jaspersmom0226-blog · 10 years
Rant but sorry it needs to be said
I look at the tags for birth, birth stories and child birth because I enjoy seeing other people's stories about their labor experience. However recently people have writing false stories because people send them things and they write it based on. I don't like this. Sorry end of rant
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jaspersmom0226-blog · 10 years
I'd buy the formula then donate it to a woman's shelter or hospital or food pantry
I get those Simlac coupons for formula in the mail all the time but we breastfeed so they usually just get thrown away.
I know it says that you’re not allowed to exchange them, like it has to be your name on the coupon, but is that serious?? like do people actually check them?? 
because I want to start giving them away to moms who need them instead of throwing them away.
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jaspersmom0226-blog · 10 years
I would ask my doctor
I am debating on using it for my back/ribs. Google research seems to be conflicting. Most women claim their doctors told them no. Further research says methyl salicylate is what isn’t safe so icy hot types without it are fine. Then some sites with advice from supposed obgyns say it is perfectly...
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jaspersmom0226-blog · 11 years
Show him how's it is done. Do your research
What's your guys' opinions?
My man and I got into an argument about circumcision. He wants to circumcise our future son (if we have a boy). I don’t want to, but he does. His only argument is infection. My argument is pain. I read a story on here that broke my heart. I don’t want to because I don’t want to hear my baby crying, and looking at me with pain filled eyes every time I change his diapers… I want to breast feed and most babies don’t breast feed after they get circumcised.. I don’t know. Help?  
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jaspersmom0226-blog · 11 years
Google it and watch videos on how it is done. I left my son intact and it will be his decision later in life. Hope this helps
Mommy-to-be needs help!
I need help today. I’ve decided that I need advice on circumcision before I make up my mind. First off, what’s the point? And second: What’s the difference in how you care for your son (I.E.: cleaning and the such) based on whether or not he is circumcised?
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jaspersmom0226-blog · 11 years
When in doubt call and ask
Should I call my doctor? I’ve had period like dull cramping all morning…And I have A LOT of discharge…It’s really liquidy. Doesn’t smell sweet though…
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jaspersmom0226-blog · 11 years
One glass of red wine a day is good for your heart is what I was told
In the beginning of this pregnancy, my father in law kept telling me I could drink wine.
Ok. Number one- when I’m not pregnant I drink about five times a year- usually at some sort of party or wedding. But now that I’m pregnant I should start becoming a daily drinker? Uh, no.
Last week my...
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jaspersmom0226-blog · 11 years
Try eating more bananas it could be your body telling you that you potassium
I’ve been getting mild ones for a bit but the past few nights I’ve woken up literally screaming in pain because it’s just beyond bearable
It’s always my right calf muscle and it gets so bad that it hurts all during the day too like I’ve pulled a muscle.
Bf keeps thinking I’m in labour because...
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jaspersmom0226-blog · 11 years
I never used one just vanilla extract
I’ve gone through pages and pages trying to find an amber teething bracelet that’s raw/unpolished and genuine from a reputable store that doesn’t want to charge $7 for the product then another $5-7 for shipping.
It’s harder than it sounds. ): 
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jaspersmom0226-blog · 11 years
Have the mom and dad to be just be themselves loving the mom's baby belly
Any tips, ideas, suggestions… Anything at all would be helpful!
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jaspersmom0226-blog · 11 years
Try Vaseline
Vincent is allergic to literally every kind of diaper creme, even the prescribed kind we have from the doctor, All the hypoallergenic kinds he’s allergic to, name brand, even pink xav. It makes his rash 10 times worse.
The doctor said to look for yeast infections on him but nothing, it goes away...
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jaspersmom0226-blog · 11 years
I am so sorry for your loss. Sending gentle hugs
Today is my first day on my own, since Greg had to go back to work today. I’m not dealing with it very well, and I called my therapist who told me to write out my birth story with Mason, since I had kind of planned today to be our memorial day for him anyway before the funeral home sped things up on me. So… I’m going to try and get through this in one piece. I’m sorry if things are kind of scattered, I’m just… writing what comes to my brain.
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jaspersmom0226-blog · 11 years
I would add your child's favorite binky as well as the bedtime lavender wash, lotion and powder
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These are all items that I have found very, very useful as a new mother. I think first time Moms often have products thrust at them that are unnecessary. And while a couple on my list certainly don’t meet “survival” needs, I’ve really enjoyed them, so I thought I would share.
1. Baby Swing- for moms with tired arms and babies who need motion to fall and stay asleep.
2. NUK 5oz. baby bottles- My girl loves these bottles and they are a good size for pumping breast milk.
3. Back is Best swaddle sack- My baby LOVES this. The hospital gave it to us and she loved to sleep in it.
4. Receiving blankets- obvious.
5. Bottle Brush- so handy!
6. NUK breastpads- Nuk is just a great baby brand, period, but these are the best breast pads and I’ve tried several.
7. Honey Apple Baby Wash- Baby smells so yummy!
8. Bouncer- Easy to put baby in after they’ve drifted off to sleep.
9. A+D Ointment- My baby hasn’t gotten a rash yet!
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jaspersmom0226-blog · 11 years
Set a timer on your phone that's what I do
Soooo tmi here but we cant use condoms because the biggest we could get don’t fit! So I started the mini pill as of today. Only thing is i have to have the mini pill at the same time every day so I’m hoping i can do that as I’m shocking with taking tablets. But I’ve put them with my vitamins so...
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jaspersmom0226-blog · 11 years
I used the same laundry detergent as me and my husband use
To all mommies! I’m getting ready to wash sheets and clothes for the baby and I wanted to know the best detergent to use and how many things should I wash before she gets here? Like what if she doesn’t fit the newborn stuff, if I wash it now I can’t take it back. What should I do? 
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jaspersmom0226-blog · 11 years
You are not a bad momma you tried to breastfeed and that is what is important.
But I beat myself up everyday that Daniel wasn’t breast fed. I tried. So hard…the nurses didn’t help me out and he wouldn’t latch more than a few seconds then would stop.
Maybe it was because his first feeding was by a bottle because I was still under tranquilizers due to the horrific nature of...
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jaspersmom0226-blog · 11 years
Yes you bare I did
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Am I allowed to wear a tiara at my baby shower?? Haha
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