jassy2uall · 2 years
never tear us apart
Aemond Targaryen x f!Reader
part five of the prƫmia va perzys (heart on fire) series
part one: don't you love me? - part two: and what of your love? - part three: the flames that divide - part four: the aftermath
themes/warnings: injury, language, dragonrider!reader (her house is not stated)
word count: 6.1k â–Ș masterlist
The Blacks make an attempt to lift the curse cast upon the reader. Aemond does everything he can to reach Dragonstone, in hopes of seeing the reader again. A sinister plot forms, threatening to cast everything into further chaos. Or set everything right. Only time will tell.
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Alys Rivers is no stranger to pain.
When she was discarded by her mother at the steps of her apparent father’s castle at a tender age of 10, she felt it.
When her father did not completely recognize her as his daughter, relegating her to be one of the workers of his estate, she felt it.
When she had to fend off an attacker, using all of her meagre physical strength, digging her nails into the man who attempted to overcome her and take her girlhood, she felt it.
Pain is no stranger. And it is no friend, either.
But pain was something that she merely accepted, until she found the Lord of Light. Her mother sought her out years after she abandoned her, telling her that it needed to be done. She needed to leave Alys, so that she might be able to devote her days and nights to the one true Lord.
Alys should have been angry. She should have wept upon seeing her mother again, hurled questions and accusations at her as to why she left her only daughter. But strangely enough, she could not find it in herself to do so. She did not feel it was important then. Does that make her emotionless, devoid of even the slightest connection towards her mother? Perhaps, perhaps not.
All she knew was that she understood her mother’s motives. She found a sameness in how her mother was ready to sacrifice everything to Him.
The Lord of Light. The Red god. Alys found him, but already knew of her. He already knew of her pain, and he promised to take it all away. He promised her a saviour carved out of the very same pain, and strength, and sapphire-blue. The one chosen for her as a vessel into the light. Whether to love or to use as a mere tool to spread the Lord of Light’s power, she does not believe it to be in her hands. What matters is, her one-eyed prince would come and her very being would be devoted to him.
What Alys Rivers did not anticipate was that her one-eyed prince’s heart would already be spoken for. The flames did not impart that she would have to fight tooth and nail for it. For him.
She did not know that Aemond Targaryen’s heart would already be yours.
But then again, she is no stranger to pain. She felt it in the way Aemond squeezed her neck, in the way he dug his fingers into her skin until she almost turned a sick shade of sapphire-blue. Its talons buried themselves deep in her heart when her prince beloved Aemond, in all his unbridled rage, promised that he would never truly love her. Not in the way that he loves you.
No matter. He is merely lost, and I can bring him back into the light. Her delicate fingers graze the bruises on her neck, feeling him. She has already set her plan into motion, but nothing is certain. There are ways to bring you back, and she is aware of this. Her best hand is yet to be played, and there are things about to unfold. Things that will bring untether Aemond from you.
He will be mine, once y/n is consumed by the flames. After all, how can he still love you when you are gone?
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Aemond has always been perceptive, ambitious, insightful. Eager to overcome any slight that his disability has added on to his existence, real or imagined.
Even before the fateful injury, he has already possessed a similar sense of pride. Self-preservation, borne out of being a Targaryen prince without a dragon, who also stands to inherit nothing. The second son. Everything he wants, he has had to carve out for himself. To take for himself.
As if to pour salt on the wound, it is clear to everyone that he is far more capable and more suited to the throne than his older brother Aegon. But this matters not, at least not whilst Aegon survives, and his sons along with him.
This thirst to prove himself, to make sure that whoever encounters him sees him as worthy, has always stayed with Aemond. He did all he could – ensured himself to be knowledgeable about the histories, philosophies, High Valyrian, battle strategy and combat expertise, the religion of the old gods and the new, and all else. There isn’t one important volume in the castle Great Library that Aemond has not gotten his hands on, living and breathing the words, memorizing them.
Every bit of knowledge, each newly honed skill, forms into a new facet of his being. Making him better. Making him whole. All Aemond ever wanted was to belong. To be whole.
But he never thought he could achieve this without effort. Without strife to overcome. This invisible yet ever-present need to prove himself became something like a burden he has to carry. He never felt that he could belong, truly, until you.
But you had seen him. Accepted him. Aemond did not need to woo you with any embellishment, he did not need to tell you how he had memorized the histories of the Seven Kingdoms. It mattered not that he might be the most skilled swordsman of his age, having painstakingly trained each day since his tenth nameday. The allure of his status, of the power of his family, was not something that drew you to him. He quickly discovered that he never needed to impress you, he only needed to love you.
Aemond tried to fight it, but that did not last long. After all, is it not useless to deny oneself what calls out to the heart?
The day Aemond Targaryen allowed himself to love you, and be loved in return, was the day that he finally belonged.
And without you, the one-eyed prince would be unanchored.
Aemond remembers the night that you first met as he sits in his chambers, waiting. Years ago, you had rolled your eyes at him, at a prince of the Seven Kingdoms, when he said something out of turn about your friend Rhaena’s lack of a dragon. You were quick to retaliate, sharp and biting with your words. But the morning after, when you came across him sitting all by his lonesome in the library, you apologized.
Granted, you demanded his apology first, but there was something in his violet eyes. A certain awareness, a melancholy. There might be some darkness creeping in Prince Aemond’s heart, but there is an undeniable light there, too. A remnant of lost innocence. You caved in, and curiosity got the better of you. For hours, you spoke to your heart’s desire, each new subject brought up only increasing your interest in the one-eyed prince. And his interest in you was piqued in turn. From then on, countless days and nights were spent together in the comforts of the great library.
His heart swelled, perhaps for the very first time in what felt like forever, when you had fallen asleep on his shoulder one night, as he read to you about the chronicles of Princess Nymeria.
He hasn’t been the same since.
The night that has passed since he has heard of your affliction has been long and torturous, leaving him increasingly restless and stricken with worry. He had wanted to take Vhagar and fly to Dragonstone right away, without any mind to what his arrival in enemy territory would entail for him. He almost relinquished his part to play in the war. This ceaseless game that is being played out for the Iron Throne is what drew the two of you apart in the first place.
Until his mother stopped him, promising a better plan.
And so he waits.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
At the height of the hour of the owl, in one of the royal chambers of the castle in King’s Landing, something is evidently afoot. The room is bathed in warm candlelight, the shadows reflected on each individual’s sombre faces. Their voices are low, in hushed whispers, ensuring the matter at hand to be clandestine.
Alicent is stern when she commands, “You shall help your prince in this matter, Lady Mysaria. You are, after all, in the debt of your King, and by extension, our family. Whatever slights you had to endure by our hand, we implore you to forget them. Have we not made good upon our word to eradicate the fighting pits in Flea Bottom? To ensure the safety of all the children?”
Mysaria studies the Queen, her shrewd eyes taking her in. She knows that she is not being presented with a choice, not truly. Not with this matter. She notices the grey shade of exhaustion right below Aemond's empty, glazed eye, caused by hours upon hours of worrying over you. His stance is taut, like a viper prepared to strike. Eagerly awaiting whatever impediment will stand in his way, so that he might destroy it swiftly. He would do whatever is needed, even the most distasteful of actions, simply so she would assist him in reaching you.
Aemond continues to say nothing. His eye boring straight through Mysaria. She knows right away that he does not give any mind to her. She is merely a tool for him to use, so that he will see you again.
Mysaria says, in her silky, sly tone, “I know you understand our arrangement, my Queen. I come and go as I please. I give you information as I please. You have had much use for the whispers that I provide. If I were to help you now, it will be of my own volition.”
Alicent purses her lips, “Of course. That it not being contested - ”
Aemond interrupts her impatiently, “Know this, White Worm. I am commanding you to do whatever you must so that I can reach Dragonstone, discreetly. Although,” he stalks towards her, “I will see y/n again, with or without your aid. Should you choose to help me, you shall continue to walk free. Otherwise,” he turns his head away, knowing his point has already come across, “hmm.”
“Are you threatening me, Prince Aemond?”
Slowly, Aemond turns to look at her once more. Mysaria was initially resolute in meeting his gaze, showing him that she will not cave easily. But his eye darkens, his expression a quiet type of menacing, but shadowed with a sense of grim that brought a chill to her very bones.
At once, Mysaria realizes that her Prince Aemond is not to be trifled with.
“I can get you to Dragonstone soon,” she starts.
“Today,” Aemond emphasizes, determinedly.
“On the morrow,” Mysaria counters, “there will be the timed arrival of resources by ship on the island. I can arrange to have you on that very ship, accompanied by some of my trusted
“That’s not soon enough.” Aemond paces away from her, not satisfied with the solution.
“You should know, my prince, that the Blacks have employed the aid of a certain priestess of the Red religion. Someone who might be capable of countering the effect of the curse laid upon your paramour. They will attempt to conduct a healing ritual tonight,” Mysaria says, knowing every word strikes true in Aemond, hope slowly creeping in his expression.
“And this priestess
 Can she be trusted?”
“She has not shown any sign of being otherwise. Rest assured that once you land on Dragonstone, I can have the Lady Y/n in some place which can be easily reached by you,” she pauses, careful to add what follows, “That is, if she will awaken.”
“She will.” Aemond’s eye snaps straight to hers, burning through. “She must.”
Mysaria merely nods once, before addressing Alicent, “Queen Regent, I trust that our arrangement is to your satisfaction? Now that you know how your son will be transported to Dragonstone under my care, do you still wish to move forward with this plan?”
Alicent takes a deep breath, knowing that no matter what her decision might be, Aemond’s mind is already set in stone. He will get to you, one way or another. Better to do it in the safety of the shadows, away from the malicious notice of the Blacks.
Alicent did not fully trust Mysaria, but she trusted that this Mistress of Whisperers understood, that should she play a hand in harming Aemond, then she would not hesitate in subjecting this waiflike serpent from Lys to the worst torture imaginable.
“If Aemond wishes it, then it shall happen,” Alicent finally says, looking to her son for confirmation. Aemond straightens, before nodding, “I shall await your counsel regarding this journey. I trust that you will get everything done right, won’t you, White Worm?”
There is a vague threat lacing the end of his words, one that does not go unnoticed.
The corner of Mysaria’s mouth lifts in acknowledgement, and she curtsies slowly, before making her leave, her translucent skirts billowing behind her.
A mere moment passes, before Alicent strides closer to her son, and takes both of his hands in hers. “Aemond, this will no doubt be perilous. There is no way of knowing what the Blacks might do should they discover you. Is this truly your desire?”
Two seconds pass, four, five. It is not the first time that Aemond has been on the receiving end of his mother’s worried pleas, and he knows it will not be the last.
Taking a deep breath, and comfortingly squeezing her hands in turn, he only has you on his mind. “Yes,” he finally says, “it is.”
Alicent need not ask why. She assents, “Alright. I trust that everything will go well, and you will return to us afterward.”
The last sentence, she says mostly to herself, in desperate need of reassurance. In hopes that no harm will come to her favoured son.
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
The atmosphere in the room is thick with despair and anticipation. A mixture of strange aromas infiltrate the air, making it hard to breathe.
From one side of the room, Daemon Targaryen’s face scrunches in disgust. And a whole lot of impatience. His fists are clenched on his sides, one foot tapping as the bloody witch continues her work on the seemingly vital concoction.
The Lady Cerrah kneels by the side of your bed, a small cauldron fuming by her side. Her voice comes out in deep, hushed whispers, as she performs the bulk of the spell. Her eyes are shut, and for a task of such importance, she does not seem to give off any sense of worry or agitation.
That fucking witch looks so calm. Daemon paces to another corner of the room. How the fuck can she look so calm with y/n’s very life on the line?
“Daemon,” Rhaenyra beckons to her husband, reaching for his hand, “she will be alright.”
“She best be in perfect health after all this sorcery,” he huffs in response, “otherwise, a certain witch won’t be leaving Dragonstone in the same state in which she arrived.”
Still with her eyes closed, Cerrah calls out, “Make no mistake, my prince. My hearing works just fine. We would not want to distract me from my work, lest it lead to any complication. It would not bode well for the poor Lady y/n here.”
“Our apologies.” Rhaenyra replies, also on behalf of her sulking husband, who continues to irately glare at Cerrah as if she possessed two heads.
“The rest of it, if you please, Maester.” Cerrah says, and Maester Gerardys walks forward and places a wide silver platter beside the cauldron.
Cerrah studies the contents, her fingers drifting over them as if feeling for a pulse. She takes a handful of charred wormwood and drops it in the cauldron. Next, she takes the sliver of dragonscale, retrieved from the hide of a slumbering Fyraxes, and it follows suit. The mixture hisses and bubbles as a result, the fumes growing ever stronger and more pungent.
“Āeksiot ĆŒĂ±o, gĆ«rogon ƍregon hen zirÈłla prĆ«mia.  Āeksiot ĆŒĂ±o, gĆ«rogon ƍregon hen zirÈłla ñelly.  Āeksiot ĆŒĂ±o, gĆ«rogon ƍregon hen zirÈłla ābrar.” Cerrah’s chanting increases in intensity, her tone sounding harsher, the words muddling over one another like a single drawn out command.
A cold, biting gust blows inside the chambers, causing the shivers to erupt on the skin of its occupants. The flames of several candles flicker then die out.
Rhaenyra’s hand tightens around Daemon’s, as she senses his distress resurfacing.
Cerrah lifts the chalice of young goat’s blood from the platter, and pours it in the cauldron, which suddenly begins to expel a bright, blue flame. It rises several feet high, the resulting heat so searing that it warms the entirety of the chambers.
Maester Gerardys and his two attendants have to wipe at their foreheads to keep beads of sweat from entering their eyes. But the Targaryens stand still, unperturbed by the blazing heat. The blood of the dragon rings true.  Queen Rhaenyra’s violet eyes mirror the flames in their vibrance, fierce and unblinking.
“Āeksiot ĆŒĂ±o, gĆ«rogon ƍregon hen zirÈłla prĆ«mia.  Āeksiot ĆŒĂ±o, gĆ«rogon ƍregon hen zirÈłla ñelly.  Āeksiot ĆŒĂ±o, gĆ«rogon ƍregon hen zirÈłla ābrar.” The words echo again and again, as Cerrah lowers her fingers into the cauldron, her face struggling to mask the pain it brings. Her fingers come out stained, and she stands, relentless in her chanting. She drags the potion from your hairline to the tip of your nose, painting your skin deep red, the colour of the god R’hllor.
Cerrah’s words wash over you, prayers to her high beloved. “Lord of Light,” she pleads, “take hold of her heart.” The ritual is centered on the healing of your heart, as it had been the target of Alys Rivers. Your heart had to cease, to symbolically be set in stone, so that it will not yearn to be united with its other half. The very one belonging to Prince Aemond.
Love has been the catalyst of all this pain, and only love can bring you back. The Lady Alys never would have set her tainted sights on you, had not been the keeper of Aemond’s heart.
As you still are. As you will always remain.
“Āeksiot ĆŒĂ±o,” Cerrah rasps, passion punctuating her every word, “gĆ«rogon zirÈłla prĆ«mia lenton.”
The flame in the cauldron disappears, as does all the flickering candlelight around the room. Everything is enveloped in shadow, with only the pale moonlight peering through the shutters.
All is silent, save for Cerrah’s hushed whispers.
A long moment passes, until Daemon’s growl breaks the stillness, “Why will she not awaken? This procedure has taken up nearly the entirety of a fucking hour.”
“Daemon,” Rhaenyra chastises, “perhaps you should wait outside.”
Daemon sulks, lowering his head, “No. I want to be here when she awakens.”
Rhaenyra comfortingly strokes his back, almost amused at his disposition, “Very well then.” She understands his qualms over the situation, over the notion of entrusting your wellbeing to this strange priestess. But they were at their wits’ end. They needed you back, hale and healthy.
Cerrah’s chanting stops abruptly. She lays a hand atop your nightgown, just above your heart.
“Is something the matter?” Daemon asks.
“There is
 something missing.” Cerrah sighs. “I can feel the Lord calling out to me in return, but he cannot fully take a hold of myself and the Lady Y/n. It does not seem as if he can heed my plea due to a missing piece.”
“What piece, my lady?” Rhaenyra questions, growing nervous.
“A piece of her heart.” Cerrah breathes. “I need a piece of her heart.”
“You’re bloody demented, witch, if you think I will allow you to cut her open like some fucking boar.” Daemon strides forward without much thought, allowing his emotions to overcome him.
“Daemon, don’t - ” Rhaenyra tries but her words fall to deaf ears.
“You said you would bring her back to us,” Daemon grabs Cerrah’s shoulders, gripping tightly, “so, bring her back.”
“I said I would try, Prince Daemon.” Cerrah meets Daemon’s eyes unwaveringly, unperturbed by his anger. “I just need a piece of her heart. Not in the literal sense, mind you. If only you would give me a chance to explain myself first.”
Daemon releases her, stepping back, “You are in no position to reprimand me, my lady.” He adds the title mockingly. “Tell us what you need.”
“I can’t be certain about the object,” Cerrah muses, addressing everyone in the room, “but I need something that she owns, or something that was given to her out of love. A piece of her heart. Something laced with love. True love. Yes
 yes, that is what we need.”
“Laced with love,” Rhaenyra whispers, something coming to mind.
Maester Gerardys looks perplexed, unable to come up with an answer. Daemon looks around, his eyes landing on your sword resting on the mantle, “What about her sword? She has fought with it since her youth. Surely it holds a special place in her heart.”
“That may not be enough.” Cerrah shrugs.
“Wait,” Rhaenyra says, before walking over to the round desk in the middle of your chambers. On top of it rests the boxes sent many days prior, the ones containing gillyflower from your own secret field. A thin layer of dust is displaced as Rhaenyra lifts the lid of one, revealing the remnants of wilting gillyflower inside.
She takes them gently, careful not to crumble the fragile flowers in her palm.                                                                                                   
“Laced with love,” she declares, meeting Cerrah’s eyes across the room. The priestess only nods in understanding. She does ask any questions. She can feel it, feel that the dull flowers in the Queen’s palm hold something more vivid that anything else in the room.
It is, in essence, a piece of a heart. From your Aemond, for you.
“It will not work.” Daemon grumbles, gripping Rhaenyra’s wrist as she approaches Cerrah, “Look at y/n. How can that one-eyed idiot claim to love her after having caused this.”
“We have no other choice, Daemon.” Rhaenyra shakes out of Daemon’s hold, and extends her palm to Cerrah, surrendering the gillyflower.
In one swift motion, Cerrah lowers the gillyflower in the cauldron. She resumes her chanting, her confidence renewed, “GĆ«rogon bisa jiƍragon.  Iā piece hen zirÈłla prĆ«mia.  Iā object hen drēje jorrāelagon. Dovaogēdy, mijegon sÈłndror, vok.”  Take this offering. A piece of her heart. An object of true love. Unsullied. Without the strain of darkness. Pure.
She dips her fingers once more in the deep red mixture, and flits them over your lips. With your mouth now stained crimson, the flame reignites in the cauldron.
From the shadows, your spirit awakens. You faintly hear an unfamiliar voice, a woman calling out to you from the void. You sense a light, glowing in the periphery.
“IvestragÄ« jorrāelagon jemagon se ñuhoso.” Let love lead the way, you hear the voice again.
You gather your strength, aching to find home in your body once more. Struggling against the haze that confines you to weightlessness, disconnecting you from reality, you will yourself to return.
For the final time, the flame dies in the cauldron. The room is neither warm, nor cold. Everything becomes still. Quiet.
All at once, your crimson-stained lips part, panting for air. Your fingers curl at your nightgown, seeking to feel something again, anything.
Nobody can attempt to conceal their amazement.
“Gods be good,” Maester Gerardys gasps in awe.
“God,” Cerrah haughtily corrects, all the more feeling that she has a right to, as she gazes upon the result of her work.
“Silence.” Daemon commands, as he walks over to your bedside, “Y/n?”
