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jasonswifeisme · 17 hours ago
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Matteo is newbie in Bullworth, he’s cheerful and quite active teenager. He knew some of the greasers before, and therefore he was offered to join them, but at first he did not particularly want to become part of any clique, considering it pointless. But later he changed his mind and became part of greasers’ “family”.
He’s a big music lover. Mostly listens to 50s music, but especially he likes Michael Jackson (he’s Matteo’s idol). He also is pretty good at drawing and really loves gym class.
He has a tense relationship with his parents, mainly due to his disobedient nature and hyperactivity, because of this he doesn’t respect adults. It was as punishment that Matteo was sent to Bullworth Academy. Often he spends the night either with other greasers or in the boy’s dorm, just to avoid returning home. Matteo quite often suffers from insomnia.
He likes kisses and doesn’t mind kissing different boys, often flirts with them (Matteo doesn’t have much luck with girls).
Matteo got a scar on his face when he was scratched by a friend's cat.
He dreams of becoming a singer and songwriter. Once Matteo tried to create a rock band, but no one took him seriously.
Matteo like play pranks, especially on preps in response to their hostility towards his friends. In retaliation for the preps nearly setting Vance's hair on fire, Matteo attempted to set Derby's hair on fire, after what Bif beats him up.
He and Vance are best friends, they’re very close. Matteo sincerely admires Johnny and wants to be just like him (“If you asked me who do I respect the most, I would immediately answer - Johnny Vincent!”).
As soon as Matteo arrieved in Bullworth Academy he encountered bullies and he has some feud with them, especially with Trent since Matteo often jokingly flirts with Kirby.
He has a fairly friendly relationship with Kirby. They two train together sometimes.
Matteo very friendly with nerds and often defends them from bullying, in gratitude for this, they help him with his homework.
Matteo isn’t hostile towards preps, rather has a soft spot for them, especially for Gord, Oliver and even Bif.
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jasonswifeisme · 17 hours ago
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Slasher be back soon! Be waiting my beloved followers!
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jasonswifeisme · 3 days ago
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Bully (x JoJo part 1-2) OC - Jody Joestar
Jody is the playful yet confident girl, she’s kind and kinda funny and friendly also arrogant, but she’s not that good with socializing with the students or someone her age, but she’s used to be the model kid since she was younger with Joseph Joestar her brother, and she still is. And she’s use to be an actress too, even though she’s kinda a little bit famous, she’s doesn’t really know how to talk to kids her age, mostly she’s use to the act not in real life. Sometimes Jody has to use her acting talents to service how to talk to people, she’s is English half Japan and a bit half Russia from her grandfather or her mother’s father. But let’s start with how she gets here to Bullworth Academy.
At first Jody use to homeschool all her life 15 years with her grandmother Erina Pendleton and with her older brother Joseph Joestar. They’re not from the same parent, Jody is the Joestar too, of course. But her father is Austin Joestar and her mother is Rirasi Ishi. “They’re cousins but since Jody’s parents are passing away, the main family adopted her back to the big family. And Joseph see her as his real sister. But when she’s 16 years old,” she’s done with everything granny Erina teaches her, she has nothing to learn anymore and Joseph he go to the high school just to find the new world he would like. Joseph can see that high school is also a good place and this is the world that full of so many things to learn and have fun. So he decided to talk to Lisa-Lisa or Elizabeth Joestar his mother, asking if they can send Jody to school too or not? And well, I think you know the answer, cause that’s how Jody is now In Bullworth Academy.
Jody’s life in Bullworth is kinda messed up at first, but she’s use to act like what she always does in the movie she’s plays. And get away all the time, Jody end up in the Preppies Clique cause she’s one of the richest kids. But mostly she’s made Derby mad cause she’s not wearing Aquaberry sweater like the other and wearing her own product Lavenderry. Look the same as the Aquaberry but different color, Jody she like to play volleyball but she doesn’t know before that no one plays volleyball here in Bullworth but luckily! Mandy and Zoe always come to play with her and asked her to teach them. And they’re become best friends. She’s also like to bullying some of the weak students, she’s doesn’t know why she did that but Russell tells her that is not that bad.
