jasutoblr · 4 years
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My name is Jason Francis S. Juguan i am 18 years old and i have a self intention on other people that i don’t have any friend ever since i Started in preschool to Senior High school and i always been told myself that i am in different person to communicate with other people and i am always a loner. I am good at sports like Basketball, Volleyball, Badminton and Swimming also I Have Talents and hobbies like dacing but not good enough, Forming shape Like Animation Movies and others in Clay and also i am good at building and customize Gunpla in BanDai Hobby. I also Love to Cook Good Food for my Family and For my lunch in school and i am a diligent boy and a persistent person i been a one person in school activities no one tagging
I Care all the people that who are being helpful to me and it makes me grateful to them and i will never forget for what they give me an advise. 
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jasutoblr · 4 years
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jasutoblr · 4 years
Name: Juguan, Jason Francis S.                                                                       Date: 10/07/2020
Strand and Section: Humss, 12-03                                                                     Subject: MIL.
 How to Use Social Media Responsibly
Five ways on how to use social media responsibly:
1.      You’re in control of your feed. Recognize what’s unhealthy and hit that unfollow button:
 It can use social media to uplift your life, connect with friends, create content, and entertain. Or you can get used by it when it sucks you in, and then you feel bad afterward. If you notice you feel anxious or irritated after spending time on an app or account, that’s your body’s signal that you should spend less time. It has also fed and unfollow/delete accounts that are consistently false news, negative, mean, rude, and bullying.
 2. Find a purpose to your screen time so that it doesn’t become a pastime
It is known for when people look you up online. This exercise will help you find your screen time purpose so that social media doesn’t become a pastime.
Once we understand what you are known for, it’s easier to decide whether your Instagram post or YouTube comment is going to help you achieve your goals and a significant majority of your social media posts should be about the 2-3 things you want to know.
 3. Into a living/breathing portfolio highlight your best self and turn all social media platforms:
Social media is a living resume that showcases your character and to sure that these are the content pieces that you’re presenting on the Internet for all to see.
Operate and documenting just about every moment of your life on social media, online work articles on your Research department, and media information literature. As well as your activities and interests are something that colleges are searching for themselves.
 4. with great power, comes great responsibility:
Senior High School students have their own social media account, and they understand the risks and responsibilities. For the perils and risks of social media and other online forums directly Posting mean comments on an Instagram post, we talked about the impact of language and the ramifications that result in inciting violence.
 5. Social media abstinence isn’t the way, planning is key:
Is to strategize on the best ways to use social media for a solution, as much as possible. And has the primary means of communication and social validation for any group and friends uses that becomes an even bigger search of social media and searching for the key for the social media to open the visual of the future to the new ideal in life as long as we keep searching for the solution of in your mind.
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jasutoblr · 4 years
#Gunpla Builder and Clay Maker food cooker
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