn’t apply to you.” he sighed “I can’t promise I’ll be of any help but shit I’ll help you any way I can, you know that. I know I’ve not been present recently but I’ve got your back Daph. Always”
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jax-krum-blog · 6 years
He’d lost track how long it had been since he had seen the light of day, choosing to shut himself away to work in the background with everything going on in the town. He was happy to leave Daphne to be the face of the two of them since he wasn’t a people person and it seemed like the arrangement was working for them - well in Jax’s haze it seemed to be working. 
For the first time in a long time could Jax be spotted around town. His physical appearance more intimidating than before, his demeanour more stand off-ish than it once was. It was obvious that time away had re-enforced the name that was given to him from all species. The Faerie King. The Warrior.
Jax took a seat at a free table in Central Perk and took a sip of his coffee -after pouring a good charge of alcohol in it from his flask- minding his business. He didn’t care to be outside but even he knew that he had to do something other than be at his home gym or working on all the towns paperwork and cases. His attention was drawn away from his drink when someone stopped in front of his table and without looking up from his drink he sighed “If it’s not of any importance then don’t bother me. I don’t plan on being here long”
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jax-krum-blog · 6 years
A smile lit Daphne’s tired expression. “You did? Seriously?” She leaned back slightly in order to look up at him. “I never thought I’d see the day that Jax the Warrior would actually buy tea over alcohol.” She couldn’t help but tease him good-naturedly. While she never would’ve thought to tease him back when they first met, they had an ease about them now that felt comfortable and familiar.
Pulling away form under his arm, she took his hand and tugged him over to the door in the back of the gymnasium, slipping through it with a quick glance around to make sure nobody was watching. She felt somewhat bad about ducking out of the forum she called herself, but people were leaving and she honestly didn’t want to get stuck answering questions all afternoon. If they had an urgent inquiry, they could come by the house.
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“Yeah, I did” he nodded and looked down at her “I promised you that I’d cut down the drinking since it was worrying you. I keep my promises Daph.” he smiled with a shrug of his shoulders “Besides, we’re a team.” They definitely had come a long way since they first met and became the Queen and King of their species. 
Jax let her pull him along the route she was taking to slip out of the gym, smirking to himself at how seriously she was making sure no one spotted them leaving. “Daph, it’s fine. If anyone sees you leave just say it was me that convinced you to leave” He was thankful to be out of there though. Some of the residents of the town had a talent for dragging the duration of everything out way longer than it should’ve been. “Thank the Fae that we’re out of there” he sighed in relief when they stepped outside. 
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jax-krum-blog · 6 years
“you can’t help but feel a little on edge around here these days” she sighed and looked into the content of her coffee cup. The murder had shaken the town to it’s very core and even to Aoife it was obvious that people were more affected than they were letting on. 
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“I wonder why” he said, rolling his eyes and let out a sigh. “Of course people are on edge Aoife, a girl got murdered” he pointed out and poured some sugar in his coffee “Stress levels are through the roof these days. Just stick to the buddy system and be careful out there, yeah? Daph and I don’t want anyone else to get hurt”
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jax-krum-blog · 6 years
Daphne leaned into him, as he put his arm around her shoulders. Back when she first became queen, she never would’ve guessed that she’d be this comfortable around Jax of all people. But circumstances changed, and in their positions they were forced to work together and grow closer despite their differences. Now, she couldn’t imagine anyone else by her side.
“Alright, let’s go home. But you’re drinking tea with me tonight, not alcohol. Promise?” she looked up at him with a pointed look.
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Affection and Jax were two things that never went together but he couldn’t help but feel protective of Daphne. Their dynamic had changed over time and he found himself valuing the woman by his side more than anyone else he came in contact with. 
“No alcohol. I promise.” he nodded, internally regretting that promise he made a short time ago to her “I mean it. I even went and bought more of that tea you got me”
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jax-krum-blog · 6 years
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Jax Krum - Moodboard 1/-
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jax-krum-blog · 6 years
Daphne was rather disheartened by the response to her words, but before she could start to speak and calm everyone down, Jax was stepping forward and shouting at the crowd. She jumped involuntarily at his loud voice, but she couldn’t help but feel relieved when it had the desired effect. Once everyone was dismissed, she felt herself start to relax, and when Jax turned toward her, she was able to muster up a smile for him.
“I’m fine,” she assured him. “Thank you for stepping in. Your presence is a lot more intimidating than mine.” She laughed softly, laying a hand on his arm. “Seriously, thank you.” She looked around at the dissipating crowd and tilted her head in thought. “Do you think we can sneak away right now and go home? Or would that be rude?” She glanced back up at him with a small smile, already knowing his answer.
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“As long as you’re okay” he smiled in return. Daphne and his people were his top priority, that was no secret around the town. “Anytime. Sometimes the only way to get through to people is to shout and I don’t mind being the bad guy out of us both.” he shrugged, placing his hand over her own and watched the crowd taking their sweet time to exit the place “I one hundred percent think that we can sneak out and go home. Who cares if it’s rude? I don’t know about you but it’s been a long few days and I think we’ve earned a night off” he smiled and wrapped his arm around her shoulders. 
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jax-krum-blog · 6 years
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#married af
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jax-krum-blog · 6 years
Daphne stood in front of the crowd. She’d called a public forum in the gymnasium of the high school, in order to discuss recent events. She knew many of the Sunnybrooke citizens were anxious about what happened; she could sense the fear that ran through them and felt it needed to be addressed.
“Thank you all for being here,” she said into the microphone the school provided for her. “I know many of you are wondering why I called this meeting. As some of you may know, our own Honey Larkin was apparently murdered in the woods by Lake Ryn last Sunday. The FBI have scoured the scene and are conducting an investigation. I ask that everyone please let them do their job and not try to investigate on your own. Please do not badger the border guards for answers, I’m sure they won’t know anything more than we do, and please give the FBI time to get back to us on what they’ve found.
“In the meantime, we do want to be safe, so please use the buddy system whenever you leave your homes. Please lock your doors and windows and make sure anyone who visits is a friend. If you have a problem with anyone or have any concerns, you can bring it up to your leaders.”
She looked around at the many faces gathered, getting a feeling most were not happy with her words, but this was all she could offer for now.
“Are there any questions?”
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Jesus Christ, Jax had never wanted a drink more since that night. But he promised Daphne that he would cut down on the excessive drinking and he never went back on his word - though it was growing increasingly hard. Showing a united front like they always did, Jax held the forum with Daphne but had let her take the floor. Daphne was much more compassionate and kept more of a logical mind when it came to times like these. Daphne the Gentle and Jax the Warrior - they knew their stance. 
His patience was wearing thin at the people who were talking over his partner or just blatantly ignoring her and now was the time he decided to step in. “Shut it!” he bellowed out into the crowd, his voice echoing around the room. “This information is being passed to you all to avoid something like this happening again. If you all want to ignore the warnings then fine, go ahead but leaders better not some crying to us if you go and do something stupid. This meeting was called because the safety of everyone in this town is top priority as well as find out who did this...Now...Any questions?” he asked at the end of his rant. “No? Okay, then we’re done here.” he dismissed. 
Jax turned to Daphne and looked over her face “Are you okay?” he asked, concerned “I’m sorry for butting in. I couldn’t stand there and watch them ignore you like that”
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