Sometimes Jody doesn’t know why some students here are confused with the class especially with Geography, but she’s trying to understand that so many kids here for study not for trying to find new experience as she is.
Jody likes to go to the carnival especially the freak shows, she’s think this is cool but feels bad for the people in there that being calls “a freak” even though they’re not.
Her favorite hobbies is golfing, cause it reminds her of the time she’s playing with Dio Brando, her grandfather. (And that’s how she’s known Bryce’s secret..) she’s also love to singing and playing Violin. She’s also like to go to the Shop class because for her, is so new and fun, even though she’s mostly fail.
Sometimes when she was sitting with Mandy and Zoe in their dorm room, Jodi would sew a scarf. She loved to sew because it was something her grandmother Erina taught her. “The fabric we need might not be available in the mall or market. Sometimes we have to sew it ourselves.”
Jody she has a dream that she wants to have a crocodile as a pet but Joseph stop her, and give her a turtle instead.
Sometimes you can tell Jody is really is Joseph’s little sister cause they have familiar faces (she’s looks like Joseph when he is 13. When she’s cuts her hair) and because of it the jocks like to tease her a lot, make Jody have to jump on them so many times.
She’s really like Earnest and playing Grottos & Gremlins with him, only him and Maybe Bucky and Thad, cause she’s afraid of other nerds for some reason. Especially Algie. And even though hanging out with the nerds makes Derby mad, she’s still doesn’t care, even dare him to kick her out of the clique if he wants.
• Jody and Bryce are use to be only “someone who’s in the same clique with each other” and nothing more. But that’s before cause after Jody knew Bryce’s secret, she’s like to go to the golf club where Bryce is working at. Cause she’s just want to be with him and then they getting closer, closer, closer and closer they decide to dating and Jody asked Bryce to engage with her because she love him more than she ever thought she will do.
• Also Jody use to try to date Lucky before too cause they getting close when Jody go for the shop class. But end up breaking up because Lucky chose his clique and friend and not her. They have an awful time every time they walk past each other.
• Jody really like to have a female friends, because other than her personal maid, her grandmother and her mother (not real mother) she’s has no more female friends, She love it when Mandy and Zoe like to play volleyball with her, she like to gossiping with Christy and Angie, sometime baking with Eunice too. And with Lola Jody like to help her get away from Johnny, she’s doesn’t know that Johnny is the victim in the relationship, but after she’s known she’s stop. And with Pinky is not so close since Derby always mad at Jody, but the two girls still find some time to go shopping and go for some spa.
• She’s have a good friendship with the Townies as well after she’s decided to take their back to the Academy and pay everything for them, also see them as her family already.
• She still doesn’t have a good relationship with Preppies, but she’s doesn’t hate them. A little bit understand them instead, she’s known she’s wrong. But life is short and Jody wants to do everything she wants, she’s planning on doing something to apologize to them too.
"The next line you will say is… just kidding, I don’t know your next line buddy. Is “Damn you’re a tease Jody” get it!"
"Back off, I am already taken. Oh hey buddy, sorry for being rube but honestly, back off."
"о боже мой..- отойдите!!" (oh my goodness..- back off!!)
"You want to be friends, hm? Yeah sure! But not getting too close, okay? I am already engaged with my boyfriend."
"Even though I am an actress, I never know that cousin is Legal, wow. I should call Joseph."
“Bryce is handsome with his grumpy face, isn’t he? Wonder who’s his girlfriend. Hehe no one, but me.”
“I am just a shadow of Joseph, isn’t me..?”
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jasonswifeisme · 3 days ago
So like. Is your oc a Nazi then? Because I have no idea what else a “German soldier” from 1939 could be
Well maybe, I guess. It’s not my Oc is my boyfriend’s his Oc is Stroheim’s younger brother and well I guess he is.