At the height of the hour of the owl, nearly a fortnight after being cast in the shadows by Alys Rivers, the Lady Y/n finds her way back to the light. To the living world filled with suffering and bliss. Of hatred and desire.
Ultimately aided by Aemond Targaryen’s love, you had been coaxed out of the darkness.
In the caves underneath the castle in Dragonstone, one particular dragon shakes back into consciousness.  A deep, resounding growl builds in Fyraxes’ chest, threatening to escape.
When it does, it reaches even the farthest corner of the island.
Finally, you open your eyes.
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
Your muscles ache as you reorient yourself with movement, leaning against the windowsill. The cool morning air is nothing but a welcome sensation, and you cannot resist taking deep breaths of it, the smell of the sea creeping up your nostrils. Rolling out your neck, you let out a faint groan.
“You should rest, y/n. The maester has advised you from engaging in strenuous activity of any kind.” Rhaenyra suggests. She and Daemon have steadily kept you company since you had awoken, themselves forsaking the comforts of slumber.
“I’d wager that the maester prefers me to not make any movement at all,” you jest, walking over to the table, and sitting down slowly. You take another plum from the plate brought over by your lady-in-waiting, and devour it eagerly, juices flowing down to your chin.
“Easy there, y/n,” Daemon chuckles, “or you might just exhaust Dragonstone’s supply of fruit.”
The doors open, and in enters Jacaerys, a relieved expression on his face.
“Y/n,” he rushes over to you, and squeezes you with both arms, “don’t you ever do that to us again.”
“Alright,” you smile, “I’ll try not to be put under some inexplicable curse. What a burden it turned out to be.”
“Right,” Jace nearly punches your shoulder in jest, but catches himself at the last second, “I am glad you are finally awake.”
“Jacaerys,” Daemon says, “why don’t you arrange for Fyraxes to be taken at the eastern coast, somewhere close to the docks, so that y/n might reunite with her dragon as well as enjoy the morning sunlight.”
Your face lights up at the thought, “She is okay? I would love to see her again.”
“Of course,” Jace nods in agreement, before quickly planting a kiss on your cheek, “leave it to me. Y/n here could benefit from a bit of fresh air. Besides,” he winks at you, “you kind of reek of stale sheets and sweat. The outdoors should do you a world of good.”
A hearty laugh escapes your lips, the first one after a very long while.
“You arse,” you call out to Jace’s retreating back.
“You mean, royal arse.” He counters lightly, humour lacing his tone. He politely nods to his sires, before leaving the chambers.
It is not long after his departure before Rhaenyra decides to address the low hanging question, “Perhaps we should talk about this
 curse that you were dealt. A grievous harm had befallen you, and by extension, us. Rest assured that the one behind this assault will be put to justice.”
“I trust that you have some inkling as to who possesses the ability and the motivation to harm you, y/n.” Daemon adds, looking out the window in thought.
Rhaenyra says, “We have determined that it had been the work of a priestess - ”
“A demented witch.” Daemon interjects, sneering.
Rhaenyra takes a deep breath, before continuing, “It was a priestess of R’hllor who did this to you. The consensus seems to be that it may have been Alys Rivers, Aemond’s apparent consort. Well, at least she was. Word has reached us that the wedding has been called off, by none other than Aemond himself.”
So, he has followed through on his word. You straighten, letting the news settle over you. They are not to be wed, but what does this entail? He did mention something about keeping her in his employ.
“And if it is that wretch who placed a curse upon you, then it must have been at the behest of her master.” Daemon determinedly says, not a trace of doubt in his mind.
You feel empty. In the literal sense, as you had not been able to consume anything for too long, before this morning. Your head feels light and floaty, like you are a newborn babe finding her bearings.
But it is another matter entirely, the way that possibility makes you feel hollow inside. That Aemond may have been behind this ploy. That he had tricked you, and is not to be trusted.
“He couldn’t.” your voice comes out weak, tinged with doubt, “He would never do this to me.”
“I must admit that I feel inclined to agree with you, as it was the gillyflower sent by him that rendered the ritual effective. We needed something given out of love, and it worked.” Rhaenyra reaches for your hand, “However, it might be best if you do not see him. Even if he did not play a hand in the curse, as you believe, he could still lead Alys to you.”
You shut your eyes, leaning back against your seat. Nodding your head once, you attempt a smile at Rhaenyra, but it does not reach your eyes, “I wish to see Fyraxes.”
“Of course,” Rhaenyra stands, “I shall fetch someone to escort you.”
“No need,” Daemon says, “you’ll find Ser Erryk waiting outside. I had anticipated your desire to see your dragon, y/n, and I have already alerted the knight to keep a close eye on you.”
Rhaenyra pauses, this knowledge not having been shared with her, but she lets it pass. After all, Daemon truly cares about you, and would only be attending to your needs, especially in your fragile state.
“Thank you, Daemon.” You take his arm as he escorts you out of the room at a sluggish pace, your body still lacking its former vigour.
You hope that seeing Fyraxes might keep any thought of Aemond at bay, even though you already know that it will be for naught. Sooner rather than later, he will find his way back to your mind. To your heart.
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
The waves have been harsh and unrelenting, the wind threatening to make Aemond’s hood fall to his shoulders. He kept a tight grip on his cloak, as he sat in the quarterdeck of the hunkering supply ship. His royal garb has been exchanged for commoner’s clothing. All measures had to be taken to conceal his true identity.
The White Worm’s supposed whisperers were a pair of fishermen, regular workers on the ship, responsible for gathering the greater part of their freshwater fish reserves. They had stood to the side, always a few feet from the Prince, should any trouble come up.
But fortunately, it did not. The long journey from King’s Landing to Dragonstone remained uneventful. 
The ship had docked nearly half an hour ago, and the two fishermen led Aemond further onto the island. The small group had only been walking for a quarter of a mile, before one of the men turns to address Aemond, “Continue down this path,” he gestures forward, “for just a good few minutes, my prince. Then you will find what you came for.”
Aemond looks to where the man is pointing, seeing nothing but the same jagged rocks. There is no path. This might as well be a fucking ambush.
The taller of the men notices the prince’s hesitation. “Head down this way, Prince Aemond. It is understandable if you think that your trust is misplaced in us, but know that the White Worm does not turn back on her word.”
Aemond turns away in contemplation, watching as the waves slam against the eastern edge of Dragonstone.
“Hmm.” What other choice does he have, if he wishes to reach you?
Mindfully keeping his hand on the dagger by his belt, he marches forward, tilting his head in acknowledgement to both men as he passes them by.
Aemond is only partially giving mind to any potential threat, his focus unconsciously straying back to you. He is not even certain of what he will find as he walks further, but he wants only one thing.
To see you again. He holds on to the hope that whatever ritual conducted has been successful, and that you are free from the clutches of  Alys’ spell.
That is the one thing that can set things right. The very thing keeping his sanity intact.
You are the final strand of light keeping Aemond from completely yielding himself into darkness. 
Not too far away, Fyraxes stretches on a clearing amongst the rocks. Your hands glide over her scales, the feeling of her immediately making you at ease. She groans in satisfaction, mirroring your relief.
Your brow furrows as you notice her tense abruptly, craning her long neck to the side, seemingly sensing a new arrival.
“Skoros iksis pirta?” What’s wrong?
Leaning against her, you can’t help but brace yourself against danger. Dragonstone might be a steadfast fort, easily defensible against explicit attacks, but you now know better than to underestimate the reach of dark magic.
Fryaxes groans, not one of displeasure or alarm, but rather, recognition. Familiarity. A call you knew all too well. Whomever she sees coming is far from an enemy. Could it be Daemon? Rhaenyra? Surely it cannot be Ser Erryk, who has just taken leave to allow you some time alone with Fyraxes.
You take a few steps toward the direction she watches in anticipation, the faint sound of rapid footfall reaching your ears. You think to call out to ask who goes there, but the words never leave you. You see him.
Aemond comes into view, and your knees almost buckle from underneath you, your body seemingly remembering how delicate it has become.
His familiar shapely lips are parted in amazement, taking you in. Reaching up, he lowers his cloak, his silver hair a stark contrast to the dark cloth.
“Aemond,” is all you can say. And that was all it took. Aemond’s legs move on their volition, drawn to the sound of your voice. He pauses right in front of you, his hand reaching to caress your face, and you cannot find the strength to protest. You are not certain that you even want to. Whatever peril he might pose, your skin still yearns for his touch.
His hands gently hold either side of your face. He notices how you appear slightly gaunt, frailer, and it torments him. Immediately, he is compelled to punish the woman who caused you to be this way.
But for now, he relishes in the elation that only you can bring him. 
“Y/n,” he whispers, his voice breaking. Carefully, as if fearing that you might break against him, he presses his forehead to yours. 
“Aemond,” you say, stronger this time. A hundred questions threaten to spill from your lips, but you reel them in, save for just one. “What are you doing here?”
He laughs in disbelief, shaking his head. “What am I doing here?” He repeats, making it sound like the answer is supposed to be the most obvious thing in all the realm.
“What am I doing here?” he scoffs, repeating the question yet again, and right away, you know. 
“Avy jorrāelan,” Aemond says, quelling whatever worry remains in you, “That is why.”
I love you. Of course. It truly is the most obvious thing in all the realm.
Your lips meet, finding home in each other once more.
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
In another part of the sprawling castle, a clandestine meeting takes place. At the bottom of a turnpike stair, at the end of the long and narrow hallway, there lies a room cloaked in shadow.
Three individuals stand inside, only able to speak freely to one another in this very room. At least, when it concerns Aemond Targaryen
 and you.
“Has he reached the island?” The mastermind speaks. Who else can it be but the Rogue Prince himself?
Mysaria replies, “Indeed he has. He is convening with Lady Y/n as we speak. Everything is unfolding according to your plan, my prince.”
Daemon sneers, “Very good.” He turns to the other person in the room, “And you made certain that the Queen remains unaware of what transpires?”
“Queen Rhaenyra does not know that Prince Aemond is on Dragonstone, my prince.” Ser Erryk affirms. “I swore fealty to the Queen, and as you said, this plan is solely carried out in her best interest. I will not turn my back on this.”
Daemon’s pride swells. Soon enough, his beloved nephew will atone for his crimes.
And the rest of the Greens shall fall.
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So who suspected that Daemon may be up to his usual serving of chaos? Alys Rivers will still play her role, but the more realistic threat to yours and Aemond's romance will be our very own uncle-daddy. You guys seriously didn't think that he would just everything slide, did you?
Wow did this take so long to post!?!?! I still don't think that long of a wait was worth it, and I'll try my hardest to get the next part done sooner :)
Thank you thank you to all of you who follow this series, routinely flooding my inbox with requests for the next part when I take too long. đŸ–€ Hehe yous are aces.
Apologies if I missed anyone on the taglist - it has gotten all too long (which is a good thing, after all) but I suck at organizing it, so I hope this post finds you well if I failed to tag you. đŸ€
Series taglist: @crazylokonugget @xinyourdreamsx @raging-panda @zelzablues @whitejuliana1204 @caught-in-the-afterglow @a-demon-daughter @meilikki @carlottalhn @aemondswh0re @afro-hispwriter @xcinnamonmalfoyx @ietss @writer-lee5 @solacestyles @noneedtosearch @umavvitch @abcdefghi-lmnopqrstuvwxyz @inpraizeof @evye47 @kellzlib @janelongxox @daydreamerblues @hearmeout-inc @marrianena @poisonedsultana @lithebunnyq @nushy @foras @thesheelfsworld @abcrosia @anangelwhodidntfall @kyrieshoka @katefullerrr @gxthicwxrm @bluscryn @lwqfhp @vampxra @jd-johndeacon-or-jackdaniels @justsumtuffstuff @verycollectivecreator @chiyausu @mistalli @buttercupstrand @cullenswife @blacpiink @darylandbethfanforever9 @pockcock @alexayoonlee (continued in comments)
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jassy2uall · 2 years
the aftermath
Aemond Targaryen x f!Reader
part four of the prƫmia va perzys (heart on fire) series
part one: don't you love me? - part two: and what of your love? - part three: the flames that divide
themes: injury, violence (choking/assault), language, dragonrider!reader (her house is not stated)
word count: 3.7 â–Ș masterlist
The reader is left comatose after the curse inflicted by Alys Rivers. Daemon and the rest of the Blacks are determined to set things right. Aemond finally learns of what happened, and makes sure that the guilty pays the price.
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The gillyflower lies on the round desk in the middle of your chambers.
It has been three days since its arrival, and devoid of the solace of its earth, it has inevitably began to wilt.
Rhaenyra had been the one to pull it from the box in which it arrived, for its intended recipient lies unconscious on the bed. She comes back to check on you each day, opening the windows to let the morning air in. The ladies-in-waiting tend to you, running warm cloth over your face and body, cleaning and replacing the healing ointment on your injuries.
It has been nearly a week since the tragic incident, which still remains unexplained by everyone. You had sustained treatable injuries, including a broken leg and wrist, but you were also left comatose, after hitting your head in the fall. Thankfully, in a desperate effort by your dragon Fyraxes, the blow was softened as she did her best to minimize the impact in her final moments. She is afflicted with a similar condition, yet to wake again, just like you.
The door to your chambers flies open, and in enters Daemon followed by the maester. He has also been a steady visitor, making sure that all measures are taken toward your recovery. He had been the one to take you back to Dragonstone on Caraxes. Jace stayed behind with Vermax in Horn Hill to watch over Fyraxes, awaiting Baela on Moondancer to help carry her back on makeshift mesh netting.
Daemon’s rough hands carry an ebony box, and he need not open it to determine its contents. It’s the usual one, sent by your lover. He sets it down on the desk. It is left adjacent to the one previously sent, the contents of which have already grown much fainter in vibrance.
Gillyflower. Yet again. In its usual shades of red and violet. A secret call, another attempt to coax you back into his arms.
He knew nothing of what happened. If he did, it would only be reasonable to assume that Alys Rivers would take the brunt of his wrath.
If Aemond only knew, then there is nothing in this world that he wouldn’t burn to reach you.
Daemon’s low spirits intensify as he observes you, lying supine and unmoving in the room. He hates not understanding your affliction. This never should have happened; something clearly isn’t right. Both you and Fyraxes showed no sign of any ailment prior to the incident, and nothing could have overtaken you that quickly. You were laughing one second, and gone to the world the next.
He is determined to see this right. Daemon needed you to be well, as he’s grown to see you as a kind of younger sister, someone he would protect at all costs. And he couldn’t. He couldn’t even fucking fly his dragon fast enough to save you from the fall.
“Well?” Daemon irately questions the maester who looks over you, yet again, “you wanted to say something? Speak it plainly, then. If you have any idea at all as to how we can help her, hold nothing back or I will make sure you regret it.”
“My prince, it is hard to say-”
“Say it.”
“It is only a matter of possibility. A mere assumption. I, myself, do not claim to have any determinate method to confirm this, but the lady y/n may have been targeted with dark magic.”
Daemon pauses, not expecting those words from the maester. Dark magic? “Do make it clear how exactly you arrived at this assumption.”
“Well, if I may show you,” the master lifts your hand, palm upwards, beckoning to Daemon, “if one has been targeted by a spell or an incantation of sorts, it tends to leave a mark.” He traces the lines on your palm, “As you can see, the creases on her palm have been tinged with a shade of maroon. It is almost hard to distinguish, unless studied closely.”
Daemon lowers his head to detect the traces of this on your palm, as the maester continues, “There are records of similar traces from victims of such witchcraft in our histories. One being a lord who was seemingly branded with a murky red contusion on his back, and another lady whose iris morphed into a similar colour. A telltale sign of the work of someone who practices the religion of R’hllor. A disgrace to the one, true religion of the Seven, if I do say so mys-”
Daemon straightens, a fit of rage starting to resurface, "This must be the work of someone from the fucking Greens. It has to be. We must question any known priest or priestess from this Red religion. Anyone who might have any idea about the doings of these bloody witches," his lips curl in distaste, "Immediately."
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Aemond sits at the edge of the bed. The very same one that you shared nearly a fortnight ago. In this familiar cabin, in your secret field, he waits. He has been waiting for several hours, as he had waited several days ago.
And yet, you are nowhere to be seen.
The gillyflower must have reached you. He made sure that it would not be intercepted on its way to Dragonstone. It must have arrived in your chambers, for your immediate notice.
So where are you? When you did not arrive several days prior, Aemond tried to let it pass. You must have been preoccupied with other pressing matters. You are a trusted ally in the Black Council, after all, with your own duties to fulfill.
But again, you have yet to make your presence known. You have yet to come home to Aemond’s arms, where you belong. He tries not to worry, not to let it get to his head. Perhaps, it’s the same case. You must be occupied, or sent on an envoy to one of your allies. There must be a reason that would justify your absence. Surely, you would not choose to simply ignore him, ignore the constant arrival of gillyflower to your chambers.
He lets his fingers drift across the sheets, going over the memory of the both of you entangled in them. It’s been too long, and he’s just gotten you back. There is no way in seven hells that he would let another separation linger between you and him.
Perhaps it’s time to leave. His entire being pulls him toward staying in the cabin, perhaps just a little while longer. Just another minute, or another hour even. Maybe then, maybe you

Out in the hills, Vhagar huffs impatiently. She feels distraught, struggling to maintain a sense of calm, mirroring her rider’s exact sentiments. Vhagar and Aemond have always been attuned to each other in this way, which has also led to the largest dragon’s affinity for you. She watches Aemond walking back to her, stone-faced and looking downcast. He certainly did not get what he came for. Silently, he clambers up onto Vhagar, and sits back, assessing the field and the skies. Trying to catch a glimpse of your arrival. Anything at all. Even a raven that holds a letter to explain your absence.
He's not certain how much more time passes, as he sits atop Vhagar. The dragon shuffles slightly, pulling him out of his thoughts. In a huff, he makes a split decision, voice sounding agitated, “IvestragÄ«'s jikagon. Sƍvegon.” Let’s go. Fly.
The field is enveloped in a massive gust of wind, grass and gillyflower whipped about in flourish. Gravel and dirt are spread out from where Vhagar took off. Back in the cabin, candles are left lit around the room, casting a warm glow in the emptiness. The entire place - the field, the cabin, the skies above – seems to have lost its wonder, its defining spark, without the star-crossed lovers who have made it their home.
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Rhaenyra Targaryen’s sworn knights escort a woman into the great, looming hall in Dragonstone. The elderly woman walks with dignity, her head held high, her modest red dress billowing slightly as she strides. The queen and Prince Daemon finally take notice of her, as the maester walks forward to announce her arrival.
“My Queen, my Prince, might I present the Lady Cerrah. She hails from Essos, but she currently resides in the Riverlands, in the employ of our ally, House Tully.”
“They have a fucking witch in their employ?” Daemon doesn’t mince his words, as always, eager to get on with the interrogation.
“My queen,” she bows her head in obeisance, before adding in response, “I am a respected healer in House Tully, Prince Daemon, and I do not appreciate your tone.”
Rhaenyra gives her consort a sideward look, advising him to take caution, “We welcome you to Dragonstone, Lady Cerrah. I suppose you have been informed of why you have been summoned?”
“Summoned?” The lady’s voice is shrill, disbelieving, “I was plucked out of my chambers in the middle of the night and dragged out here in a pathetic carriage-”
“You should consider yourself fortunate that you weren’t put in chains, witch.” Daemon snaps, “This is a matter of urgency, so the sooner you answer our questions, the sooner we can be rid of each other’s presence.”
Lady Cerrah doesn’t recoil at Daemon’s tone, already accustomed to men approaching her in a brutish manner, without any effort made to hide their prejudice. “The maester has already informed me of the Lady Y/n’s condition, and I’m afraid he is not mistaken. This is the work of a priestess, and quite the powerful one, might I add.”
Rhaenyra proceeds in a practiced, diplomatic manner, “We have reason to suspect that this might be the work of someone from the Greens. Perhaps they too, have a priestess such as you, my lady, in their company.”
The priestess does not appreciate having to be a mere tool, her religion clearly viewed as lesser by these nobles, “And? What do you require of me? The name of everyone who might potentially be a priestess who sided with the Greens?”
