jasonchristensen · 4 years
Week 14: Your Choice
One thing I find Incredibly important is using text in design. Text relays information to the viewer through reading but when text is paired with images it can be harnessed to convey more than just a simply reading from text. Images invoke a sense of understanding through symbols and other visual aids like to color and shape. Paired with text it can convey more such as using red to invoke a sense of love or romance from iconography. Then to use a text or font that conveys the message while displaying a flare of artistic show’s a way to pair the two important pieces. 
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jasonchristensen · 4 years
Week 13
“Digital Aesthetic” a new form of style that has become increasing more and more popular as technology expands. Starting in the 80′s-90′s with new innovations in graphic design. The transition from designers working from physical to digital has exploded in recent years but at first not so much. The original Adobe and Xerox were expensive and generally only owned by companies or business. As they expended their tech became more available and affordable. Moving into the 2000′s Video games and its industry grew much more and became a place for designers to make ground breaking innovations. Today video hames with all they have done are now light years away from the original games and are incredible realistic. Movies are now using theses ideas too with CGI effects and other ideas implemented from video games. 
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jasonchristensen · 4 years
Week 12
While web 1.0 was ground breaking and got the ball rolling for interactive design it was only the tip of the ice burg. I think that currently social media is the most successful creation so far for “Interactive Design” while it could be the many apps made for sharing content or any. It has exploded and taken off to be something that no one could have imagined. Almost every person with access to it uses it in one way or another whether its business or personal use. While this is true it has also been made to compel people to use it with additive traits. In a way it has been made to be incredibly interactive with this idea whether it’s “clickbait”or any of type of work that catches the eye. 
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jasonchristensen · 4 years
Week 11
New media in this chapter we talk about how new media is creating a new type of designer a citizens designer. A citizen designer is and are the people in the world pushing the boundaries of what should be considered design or at least what is considered the primary focus of design. Now a days we are seeing people challenge these ideas by trying new things such are repurposing old recycled material into a working object. These ideas are what have these citizens designers seeing more purpose for design they can expand into different areas of work environments. 
This is incredibly relevant because with the internet and all these new forms of media our society and way we interact allows these thoughts to be shared and expanded on. New problems or dilemmas that can be met by creative thoughts for design are met with an answer. People are now more than ever sharing these things. People have now instead of just a normal job are finding ways to expand off this such as shows that focus on preparing things or even DYI. People are finding ways of innovating new things everyday and its making people become more creative proactively. 
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jasonchristensen · 4 years
Week 10: Typography  
During our readings of week 10 we explored typography and its role in design. While the readings explored every aspect to present day. Even with it starting around 1455 with Famous “Johann Guttenberg” which I was dumbfounded that they were trying to mass produce reading material at that time. It makes sense being a bible but I just was somewhat shocked how the need for mass produced reading materials wasn’t met by mechanicalized process yet. The thought of hand writing identical books is ridiculous especially multiple editions. After that I liked to see how in the “Art Deco” Movement it was seen over multiple countries. With Bifur which was introduced in France by French Foundry “Deberny & Peignot” which was a stylized abstraction of Art Deco typography. After they explain how the art movement is seen in American art deco with “Broadway Typeface” by Morris Fuller Bento. These types express a lot of artistic flare where its legibility is harder to read but is stylized. Regardless to see artist in different places both share a desire to create a font that exercises their stylized ideas is intriguing especially during an Art Movement. The most interesting thing that I found while reading this week's work was during the “Bauhaus Section”. In our previous readings I was made aware how they really were pioneers in the German Arts. The most famous text to come out of Bauhaus was regarded as “Bayer’s Universal” where they talked about how it was controversial. Especially where it was designed in a single case Alphabet. I was suspired to see how it made such a fuss over every aspect. I know we are far enough along where a new type isn't Revolutionay but to see how people of high power as well common people made a big deal of it. He simply was stating how “would not harm the readability of text” but it became a controversial quality of it. I understand to with other languages they relied on upper and lowercase yet I found it interesting to see it making wake over such a thing.
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jasonchristensen · 4 years
Week 9
Brooks Stevens born and raised in Milwaukee grew to become a historical figure and head pioneer for Industrial design for what we know it as now. When he was young, he had polio that left him bed ridden and with little hope of ever recovering. His father encouraged his passion for creating things and brought him various little models to make as well as bringing him drawing materials for him to draw. These critical things that happened in his early childhood is what made him chase his dream with all the support he needed. He later went to go to Cornell University to study Architecture he later left without a diploma and returned to Milwaukee to work. From there he went to open his first office in Milwaukee as well creating his new extremely modern home for him and his wife in Fox Point. After World War 2 he began working hard securing high playing and large name commissions such as: Miller Brewing, Harley Davidson and the outboard Marina. Around this same time, he unveiled a famous new design for a train called the “Olympian Hiawatha” This design for his train was extremely modern offering a beautiful viewing part of the train called the “sky top”. His work would be later placed in the Milwaukee art museum for leading a new trend in design. All this led to him becoming the first Midwest designer to join “SID” or “Society of industrial design” where his work would be displayed to a larger demographic.  He decided to stay in Milwaukee because his sense of home and community was strong for, he had built his business and established his name as well his legacy for design. From there he had made it clear that he was a pioneer for industrial design as well the Midwest. Making Milwaukee his playground for everything he wanted to create.  
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jasonchristensen · 4 years
Journal 8
Week 8: industrial design
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I used this item because it had a child safety lock on it that I never have seen before.