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jasonswifeisme · 4 days ago
A part 2 “German soldier” oc? Seriously?
Uh yeah?
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jasonswifeisme · 4 days ago
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Twins, who moved to Bullworth to their uncle from Florida after their parents died in a car accident when they were 10 years old. They often quarrel and cannot share something. Sometimes they act like enemies. But actually they worry and care about each other.
Kate and Fred had a tense relationship due to the fact that their mother loved and praised Fred more (cause he always lived up to her expectations, and she often found fault with Kate, since she often behaved unfeminine and was disobedient) and father loved Kate more (because of him Kate grow up so strong-willed).
Kate (Katherine Baker):
She is very cheeky and strong-willed girl. Sometimes loves to cause troubles and pranks, loves sports so much, almost lives for it. Kate is the life of the party, no one will never get bored with her. Puts all of herself into sports, but sometimes worries about her grades, but she too lazy to study. She’s not a fan of all sorts of girly stuff (dresses, cosmetics, romance, etc), which is why she is friends with boys more. Doesn’t care about the hierarchy and cliques, she makes friends with those people whom she considers cool.
Kate is bisexual, but she flirts with girls more, however for the most part she is not particularly interested in romantic relationships.
She likes horror movies, her secret hobby - video games.
Kate talks to Lola sometimes and doesn't judge her behavior. “Girl just wants to have fun, that’s all”.
She has some feelings for Mandy and at the same time is in love with Justin.
Kate has the status of "Rebel Queen" in school. Has a cherry tattoo on her right shoulder.
Sometime likes hangs out with Jimmy. Has a warm relationship with Pete and often protects him from bullying, hates Gary, they two almost enemies to each other.
Mostly friends with bullies, especially with Trent, Tom, Wade and Davis.
Preps is the only clique she despises, but she friends with Justin (secretly in love with him).
Kate is quite friendly with some greasers: Vance, Norton and Ricky, she likes their clothing and hairstyles (sometimes she can borrow a jacket from Vance).
Friends with Kirby, Dan, Casey and Mandy (she has some feelings to her).
Kate’s close friend is Zoe (she was very upset when Taylor was expelled from school).
Fred (Frederick Baker):
He is quite serious person unlike his sister. Fred treats his studies responsibly even if sports comes first for him. Despite his seriousness and a certain coldness, he can sometimes be a cheerful person; you can trust him with any secret, any emotional experiences, he will listen everything.
He loves baseball since childhood. Hates silence, feeling uncomfortable being in it.
Fred usually keeps everything to himself, so he doesn’t tell Kate that in fact he always cares about her and worries, feeling that he is obliged to protect her.
His close friends are Casey, Ted (he admires him so much, trying to be like him), Luis and Bo.
Fred can’t stand preps (and he’s often reproaches his sister for being friends with Justin).
Template by @jimothy-hopkins
Art by @garyscar ♡
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jasonswifeisme · 4 days ago
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Oc x Canon x Oc x Oc
My art from 5 years ago! First time I am trying JoJo chibi game style! And for someone who’s still waiting for slashers, I promise I will make the new art later, I am open the restaurant with my grandma I have time only a little to draw. And when I have a chance I just want to relax and draw something I want, I hope you understand. And thank, thank you for the follow up on my account! But I hope you to reblog for me cause I don’t know, it’s just feeling like my art is something that people like and want to share to someone else, and that’s support me! Thank you very much! I love you!
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jasonswifeisme · 5 days ago
I love em omgg ahhh 😭✨💗
Genderbend Johnny and Derby
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Art trade with my dear friend @jasonswifeisme ♡
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jasonswifeisme · 5 days ago
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First art trade with my friend! @gordismybeloved
I never do this before, this is my first time doing art trade! I’m so excited!
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jasonswifeisme · 5 days ago
I made this drawing at school :P
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jasonswifeisme · 6 days ago
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The girls talking about their boyfriends! Fanart for @gordismybeloved !
