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jasonbender-blog1 · 8 years ago
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 BU204 Complete Assignments Unit 1 to 7
 BU204 Unit 1 Assignment
  This Assignment deals with the Ten Principles of Economics and their applications to different scenarios. Each scenario below practices one of the 10 principles of economics. Match the principles to the appropriate scenario listed and justify your answer. Each principle will only be used once. Refer to chapter one for the details on the ten principles of economics.
  BU204 Unit 2 Assignment
  Explain the difference between absolute advantage and comparative advantage. Which is more important in determining trade between individuals or countries? Is it absolute advantage or comparative advantage? Why?
  BU204 Unit 3 Assignment
  Given the table below, graph the demand and supply curves for flashlights. Make certain to label the equilibrium price and equilibrium quantity.
  BU204 Unit 4 Assignment
  1) U.S. real GDP is substantially higher today than it was 60 years ago. What does this tell us, and what does it not tell us, about the well-being of U.S. residents? What are the limitations of the GDP as a measure of economic well-being? Given the limitations, why is GDP usually regarded as the best single measure of a society’s economic well-being? BU204 Unit 5 Assignment
 Select any developed country (such as U.S., England, Canada, Germany, etc.), AND select any developing country (such as Angola, Bangladesh, Chad, Nigeria, etc.), then download the resulting tables as Excel spreadsheets. Paste them into your answers. See the sample below for the U.S. and Nigeria. (10 points) BU204 Unit 6 Assignment
 PART 1: Comparing Long-Run Economic Growth Rates of Countries Use the library and databases to conduct research to identify the key factors that determine long term economic growth. You can find the most up-to-date reports on the economic growth trends of different countries under the World Bank website linked below. PART 2: Loanable Funds Market 1. Examine each of the following scenarios in the market for loanable funds. Explain the impacts on private savings, private investment spending, and the rate of interest under each of the following events. Assume the economy is autarky (closed) and it does not have trade and capital transactions (flows) with foreign countries. a. Assume the government balances its budget and reduces the size of its deficit to zero. (Refer to the graph below). What is its impact on private savings, private investment spending, and the rate of interest?
  BU204 Unit 7 Assignment
  This section deals with increase money supply given two scenarios (see “a” and “b” below). In Westlandia, the public holds 50% of money one (M1) in the form of currency, and the required reserve ratio is 20%. Estimate how much the money supply will increase in response to a new cash deposit of $500 by completing the accompanying table
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jasonbender-blog1 · 8 years ago
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 BSOP 434 (Logistics with Lab) Entire Course
 BSOP 434 Week 1 Homework Assignment
BSOP 434 Week 1 Lab Assignment
BSOP 434 Week 1 Discussion Questions
BSOP 434 Week 2 Homework Assignment
BSOP 434 Week 2 Lab Assignment: Aero Marine Logistics
BSOP 434 Week 2 Discussion Questions
BSOP 434 Week 3 Homework Assignment
BSOP 434 Week 3 Discussion Questions
BSOP 434 Week 3 Quiz (2 Different Set)
BSOP 434 Week 4 Homework Assignment
BSOP 434 Week 4 Lab Assignment: Easing Ira’s Ire
BSOP 434 Week 4 Discussion Questions
BSOP 434 Week 5 Homework Assignment
BSOP 434 Week 5 Lab Assignment: Cycle Counting & Logistics Systems
BSOP 434 Week 5 Discussion Questions
BSOP 434 Week 6 Homework Assignment
BSOP 434 Week 6 Discussion Questions
BSOP 434 Week 6 Quiz 1 (2 Versions with 2 Solutions)
BSOP 434 Week 7 Homework Assignment
BSOP 434 Week 7 Lab Assignment: Warehousing and Distribution
BSOP 434 Week 7 Discussion Questions
 BSOP 434 Week 8 Final Exam
 BSOP 434 Final Exam ( Version 1 )
  (TCO 10) ________ and ________ are the two basic     organizational structures associated with logistics.
(TCO 10) One problem with a _________ logistics structure     is that, because logistics activities are scattered throughout the firm,     they likely remain subservient to the objectives of the department in     which they are housed.
(TCO 3) Rate structures deal with three factors. Which of     the following is not one of them?
(TCO 3) A transportation manager who purchases a pre     specified level of transportation services, regardless of the mode and/or     carrier providing the transportation services, is known as a(n):
(TCO 2) A function in organization that encompasses all     activities associated with the flow and transformation of goods from the     raw material stage through to the end user, as well as the associated     information flows, is termed:
(TCO 2) Which of the following is not a key attribute of     supply-chain management?