“Just one name would suffice. The name of the cunt who put a curse of Lady Y/n and her dragon,” Daemon fiercely says, matching Lady Cerrah’s derision, “Whoever they are, they’re likely to be under the command of the Hightowers, or any of the traitors in King’s Landing.”
Rhaenyra interjects, “Daemon, we can’t be certain-” but her husband does not cease his tirade.
“It must be. Do you know of any priest or priestess who may currently be in King’s Landing?”
“We followers of the Lord of Light know better than to be under the direct control of any of you Targaryens,” Lady Cerrah sneers, “You only seek to bring about the downfall of the Seven Kingdoms, simply because you wage war amongst yourselves.”
Just before Daemon angrily speaks up, Rhaenyra is quick to implore, in a comparably calmer tone, “I do not wish to antagonize you, my lady, and if you felt as if you were not properly treated as you were brought here, then I offer my apology.  But the Lady Y/n is quite dear to me, and to all of us. She is more than just an ally; she is my family.” At that, Daemon can’t help but sullenly nod in agreement. Rhaenyra continues, “If you know of anyone who might be rightfully suspected of harming her, then speak their name.”
Despite Lady Cerrah’s resistance, the queen’s genuine sincerity was something she could not ignore. She speaks again, her voice softer, “In King’s Landing, you say? Well, I suppose there is someone who is close enough to the royals, that it is likely her faith is being utilized to their advantage,” she pauses, making up her mind, “You must have heard of Alys Rivers. The consort
well, former consort of Prince Aemond Targaryen. She is the daughter of a devout follower of the Lord of Light, a true priestess who devoted her life to the faith. I came across her mother several times in our youth, before she was impregnated by the late Lord Strong.”
Daemon’s blood runs cold. He mouths slowly, “Alys Rivers is a fucking witch.” If she had anything to do with this, then it must only be at the behest of his nephew, and Daemon knowingly let you go to him. I let her go to him, to that fucking traitor, and now she lies unconscious, her fate uncertain.
Rhaenyra and Daemon share a knowing look, both aware of your history with Prince Aemond.
“Thank you, my lady,” Rhaenyra says, “That will be all for now. You will be given your own chambers during your stay here. Clear the room,” she hurriedly commands her loyal knights.
Before she is ushered away, the priestess adds, moved by the queen’s grace, “My queen, I wish to express my regret for what happened to the Lady Y/n. I shall look over my texts, and see if there is anything I can do.”
The room has just been emptied, before Daemon angrily speaks, "That one-eyed cunt shall pay for what he's done to her. He clearly has not learned his lesson after-"
Rhaenyra stops him with a single look, and Daemon knows better than to bring up the subject of her second son.
"If this is all Prince Aemond's doing, then why does he persist in sending gillyflower to her, in hopes that she might meet him? It does not seem like he's aware of her condition."
"It must be a trap," Daemon asserts, "or a diversion. To make it look like he's innocent in all this-"
"Daemon, you said so yourself that you believe them to truly care for one another. This is why you let her go to him. If that is true, then Aemond would not have done this."
"Well, perhaps I thought wrong," Daemon hissed, "If Alys Rivers is a priestess, then her connection with Aemond would deem her most likely guilty of the fucking curse our Y/n was put under."
Rhaenyra reaches for Daemon's hand, attempting to ease his agitation, "She will make it through this, Daemon. She's a fighter, always has been."
"I know she will," Daemon mutters, "but Alys Rivers must be dealt with, and I know just the way to see this done."
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Aemond absentmindedly plays with the sapphire-blue stone ball in the symbolic round dish set before him. His mind is elsewhere, fixated on you. The other members of the Green Council drawl on, and his mother Alicent’s expression grows dimmer as she sits at the head of the table. The proclaimed King himself is once again absent from the council meeting, no longer a surprise to anyone, for it was always clear that the Hightowers have been the ones to maneuver the plans of war. Figureheads in the shadows who are actually running the Seven Kingdoms.
Ser Tyland Lannister drawls on about the need for more resources in some battle, which of course, Casterly Rock would be more than happy to provide. Not unusual of their House which constantly leeches off of the power of the Iron Throne, through favours and self-serving flattery. Tyland poorly hides his annoyance when  Jasper Wylde interrupts, who claims to have good news from the Greens’ network of spies.
“Word has reached us that a very important player in this game for the Blacks has suffered a grave injury. As luck would have it, her dragon is in the same condition. The Lady Y/n is rumoured to be lying unconscious, and it is uncertain whether she will ever wake.”
Aemond freezes completely. His stomach twists and a sense of nausea threatens him, his eyes widening in shock. Rage quickly follows, when he replays what Jasper has just reported, his increasingly grating voice a mere echo in the background.

 suffered a grave injury
 rumoured to be lying unconscious
 It is uncertain whether she will ever wake.
“Wonderful news, dare I say!” the bumbling Lannister exclaims, unaware of the inner turmoil about to be unleashed from the Targaryen prince across the table, “And she rides one of their largest dragons, doesn’t she? A true loss for the Blacks, so this should
Alicent grows aware of her son’s distress, of his fist turning bone-white, tightening around the blue stone ball, “Aemond,” she implores, “Aemond, don’t-”
Tyland Lannister drones on, “
be a cause for celebration. But we should also make haste in considering our next-”
Gasps erupt around the table. Silence falls. Tyland Lannister’s speech was effectively halted by the same symbolic sphere, that shining blue implement, hurled from Aemond’s fist to his mouth.
The council members look from their prince to the Lannister, who stands in shock. His quivering hand covers his mouth, but blood has already begun to seep through his fingers. He makes a gurgling noise, and keels over, spitting a heavy clod of blood and several of his teeth on the stone floor.
“Fuck!” Tyland yells, muffled by the damage done, “You
you utter cunt
“Careful how you address your prince, Ser,” Ser Criston threatens from the side of the room.
Aemond stands tall, dominating the room with his silent, burning wrath. Lips tightened, jaw tense, fists curled at his sides. The very image of a dragon prepared to bring about destruction with his fire. He makes no move to excuse his action, and does not offer any semblance of an apology, both in word and in his expression.
Alicent is quick to act, fearing further escalation into violence, especially due to her son. “My lords, I must declare this council meeting over. We shall discuss any proceedings on the morrow.”
“What of
 of what’s been done to me?” Tyland wheezes, blood still spilling from his lips, “I demand justice!”
Aemond’s head whips to him in a fury, “Justice would warrant that I have your head mounted on a spike, for levying insults against my-” He pauses. My love? My consort? My... my life.
The air is thick with anticipation and intrigue. The intrusive thought of Prince Aemond and Lady Y/n settle uncomfortably within their minds.
“Ser Criston, see everyone out,” Alicent instructs, “and have the maester see to Ser Tyland straight away.” Everyone shuffles out of the room, apart from Alicent and her son. She takes one of his fists, squeezing it gently between her palms, beseeching him to meet her gaze.
“Speak to me, Aemond,” Alicent pleads, “Why have you acted in such a way? You swore to me that you would never let your anger take over you again. Do you still care for the Lady Y/n?”
“Mother, I-” Aemond whispers, words failing him, “I
” He sits back down, leaning forward on one arm to steady himself. His hand is still curled tight, fingernails digging into his palm. Alicent sits beside him, pulling his fist close. Prying it open, she is saddened to see familiar, bloody crescent marks on his palm, from where his nails dug too deep. A memory flashes across her eyes, a sensation from her long lost youth, her hands defaced in the very same way. Of her own doing. And now her son has to suffer the same, and whatever pains have led him to this, she only wishes to take it away.
“Was this our doing?” Aemond says lowly, “Was this an attack orchestrated by our allies? I must know who dared harm Y/n.”
“I am not certain of this at present, Aemond. However, I will have Ser Criston report every detail he can collect about this incident. Rest assured, you will have your answers.”
Aemond envisions you, hurt, and he feels powerless to do anything to remedy it. His chest tightens with a pain he is sure he has not felt in a long time, not since he lost you the first time. Now, he could lose you for good. He refuses to entertain that possibility; he fears the monster he will become if that ever came to be.
He forces to himself to nod to his mother in acknowledgement, before striding out of the council room, every step he takes bears heavy. He was never a devout man, only playing the part of the dutiful son who upholds his mother’s beliefs. But a prayer repeatedly races through his mind. By the old gods and the new, let her be well. Let her recover completely. Let her return to me.
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Aemond walks the halls determinedly in apparent calm. His face does not betray what simmers within. After Ser Criston Cole left his chambers, having reported everything he had gathered about your condition, Aemond sat transfixed by the flames. The amber flickers drew him back to one dark-haired bastard girl. The one who worships these flames. That witch.
It had been her. She was the one whom the Blacks have apparently determined as the likely cause. Aemond can’t help but concur. You had been allegedly been afflicted with a curse, the doing of someone who practices the religion of R’hllor. And who else would have reason to target you? Who better to suspect that his scorned former consort.
The door to Alys Rivers’ meagre chambers flies open. She had been sitting in front her mirror, running a comb over her long tresses, when she felt a cold gust of air from behind. She turns, finding her the object of her fixation. The one-eyed prince, the love that had been promised to her by the Lord of Light. She was sure, he was meant to be hers.
She stands, excitedly at first, until she manages to observe him entirely. His entire demeanour is dark and menacing, his regal, austere face taking on a cruel edge.
“My Aemond,” she tentatively whispers, her hands reaching out to touch him. She lightly grips the sleeves of his tunic, but he remains unmoving. A long, torturous moment passes.
Then Aemond snaps, springing into movement, too quick for Alys to comprehend. His fingers tighten around her neck, cutting off any air in her windpipe. His fingernails dig into her skin, and her eyes widen alarmingly, begging him to cease his assault.
His seemingly dead eyes look right through her, numb to her pain. For once, the witch’s heart is stricken with fear caused by her true love. She can barely recognize the man in front of her.  
“Ae..mond,” a desperate croak, her slender hands scrambling and failing to urge him to release her neck.
Aemond finally speaks, voice dripping with menace, “What the fuck have you done?”
Sorry that you did not make an appearance in this chapter, dear reader. 🙃 I wanted to emphasize the gravity of the situation, and we simply can't have you just gallivanting around right away, if you're meant to have suffered a great blow from your nemesis, now can we?
I hoped yous understand the reference to the symbolic stone balls used during council meetings. No, Aemond does not have a blue ball he just brings around and plays with. (Lol)
And that's right, no smut in this one. This is kind of a filler chapter + you're in a bloody coma so simmer down for a while 😂
What to expect in the next chapter: you'll finally wake, Aemond will attempt to come see you (risking his head because Daemon will surely be out for blood the moment his nephew sets foot on Dragonstone), you might see Aemond in a new light (you'll be more distrusting, because it was his fooling around with that witch that led to your affliction after all) ...
the taglist continues in the comments, I sincerely apologize if I missed anyone. There must be nearly 200 of you that asked to be tagged so it's been insane! (in the best way) thank you all for reading!!! đŸ–€
taglist: @schniiipsel @thelastcitysposts @angel6776 @huntycola @sanguinalia @just-a-harmless-potato-05 @outundertheocean @dazecrea @ladystardvsts @afro-hispwriter @dudfahsn @poohkie90 @cleverzonkwombatsludge @lilostif16 @deeeeexx @nephitis @minicikasworld @livimulati @the-orions-belt @stillinracooncity @lawlerek @missusnora @wickedbutlovely @umavvitch @claudie-080102 @abcdefghi-lmnopqrstuvwxyz @puredicks @crazylokonugget @lj127 @icarusignite @mandyki @darylandbethfanforever9 @highexpectationsgurl @whitejuliana1204 @caught-in-the-afterglow @witchmoon @meilikki @carlottalhn @xcinnamonmalfoyx @writer-lee5 @solacestyles @noneedtosearch @thatawkwardlittlefangirl @vensidia @xinyourdreamsx @mikariell95 @cryztalline @fairaardirascenarios @aemondswh0re
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jassy2uall · 2 years
Aemond x Reader - You Were Always With Me - Chapter 15
Summary: Both you and Aemond have to take care of things.
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A/N : Sorry it’s been a while, I have been trying to come up with a story that is canon close to the lore without spoiling myself. Sorry for book readers!
Summary: He seems Aemond has his mind set on torturing you.
(Part 1 - Part 13/ Part 14 - Part 16)
It has been a restless night.
You were sure that when you finally found sleep, the sun was about to rise. In any case, you now felt more exhausted somehow, as you got up to realise that it was almost noon.
Aemond's promise has been held, none had bothered you, not even the maids to wake you up at the very least. Instead, you had rang the bell in order to call for a platter of food, having not eaten since you had arrived in King's Landing. You were surprised to see cinnamon cake brought to you, smiling at the gesture you knew was from the man who had denied you last night. What was he playing at?
Among the things the maids gave you was several dresses displayed on the bed, having none to yourself as you let most of your possession at Sandstone. You approached the bed to admire them, seeing different shades of green, purple, and blue. You noticed one of the blue ones, feeling attracted to it more than the others. You tried it on, and admired your reflection on the mirror: it suited you. Blue sapphire.
As the maids fulfilled their task around the Prince’s chamber, you were unable to miss the glances they gave you, averting their eyes as soon as you look back at them, ashamed to have stared too long. You realised how odd the situation your were in was.
Your discomfort grew more when you decided to go outside for the first time, the guard that seemed to have been ordered to watch your door since Aemond’s departure had now following you around, not leaving you space for a second as you wandered the castle corridors. You had planned to send a letter, even two to your family seat, unnoticed, your worry for your family was taking all of your thoughts, and you were determined in fixing this. But you were sure that the tall guard in white armour walking behind you would not let you set a foot inside of ravenry, even less send a letter to your family, now considered as the enemy.
You wondered what exactly were Aemond’s orders about you. You were a traitor's daughter after all, the fact that you were even breathing was a miracle to you, and yet you were allowed to leave the solace of your room and wander around, although under surveillance. Did he command that you were to be watched and that your very moves should be reported to him? Were you now a little bird in a cage, doomed to be controlled at will as long as the Greens were alive?
But surveillance was not the worst. You soon noticed that you would have to endure other people’s stares and whispers. As you could not hope to make contact with the exterior due to your close watch, you settled to walk though to corridors of the castle, hoping that the favourite spots you grew to love inside its walls would bring you comfort, remembering the good times. But doing so, you had crossed path with many people, mostly nobles who recognised you right away, and their face indicated that they were stunned at your presence. “So it’s true” you heard them say. You tried to ignore them, but you couldn’t.
You had to hold your head high whilst you heard them whisper onpon your passage, staring at you with judgmental eyes, some didn't even bother keeping their voice low and you could clearly hear how scandalous they found the fact that you were not punished yet because of your father's deeds. You even heard the word Baratheon as you tried to find a quiet space to stay in, to hide. Surely they thought you were the cause of the delay of Cassandra's marriage. And the hard truth, the bitter sweet truth, was that they were right. You felt sick as you desperately try to escape their gossip, the ladies’ stares being the worst.
With only the imposing presence of your guard feet away from you, you found peace in a secluded balcony, admiring the city below you, trying to hide your furious tears from the world.
Aemond sat at the centre of the table, placed between his grandfather and Helaena, presiding.
He watched the sun through the window, wondering if you had awoken, having ordered food to be brought to you as soon as you would make yourself known. He still felt exhausted, the morning has been tiresome to say the least, being consulted for many affairs and involving himself greatly, twice as much than any others about matters that he wanted to take care of. He took his new responsibilities very seriously.
He had requested to eat with his close family, he thought that they finally deserved to hear what he had to say, Aemond having avoided them since his return and not providing any explanation to the them, of the court even. He hoped to sooth their worries and by the same mean, affirm his position as Prince Regent.
His mother said a prayer before the meal, and when the first course was served, silence lasted for a time, as tension could be felt around the table. Only the twins next to Helaena were heard as their giggling filled the room. But the glances his mother and grandfather exchanged was telling him that the twins they would not remain silent for very long. And his mother did not waste time.
"Aemond what is the meaning of this? Why is lady y/n here of all places?" she said, desperation in her voice. "You refused to speak of it yesterday and today also, but you cannot keep pretending that it is of no concern to us, to our clan.”
Aemond cleared his throat, ready to say his piece at last.
"I understand your confusion, so please allow me to
 make some things clear. First, I apologize for my poor behaviour upon the return from the Bay." He paused, rising his gaze momentarily from his fingers to the assembly, before lowering it again, resuming his fidgeting on the table. He wanted to appear as composed as always, showing that everything he did was pondered.
"Second, I do not expect you to understand my reasons for bringing Lady Y/N back here, but I expect all of you to treat her like you always did, as a member of this court.”
Exasperated sighs were heard from the Hightowers at his words, while Helaena seemed to be take a keen interest in her plate.
"Her father is a traitor Aemond.” Otto Hightower spoke in his ever calm voice. “He may not have clearly demonstrated it per say but his allegiance was never in our favour. And I believe you know this, otherwise you would not have send House Vance to retrieve him. Her daughter might be no different.”
Of course he had known where your father’s loyalty lied, for a long time now. But for now, he had to protect your from the consequences of your father’s action. It was all that mattered.
“Lady Y/N is not responsible for her father’s deeds. She had done nothing but to obey him and to that extent-”
“What about the fact that she was to be married and that you decided to do as you pleased? This is an whole other matter.” Otto interrupted. “Because of this, we are now risking the wrath of a Dornish House, and thus it may lead them to take a stand against us, even rallying the Black Qu-"
"You may speak when I am finish talking, Lord Hand."
Aemond's voice was placid, so firm that it made Helaena shiver. Otto closed his mouth in defeat and just stared at his grandson, awaiting for him to continue.
"I am Prince Regent, until my dear brother's health improves. Thus I will take my responsibilities and take care of every threats that may come our way. At all costs."
Alicent face was showing distraught, but she was the first to speak.
"We do not doubt your ability Aemond, only that you seem to take some matters too lightly, specifically regarding the arrangements made for us to be stronger. We had secured a perfect match, a marriage that would grant us the support needed to hold against Rhaenyra, the Baratheons-"
"This marriage will not happen." Aemond said brusquely, staring at his mother for the first time.
Otto Hightower's hand gripped the wooden table in disbelief, his head shaking in disapproval.
"Oh for the love of the Seven Aemond! Did she put you up to this? Were you so easily convinced to abandon your duties for the sake of one girl?”
Aemond eye flashed with anger when he heard him talk about you this way.
"She has nothing to do with this." he said as calmly as possible.
"Then explain to me why you have forsaken your awaiting bride on the altar to come fetch this traitor's daughter!"
Aemond slammed the table so hard that it made everybody jump and in a second he was on his feet, towering the people around the table. One of the children began to cry and the other followed. The rest was silent, suddenly a little frighten.
"If you have not noticed, I am the one who decided to take Vhagar and bring her back, not the other way around. And the reasons are my own. Do not think me as some boy that can be effortlessly manipulated." Aemond's tone was composed, but it felt like he was struggling to take hold of his anger.
"And regarding my
 late marriage, since it seems to be of so great concern to you all, I will share with you before hand what I was planning to say announce with the Small Council later.”
Alicent and Otto were hanging at his very words now.
"I had, since my return, confined Lady Baratheon, her mother and sister, in their chambers. They are to be watched over closely and not allowed to leave."
The Hightower exchanged a glance in dismay before reporting their eyes to Aemond.
"You are making them prisoners?" Alicent said bewildered.
"Not prisoners. They will be allowed to wander around the castle and live their life as they see fit. But they will have no contact with anyone outside of these walls, no ravens, and only those who support us will be able to keep them company. The later Lord Borros is made aware or realises that his daughter is to stay here, the better." Aemond replied.
"Lord Baratheon will not stand for this, he will ally with the enemy if he learns his women are hostages!" Otto roared.
"Lord Borros will do no such things if he wishes to retrieved his wife and daughters unharmed." Aemond loudly said. "And his armies will continue to serve our cause. This is quite simple."
