jawshviewer · 4 years
dont reblog pls <3
i just wanted 2 talk abt this because i have so many opinions on this situation, and i am not about to just go off on my main blog or anything like that.
at the point of me writing this, the evidence points towards carson being guilty. the evidence being the screenshots that came out. personally, i dont think carson is attracted to minors, as he was 19 at the time (still technically a teenager) and talking to a 17 year old. to me it just seems like a cringe high school relationship tbh. this is the same age gap as me and my bf (even tho we did not talk sexually at those ages). HOWEVER, it is still WRONG as the victim was still a minor. i have been seeing all over the carson subreddit (before it was closed off) that people are saying he shouldnt be cancelled over a 2 year age gap, but carson was still an adult, he knew the age of the person he was talking to, and even felt that the situation was wrong himself. so even if he isnt attracted to, like literal children, he is still guilty of speaking sexually to a minor and more than likely receiving images from said minor (this part i am not sure abt, from their conversation/the screenshots it sounds like that happened).
and even if you think “its just a 2 year age gap, its not that bad”, people also arent really mentioning the power imbalance there is here. despite this being years ago, carson definitely had more influence and fame than the victim. if the victim was a fan, then that just makes it so much easier for carson to pressure something out of them. im sure you all know the feeling of, like, even your fav content creator liking your tweet. sweet, sweet adrenaline, right? now imagine the content creator is dm’ing you, creating sexual scenarios with you, and now asking you to send photos of yourself. whether the age gap disturbs you or not, carsons influence matters a LOT in this story.
ive also seen people saying they “hope this is another pyro situation”, which is lol. what, you hope that carson was blissfully unaware of the victims age? in the pyro situation, he literally admitted to having sexual roleplays with a minor. it would have to line up so IMPOSSIBLY perfect for pyro to have not known his victims age. i dont understand why people ate up his (pyros, at this point carson has not made a statement) apology video, saying it debunked everything abt that situation. i was a fan of pyros before the allegations broke out, and when they did i didnt desperately cling to everything he said and try to make excuses for what he done, and it will not be the same for carson.
lastly, whether you like it or not.... people in the lunch club knew. this was stated by noah and travis in the keem video (which, sadly, i did watch. i do not like the guy but at the time it was all we had on this situation), that carson had told the ppl in lunch club (and i will assume josh as well, since that is the person i have based this blog upon). all of those people knew about this. since march. and did not say anything for months. i do not want to see people like ted, altrive, or josh come out and denounce carson publicly when they have been playing minecraft with him until just recently. i do realize there is also a power imbalance within these friendships, in which i believe that it seems like carson gave these people their careers, in the sense that carsons followers went and grew their channels too. there is a level of fear to think abt losing your following for coming out against your IMMENSELY popular friend doing something like this, but im being real here- if any of these people had come out about this, who would lose more? i would think carson, as, well, he was in the wrong. they could have also distanced themselves from carson, but instead decided to continue making content with someone they knew had sexual conversations with someone who was underage.
my opinions are subject to change if more info comes out, obviously. but it would have to be pretty damning information like the screenshots being completely faked for me to accept it. as it is now, i believe carson is not attracted to children (and we should not he throwing around the p word for him), but he is in the wrong for using his influence to get sexual conversations from a minor. even if they were just 2 years apart in age, the victim was still a minor and the adult in the situation should know not to engage (same as in the pyro situation). people in the lunch club who decided not to distance themselves and keep working with him are also weird for doing that. my opinions may change as more information comes out, but at the moment, it does not look good for him and this is how i feel about this whole situation.
lastly, it is ok to be upset. you had no way of knowing about this as it was going on. you can be mad and upset for losing a comfort streamer or two. do not let a “funnyman” stand between you and your morals; dont just continue watching him because you find him funny. if you believe that this situation is wrong, then distance yourself, as hard as it may be. you can always reconnect if we get more info about this situation, but as it stands, i cannot continue to support this group of people.
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jawshviewer · 4 years
why do ppl say that carson + co were the band kids. carson and josh DEFINITELY would have been in my horrible robotics club, josh because he was interested in it and carson because he thought he would like it but didnt yet he enjoys it too much to leave.
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jawshviewer · 4 years
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jawshviewer · 4 years
our fearless streamer.....
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jawshviewer · 4 years
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omg its jawsh!!!1
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jawshviewer · 4 years
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i like it when he does the thing with his hand
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jawshviewer · 4 years
my brain really said “i am going thru a breakup and only itsjawsh streams can make me happy”
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