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jasonswifeisme · 7 days ago
It's so refreshing, when someone in fandom like rare ships, so, can you give some headcanons with Bif/Bryce, since you ship them, I start like them now 🥹
( @preppiesenjoyer )
Headcanon of Bif/Bryce? Well, I will try, but I’m not good at it. But I will try! (Honestly I never even do this before, or even introduced myself to anyone, so something like this is so hard for me?)
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jasonswifeisme · 7 days ago
HI!! :3 I just found you, and I wanted to say, your style is cute 🥰 I feel so shy to ask about this for many people, but can we be mutuals? 👉👈
( @preppiesenjoyer )
Yeee! Sure! We can! And thank you so much for the compliment, you’re so kind to me! Let’s be friends then. Nah nah, you’re my friend now.. *pick ya up* >:D
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jasonswifeisme · 7 days ago
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Juliet is a rather modest girl with certain complexes. However, she is quite popular among the greasers, with whom she has a good and warm relationship.
She is quite romantic person, often loves to read love novels, likes songs about love. She participates in a theater club. Juliet loves animals, especially dogs.
Juliet is a little nervous by her nature, so she often bite her lips, even until they bleed. And therefore often uses red lipstick to hide it.
She worries so much about her mother and often cries at night, praying to God that he will heal her mother. Juliet is religious and often turns to God for help, while at the same time realizing that she herself needs to do something to help herself and the people around her. This is another strong character trait of hers - the desire to help people despite her own problems.
Despite the fact that she grew up in not the best conditions and with a sick mother, she always tries to be optimistic and kind to almost everyone.
She had to cook a lot because of her mother's illness and so she developed a passion for cooking.
Juliet had known Johnny since childhood. When she began studying at Bullworth Academy, he decided to accept her into his clique. Johnny sees Juliet as a younger sister even though they are the same age.
Lola’s close friend, despite the fact that they are very different.
Juliet was in love with Ricky, but since she spent more time with Norton, she develops feelings for him.
She is on good terms with with Tom and Trent.
She doesn't particularly like preps, and not just because they're greasers’ enemies, but because of their arrogance. However, she was able to make friends with Mary and even Oliver, who, in her opinion, are very different from the rest of the preps. Juliet even had a nice little chat with Parker, and she had a good impression of him.
Lefty and Vance are like younger brothers to her, she loves and appreciates them, often spends time with them and very close to them. She also sees Matteo and Mica (my other ocs) as younger brothers.
“I heard Mandy suffers from bulimia. If this is true, I feel sorry for her”
“I really would like to study to my full potential, but I can’t because of my mother’s illness, it’s complicates everything”
“Oh, this is the new kid everyone is talking about… Jimmy, right? He beat up preps? I already like him”
“Bullworth Academy is kinda crazy, but at least while I’m here I forget about my mother’s sickness”
“I wonder if Ricky loves watching sunsets as much as I do”
“Norton is so kind to me… I mean, I've never seen him like this with others…”
Template by @jimothy-hopkins
Art by @garyscar ♡
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jasonswifeisme · 7 days ago
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My 6 years ago arts! I love them so muchhhh there’s my Ocs in there, the American girl is Jody now but back then she’s doesn’t have name, cause I didn’t give her my name back then. And Kisaru and Diazo also my boyyy! And the German Soldier is my boyfriend lol, you can use the pillar men as your profile, but give the credit please! Thank youuuu!
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jasonswifeisme · 8 days ago
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My 6 years ago arts! I love them so muchhhh there’s my Ocs in there, the American girl is Jody now but back then she’s doesn’t have name, cause I didn’t give her my name back then. And Kisaru and Diazo also my boyyy! And the German Soldier is my boyfriend lol, you can use the pillar men as your profile, but give the credit please! Thank youuuu!
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jasonswifeisme · 8 days ago
Bad girls need love too
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