Nobody spoke, to shocked at the words of Aemond but slowly realising that however unpractical it was, it would work. Only the causes that led to this strategy were to be blamed, as if the Prince has not been so stubborn, or if you simply didn't exist, all of this could have been avoided. Aemond sat down at last.
"Any other dashing announcements you need to share with us perhaps, my Prince?" stated Otto, exasperated.
Aemond hesitated, his next move so evident to him. He would make it official, his desire to marry you. He wanted this so badly now, having almost experienced the feeling of you being someone else, and had hated it. He would not let that happen again. It was simple truly, he wanted this since he was a teenager. However, he knew it was not the time. Your House had fallen, and he had to fix things.
"No. Not yet." he simply replied, earning a suspicious look from his grandfather. But his mother, understood. She knew that look.
He grabbed his cup, drinking its content. "Let us eat, we have a long day ahead of us.
You were in your chambers once again. Or rather Aemond's. You had tried to visit Helaena but you have learned that she was at the Dragonpit, not expected to return soon. So you went back, settling to search for a book among Aemond's shelves, desperately trying to escape the stares that came your way each time you crossed any living soul. However your peace was quickly disturbed as a visitor was announced.
Alicent Hightower walked into the room, hands clasped together and her lips in a thin line. You bowed, at lost at what to do, you did not expect to see anyone, even less the Queen Mother.
She finally greeted you, putting a polite smile on her face and you both stay on your feet in front of each other, her words breaking the silence:
"Do you find yourself comfortable here my Lady?" she asked. You only nodded as she continued.
“I came to apologise for any treatment you might have suffered here. I do not know exactly of my son’s action, but I wish you to know that if you ever need to talk to someone, I will make myself available.”
You were quite surprised at the statement. Alicent has always be someone you could not read properly. She evidently carried a lot on her shoulders since a tender age, and you never really knew how much affection she had toward you. Only that she liked the fact that her children were able to spent time with someone as nice as you. But it was a along time ago.
“I thank you, your Grace.” you said, bowing your head. “However I had been treated well. I only miss my original chambers and books.” you smiled weakly.
You didn’t really like the way she had implied that Aemond could be harmful to you in anyway. But you chose not talk about it as more urging matter filled your mind.
“Pardon me your Grace. But I have been
 put in the dark, rather I have no knowledge of the exterior world. So may I ask you
” you hesitated. “May I ask what you know of my House situation at present? I am infinitely worried about them.”
She sighed, an affectionate look appearing on her face as she took your hands in yours and made you sit with her on the sofa, her motherly tone taking over.
“I am sorry my dear. Your House is currently under siege, I know you had nothing to do with with. I have known you since you were a child, but these are trying times and your father
” she stopped, biting her lips. “I am sorry that you are put in the same predicament as the Baratheons as long as you remain here. We will try to make the most of it.”
You narrowed your eyes. What did she mean? Was she talking about Lady Cassandra?
 do not understand. How can it be the same when you are about to link both of your Houses?” you asked.
Alicent looked at you with sad eyes. Of course you could not know of it yet.
“Lady Cassandra, her sister and mother are
 to remain here as
 a way for them to be protected. They cannot leave and she will not marry my son either.”
Realisation dawned on you. Of course, that is what Aemond had come up with. A compromise for him, a hell for everybody else.
And now you were the same as them, a bird in a cage, meant to be a leverage for the Greens to use on your respective Houses, one for support, the other for retaliation.
And he would not marry her. Aemond had chosen otherwise.
You felt something heavy lift your heart, as if to let you breath again. But you instantly felt ashamed at this very feeling: how could you be so selfish?
Alicent watched you take on the news, before standing up to grab a piece of parchment on the desk and hand you a quill.
“This is one of the reason I am here my child. I know you worry for your family, and I believe that you can do something about it.” she said, sitting down again. “Surely news of your return here have not reached them yet, and if we could lead them in the right direction
 Maybe, maybe we could create an outcome without bloodshed.”
She looked at you expectantly, watching your eyes fill with tears, but it was soon replaced by determination.
She was right, it was the right course of action, you yourself had thought about it. If your father knew that you were once again under the control of the people he had seek to escape, none would guess how he would react, but chances were that he would put your safety first. Being an hostage tended to do that.
So you wrote a letter under Alicent watchful eye, pouring all of your love and affection where you could, when only demands and urges to surrender to the Greens peacefully filled the paper.
Once you were done and Alicent had taken the paper away, surely to submit it to her father, you felt like it was not enough. You had to see him, to talk to him, without anyone to tell you what to say. You had to make things right.
-0- Part 16 (soon)
@let-love-bleeds-red @crazylokonugget @jeyramarie @ephemeralninon @mrswhitethornbelikov @dudfahsn @missusnora @queenofterrasen418 @honeytrapsblogp-graham @heathclifftragedyy @discowizard88 @ivartheblessed @xceafh @bubbletae7 @omgkatherine97 @tzipora-art @signyvenetia @ml0103 @nsainmoonchild @lonadane @skythighs @bietchz @samnblack @mariaelizabeth21-blog1 @projectcampbell @ripdragonbeans @caribbeangal @polireader @zillahvathek @moni-cah @literishdegree99
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jassy2uall · 2 years
“Pretty Little Killers”
Hey everyone this is my new fanfic series Pretty Little Killers.
Description: Six teenage best friends Zora, Senna, Riley, Mackenzie, Amerie, and Luna attend their local school's annual Friday night lockdown. But what happens when an unexpected “accidental” incident happens that night involving another student. The six best friends find themselves in a world tangled with lies and will do anything and everything to keep their secret of what happened that night.
Character list/ face claim
(official fictional face claim ofc 😅)
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Name / Main Character: Zora Anderson
Age: 16
Race: African American
Parents: Dr. Ray Andererson and Janay Anderson.
Current Location: Seattle, WA
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Name / Main Character: Senna Morgan
Age: 16
Race: (mixed) African American, Caucasian
Parents: Chantelle Morgan and Joseph Morgan.
Current location: Seattle, WA
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Name / Main Character: Riley Vera
Age: 16
Race: African American
Parents: Mimi Drake and Chris Vera.
Current location: Seattle, WA
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Name / Main Character: Mackenzie Bryan
Age: 16
Race: Caucasian
Parent: John Bryan.
Current location: Seattle, WA
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Name / Main Character: Amerie Campbell
Age: 16
Race: Blasian
Parents: Lei Huang and Malay Campbell.
Current location: Seattle, WA
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Name: Luna Hale
Age: 16 (currently)
Race: Caucasian
Parents: Mayor Hale and Asha Hale.
Current location: Seattle, WA
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jassy2uall · 2 years
T’challa’s Secret Twins (Chapter 8)
A story inspired by the brilliant Author Marvel Heaux.
Description: Wally and Jalena are the firstborn twins of T’challa. The twins moved to LA with their mother without any contact from their father. After losing their mom at the age of 10 the twins were taking care of by their family from their mom's side. Now the twins are grown and have become successful. After 15 years and exposure T’challa then decides he wants to be back in their lives. But will the twins let him?
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The Next Day...
In the kings bedroom.
Last night’s dinner was a disaster T’challa thought to himself. He knew that was going to happen since he wasn't prepared for their arrival, especially Jalena’s outburst at dinner. He thought maybe he should go to her room and apologize to her but then he thought he should give her some space since he did enough leaving her when she was a child.
T’challa glanced at his wife. She was sound and asleep. He quietly got out of bed. There was a meeting in the conference room that he had to attend. He closed the door softly.
As he walked through the halls he spotted his youngest daughter Amara with her friends. He checked to see if he had the time on his Kimoyo bead. It was 9:40 and the meeting starts at 10:00. He walked over to them.
“Amantombazana? Kutheni uvuka ekuseni kangaka? Said T’challa
Amara and her friends were startled by her father dnraking up
“tata, usoyikile! Said Amara while trying to catch her breath.
“Sorry.” he chuckled.
“What are you girls doing up so early? He asked.
“Family weekend is tomorrow and we were going to see how everything is looking.” Said Amara.
“Hmm? T’challa stared at his daughter suspiciously.
“You mean you're going to see how you can cheat in the games.
“Don't you? He questioned her.
Amara and her friends just stared at each other deciding on what to say to him.
“I was right, wasn't I. He kept questioning her.
“Ugh, fine we were going to cheat but in our defense, those prizes belong to us.
“Yeah right.” he laughed.
“Well, I have to run I'll see you later.” he kissed her forehead.
“And don't go out there find something else to do today,” he said walking away.
“Ok, daddy.” she gave her dad a fake smile waving at him as he walked away.
“So are we still going out there? One of her friends asked.
“We can't my dad will have the Dora Milijae all over the place.” she sighed.
“So what are we going to do? Her other friend asked.
Amara thought to herself about all the things they could do for today. All of a sudden she heard Ayo telling one of the Dora Milijaes to bring Wally some food. An idea popped into her head.
“Why are you smiling like that? Asked her friend.
“What do you girls say to spying on my “siblings”.
Her friends looked at each other confused before looking back at Amara.
“I guess we could.” Said her friend.
“Yeah Im down.” Said the other.
“Perfect.” Smiled Amara.
She and her friends headed to the twins rooms.
In Jalena’s Room
Buzz buzz
The sound of her phone vibrating.
“Ughhhh!” She fussed.
“I’m so tired.
She picked up her phone it was her friend Jamie calling her. She answered.
“Jamie don't take this the wrong way because I love you. I do but I will personally kill you if you keep calling me early in the DAMN MORING.” She shouted.
“Well clearly i forgot how cranky you can be in the mornings.” She laughed.
“You know I’m not a morning person.” She yawned.
“Yeah your yawing definitely proves it.
“Anyway enough about that. we're have you been?
“Phyllisican and I have been blowing your phone up for days.
“We were worried!
“You can't just ghost us, Lena.
“I know, I know I'm sorry ok. A lot has happened since we talked.
“Like what? I'm waiting.
Jalena rolled her eyes at how demanding her best friend can be. Just like she is.
“My brother kidnapped me into coming to my father's country. For which I am currently still in... right now.
“Wow! Jamie shockingly said.
“Are you ok?
“I know how hard this must be for you after everything he's done to you.
“Jamie you don't have to sugarcoat It I'm fine. Tell Phylliscian that I call her back when I wake up.
“Love you, bye.
Jalena quickly hung up the phone and closed her eyes. Suddenly she heard someone knocking on the door.
“Oh my God!
“It's too damn early in the morning for this shit.
She tried to go back to sleep but whoever was knocking on her door wouldn't stop.
“I swear to God whoever this is, is about to burn-
She opened the door to see her Grandmother giving her a stern look.
“Grandma? She paused right in her tracks.
“What are you doing here?
“I came to check up on you after what happened last night. Is this a bad time?
“Uh.. Yeah. It is. Jalena looked at Ramonda confused.
Ramonda saw the confused look on Jalena’s face she looked down at her kimoyo bead and saw the time.
“I didn't realize what time it was.” she laughed.
“I'm sorry umzukulwana. I'll let you go back to sleep now.
“Honestly Grandma I can't even go back to sleep if I tried. It's no use now.
“You can come in. She opened the door.
Ramonda sat at the edge of the bed. Jalena say next to her.
“I wanted to apologize for last night. Clearly the whole “family dinner” wasn't what you needed.
“I just wanted you all to be together.” she sighed.
Jalena moved closed to her.
“It’s ok Grandma I'm not mad at you,” she said rubbing her grandma's back.
“You were just.. you were just trying to fix a broken family but it too damaged to be fixed,” she said in a sad tone.
Ramonda slowly turned to her she saw the sad look on her face after she had said that.
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“It's no lie that your father has made mistakes. Your mother, their marriage, you and your brother. No man is perfect. Not even the King of Wakanda can be perfect.
“But your father is trying and you should let him try-
Ramonda was cut off by Jalena’s sudden laugh.
“I'm sorry Grandma.” she kept laughing.
Ramonda angrily stared at her.
“I don't mean to be rude but.. “trying”?
“He's “trying”? Yeah no!
“Sorry but if that's his way of trying then what's his way of being serious.” she continued to laugh.
Jalena’s laughing made Ramonda's anger grow even more. She quickly got up from the bed. Jalena stopped laughing after that. Ramonda calmed herself down before saying what she was about to say to her granddaughter.
“Listen, young lady!
“I will not tolerate your disrespect anymore! You are in my country and here we don't tolerate disrespect well.
Jalena gave her an annoyed looked.
“Now... I know this is too soon but I was really hoping that you and your brother would join us tomorrow for Family Weekend.
“HELL NO GRANDMA!! She jumped off the bed.
“I'm not going to-
“What does that even mean? Asked Jalena annoyed. She and her brother don't know how to speak Wakandian since they were only 4 when they left.
“It means little one.
“Hopefully I can teach you and Wally our language.
“I don't want to learn it just like I don't want to go to Family Weekend or whatever,” she said with an attitude.
Ramonda took a deep breath.
“Just, please promise me you'll at least think about it.
“I don’t want to-
“Please Jalena!
“Just.. think about it.” She begged.
“Fine Grandma.. I’ll think about it. Sighed Jalena.
Ramonda hugged her granddaughter before leaving her room.
Jalena slammed herself into her bed. She thought about what her grandmother said about her father. She questioned herself for a while.
“Should I go?
“Ugh.” She slammed her pillow onto her head.
In The Halls
After the Kings meeting was over
T’challa, Nora, Shuri, and Imari were on the way to lunch when they ran into Ramonda.
“Hey, umama.” Said Shuri.
“Where did you come from? asked T’challa.
“I just came from Jalena’s room,” she said nervously to her son.
T’challa’s facial expressions quickly changed once she mentioned Jalena.
“Is she coming for breakfast? asked Imari.
“No. She went back to sleep.
T’challa felt a slight relief hearing that. He still doesn't know how to say sorry to her.
“Where’s Amara? Ramonda asked concerned.
“She texted she's on her way to breakfast. Said Nora.
“Well, what are we waiting for let's go eat. Ramonda rushed through the halls into the kitchen.
In The Bedroom...
Jalena fell back asleep shortly after her talking to her friends. Outside the door, Amara and her friends slightly opened the door to see Jalena sleeping.
Amara suddenly got an idea. She closed to door quietly and then tapped her kimyo bead to record.
“Your recording? asked one of her friends confused.
Amara rolled her eyes annoyed at her friend's question.
“I'm recording because we're going to do a prank on her.” she smirked.
Both of her friends were worried and didn't want to anger her considering her mother was a powerful witch and Jalena has magic.
“I don't think this is a good idea, Mara.
“Yeah, I heard that your sister has serious anger issues, and her powers a FIRE-based.
“First she's NOT my sister. Second, since when am I, friends, with babies.
“I'm not a baby.” said her friend.
“Me neither.” said the other.
“Prove it.”
“What even is the prank? Asked her friend.
Amara thought line and hard about what should the prank be. Suddenly she noticed a bottle of orange juice in her friend's hand.
“Quick give me your orange juice Maya.
“But I was going to drink it for breakfast.
“Ugh, they have more in the kitchen just give me the damn juice.” she raised her voice.
Maya gave Amara the juice.
“So what are you going to do dump it on her face?
“Duh, Maya.
“Your stupidity really concerns me sometimes.
Amara quietly opened the door. She twisted the cap of the juice then she pressed record.
Jalena was deep in her sleep when suddenly SPLASH.
She jumped up from her sleep she saw her sister and her friends running out of her room.
Across the hall, Wally woke up due to all the running and screaming coming from his sisters room.
Jalena was pissed. Her favorite PJs soaking wet, her phone. She could feel her veins starting to heat which means her fire is about to burst out of her.
Wally ran into her room.
“Calm down Lena before you burn the whole room down.
“I'm going to kill them,” she said angrily.
Blue flames came out of her hair.
“Remember the steps.” said Wally.
“Breathe in and out.
“Come on breathe in and out.
Jalena listened to her brother as she breathed in and out calming herself down. Her fire quickly went away.
“What happened?
“That bitch is going.. DOWN!
In The Kitchen..
Amara and her friends rushed into the kitchen for breakfast.
“What's with all the running? Asked Nora.
“We didn't want our food to get cold right girls.
“Yeah.” they both answered awkwardly.
T’challa and Nora looked at the girls suspiciously before getting back to eating their food.
“Where were you guys before? Asked her brother.
Amara gave her brother a stern stare.
“Your brother asked you a question.” said Shuri.
“We were just walking through the halls.” she said nervously avoiding eye contact with everyone.
“Yes, seriously Imari.” She said in a snarky tone.
“I thought that you hate walking for long periods?
“Well, today I just felt like going for a walk. what's wrong with that?
“Nothing, nothing forget what I said.
Amara reached for her glass of freshly squeezed orange juice and drank it fast.
Imari looked at his sister weirdly. He knew she was up to something.
“Moving on... are you guys excited for tomorrow.” asked T’challa.
“I'm so excited dad. I just know I'm going to win the bean bag contest.
“Yeah, that's because it's the easiest challenge out of them all.” laughed Amara.
Imari rolled his eyes at Amara. She rolled hers back of course.
“Hey, dad are the twins going to be at family week? Asked Imari.
“Yeah, dad are they,” Amara said with a bit of annoyance in her voice.
“I don't know maybe,” he said awkwardly.
He reached for his glass of juice.
“Well, I hope they come so I can show them all of my favorite challenges.” said Imari.
“I hope so too.” Said Ramonda looking at T’challa.
T’challa kept on drinking his juice awkwardly.
Jalena took a shower after being drenched in cold orange juice by her “sister” and her friends.
She got ready and headed out of her room.
“I'm going to kill that girl.” she kept thinking to herself as she headed down the hallway.
She didn't even notice someone else in the hallway walking in her direction. This, someone, was a very special person in her life before she moved to Los Angeles with her mom.
Shocked her out of her thoughts.
“I'm sorry I didn't mean to-
“You look so familiar have we met.
“Maybe maybe not I haven't been here since I was 4.
“Jalena? It's me M’ulle.
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“Oh my god!
“M’ulle I can't believe it.” she rushed to hug him.
M’ulle and Jalena were best friends before she left Wakanda. Their moms were very close. M’ulle and Jalena we're even born around the same time although Jalena and Wally were born two days earlier before M’ulle was.
“What are you doing here first and foremost?” he asked.
“My brother drugged me and brought me here against my will,” she said sarcastically.
“Relax he put a sleeping spell on me then he.. basically did bring me here against my will.
They both laughed.
“How are you feeling?
“I’m feeling like I want to get the hell up outta here NOWW!!
He laughed.
“You we’re always so funny. That’s one of the reasons we became friends.
“Yeah.. I remember our moms would always go in the kitchen and talk whenever one of us came to each others houses.” Jalena smiled looking at the old photos of her and him.
“I always wondered what was so secret that they had to go in another room to discuss.” He thought to himself.
“Well you don’t have to wonder anymore because I’m pretty sure they were talking about that deadbeat of a King/Father.” She laughed.
“I never could look at him the same after what he did to your family.
“After what he did to us.
“I really missed you umhlekazi.
“Missed you too bestie.” They hugged again this time longer.
“I have so much to tell you though.
“Like what?
“Well I'm married and I have two kids,” she said nervously.
M’ulle gave her a shocked look.
“Are you okay?
“I'm so happy for you Lena.
“You deserve to be happy.
“Thank you.” she smiled.
“Let's celebrate by getting a bite to eat.
They both headed into the elevator.
To Be Continued...
Xhosa languages
Amantombazana? Kutheni uvuka ekuseni kangaka? - Girls? Why are you up so early in the morning?
tata, usoyikile - Dad, you scared us
umzukulwana - Granddaughter
uswiti - sweetie
omncinci - little one
Umama - mama
umhlekazi - bestie
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jassy2uall · 3 years
The Tribrids (Chapter 1)
Chapter 1 - “How It All Started”
Description: Danielle, Carter, and Simone. The Tribrids. When their parents are taken by a group of humans known as “The Black Circle” The siblings must find a way to find their parents in a supernatural world where everyone and everything wants them dead.