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jasonchristensen · 4 years
Journal 7:
Week 7 Architecture:  
The first Universal Key Principle I think is important is “Simple and intuitive use” where it is clear to use without prior experience with the design. The first example that came to me was my “Stanley instant change box cutter”. The box cutter consists of the handles or grip, the blade, and a solid yellow button near the blade. Upon use or handling of item it is clear how to operate and use with minimal functions. There is an obvious distinction too in the button where it stands out from the rest of the box cutter. The blade itself to load is easy to tell how you would feed it to the handle facing one way with an implied sense of motion. The blades are sold separately but the concept for using this shouldn’t take any effort from anyone.
 Key principle two I found important: “Tolerance for Effort”. Where the design minimalizes hazards or accidents to happen when operating the device. My choice for this item is a unique table saw that is called “sawstop” This device is quite common now in a workplace that demands a use of a table saw. My last job working for a construction company owned one. Many accidents happen with table saws where people loose fingers. The design in this product detects your moisture and conductivity within your finger with the saw blade. When that happens and they come in contact rotating at a very high rate of RPM’s it shoots the blade into a sensor that acts as an emergency brake. Leaving your finger with a hairline of damage if even noticeable. The blade and brake must be replaced if this happens at a small price but the price worth the reward and is a truly unique and smart design. There are plenty of videos of it happening and I also believe UWM owns one in the 3-d Studios.  
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jasonchristensen · 4 years
Journal 6
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Discover world
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Art Museum 
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Apartments on Locust 
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My sketchs
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jasonchristensen · 4 years
Journal 5
Example One: “Gerrit Rietveld, Schroder House, Utreht” I compared the example from the book to this house its in Mequon and I see it all the time when im by my parents and I immediately thought of this. This house shares the same element of “shape” as the one created in the book. They are contemportary and this architect probably made it off Gerrit Rietveld.
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Example Two: “J. Howard Miller, We Can Do It!” 1942 282 page.  I compared this poster to another my roommates owns “Marihuana”. The Element it shares is that of Color. They are prints both im assuming but they happen to share the same color palette while the style happens to be different. 
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Example three: “Kem Weber, Zephyr clock, 1933″ This clock made prior to ww2 was experimenting in a new modernism style. This clock posses the element of texture being its made of brass and copper smooth to the touch and sleek. The clock immediately made me think of my own watch. Mine is made of some metals im not sure but to the touch its most similar cold metal that is smooth and slick. 
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jasonchristensen · 4 years
Do not enter sign: Immediately we presented with the elements color, line, shape and typography. The shape is easy to distinguish. It’s bright and noticeable with red and white to make it pop.Its text is bold and coherent the line acts as a divider so you can read it easier. 
Caution wet Floor: This sign has typography, color and shape. It’s bright so you have to notice it. Large bold text indicates hazards as well as making you see clear. Its shape is awkward and feels out of place yet it complements it because you cant not see it.
Construction Barrels: I dislike this one because its only function is to work. It has the elements of color and shape but thats it. It has the shape of just a large drum and possess just bright orange color with reflective stripes.
Garbage can: I dislike this object being in other nations like Italy they make containers that hold plastic or trash that look more than just a large box. It posses shape mainly with some typography. It is just a large green box basically.
UWM Outside Benches: These I like they look like geometric U’s somewhat. They have elements of design in Texture, shape incorporated. They are rough to the touch but feel nice and are better than not possessing it. They are aesthetic  pleasing. 
Paint Buckets: These buckets I think need a new look they comprise of just shape. They happen to just be buckets covered in stickers they are plain and look the same they could be designed to look nicer or make it better to pour. 
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jasonchristensen · 4 years
Journal Week#3
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jasonchristensen · 4 years
Journal Post Week#2
Defining design: Asking me especially after reading “Design thinking” my response would be that Design is the process of creating something whether it be a building or even as small as a pencil. While that is very broad everything that goes into design is design being the functionality or even how it appears for it is the process of creating something. 
For items I use that have required a design process many things come to mind but immediately I thought of a tracing light box I created. https://www.familyhandyman.com/project/quick-diy-light-box/ While it isn't the same design the same amount of effort and time went into this. For someone who had needs that needed to be met they went out of their way to create a product perfect for them to work with. Even more so into depth would be this link https://www.instructables.com/id/Design-and-Make-your-own-Perfect-Pen/ Which shows you how to create a pen with drawings and everything. We use products like these everyday and don’t even think how much time went into it.
Finally after seeing and reading all the material on design what I think Is the most significant would be whose on the team. While you might have all the people who know how to make and create the items you need to have people who would be using this in a day to day situation that know what certain properties they need. 
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jasonchristensen · 4 years
Week #1 Journal one
My name is Jason Christensen im a sophomore at UWM going for a DVC major I was born and raised in Cedarburg Wi, 20 mins north of Milwaukee but I would say I am local. I am taking this class because it is required but also I appreciate all inputs of design. This semester I am living at my apartment off campus being one of my classes is f2f but I am still eager to learn in person or online. 
The reason I am an art major is that when I was 15-16 I started applying myself to the arts community locally by getting a co-op studio in the Marshal building and participating in their Gallery nights in the third ward. After selling small pieces and doing private commissions I came to the conclusion this is where I want my life to go. Most recently I was in two shows one with “ Frank Juarez” and another at the “ Grafton Arts Mill” for painting I did over summer. While I am a graphic design major my media is mainly Spray paint and acrylic.
I come from a background of artist my mother is an abstract painter who graduated from MIAD and my brother Is an Art Director/ Printmaker after graduating MIAD. I now volunteer and work with “ The Grafton Arts Mill” and “NSAA” which are non profit art associations. Basically I have beeb raised in the art community and would love to only see that opportunity expand.
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