We never asked to be born. We never asked for any of this. But with great power comes with enemies. And boy.. did we have so many. Our parents are two of the most powerful beings in the world. Our mom a hybrid/ half-werewolf, half-human. Our farther a warlock and the great-grandchild of of gods Zeus and Hera. Me and my siblings. Tribrids they call us. We had no idea of what was coming for us nor were we prepared for it.
24 hours earlier...
Buzz, buzz
The sound of my alarm on my phone going off letting me know it's time for me to wake up for school.
“I'm neither a school kind of girl nor a morning person AT ALL!!
I got up from my comfy bed and headed into the bathroom to get ready. I had no idea of what I was about to see my brother do.
“AHHHHHH,” I screamed.
Carter was in the bathroom shaving his legs.
“You could’ve knocked.” He said continuing to shave his harry legs.
“Carter this is the most disgusting thing I have ever seen you do.” I said quickly turning away.
“You know sis, everyone literally shaves their legs.
“I'm not talking about that, you idiot. I'm talking about your dirty feet on the sink.
“That's where I brush my teeth.”Danielle Gaged.
Carter rolled his eyes at his sister.
Seconds later Simone Walked in.
“Ugh what's with all the noise.” she yawned.
“Some of us are trying to sleep.
“I'm sorry, your highness I didn't mean to wake you from your beauty sleep.”Danielle sarcastically said to her sister.
Simone turned her attention to Carter shaving his legs.
“Eww, Carter wtf. No one wants to see you doing that,” she said.
“You know what why can't either of you knock before entering.
“Is that so hard to ask for?” he said with annoyance.
Simone grabbed her phone and looked at time tome.
“OH, MY GAWD!! She screamed.
“It's already 7:10. Carter, you've already wasted 10 minutes.
“Hurry up.
“Hey, hey, hey.” their father said walking into the bathroom.
“What's going on in here? He asked.
“Dad, these two witches barged in here yelling at me when I'm trying to shave in peace.” said Carter.
Both Simone and Danielle turned their attention to their brother and started going off on him.
“Dad he's lying,” said Danielle.
“I know you didn't just call me a witch,” said Simone.
“ENOUGH!! He shouted.
“You kids have 30 minutes to get dressed and another 5 to eat breakfast that your mom is down there preparing.
“So I suggest you squash whatever this is and get ready.” he then walked out of the bathroom.
“Well, I'm going to go get ready in the guest bathroom,” said Danielle leaving her siblings.
“Hurry up Dani so I can use it after you.” Simone followed her after closing the door leaving the bathroom all to Carter.
“Finally some peace and quiet,” he said switching to his other leg.
Danielle finished getting dressed. She brushed her teeth, did her hair, and her makeup.
She could feel her sister's presence coming to the bathroom.
Before Simone could knock on the door Danielle already opened it.
“All done. Here you go.”Danielle moved out of her way giving her the bathroom.
Thanks.” said Simone closing the door.
Danielle walked into the kitchen where her parents were. Her father was sitting down reading his newspaper and her mom was preparing breakfast.
“Bacon and French Toast again.” Danielle sighed.
“I'm getting good at this,” said Melissa.
“Yeah but I'm sick of it.” Danielle thought to herself.
“I heard that missy.” said her father.
“Sorry.” Danielle apologized to her father.
“I kept forgetting that my father can hear my thoughts since he's a god. I have got to be more careful.” she thought to herself.
“Yep, you really should.” he chuckled.
Danielle rolled her eyes.
“Mom, dad I can’t deal with Carter and his disgusting self anymore.” Danielle sighed.
“Stop being over dramatic.” Said Melissa.
“You know boys are much more hairier than girls are.
“Well if I could interrupt that part -
“Don’t you dare say what I think you're going to say, mister.” Melissas eyes started to glow.
“Oop dad you better be quiet. Mom's eyes are starting to glow.” laughed Danielle.
Micheal quickly shut up and continued to read his newspaper in front of him.
Carter and Simone came into the kitchen and sat down.
“Mom, I love you but if I keep eating Bacon and French Toast again.. I'm going to die.” Carter sighed.
“Now who's being overdramatic.” Danielle Laughed.
Melissa rolled her eyes.
“Fine, if you guys don't want me to make this anymore I won't.” Melissa said turning off the stove and putting her pan into the sink.
“Tomorrow I'll just make my special pancakes then.
“NO!! Everyone yelled including Micheal.
Melissa looked at her kids and her husband confused.
“You know Bacon and French Toast is really delicious mom.” said Simone.
“Yeah, mom, we love it,” Carter said picking up his fork and eating his toast.
“No need to make pancakes, hun.” fake smiled Micheal.
“Ok.” Melissa sat down.
After Breakfast...
“Ok kids time to go to school.” said Micheal grabbing the car keys.
“I call SHOTGUN!! Carter ran to the car.
“No, you always call shotgun.” said Simone running after Carter.
“I'm the oldest and the only time I got to ride in the front is when you're too we're sick and I only went to school,” said Danielle.
“Kids let Danielle ride in the front.” said their father.
Carter and Simone frowned as they got into the back.
Danielle smiled as she got in the front. She licked out her tongue at her siblings.
Simone rolled her eyes while Cater stuck up his middle finger at her. Danielle gave her brother a mean look. She turned back in the front.
“Thanks, Dad.” said Danielle.
“Of course my little rose.
“I can't believe it's my daughter's last year of school.” He cried.
“Dad, please don't cry you're going to make me cry.
“Yeah dad, please don't cry,” said Carter looking at their dad weirdly.
“I'm going to be like this for yours next year son.” Micheal laughed.
“Great can't wait, dad.” he sarcastically said.
They arrived at school.
“Have a great day kids.
“Remember no using your powers.
“Don’t worry daddy I’ll make sure they don’t use them.” Said Danielle.
“Bye, daddy.” Danielle gave her dad a hug.
“Bye, dad.” Simone kissed her dad on his cheek.
“See ya later, dad.” Carter rushed out of the car trying to catch up with his “girlfriend”.
“I remember when I was like that.” Micheal chuckled thinking back on his high school years.
He drove off.
1st period: English
“I swear if I wasn't good in English I'd definitely be failing like some people in here.” Danielle said to Mikayla.
“Well, you can count me one of those kids because sure as hell am failing in French class. “said, Mikayla.
Danielle and Mikayla have been best friends since they first met when they were in 4th grade. They met on a school field trip. They were in the line at McDonald's when one of the employees tried to cheat Mikayla out of her money and Danielle was not having that. She put that male employee in his place. Ever since then the two have been inseparable.
“You're not failing Mikayla.
“Danielle a 69 in french class kind of screams that I'm failing.
“That's a D at least it's not an F.
“Dani, you know my parents. They forget about a D and go straight to an F.
“A 69 to them is an F.
“It's kind of hard to forget about the D.” Danielle teased.
Mikayla gave Danielle a confused look at first before realizing what she really meant by that.
“Girl.” she playfully elbowed her shoulder.
“You're so nasty.
“Yeah, but you love me for it.” Danielle laughed.
“You better be glad that I do. Now pay attention.
Danielle opened her textbook to the page listed on the board.
After school
“Simone, where are we going? Asked one of her friends.
“My brother has a free period right now and he's hangs out with the Tevin and the rest of the senior football players,” said Simone walking downstairs to the exit.
“Ok, but we don't have a free period. We're sophomores.” said Simone’s friend Meghan.
Simone turned to face her friends.
“Look, girls if you want to stay here then fine stay here.
“But remember you said you wanted a chance to see Zack?” Simone said slightly opening the door to persuade her friends to come.
“You had me at Zack,” said Meghan rushing outside.
Soon after Simone and her friends were walking to the spot where Carter and his friends were. Carter immediately spotted his little sister and rushed over to her.
He grabbed her arm and pulled her away from were his friends were. She pulled his arm away from his.
“WHAT THE HELL!! Carter.” She yelled.
“Stop it your embarrassing me.” She said fixing herself up.
“I’m embarrassing you? He said confused.
“What are you evening doing out here. You should be in class.
“I didn’t feel like it today so I thought I’d hang out with you and your friends.” She said.
“Well that’s to bad then because your going to class.
“Come on.” He tried to grand her arm again but she pulled away.
“Ok, how about I call dad and tell him your skipping class to come hang out with seniors.
He reached in his pocket for his phone and went into his contacts and found their fathers number.
“Please Carter you know how much I like Tevin.” She bagged her brother.
“First of all Tevin is my homie and I’d never allow him to date my little sister. Second he’s not into sophomores.
“Forget you.” She walked away from her brother angry. Her friends followed behind her.
Carter walked back to his friends were they were smoking and talking about girls.
“Was that your sister and her friends? Tevin asked.
“Yep.” said Carter.
“She was out here trying to come flirt with you.” Carter laughed.
“I think that’s pretty bold of her.” Said Tevin.
“What you mean by that? Carter said to him confused.
“I just meant that I think it’s pretty dope of her to skip class and come out here with us.” Tevin awkwardly said to him.
Carter kept staring at Tevin weirdly for a few seconds.
Back at home...
After Micheal took the kids to school Melissa cleaned up the kitchen and hurried to her bedroom to get ready for work.
She finished getting dressed but realized that she left her wallet downstairs. She rushed down to go get.
Meanwhile upstairs her phone was blowing up with calls from her siblings. After she grabbed her wallet she could hear her phone ringing upstairs due to her wolf hearing. She ran back into the bedroom to go see who was calling her.
She checked her phone. 10 missed calls and 20 text messages . 5 missed calls from her brother John and another 5 from her sister Davina. She listened to the voicemails first.
“Melissa it’s John. Please answer this phone this is an emergency.
“THEY FOUND YOU!! yelled Davina.
“You need to pack your things and get the kids and get out of there.
“Were on our way to the safe house. Do you remember the password?
“The password is -
Before Melissa could hear the rest she heard a loud noise downstairs. Suddenly she heard the door burst open. She ran downstairs to go see who it was.
Men dressed in black wearing armor came busting in the windows.
Melissa dialed Micheal but before she could tell him what was going on one of the men kicked the phone out of her hands.
“Hello? Said Micheal.
Micheal could hear Melissa fighting and the sound of people screaming and things breaking in the house.
Melissa transformed into her werewolf side and began to attack the man in black. She managed to kill some of the men but more men kept coming. One of the men used a sonic device that caused Melissa to fall unconscious. The effects of the device transformed her back into her human side. They picked her up and put her into their van.
By the time Micheal arrived at their house, she was gone. He searched all over their house but realized no one was there.
He ran into their bedroom and grabbed his spellbook. He turned to the page that said “locator spell”. He quickly tracked where Melissa is and rushed into his car to go follow the van.
Michael called Davina to let her know what was going on.
“Hello? Answered Davina.
“They took Melissa,” said Michael.
“Where are you, Micheal?
“I'm going to get her back. I'm almost near the van.
“No Michael what about the kids.” Davina begged.
“My sister will be fine she's strong.
“You need to come back and get the kids. You have to tell them.
“I can't leave her Davina. I made her a promise in our vows that I'll always be there for her. I can't break that.” He said while catching up to the van.
“You need to tell the kids. Tell them everything.
“No Micheal you and Melissa promised you'd tell them.
“I'm sorry Dav but you and John are going to have to tell them.
“I gotta go I see the van.
“No Micheal DONT-
He hung up from the call.
“DAMMIT,” yelled Davina
She quickly dialed her brothers number.
“I'm right behind you sis,” said John.
“No John.. I need you to go back and get the kids. They should be home already schools over.
“Melissa’s been taken and Johns going after her.
“We don't have time for this just go back and get them.
“Ok.” John turned his car around and headed to the house.
Micheal caught up to the van. He used his powers to open the backdoor of the van. He could see the men placing something on Melissa's face. One of the men saw Micheal and pulled out a gun and shot his front tire. Due to the bullet hitting his tire Michael's car swerved into a pole.
3 men got out of the van and approached Micheal's car. He was unconscious from the wreck. They pulled him out of the car and place him beside Melissa. Then drove off.
“Call him again,” said Carter.
“I am it keeps going to voicemail,” Simone said while calling their father.
“This isn't like him to just not come pick us up or answer his phone without an explanation,” Danielle said to her siblings thinking to herself that something was up.
“Well, we're going to have to take the bus then,” said Danielle walking to bus lot.
“THE BUS!! Shouted Simone.
Danielle and Carter rolled their eyes at the overdramatic little sister.
“We can not take the bus.” cried Simone.
“Well unless you want to walk home then the bus is our ride home,” said Carter.
“Walk home?” she quickly changed her mind to take the bus.
“You know what the bus sounds real good right now. Let's go.
She ran to the bus lot.
Danielle giggled at her sister following her to the bus.
After the bus dropped the kids off home they noticed their mother's car still in the driveway.
“What's mom's car still doing in the driveway,” asked Carter.
“Yeah, she should've been at work by now,” said Simone.
“Why is the door open? Asked Danielle.
“It looks like it's been kicked open.” said Carter.
“Oh my god.” Simone started to panic.
They walked inside and gasped. There were 6 dead bodies and blood everyone. The windows shattered. Glass everyone. This caused Simone to panic more.
“OH MY GOD!! Simone gasped.
“They're dead.
“Who are they is the question we should be asking.” said Carter.
“Seriously Carter!! Said Danielle
“It looks like mom did this. Said Carter.
“Look there are claw marks across the chest.
“They could have broken in here that’s why the windows are shattered and mom must’ve been defending herself.
“Ok but if that’s true then where is mom? Said Simone.
“It has to be true Simone.” Danielle looked at her.
“Look at what their wearing. They look like S.W.A.T or some shit.
“Yeah, there’s no one here. I checked all over the house. Moms stuff is still here.” Said Carter walking back into the living room.
“Well there’s gotta be something that can -
“Wait do you guys hear that?” Said Simone cutting her sister off.
“Hear what? Danielle asked.
“A engine running.
Suddenly the door opened and revealed their uncle John.
“Uncle John? They all said.
“Kids come on we don’t have a lot of time. He checked around the house.
“What’s going on uncle John? Asked Carter.
“No time. Go pack your stuff now.
“NOW!! He yelled.
They ran upstairs into their rooms and packed their things. Danielle went into her parents room and packed some of their things like wallets, extra spellbooks, and some of her moms clothes that she wouldn’t let her or Simone wear.
“Hurry up guys! Shouted John.
They all came downstairs with their bags.
“Do you guys have everything?
“Yeah Uncle John.” said Danielle.
“Wait where did the bodies go? Asked Carter
“You do realize us werewolf’s have fast reflexes right?”John said sarcastically to his nephew.
“Right.. my bad? Carter awkwardly said.
“Ok we need to go now.
They got into the car.
“Hold on I’m not going anywhere until you tell us what’s going on? Danielle demanded.
John took a deep breath before answering.
“Fine but you guys better pull on your seatbelts. It’s going to be a long ride.” He sighed.
To Be Continued

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jassy2uall · 3 years
The Tribrids Masterlist
Chapter 1 - “How It All Started”
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jassy2uall · 3 years
The Tribrids Character list
Hey everyone this is my new story “The Tribrids”. Hope you all love it.
Also, I am still going to be continuing T’Challa’s Secret Twins while also writing this. I also have another Story called “Girl Squad” that I will continue writing soon after I'm done with these two stories.
Danielle, Leigh-Anne, Roseborn
Age : 18
Parents : Melissa, Gray, Roseborn, and Micheal Roseborn.
Species : Tribrid
Born : May 8th, Athens, Greece.
Race : Mixed Caucasian, African American
Currently lives in New York.
Carter, Mason, Roseborn
Age : 17
Parents : Melissa, Gray, Roseborn, and Micheal Roseborn.
Species : Tribrid
Born : December 15th, Athens, Greece.
Race : mixed Caucasian, African American
Currently lives in New York.
Simone, Olivia, Roseborn
Age : 16
Parents : Melissa, Gray, Roseborn, and Micheal Roseborn.
Species : Tribrid
Born : August 12th, Athens, Greece.
Race : mixed Caucasian, African American
Currently lives in New York
Melissa, Gray, Roseborn
Husband : Micheal Roseborn
Children : Danielle, Leigh-Anne, Roseborn, Carter, Mason, Roseborn, Simone, Olivia, Roseborn
Sister : Davina Brown
Brother : John Brown
Age : 290
Species : Hybrid half-human, half-werewolf
Born : January 1st, Athens, Greece
Race : African American
Queen of the Werewolfs
Currently lives in New York
Micheal Roseborn
Wife : Melissa, Gray, Roseborn
Children : Danielle, Leigh-Anne, Roseborn, Carter, Mason, Roseborn, Simone, Olivia, Roseborn
Sister in Law : Davina Brown
Brother in Law : John Brown
Age : 500
Species : Warlock, God
Born : January 6th, Athens, Greece
Race : Caucasian
High Warlock of New York
Currently lives in New York
Davina Brown aka/ Aunt Dav
Sister : Melissa, Gray, Roseborn
Brother : John Brown
Brother in law : Micheal Roseborn
Sister in law : Chloe, Diane Jacobs, Brown
Nieces : Danielle, Leigh-Anne, Roseborn, Simone, Olivia, Roseborn, Angela Brown
Nephew : Carter, Mason Roseborn, Luke Brown
Age : 230
Species : Hybrid/half-witch, half-werewolf
Race: mixed Caucasian, African American
John Brown
Sisters : Melissa, Gray, Roseborn, And Davina, Brown
Wife : Chloe, Diane Jacobs, Brown
Children : Luke Brown, Angela Brown
Brother in law : Micheal Roseborn
Nieces : Danielle, Leigh-Anne, Roseborn, and Simone, Olivia, Roseborn.
Nephew : Carter, Brown, Roseborn
Age: 280
Species : Hybrid/ half-Werewolf, half-human
Race : African American
Chloe, Diane Jacobs, Brown
Husband: John Brown
Sisters-in-law: Melissa, Gray, Roseborn, and Davina, Brown
Children : Angela Brown, and Luke Brown
Nieces : Danielle, Leigh-Anne Roseborn, and Simone, Olivia, Roseborn
Nephew : Carter, Mason, Roseborn
Age : 35
Species : Human
Race : Caucasian
Angela Brown
Parents : Chloe, Diane Jacobs, Brown and ,John Brown
Brother : Luke Brown
Age : 14
Species : Hybrid half-human, half-werewolf
Cousins : Danielle, Leigh-Anne, Roseborn, Simone, Olivia, Roseborn, and Carter, Mason, Roseborn
Race: mixed half caucasian, half African American
Luke Brown
Parents : Chloe, Diane Jacobs, Brown, and John Brown
Sister : Angela Brown
Age : 14
Species : Hybrid half-human, half-werewolf
Cousins : Danielle, Leigh-Anne, Roseborn, Simone, Olivia, Roseborn, and Carter, Mason, Roseborn
Race: mixed half caucasian, half African American
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jassy2uall · 3 years
T’challa’s Secret Twins (Chapter 7)
A story inspired by “T’challa’s Outside Daughter written by the brilliant author Marvel Heaux
Description: Wally and Jalena are the firstborn twins of T’challa. The twins moved to LA with their mother without any contact from their father. After losing their mom at the age of 10 the twins were taking care of by their family from their mom's side. Now the twins are grown and have become successful. After 15 years and exposure T’challa then decides he wants to be back in their lives. But will the twins let him?
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30 minutes until dinner...
Jalena was in her room she thought about how she missed Terrence and the kids. Being back in Wakanda reminded her of a lot of pain and about her mom.
“I can't do this anymore T’challa. I'm taking our children and leaving.” Jasmina cried while grabbing the twin's clothes and packing them in suitcases.
“Fine. Go! This marriage wasn't working out anyway.” he yelled.
Jasmina quickly turned to T’challa soon after he said that to her. She gave him a sad look before continuing to pack her and the kid's bags.
T’challa just stood there watching his wife back her and their children things. A part of him wanted to stop her from leaving and taking their kids with her but he didn't instead he thought to himself that he could finally have a fresh new relationship and a fresh new life without them.
Jalena shook herself out of her flashback.
She grabbed her phone and facetimed Terrance and the kids.
“Hey, babe. Where are you? asked Terrance.
“You’ll never believe what my brother did to me.
Terrance gave his wife a confused look.
“He tricked me into thinking we were going somewhere and then he casted a sleeping spell on me then I woke up in Wakanda.
“Wow, I can't believe this. Terrence said trying to wrap his mind around this. He knows her past on Wakanda and how she feels about her father.
“Are you going to stay? Should I come get you?
“Honestly.. I don't know how I feel.” she sighed.
“I mean I haven't been here since I was 4 years old.
“Being back here brings up to many memories that I don't want to think about.
“I don't want to think about how my mom must have felt watching her so-called “friend” sleep with my father.
“Know she's the queen of Wakanda and has two children to replace me and my brother.” she fake chuckled.
“Look, babe, your mom was amazing. What happened between her and your dad isn't your fault.
“You never needed him to make you the person that you are right now which is an amazing mother and wife which I love so much.
Jalena smiled.
“Aww, there's that beautiful smile I know and love.
“Is that mom? Asked Isaiah.
The kids went running to the phone pushing their father down. Terrance looked at them both like they were mad.
“MOM!! They both yelled.
“Mommie where are you? Said Aziyah.
“Mommies in her home country. Said Jelena.
“Why? Aziyah said confused.
“Actually me and Uncle Wally are both here. We're here for some... business that we both have.” she nervously told her children.
“When are you coming home, mom. Asked Isaiah.
“Soon baby. We'll be home real soon.
The conversation was cut short soon as she heard a knock on the door.
“I got to. I love you all.” she waved goodbye to the kids and her husband.
“Bye Mommie.” they both waved.
Jalena hung up the face time and walked to the door.
“Who is it?
“You're little brother who's sorry for forcing you to come here with me,” Wally said to his sister through the door.
“Please open the door so we can talk,” he begged.
Jalena placed her hand on the doorknob. she hesitated before coming to her senses and opening the door for her brother.
The door opened and revealed Wally with a was look on his face holding a little teddy bear that their mom got for them for their 5th birthday.
“So you think Mr. Brownie is going to make up for what you did to me,” she said giving her brother a harsh look.
“No, I figured it wouldn't work.
“But I really wanted to tell you that I'm sorry for what I did.
“Are you know.
“Because it sure as hell didn't seem like it when you were being so damn nice to the people who abandoned us.” she harshly said to him.
“What do you by “the people” there are family.
“FAMILY!! she quickly calmed herself down before anyone outside the room heard her.
“They are not our family Wally they abandoned us just like he did.
“They didn't abandon us.” said Wally.
“You're the one that shut them out all except baba.
“Because BaBa was the one that actually cared for us.
Jalena and T’chaka were always close closer than he was with Wally. Once Jalena got to a point in her life when she realized her father didn't care for her and her brother she tried to cut everyone on her father's side of the family out of her life. T’chaka was the only one that wouldn't stand for it. He always showed up for the twins. When Wally had his first baseball game or when Jalena had her first talent show performance. He always helped Jasmina with the twins even after she died.
“You know you were the only one that baba truly cared for. Wally turned away from his sister.
“That's not true Walls. You were always with grandma or your friends.
“You were never really around us like that and you know it.
“So don't try to turn this around on me or Baba.
“Fine.” said Wally
“I just came to see if you were coming to dinner.
“Ugh. Jalena growled.
“It's clear that you guys won't leave me the hell alone about this damn dinner so.. I guess I'll go.
Wally smiled.
“I don't know why your smiling because after this damn dinner I'm leaving tomorrow.
Wally’s smile quickly went away after she told him she's leaving.
“Now bye I need to figure out what I'm going to wear.” she shoved him out of her room and went into her bags to pick out her outfit.
5 minutes until Dinner
Everyone quickly made their way to the dining room and sat in their resigned seats.
“Everyone looks amazing.” said Nora.
“Thank you, mama,” Amara said whilst grabbing her drink of water.
T’challa asked his mother where the twins were since everyone was already seated.
“Yes, son?
“Where are my children?
“I don't know they should've been here by now,” she said while looking around the room for them.
“Maybe they got lost this is there first time in the palace.” Amara sarcastically said.
“Actually they've been in the palace way before you and your brother were born,” Shuri told Amara looking at her hard before taking her eyes off hers.
Amara rolled her eyes and grabbed her water again.
“I think we should send one of the Dora Milijaes so get them.” T’challa was about to send for one until the door opened and both the twins walked out.
They both looked amazing. Jalena wearing a beautiful red silk dress with diamond earrings and Wally wearing a nice gray suit.
They both walked over to their seats. Wally noticed that everyone was sitting in assigned seats. Nora and T’challa across the entire table and Ramonda and Shuri sat beside each other while Amara and Imari were sitting beside each other. The only seats available were one beside T’challa and one beside Nora.
Jalena didn't want to sit beside any one of them especially not the fake bitch who was one of her mom's friends that slept and had a family with her father. But she sure ass hell didn't want to sit beside the man who abandoned her and caused her a lot of pain in her life. So she decided it would be safer to sit beside Nora than T’challa so the room wouldn't “burn down”.
Jalena sat down uncomfortably right next to Nora.
Nora felt like she was going to throw up she could feel the tension in the room as soon as the twins came.
She tried to politely smile at Jalena until Jalena saw and just looked at her like she was dumb.
Nora quickly turned away and proceed to drink some wine from her glass.
Imari thought he'd break some of the tension by introducing himself.
“It's umm, nice to meet you both.” he nervously said.
“I'm Imari your.. um... Brother.” he slightly choked inside.
“It’s nice to meet you too I- can't believe I have a little brother. All I have are older brothers and an older sister.” wally looked at Jalena.
“Its really nice to not be the only young sibling now I can finally be the oldest.
Amara continued to roll her eyes and sip her water.
“Well, I'm looking forward to all the time we missed,” Imari reassured his brother.
“You too sis”. Imari looked to Jalena.
Jalena did not like being called “sis” by her younger brother since she doesn't like him and his sister. Instead, she decided to keep her thoughts to herself and not say anything to him.
Nora decided to start the conversation off by asking the twins how they've liked being back in Wakanda.
“So are you guys happy about being back in Wakanda?
“Yeah it's nice it brings back memories,” Wally chuckled.
“How about you Jalena? She asked.
“Hmm, let's see I don't want to be here at all.”she sarcastically said to Nora.
“Why couldn't I have just eaten In my room?
“Hun we all sit at the table and discuss our day...as a family.” Nora nervously said to Jalena.
Jalena choked on her food when she heard Nora say “family” that actually made her gag. Everyone turned their attention to her to see if she was ok.
“Are you ok? Imari asked.
“Oh, I'm fine... just fine.
She sarcastically said to her bother with a smirk on her face.
So “sis” tell us about your family? Amara said to Jalena with an annoyed look on her.
Jalena gave her a stern look before answering her question.
Well in “my” family we tend to always get our way after all we are Lodge Michaelson’s.
Jalena looked directly at her father. Everyone at the table was feeling very awkward and uncomfortable.
“Yeah, but we don't always get what we want Wally looked to T’challa.
T’challa looked back at his son with an uncomfortable look that made him feel nauseous.
“Again I'm sorry kids I really want to make it up to you both if you'll let me-
Before T’challa could finish his sentence Jalena then suddenly started to giggle. Everyone at the table gave her a confused look as to why she's laughing. Ramonda turned to her to ask her why she's laughing.
“What's so funny uswiti?
“You know, what's funny?” It's how you can do more for your other kids than you did for me and Wally.” Now we're just all sitting here dining like one big happy family.
Everyone felt uncomfortable due to Jalena’s outburst about the dinner and not being a family.
Wally tried to calm his sister down but failed to.
“Sis, maybe you should-
Jalena quickly shouted at her brother cutting him off. She got up from her seat to call out this ridiculous disaster of a “family” dinner.
You're CLEARLY uncomfortable around us you don't even know WHAT THE FUCK your gonna say to us.
Ramonda then got up from her seat shouted at her granddaughter about her language
“Now SIT DOWN so we can all finish eating Ramonda said with a serious tone and look.
“I'm sorry Grandma but I won't play pretend like you all. If you'll excuse me, I liked to be alone.
“You're excused, T’challa said with a sad tone to her.
As soon as she got up from her seat the chefs brought in dinner.
“Your highness.” the head chef said.
“You're not going to stay for dinner?
“All due respect I'm not your highness and no.. I'm not staying for dinner.
She walked out of the dining room slamming the door.
“I'm sorry about how she acted she's just- Wally tried to apologize before Ramonda interrupted him
“It's ok son it's understandable.” she said to him.
“Let's eat.” said T’challa clearing his throat.
After dinner was over
Jalena went back to her room she was so angry. She tried to calm herself down. She thought about a song that her mom would sing to her when she was a kid and when she got upset or sad.
She sung it to herself.
Come to me
In the night hours
I will wait for you
And I can't sleep
Cause thoughts devour
Thoughts of you consume
I can't help but love you
Even though I try not to
I can't help but want you
I'd know that I’d die without you
Stay with me
A little- She was interrupted by a knock on the door
“I swear Wally I'm not in the mood for this shit.
She opened the door Amara was standing there.
“What the hell do you want.” she angrily told her.
“I just wanted to see how you were doing after the whole dinner fiasco.” she said to Jalena with a fake tone in her voice.
“I'm fine.
“Is that all? Jalena asked.
“Actually... No.
Figures Jalena thought to herself.
“I really came down here to tell you that you and your fake ass of a brother don't belong here.
Jalena paused right in her tracks when she said something about Wally nobody talks about her brother like that.
“He's my dad and this is my family and I'm not going to let you or your brother get in the way of it.
“Little did Amara know that Jalena was about to GO OFF!!!
Listen here you Lil bitch. I DON'T GIVE A FUCK about you!!
Amara froze right in her tracks when Jalena cursed her out. She liked being daddy's little girl but Jalena doesn't even think of T’challa as her dad.
“Your not my sister and you will never be!!
“You want him all to yourself FINE then!!.. I don't want him. I never did. He's all yours.
“You two punk ass bitches can have each other,” Jalena said to her laughing.
Amara quickly saw fire come out of her hands and hair. She quickly got the fuck up out of her room.
Jalena slammed the door in her face and calmed herself down again.
Amara was pissed. she doesn't want her father giving all of his attention to the twins.
“Ugh, why did he have to have other kids. Why couldn't it have just been me and Imari,” she thought to herself walking around the palace.
“I guess I'm going to have to make dad see for himself that I'm his one and only daughter.” she smiled while walking into her room.
End Of Chapter 7
Xhosa languages
uswiti - Sweetie
Song lyrics by Rullle- War Of Hearts
14 notes · View notes
jassy2uall · 3 years
T’challa’s Secret Twins (Chapter 6)
A story inspired by “T’challas Outside Daughter” written by the brilliant author of it Marvel Heaux
Description: Wally and Jalena are the firstborn twins of T’challa. The twins moved to LA with their mother without any contact from their father. After losing their mom at the age of 10 the twins were taking care of by their family from their mom's side. Now the twins are grown and have become successful. After 15 years and exposure T’challa then decides he wants to be back in their lives. But will the twins let him?
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Back in Jalena’s room
Wally was just standing there awkwardly looking at his father. He always dreamed of this moment, what he would say to him. But it all went away when he saw T’challa.
T’challa glanced at his son before turning to his mother to ask her what was going on and why were the twins here.
“umama.” T’challa gently called his mother.
“What is going on? He asked.
“I didn't know how to tell you, son, because I knew you wouldn't approve of them here.
“But I'm glad I didn't because they're finally home right where they belong,” she said with courage in her voice.
“Thanks, grandma.”Wally held out his hand for her to hold.
“You're welcome.” she smiled back at him.
T’challa looked at the both his mom and son with a sad look.
Okoye was speechless at how Wally looked so much like T’challa.
Queen Nora didn't know what to say to her stepson. After all, she was one of the reasons why his T’challa and his Mom split up. She was very scared about how he would react to seeing her.
“Hi, Wallison.” she nervously said.
“I'm Nora we kind of met when you were a child.” she awkwardly told him.
“Oh that was a long time ago and I'm not really that good with faces but it's nice to meet you.” He reached out his hand to her.
They both shook each other hands. Wally looked back to his dad.
“It's nice to see you dad.” he nervously said.
“It's nice to see you to son.
They stared at each other for a few seconds. T’challa was so amazed at how his son looked so much like him and his mother.
Seconds later... Amara heard her parent's voice coming from the end of the hall.
“Mom, Dad, Grandma, what's going on?
“Who is he? She asked.
“Umm, this is- uh.” T’challa kept jumbling his words trying to tell his daughter the truth.
“Uh, what dad?
“He's your brother.” Said, Queen Nora.
Amara looked at her parents confused.
“What do you mean he's my brother. I only have one brother.” she said while staring at Wally.
“What's going on?
“It's a long story hun we'll tell you everything later but for now go with ayo back to your room and I'll be there soon,” said Nora.
“No, wait, mom.
“I’ll be there soon. I promise.”
Ayo escorted Amara out of the room so that everyone could figure out what to do.
Meanwhile, T’challa and Nora both turned their heads back to the situation.
“Would you um... like to join.. us for dinner later on? Nervously T’challa asked.
“I'd love to”. Chuckled Wally.
“Well will leave you to get settled in. See you tonight,” said Nora.
The Queen and King both left the room with Okyoye.
“Do you think your sister will join? Ramonda asked.
“I honestly don't know grandma.
“She’s really mad at me for bringing her here against her will.
Ramonda sighed.
“But I'll try to get her to come.
“No, it's alright son. I think I can change her mind.
Ramonda cleared her throat.
“I’ll um.. Leave you to get ready.
“Dinner starts at 8 you can wear anything you'd like.
She gave him a kiss on his forehead before leaving.
Jalena was still trying to find her way out of the palace.
Shuri was looking for her brother to see what was going on.
Jalena spotted Shuri she quickly tried to look for another way but Shuri had already seen her.
“Aunt Shuri?
“What are you doing? She smiled giving her a big hug.
“I've missed you so much umtshana.
“I wish I could say the same,” Jalena gently pushed her away breaking up their hug.
She gave her a confused look after breaking up their hug.
“Look, Aunt Shuri, I don't mean to rude but I'm just not that close to you.
“I had nothing to do with my brother and your mother. I told him what he was doing to you all was wrong.” Shuri explained.
“I get that your angry but don't take it out on me.
“NO, I WILL TAKE IT OUT ON YOU!!”she yelled startling Shuri.
She quickly calmed herself down and apologize.
“I'm sorry.
“I just want to get out of this place.” she sighed.
“I accept your apologise... but i really want you to stay.
“Please stay,” she begged her.
“I can't I'm sorry.
Jalena walked passed Shuri onto the elevator. They stared at each other until the door close.
As Jalena walked through the hallways of the palace she suddenly remembered running through the hallway when she was young with her grandfather.
Flashback (15 years ago in Wakanda)...
(Pretend like it's Jalena running guys 😂)
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“Slow down honey your gonna end up falling.”
“Baba, I'm trying to find daddy.” Where is he?
“He went on a mission with the Dora milijae.
“He's always on missions I never ever get to see him. Jalena said to her grandfather with a sad tone and tears falling down her eyes.
I know uswiti but he's preparing to be king after I step down. He needs to practice.
T’chaka knew that this wasn't true but he didn't want to break Jalena’s heart he knew that T’challa was in fact in Wakanda hanging out with W’kabi instead of his kids.
“Ok, I understand. Let's go get some food Baba?”
“Lead the way Nkosazana,” T’chaka said with a smile as he and Jalena were off to get food
End of flashback...
Baba, I miss you.” she whispered to herself.
She reached in her pocket for her phone but came to find out she couldn't find it nor her luggage.
She was such in a rush to get out of the palace that she had forgotten her things.
“Now I have to go all the way back to get my things.
“What a great day this turned out to be.” she sarcastically said to herself.
Meanwhile, Shuri made her way into Wally's room.
“I cant belive it.
“You're finally here.” she ran to hug him.
“It’s great to see you, Aunt Shuri.
“You look nice.
“Thank you umtshana,” she said.
“Anyways I saw your sister on my way here.
“She looked pretty... Angry.”
“Yeah about that.. I kinda dragged her here.
“You didn't.
“I did.
“I'm sorry I just really wanted to see you all and I knew she would NEVER come her if I told her. So I had no choice.
“I get it. We missed you both too kiddo.
“And it's great that you both came because family week is next week and now we finally can have the whole family together.
“Don't take this the wrong way auntie but I don't really think that's a good idea.” he awkwardly told her.
“It’s just that Jalena isn't really in the mood for all that and it wouldn't be the same if she wasn't there.
“I suppose your right. My brother really hurt her.
“But it's still great to have you too here.” she smiled.
“Are you guys joining us for dinner?
“Uh yeah just give me some time to convince my sister.
“My dear nephew.... I think your gonna need all the time in the world to convince her to come after how angry she looked when I saw her.
They both laughed.
Jalena made it back to her room. She quietly closed the door so no one would know she was in there especially with her brother's room right across the hall from hers. Her luggage was placed on the chair along with her phone.
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“There you are.” she picked up her phone.
She tried to turn it on but realized it was dead.
DAMNMIT!! she yelled.
She reached into her suitcase and pulled out her charger but before she could put it in the outlet she suddenly heard a knock.
She stopped right in her tracks and tried not to make a sound.
“Hun it's your grams.
“I know your in there. please open the door. I just want to talk.
Jalena felt bad ignoring her grandmother.
“Come in,” she said quietly.
“Hey, hun I wanted to see how you were doing.
“Grandma don't take this the wrong way but... I’d rather stab myself repeatedly over and over than be here In Wakanda.
Ramonda looked to her horrified by hearing her wildly, scary reaction to not wanting to be in Wakanda.
“This we'll never be my home, Grandma. HE!!! ruined the chance for it to ever be” Jalena said to her Grandmother while pointing to T’challa in the picture.
“The sooner you learn that the quicker it'll be to move on like I had to.”
“I'll never give up hope umntwana, never.”
Ramonda assured to her before leaving the room.
After their conversation ended, Shuri walked into the room.
“Is my favorite niece staying after all?”
“No offense Aunt Shuri but I'm definitely not your favorite niece.” Amara is and you know that Jalena harshly said to Shuri.
Shuri didn't expect to hear that from her niece let alone be called out for false pretenses. She was not about to be disrespected by her niece.
“LISTEN HERE NUGGET!!! Shuri shouted.
“Nugget?” Jalena looked to shuri with a confused look on her face.
I DON'T APPRECIATE YOU CALLING ME OUT MY NAME!!” You ARE my favorite niece I've always thought about you and your brother. It's not my fault I'm not your father so stop taking your anger out on us.
“No, it is your FAULT!! Jalena shouted back at Shuri.
“You, Grandma, Baba you all didn't fight for us.”
Suddenly tears fell from Jalena’s eyes. Shuri’s expression quickly changed when she saw her niece cry. She sat down beside her niece and placed her head on her shoulder to comfort her.
“Shh, it's okay let it all out” she softly said to her brushing her hair back.
You all abandoned us, you let him abandoned us” Jalena cried.
You don't know how many times I called him, texted him, prayed to the gods that he'd come back to us... but he never did. Instead, he had a new family and forgot all about us now all of a sudden he wants to know us.
Jalena jumped up from Shuri's shoulder yelling.
“I REFUSE to let him hurt my brother all over again. He already hurt me but he will NOT hurt my brother ever again.
Shuri looked at her niece with sadness she knows that her brother messed things up BIG TIME with the twins. She fears that he'll never be able to fix things with Jalena because she is beyond fixing things.
In the Kings room...
“So how are you feeling about all of this? Queen Nora asked her husband.
T’challa turned around to face the window he felt like the world was ending. He knew that this day would always come and he always dreaded it. But it was time to face the music and be the father to his kids that he wasn't before.
“Honestly, I'm ashamed.” I am ashamed because my daughter and son have suffered. After all, I wasn't there. I never cared to be there. My daughter has been killed multiple times, traumatized, suffers from PTSD, and has her own family. Wally almost died permanently and I had no idea. I'm the world's most horrible, father and it's all my fault.” T’challa confessed to his wife crying.
Queen Nora sat next to her husband and began to comfort him.
“Honey don't beat yourself up about it what's done is done all. What you can do now is try to be better... be a father.”
T’challa thought about what his wife told him about trying to be a father to the twins. He knew it wasn't going to be easy but he wasn't going to give up on them again. This time he determined to make it right.
“Come now honey.
“Have a quick nap before dinner. she said whilst putting T’challa to bed.
“Ok.” he sighed.
T’challa laid his head down on his pillow and slowly closed his eyes.
He thought to himself “this dinner is going to be a complete disaster.”
End of chapter 6
Xhosa languages
Umama - mother
umtshana - nephew
10 notes · View notes
jassy2uall · 3 years
T’challa’s Secret Twins (chapter 5)
A story inspired by T’challas Outside Daughter written by the brilliant author of it Marvel Heaux.
Description: Wally and Jalena are the firstborn twins of T’challa. The twins moved to LA with their mother without any contact from their father. After losing their mom at the age of 10 the twins were taking care of by their family from their mom's side. Now the twins are grown and have become successful. After 15 years and exposure T’challa then decides he wants to be back in their lives. But will the twins let him?
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After the jet landed Wally and 2 of the Dora miljae carried Jalena and their bags inside the palace.
Okoye received a message on her kimyo bead she thought it best to inform the king and queen of the surprise arrival of the twins.
The King and Queen were in the kitchen finishing up preparing the food list for the chefs for the annual family weekend when okoye arrived.
She saluted before she spoke to T’challa and Nora.
“Sorry to interrupt ukumkani, ukumkanikazi.
“I’ve received some news that you two might want to know.”
Both T’challa and Nora looked at each other worried before T’challa looked back at okoye.
“An unauthorized quinjet just landed 2 minutes ago with 2 non-wakandians and one was a male carrying a female inside the palace doors.
T’challa gave a suspicious look before realizing who those two non-wakandian’s could be.
He quickly walked out of the kitchen to go see what was happening. Nora and Okoye looked at each other suspiciously before following T’challa to go see what was going on as well.
The twins were ex courted to the guest rooms on the west side of the palace so that T’challa wouldn’t notice.
The Dora milijae placed Jalena gently on the bed in her room and her luggage on the couch. While Wally took a minute to look at the room and the beautiful paintings on the wall Ramonda walked through the door with a big smile on her face.
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“I can’t believe this day has finally came. “She smiled at him.
“Your grandfather and I would talk about this moment all the time and now it’s finally here.
A single tear fell from her eye as she hugged her grandson for the first time in 15 years since he was 4 when they left. Ramonda suddenly realized that her granddaughter was missing from the hug.
“Wait.. where’s Jalena?” She asked while looking around the room.
Wally gave an awkward look to Ramonda before telling her about what happened.
“Yeah.. about that grandma
 I kinda may
 had to
 put her to sleep on the way here.” He awkwardly told her.
“What do you mean son? I’m confused. where is she?
“Calm down she's in her room sleeping.
Ramonda sighed out of relief.
“What happened? She worriedly asked.
“When I told her about you wanting us to come to Wakanda to try and work it out with dad she flipped.
“I'm sorry that I lied to you, grandma. I just wanted to see you all and dad.
Ramonda placed her hand on wally's face and smiled.
“It's ok son. I forgive you,” she said.
“I can't blame her for not wanting to come hereafter everything you both have been through with your father.” she sighed.
“Come let's go see her.” she walked out of the room with Wally into Jalena’s room.
She saw her on the bed gently asleep. She gently sat next to her she smiled sweetly at her. Swaying her her out of her face and reminiscing about the last time she saw her.
“It’s been too long little one,” she whispered to her.
“Now you're finally home where you belong.
Wally sat next to his sister on the other side of the bed smiling at her.
Ramonda placed her hands on both of the twins.
“I'm so happy to have you both back home where you've always belonged. And I know your grandfather is smiling right now at us.” she laughed.
“Yeah, he is,” said Wally.
“Where is everyone grandma? Asked Wally.
“Yeah about that son... I've also been dishonest with you and everyone.” she nervously looked at him.
T’challa, Nora, and Okoye ran into Ayo and another Dora Miljae’s on their way through the palace.
“linda ulinde,” ordered Okoye.
“What is going on and who were the two non-wakandians getting off the quinjet,” she demanded.
“The request for the two wakandians was put in by Queen Ramonda herself weeks ago.” said Ayo.
“Did you say Wakandians? asked Queen Nora.
“Yes,” said Ayo.
“But they don't look like Wakandians.” said Okoye.
“What do you know of this, hun? Asked Nora.
T’challa suddenly remembered why his mother was acting so weird these past few days. In the throne room when they held their meeting about family week and all of those sudden looks she kept giving him. Avoiding eye contact with him it finally came to him. He finally realized. His kids were here.
The look on his face dimmed as to why his mother would keep it a secret from him. He took a deep breath before telling his wife and everyone who the unexpected guest was.
“I know who the two Wakandians are.” He said.
“So they are Wakandians?” asked Okoye.
“Yes, they are but only half and there... my children.” he nervously said.
Everyone was surprised especially, Queen Nora she wasn't quite ready to meet the twins after all she was one of the reasons to why their family went apart. Okoye and Ayo both looked at each other surprised. They knew who the twins were they used to play with them when they were little. It definitely was a shock when they learned of their arrival back to Wakanda.
“Where are they now? Asked T’challa.
“They're currently on the West side of the palace with Queen Ramonda herself. My king.” Said Ayo.
T’challa thought long and hard before deciding what he was going to do. Nora placed her hand on his shoulders.
“You don't have to do this alone,” she said.
“I know. Do you want to come with me? He asked her.
She nodded to him and they both began to walk to the West side of the palace to go see the twins.
Back in Jalena’s room
“I didn't tell your father or anyone of you and your sister's visit here.” she gently said to her grandson.
“I thought he wouldn't be on board with it if I had told him.
Wally looked at his grandma confused.
“Wait I thought he knew that we were coming,” he said.
“You're father... He's being stubborn about you and your sister and I just wanted you both here so bad I'm sorry.
“It’s ok grandma no worries.” he hugged her.
“You never did tell me how your sister fell asleep.” she asked.
“Umm about that.” Wally said nervously.
Suddenly Jalena began to awake from the sleeping spell. Wally thought to himself he's so dead right now as she started to open her eyes slowly.
“Where, where am I,” she said.
“Uh, sis before you get mad.
She slowly sat up on the bed and looked at the strange room she was in. Then she turned and saw her grandmother and her brother sitting beside her. She quickly remembered what had happened after she went to her brother's house and him telling her about Wakanda and after that him spelling her to go to sleep.
She gave her brother a harsh stare before she started to get up from the bed.
“HOW DARE YOU BRING ME HERE AGAINST MY WILL, WALLY!!” she quickly yelled at him causing Ramonda to be startled.
“You spelled her son.” Asked confused Ramonda.
“I only did it so that you would come here with me.” he tried to plead to his sister.
Jalena suddenly started to feel her powers she tried to keep them in so that Ramonda wouldn't be scared of her but that all went away from her mind as soon as he walked through the door.
“WHAT IS GOING ON IN HERE!!” yelled T’challa.
Everyone turned their heads to him. Jalena froze when she saw him memories of her childhood started to flood her mind causing her to get REALLY angry.
Before she knew it her fire shot of of her arm and she aimed them towards him.
T’challa looked at his daughter horrified when he saw her powers. So did everyone. Wally soon tried to calm her down so she wouldn't burn the whole room down or worse kill her father.
“Sis, sis look at me.
She looked at her brother and began to listen to him telling her to breathe. Her fire began to dim and disappear.
Wally ran over to hug his sister to comfort her after everything they've been through.
T’challa looked at both his kids with a guilty look on his face. His children were finally here in front of his eyes in over 15 years.
They've gotten so big since the last time he had seen them.” he thought to himself.
Nora felt nauseous she too felt guilty. She never met the twins in person but she saw pictures of them when T’challa would bring her to his and Jasmina’s home when they weren't there.
Both Okoye and Ayo looked at the twins with such curiosity as to how they've been all these years.
After the twins stopped hugging Jalena looked at everyone awkwardly.
She looked at her father and Queen Nora harshly before walking out of the room. T’challa tried to talk to her.
“Jalena wait,” said T’challa.
She ignored him and kept on walking to the elevator.
When she got off the elevator she was lost since she hadn't been in the palace in 15 years the floors were all new to her. Suddenly she bumped into someone.
“Sorry,” she said.
“Excuse you.” Amara annoying told her.
“Watch where your going next time.
“Uh... How about you watch who you're talking to before you end up don't talking at all.“ Jalena threatened her.
Amara was about to respond until she realized she didn't know this girl.
“Who even are you, you don't look wakandian.
“That's because I'm not now if you'll excuse me you bests get out of my way before I get angry.
She purposely shoulder bumped into her before walking away.
“Rude much,” said Amara
“I’ll find out who you are,” she said to herself watching Jalena walk away.
End of Chapter 5
Xhosa Languages
linda ulinde - Hold on, Wait
ukumkani - King
ukumkanikazi - Queen
4 notes · View notes
jassy2uall · 3 years
T’challa’s Secret Twins (chapter 4)
A story inspired by T’challas Outside Daughter written by the brilliant author of it Marvel Heaux.
Description: Wally and Jalena are the firstborn twins of T’challa. The twins moved to LA with their mother without any help or contact from T’challa. Shortly after losing their mom at the age of 10, the twins were taking care of by their family from their mom's side. Now the twins are grown and have become successful. After 15 years T’challa then decides he wants to be back in their lives. But will the twins let him?
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“Where in.” Wally lied to his grandmother after his sister told him no.
“Wonderful.”Ramonda said with happinesses her voice.
“Ok well I'll send the Dora millijae to i company you and your sister to Wakanda.
“Oh and one more thing.” Ramonda quickly thought.
“Yeah, grandma.” He answered back.
“Will my great-grandchildren be attending as well? She asked.
Wally knew his sister was not on board with this idea and that she’d never allow her children to go to the one place that would make her relive her awful childhood memories let alone meet the man who caused her all of her pain and anger.
“Uh I'll ask her but I can't make promises on them coming.
“Ok well, I see you guys in two weeks.” Ramonda smiled over the phone.
“Bye grandmama” Wally chuckled.
“Bye son
After their conversation ended Wally thought long and hard about what he just done.
“She’s going to murder me for this.” He thought to his self.
Wally hurried and rushed to the kitchen using his speed and began cleaning before his sister comes down.
Friday Morning...
5 hours till the Devil Girls live performance on the Jimmy Fallon show.
It was a stressful morning and Jalena was on edge. She was determined to get the girls ready for their performance in the next few hours.
“ALL RIGHT LISTEN UP!! She yelled.
“It is 8:00 and we don't go on till noon so for the next 3 hours we're going to be practicing.
“I don't want to see ANY slacking between the formations or no half-ass dancing.
“I need everyone to be perfect,” she demanded.
All of the girls were annoyed and tired one girl even rolled her eyes at Jalena due to her yelling at her and being controlling.
“Uh... excuse me.. my eyes must be playing tricks on me because I know I did not just see you rolling your eyes at me. “She glared at the girl waiting for her to respond.
The girl just stood there frozen she was scared to talk back to Jalena because she could be fired and Jalena secretly scares her.
“I'm waiting..
“Did you or did you not just roll your eyes at me. Jalena grew angrier at her.
“I didn't mean to I'm just tired and nervous.” she nervously said.
“I'm doing my best Jalena we all are.” The girl said whilst trying to stand up for herself and the other girls.
“Wow, that was brave, admitting that you can't do any better.” she harshly told her.
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“And I suppose you all feel like your doing your best. She turned to ask the other girls. Some shook their heads to agree with the girl while others just stood there.
“Hmm, well if you all were doing your best then we wouldn't be here practicing.
“Now let's rehearse and remember if I see you're not fully into it... I'll cut you faster than you can say no, please,” she smirked at all of the girls warning them.
The girls just stared back at her with a scared look and the feeling of nauseousness on their faces.
Back In Wakanda
After Ramonda's conversation, she had with Wally on Monday she couldn't help but be excited to see her grandchildren. She hadn't seen them or spoke to them in almost 14 years since she and T’chaka visited Jasmina and the twins to see how they were doing.
Ramonda thought it best if she held the twins arrival from T’challa in case he’d tried to stop it. After Ramonda made it to the throne room to discuss an important meeting with the council and her son. She tried to avoid any questions from him.
In the throne room
A week before the annual family weekend event. The King and the royal council gathered for a meeting to discuss the U.S. Government wanting to study the effects of vibranium. I say no! “the river tribe Elder yelled. We shouldn’t be giving our resources to the outside world vibranium is ours, not theirs. I agree you’ve already opened outreach centers all over the world, my king. Now they want they want to study out vibranium I think not! W’kabi stated to T’challa.
“Son what will it be? Ramonda asked her son avoiding eye contact with him. T’challa noticed but he didn’t want to make a scene in front of everyone.
“I agree with W’kabi our outreach centers should be enough for the Americans for now in the meantime are main focus should be on setting up for family week.
“Now will that be all for todays meeting? Asked T’challa.
“I have something to say. Said the Merchant tribe leader.
T’challa gave him a nod to allow him to speak.
“What about your other kids. The twins who live in Los Angeles.” He asked T’challa.
T’challa looked at him like he’d look at an American asking to have vibranium.
“There not up for discussion.” T’challa said while trying to change the topic about the twins.
Ramonda snuck a quick look at T’challa before Turing away trying to avoid looking into her sons eyes. She secretly agreed with the Merchant tribe leader she too wished that her son would just try and make amends with them. T’challa noticed his mama suspicious behavior towards him. Her body language was giving it all away. He could see that their was something on her mind.
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“Mama is there something you’d like to say?
“No nothing son,” she told her son with a raspy voice. Then turned the other way.
T’challa kept starring at his mother with a suspicious look. He quickly stopped after he received a message from his youngest daughter Amara on his kimyo bead.
The message was about the father-daughter dance happening at her school next month. She called to let her father know about joining. T’challa replied back with a yes and a silly face. He quickly got back to the meeting.
“Now is that all. “He asked everyone for the last time.
Everyone nodded their heads and began to wrap up the meeting.
It was now time for the Devil Girls to perform on the Jimmy Fallon show.
“One-minute girls.” said the executive producer.
“Ok remember girls we got this. Let's go out there and knock them dead,” said Jalena.
“Who’s with me.
“I'm always with you,” said Kyle.
“Alright ladies time to go.” again said the executive producer.
All the girls ran out there cheering and waiting for their cue from Jimmy.
Soon after Jimmy gave the cue the girls turned on their devil mode and began to dance their asses off.
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After the performance
“Well where all out of time. I’m Jimmy Fallon. Tune in next week for more. Goodnight Everyone.
The next day
Wally wanted to celebrate with his sister after her performance on the Jimmy Fallon show yesterday. They decided to meet up at their favorite restaurant “La Mere”.
“Thank you Walls for taking me here,” she said as they both sat down.
“No prob sis you deserved it.
Jalena couldn't help but be suspicious of her brother. He hardly ever takes her anywhere special unless he wants something.
A few seconds, later...
“So why are we really here? Without any notice, Jalena questioned her brother.
Wally put down his menu and looked at his sister confused.
“What do you mean? He asked.
“Ok since you wanna play this game.” she glared at him before speaking.
“You never take me here unless you want something or is hiding something.
“So which is it,” she said continuing to stare at her brother.
Wally took a big gulp of his water and swallowed it nervously.
Jalena still glaring at her brother realized what he's hiding.
“If this is about that stupid family week in Wakanda I will burn all of your shoes.” she angrily told her brother.
Wally scaredly looked at his sister before answering her.
“It's not damn can't a brother just do something nice for his sister.” he awkwardly said while trying to avoid eye contact with her.
Jalena tried to read her brother's mind but he knew ways on how to manipulate his thoughts so she wouldn't find out what he had done.
She gave up after realizing he was “telling the truth”.
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“You know I have trust issues.” she lowered her tone.
“I know sis but you don't have to worry about lying when it comes to me.
Jalena couldn't help but laugh when she realized what her brother had said. Wally looked at her with a confused face.
“Sorry I don't mean to laugh.
“Well, I do.” she continued to laugh.
“But brother you lie all the time.
“When have I lied Lena. “He asked.
“When we were kids and you lied to mom telling her that you were at the park when you know you were with that girl.
“I did not.
“Uh yeah, you did. Wait what was her name, Jessica, wait no umm... Bianca it was.” she laughed.
“Alright, that's enough. Wally put down his sister's fingers while laughing at her that she still remembered his ex-girlfriend.
“Anyways I'm not lying about this. He said.
“You better not be,” she said in a serious tone.
“Now let's order.” They both picked up the menu and looked at what they wanted to get.
A week later
It was time for the Dora Milijae to come pick him and his sister up to go to Wakanda. Wally still hadn't told his sister about it yet he was nervously running back and forth around the house. He knew his sister would be PISSED when she finds out that he lied to her. Lying was a big part of Jalena’s life since T’challa would always lie to her whenever she wanted to spend time with him.
Flashback (15 years ago)...
Jalena wanted to play with T’challa since her mom left to go visit some of their family in New Orleans. She wondered all through the palace to find him as soon as she found him she quickly ran to him.
“Daddy, daddy”. Her four-year-old cute self yelled.
“I've been looking everywhere for you.” She said whilst trying to catch her breath.
“What are you doing here? He asked in a rude tone.
“Mama’s gone and I wanted to play with you.
“Sorry Lena I'm a little busy so I can't play with you. T’challa tried to dismiss his daughter.
“Daddy your always busy you're never really home to play with me and Wally. She sadly told her father.
“Honey it's hard to rule a country and protect it all at once while having children too.
“Plus I go on missions every now and then there's just not a lot of time for me to make with you and your brother.
“But I just wanted to spend time with you. A single tear fell from her eyes which made T’challa have second thoughts about switching his daughter.
“How about tomorrow you, wally, and I all go get ice cream. How's that sound?
Jalena gave her daddy a big ole hug before answering him.
“Ok, daddy I'll see you tomorrow. She ran off with a big on smile on her face.
T’challa watched her run away he felt guilty lying to her that'd hed go with her and her brother for ice cream when he had already made plans to go out with Nora behind Jasmina’s back.
(End of flashback)
Ramonda had assured Wally that she’d be sending the Dora milijae to come get him and his sister but he still hasn't told her about going to Wakanda let alone lying to their grandmother that she’d be attending with him. Wally had to come up with a plan quick before the Dora milijae arrive and his sister realizes so he went into his mother's spellbook to search for a spell that would put his sister to sleep.
He scrolled through the spellbook and found the spell to put his sister to sleep.
“Ad somnum.” He whispered to himself.
He remembered that his mom and his aunts used to say that spell a lot whenever they had trouble going to sleep.
Soon after the Dora milijae had arrived he did a spell the glamar the quinjet to look like a old plane so that his sister wouldn't notice it was from Wakanda.
5 mins later.
Jalena arrived after the message she had gotten from her brother saying it was an emergency.
She rushed into her brother's house.
“WALLY, WALLY!!!” she yelled while searching for him.
“Over here” Wally shouted.
Jalena rushed over to her brother to see what was going on but she stopped in her tracks when she saw just her brother with their luggage and the Dora Milijae behind him.
“What the hell are they doing here.” She angrily said to her brother.
“They're here for us sister.
“You lied to me. I should've known.” her voice cracked realizing that her brother lied to her.
“I'm sorry sis but I want to see them.
“I can't do this without you, Lena,” Wally said to his sister with a sad face.
“Well, you're going to have to.” she turned away from him, and the Dora Milijae. But before she could walk out the door her brother sped up behind her.
“I'm sorry sis. I really am.
“Ad somnum.” He said the spell causing his sister to fall into his arms as he carried her on the quinjet.
As Wally sat beside his sister on the quinjet he couldn't help but think when she comes to wake how much she's going to hate him for bringing her to the one place she hates.
An hour later...
“My Prince we are home.” said the pilot.
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Wally looked out the window he suddenly remembered watching the sunset with his mother and sister whenever T’challa was off doing god knows what. He thought to himself that he was finally home again.
End of chapter 4
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jassy2uall · 3 years
T’challa’s Secret Twins (Chapter 3)
A story inspired by T’challas Outside Daughter written by the brilliant author of it Marvel Heaux.
Description: Wally and Jalena are the firstborn twins of T’challa. The twins moved to LA with their mother without any help or contact from T’challa. Shortly after losing their mom at the age of 10, the twins were taking care of by their family from their mom's side. Now the twins are grown and have become successful. After 15 years T’challa then decides he wants to be back in their lives. But will the twins let him?
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1 week later...
In the reach search lab, T’challa decided to visit his little sister Shuri to see the new gadgets she's been developing.
“Welcome my king.”Shuri teased her brother.
“Stop it, stop it. “Laughed T’challa.
“Enough with the jokes Shuri I came to see the new gadgets and updates you've made to my suit.
“Are you sure that's the only reason you came here for? “Asked Shuri.
She heard what happened between him and Nora. She wanted to make sure her brother was all right.
“I take it that mama told you what happened. “T’challa turned to Shuri.
“Yes she did but I wanted to see how you've been holding up.
“I'm good everything is fine Shuri.” T’challa quickly looked away trying to avoid eye contact with his sister.
“Brother it's me you don't have to lie. Tell me the truth.
“She hasn't spoken to me in a week Shuri. I really messed up. T’challa sadly told his sister.
“She’ll come around eventually... just give her some time.” She gently patted his back to comfort him.
“In the meantime, I've come up with great new updates brother.
“Check these out.
T’challa puts on his new sound observant vibranuim shoes.
“I call them sneakers.” Shuri tries to explain to her brother but T’challa looks at her with a confused look.
“Because you... Nevermind.
“I've also updated your kimoyo beads for your next mission.
“So you should be all good to go, brother. “She gave her brother a reassuring smile.
“Thank you usisi. “T’challa hugged his sister before leaving.
“Anytime brother.
Meanwhile (Los Angeles) 
After the Devils seasoned ended last month the girls have been booked and have been performing all over LA.
“All right ladies listen up. “Jalena entered the dance room.
“We are again officially booked this weekend so cancel everything that you've planned because we're going to be working our asses off again starting first thing today.
Most of the girls were excited while the others were tired and we're hoping to enjoy their weekend off.
“Quit with all the sad faces girls your not the only ones who wish they were off to but a Devil Girl's work is never done.” Teased Jalena.
“Yeah maybe for you,” whispered Asha.
“Uh come again, Asha a little louder so we can hear you.
Asha just sat there quietly. Scared to repeat what she just said to Jalena.
“That's what I thought”. Jalena smiled at Asha.
“Now everyone let's rehearse for our performance on the Jimmy Fallon show this Friday.
15 mins later...
“Ugh, I'm so tired if we keep on dancing one more time my tits are gonna sweat like a pregnant woman breastfeeding a baby.” Kyle tirelessly said to Jalena and the girls while fanning herself.
Jalena looked at Kyle with a disgusted look.
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“Uhh anyway... we have to look perfect, we have to be perfect, and we're gonna be perfect tomorrow.
“I DON'T CARE IF YOUR TITS SWEAT AS LONG AS YOU DON’T MAKE US LOOK BAD THEN WERE GOOD.” Shouted Jalena giving all the girls a harsh stare.
“As for now, BE PREPARED TO FRY!!” Jalena started back the music.
All the girls sigh before getting back up and rehearsing again.
After practice
“I’M HOOMME!!” Jalena said while coming home after an hours-long of practicing.
“MOM.” ran Aziyah.
“Hey, bug. I missed you.” Jalena gave her daughter a big ole hug.
“Where's your brother?
“He's upstairs in his room playing Fortnite with his friends. Aziyah rolled her eyes. Her room is next door to her brother's room and every time he plays Fortnite he always has his volume turned all the way up.
“God I regret getting him that game. Sighed Jalena.
“It's starting to become a problem Mommie.
“Yeah well bug your brother has good grades and he deserves to be rewarded for them just like you. So as much as I hate listening to all of the noise and the shooting we're just going to have to bear it.
“Ok Mommie”. Sighed Aziyah.
“Now is there anything that you wanted to tell me before I go upstairs and take a loonnggg nap? Asked Jalena.
“Yeah, can Brooke, Katie, and Olivia spend the night here tomorrow?
“Please Mommie.” Begged Aziyah with her puppy dog eyes.
“Ugh, how can I say no to that cute little face.” Laughed Jalena.
Thanks, Mommie I love you.
“Love you too now go to bed it's late.
“OKKK!! Aziyah ran upstairs to go get ready for bed.
(Terrance and Jelena’s room)...
“Wow, you look tired.”
“Practice must've been hella hard.” Said Terrance.
“Ugh, babe I'm exhausted. Jalena tiredly jumped into bed.
“Honestly I don't think I'll be able to handle this weekend.
“There's just too much going on this weekend babe.” she placed her head on his shoulder.
“The Jalena I know can handle anything. She doesn't give up when times get tough. She fights.
“You got this.” Terrance said as he patted her back comforting her.
“But what about our vacation Terrance?
“We still are going on vacation after you finish this weekend then well go.
“Ok.” Jelena tiredly yawned.
“Now go to sleep. Laughed Terrance.
They both turned the lights off and began to fall asleep.
The Next Morning...
Jalena woke up from her sleep due to strange loud noises coming from downstairs.
“What is going on.” she thought to herself.
She quickly hopped outta bed to go check out the noise coming from downstairs.
She saw her brother using his super-speed to make breakfast for everyone.
(sorry guys I couldn't find an image of him to fit this scene so just pretend like he's in the kitchen using his speed) 😂😂
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“Hey, sis want some breakfast.”
“Morning mom.” Both Isiah and Aziyah said while making breakfast with their uncle.
Jalena gave her brother a confused look.
“I didn't know you could make astral projections of yourself doing that.
“Yeah, I uh told you about that camp for the young power people. They taught me a lot of cool tricks about my powers.
“You should go sis they could really help you with.. you know... your fire.” Wally awkwardly said to his sister.
“Thanks but no thanks. I'm fine. I already know how to control my powers.
“Plus they'd be afraid of me everyone in the realm is afraid of me. I don't have just regular fire I have hellfire.
“So I think it is best if I just don't go to your little camp at all. She gave her brother a snarky look after turning down his suggestion.
“Well, now that you too are done with your conversation can we eat. “Said, hungry Terrance.
Jalena rolled her eyes and say down to eat the breakfast her brother had made.
“Delicious right.” Smiled Wally.
Jalena laughed at her brother and began to take another bite out of her amazing omelet that Wally made.
“We should cook with uncle Wally more,” said Isiah.
“Yeah, bud id love that. Wally high-fived his nephew.
“All right well this was amazing. I'm going to go shower now.” Said Jalena.
“Wait sis before you go there's something you should know.
“What is it?
“Grandmama called and wanted to talk to us about dad. Wally scaredly told his sister.
Both he and Jalena gave Terrance “the quickly go face” before turning back around to talk to each other.
“Uh come on guys let's go finish our breakfast in the living room. Terrence grabbed the kid's plates and headed to the living room.
“When did she call?
“Ok, and what was it about? She annoying said to her brother.
She wanted to know if we'd come to Wakanda’s annual family weekend event next week.
“Huh. Laughed Jalena.
“I take it that T’challa doesn't know about this little “invite”. Huh.
“Maybe maybe not I don't know Lena.
“But I kinda.. wanna go.” He gently said to his sister.
“Why? She gave her brother a confused look.
“Why would you even want to go there.
“He never wanted us he even had two kids to fucking replace us so why would you want to go to a damn family event with a man who never claimed us. She angrily told her brother.
Her father was always the source to her anger in fact he was the key to her powers. She was always angry at her father for what he did to both them and her mother. When Jalena was young she asked her mother about when her powers would come. Her mother told her around the age of 10 but some kids' powers come a little earlier before they turn 10. Shortly after her mother died all Jalena felt was anger so much that her fire became blue and every since then she became more powerful than her mother was. Jalena possed the power of hellfire even more powerful than regular fire. Anything she’d touch would disintegrate into ashes.
“I know how you feel about him but maybes he's changed.
“Trust me Wally he hasn't and even if he has I still wouldn't go.
“This isn't the first time family weekend has been going on in Wakanda.
“He could've been invited us to go all these years but he never did he takes his new wife and two little mortals of children.” Jalena sarcastically said to her brother.
“You tell grandmama thanks for the offer but will pass. “She quickly cut her brother off.
“Where are you going, Lena?
“To shower like I said I was going to do.
“Clean up my kitchen by the time I get out.” she continued to walk up the stairs.
Wally rolled his eyes at his sister and began to do what she asked.
Shortly after giving it, some thought Wally decided to call his grandmother to let her know his decision.
“Hi, grandmama.
“Hello, unyana
“Did you tell your sister about family weekend? She asked her grandson.
“I did.
“And what'd she say. Are you guys in?
Wally took a deep breath before deciding what he was going to say to his grandmother.
“Where in.
To be continued.
End of chapter 3
Xhosa languages
usisi - sister, sissy
unyana - son
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jassy2uall · 3 years
T’challa’s Secret Twins (chapter 1)
Description: Wally and Jalena (the twins) are the firstborn kids of T’challa. The twins moved to LA with their mother without any help from their father. After losing their mom at the age of 10 the twins were taking care of by their family from their mom's side. Now the twins are grown and have become successful. After 15 years and exposure T’challa then decides he wants to be back in their lives. But will the twins let him?
Warning: Grammar Errors
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After the Devils won the last game of the season Jalena and the rest of the devil girls headed back to the dancer's room.
“Great job ladies that was amazing.”
“Hell yeah, it was.
Kyle said to Jalena while cheering for the team.
“Now if you'll excuse me, ladies... I have somewhere to be.”
After Kyle and some of the other girls left the room Jalena decided to go over to Asha’s locker and play with her.
“So you ready for all-stars?”
“Actually yeah I am I can't wait for when I show up there and people expect you to be there but it's going to me that they see,” Asha said to Jalena trying to make her jealous.
“Aww, sweetie just because you won the vote to go to all-star doesn't make you a star.” You're just getting a tiny, tiny glimpse of what it feels like to be a Devil Girl but you're not... fully a Devil Girl until you beat me.
Jalena said harshly to Asha trying to scare her but Asha was not in the mood to be scared by Jalena.
“Hmm, you're right I don't have what it takes to beat you, oh but wait didn't I just beat you... tonight?” Asha said to Jalena with a grin on her face before walking out of the room.
The Next Day

Jalena’s and Terrence's house...
“Honey are you here?”
“I'm in the gym babe.”
Jalena and Terrance have been Married for two years and have two kids together. When Jalena was 15 and in school, she met Terrence. She has always had a crush on him but she never admitted it to him because of her trust issues. Growing up it was hard for her after her dad abandoned her and her brother when they were 4 and later on watching her mom die in front of her at the age of 10 traumatized her. She went through a lot of therapy after seeing her mom die. Later at 14, she had been diagnosed with bipolar depression and PTSD but Terrance was always there for her.
He had been the light to her darkness. One night Terrance admitted his feelings to Jalena the two ended up having sex and later on Jalena became pregnant with their first child Isaiah. When Terrance found out he was overjoyed and a little scared but mostly excited because he loved Jalena. Soon after T’chaka came to visit the kids and learned of Jalena’s pregnancy she told him that she was nervous to become a mom at such a young age but he insured her that everything would be alright. He proposed that when she turns 18 she should marry Terence so that they could be a real family and she did as that. 4 years before they got married Jalena became pregnant again with her second child Aziyah. Both her kids got to attend her wedding and so did T’chaka. 2 years later Jalena became the Captain of the Devil Girls and Terrance became the star player for the Devils as well.
End of Prologue
“Baby, I’ve been thinking why don't you me the kids and wally take a vacation?”
“Yeah, baby I would love that especially since the season is over.”
Jalena loudly screamed with Joy.
“Aww thanks, baby I love you,” Jalena said to Terrance kissed her husband while trying to run to go pack.
“Wait, honey where are we going?” Terrance asked Jalena with confusion.
“To Aruba,” Jalena said while running upstairs to go pack her things and tell the kids and her brother.
“Kids pack your things were going to Aruba tomorrow” screamed Jalena.
“Wait mommy what's Aruba? Asked Isaiah.
“It's an island, honey.”
“AWESOME!!!” shouted Aziyah.”
“Wally pack your things were going to Aruba tomorrow.”
“Yeah I heard sis” Wally sarcastically said to his sister
“You were screaming all through the house.”
“Whatever bro you better be ready tomorrow Jalena side-eyed Wally then left his room.”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah whatever,” Wally said while mocking his sister after she left.
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End of chapter 1
7 notes · View notes
jassy2uall · 3 years
T’challa’s Secret Twins (chapter 2)
A story inspired by T’challas Outside Daughter written by the brilliant author of it Marvel Heaux.
Description: Wally and Jalena are the firstborn twins of T’challa. The twins moved to LA with their mother without any help or contact from T’challa. Shortly after losing their mom at the age of 10, the twins were taking care of by their family from their mom's side. Now the twins are grown and have become successful. After 15 years T’challa then decides he wants to be back in their lives. But will the twins let him?
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In Wakanda...
Once a year in Wakanda held an annual family weekend event where everyone's families would all get together and celebrate. There are huge festivals and Carnivals where all the kids from every tribe have fun with their friends and family.
T’challa and his family always host the event every year but lately, something has been on his mind. His children. His mother Ramonda always reminded him of them every time this event would come around. She wished that he would try and reach out to them but he never did.
Flashback (1 year ago)...
After the Royals court, planning about the annual family weekend event discussion ended Ramonda decided to stay back and talk to her son about the twins.
“Son a word?” She asked softly.
“Sure mama, what is it?”
Ramonda took a deep breath before she could tell her son what was on her mind.
“It's about family weekend.”
“I was thinking that you should invite the twins to come here so we can all be a family.
T’challa was speechless he wasn't prepared for what his mother was going to say to him about family weekend. He didn't want his wife and other kids to know about the twins. He knows that the twins hate him for not taking care of them or even coming to their mom's funeral when he had heard she died. He didn't want to let his mother down but he knew he had to.
“Mama I don't think that's a good idea”. He politely said to his mother trying to end the discussion.
“T’CHALLA”. She raised her voice causing T’challa to slightly jump back.
“Don't you think it's time that you try and reach out to them?
“Mama, I'm not having this discussion with you again. T’challa quickly tried to change the subject but Ramonda was not having it. She had been silent all these years about her grandchildren but after when T’chaka died that's when she felt the need for their family to finally be reunited again.
“After all these years you still don't think that they deserve to know their family, their siblings.
“Son, I love you, and out of respect for you and our family, I kept quiet about them for too long.
“Now it's time that the secret comes out.
“No. He refused his mother's request.
It's my decision and there, my family. I will decide when the times right.
“And when will that be?
“There already 18 there basically adults and they haven't seen you in almost 15 years.
“Amara and Imari deserve to know about their siblings and so does Nora.
“I'M WELL AWARE MOTHER,” T’challa yelled.
Ramonda couldn't believe the tone in her son's voice. She quickly showed him who the boss was.
“You may be king but I am your mother and you will NEVER speak to me like that again.
“Yes, mother I'm sorry.” T’challa looked down with shame realizing he yelled at his mother.
“I really wish that you would finally be a father to them because they deserve it.”
“You owe it to them and you owe it to Jasmina she didn't deserve the disrespect from u as well.
“Jasmina was a beautiful loving woman who loved you just like she thought you loved her.” I'm not saying I don't love Nora but what you did to Jasmina was the cruelest thing I've ever seen you do.
“You didn't even go to her funeral when you found out she died.”
“Did you even love her at all son? She asked her son with sadness in her voice.
“I did love her mama.”
“I loved her with all of my heart but... I just wasn't ready to be a father.”
“Well, you could have told her that instead of dragging her on and betraying her.
“If I were you I'd do everything in my power to make it right with the twins. I wouldn't just sit here and do nothing like you’ve been doing for the past 15 years.” She angrily told him before walking out of the room.
After watching his mom angrily leave T’challa sat back on his throne and began to cry about how he treated Jasmina and his children.
End of flashback........
T’challa thought long and hard about the conversation him and his mother had last year. He was having deep regrets about not being there in his kids lives.
As family week grew closer and closer Queen Nora could feel her husband drifting away.
“What’s been on your mind baby.” She worriedly asked him.
T’challa dreamed of telling his wife about the twins but he never had the courage to. He knew she’d be angry and maybe even hate him for keeping this big of a secret from her.
“Nothing my love I’m fine.
“You don’t look fine. Tell me what's wrong? Nora asked with worry.
“If I tell you then you won't look at me the same. I'm worried that our marriage will break.
“What are talking about love our marriage will be fine there's nothing you cant tell me that will ruin our marriage.
“Please tell me” she begged.
T’challa took a deep breath before he revealed his secret to his wife.
“It's a long story sthandwa.
“Is this about Jasmina? Nora asked T’challa.
“Yes it is and there's more I should've told you.
“Jasmina and I weren't just married we also had children, twins to be exact.
Nora gasped she could not believe what her husband had just told her.
“What do you mean you and her had children. I don't understand” she said to her husband whilst her voice breaking.
“I can't believe that you would keep this from me all these years.
“I know I'm sorry sthandwa. T’challa tried to plead with his wife but Nora didn't want to hear it.
“I don't care you made me look like a fool. Nora got up from beside him and began to pace back in forth trying to wrap her head around all of the mess.
“I never would have messed with you if I had known you and her had kids. Do you know what people are going to think of me now or what the kids may think of me? A whore who broke up their parents?
“Again I'm sorry- he tried to finish but Nora quickly cut him off before he could.
“Stop saying your sorry T’challa it's not going to change anything.
“You chose to tell me this a week before family weekend.
“How are we supposed to tell the kids about their long-lost siblings?
All of sudden Nora stopped to think about something that she just came to her mind.
“Wait did your family know about this?
“Yes...and a few of the staff and tribe leaders. He nervously answered his wife trying to avoid eye contact.
“Wow... everyone but me hmmm, ok I think that I should go sleep In the guess room tonight since I can't stand to look at your deceitful face anymore.
T’challa stayed right on the bed looking down realizing his past and mistakes had finally caught up to him.
Nora angrily grabbed some of her clothes from the closet and left the bedroom.
End of chapter 2
Xhosa meaning -
sthandwa - my love
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jassy2uall · 3 years
Character list
T’challa’s Secret Twins
Jalena Leigh-Anne, Lodge-Michaelson Udaku (19)
Wally Jordan Lodge-Michaelson Udaku (19)
Parents - Jasmina Lodge-Michaelson & T’challa Udaku
Jasmina Lodge-Michaelson
Parents - Iris Lodge-Michaelson, Ester-Lodge Michaelson, Hiram Lodge-Michaelson
T’challa Udaku
Parents - Queen Ramonda & King T’chaka
Amara Udaku (15)
Parents - Queen Nora & King T’challa
Imari Udaku (16)
Parents - Queen Nora & King T’challa
Aziyah Lodge-Michaelson, Wall (4)
Parents - Jalena Lodge Michaelson & Terrence Wall
Isaiah Lodge-Michaelson, Wall (5)
Parents - Jalena Lodge-Michaelson & Terence Wall
Phyliscian Targaryen - Daughter of Daenerys Targaryen & Khal Drogo / Bestfriend
Jamie Lawson - Devil Girl / Bestfriend
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