(TCO 1) Inventory held for a number of reasons, including     projected price increases, seasonal demand, and potential stockouts, is     referred to as:
(TCO 1) Vendor managed inventory (VMI) benefits include:
(TCO 8) International freight forwarders can provide a     number of functions. Which is not one of them?
(TCO 8) What is used in areas where dock workers cannot     read but need a method to keep documents and shipments together?
(TCO 7) Which of the following statements is false?
(TCO 7) The raw materials, component parts, and supplies     bought from outside organizations to support a company’s operations     define:
(TCO 4) Logisticians and supply chain managers have a     particular interest in ____ taxes.
Page 2
(TCO 4) A brownfield is:
(TCO 5) ____ regulates the packaging of international air     shipments.
(TCO 5) ____ systems consider the reverse flow of     products, their reuse, and the marketing and distribution of recovered     products.
(TCO 6) The order cycle is:
(TCO 6) Order transmittal is:
(TCO 9) How do data and information differ?
(TCO 9) Which of the following is not considered a     general software package?
(TCO 12) Surveys and analog techniques are examples of     ____ forecasting.
(TCO 12) Which forecasting techniques tend to be     appropriate when there is little or no historical data?
(TCO 11) A(n) ____ rate simplifies each of the three     primary rate factors—product, weight, and distance.
(TCO 11) The shipment size that equates transportation     charges for different weights and weight groups is the ____ concept.
(TCO 13) Throughput refers to:
(TCO 13) ____ refers to a process where a product is     received in a facility, occasionally married with a product going to the     same destination, and is then shipped at the earliest time, without going     into longer-term storage.
Page 3
(TCO 4) What is a free trade zone?
(TCO 9) Discuss some of the challenges associated with     computer security.
(TCO 9) Why are some companies hesitant to adopt RFID     technology?
(TCO 12) Forecasting accuracy refers to the relationship     between actual and forecasted demand, and accuracy can be affected by     various considerations. What is one of the challenges with the analog     technique?
(TCO 13) According to the text, what is contract     warehousing?
(TCO 14) What areas and/or activities are typically     planned to be included into Distribution Resource Planning (DRP)?
(TCO 3) How are carriers legally classified?
(TCO 6) What is order management?
(TCO 5) Compare and contrast the various handling     characteristics associated with bulk cargoes.
(TCO 6) Examine the various methods of order transmittal     and differentiate the relevant characteristics of each one.
(TCO 11) Compare and contrast the three primary factors     for determining rates.
 BSOP 434 Final Exam ( Version 2 )
  (TCO 10) What     is the primary difference between pilferage and theft?
(TCO 10) With     ___________, cost objects consume activities, and activities consume     resources.
(TCO 3) Rate     structures deal with three factors. Which of the following is not one of     them?
(TCO 3) Based     on cost, speed, and capacity, which of the following modes is most     suitable for high-value, low-volume products (may be perishable or     otherwise require urgent delivery)?
(TCO 2) All     of the following terms have been used to refer to business logistics     except:
(TCO 2) The     movement and storage of materials into a firm refers to:
(TCO 1) Stocks     of goods and materials maintained for satisfaction of demand are known as:
(TCO 1)     Reorder point (ROP) is defined as the:
(TCO 8) International     freight forwarders can provide a number of functions. Which is not one of     them?
(TCO 8) Taxes     that governments place on the importation of certain items are known as:
(TCO 7) Which     of the following statements is false?
(TCO 7) Procurement     and ________ are viewed as synonymous terms.
(TCO 4) Logisticians     and supply chain managers have a particular interest in ____ taxes.
Page 2
(TCO 4) The     purpose of ____ zones is to encourage business development in economically     depressed portions of a particular city.
(TCO 5) ____     refers to materials used for the containment, protection, handling,     delivery, and presentation of goods.
(TCO 5) The     basic unit in unit loading is:
(TCO 6) The     order cycle is:
(TCO 6) In     general, there are ____ possible ways to transmit orders.
(TCO 9) Spreadsheets     represent what general type of information management system?
(TCO 9) ____     refer to a network of satellites that transmits signals that pinpoint the     exact location of an object.
(TCO 12) Which     of the following is not a basic type of demand forecasting model?
(TCO 12) Successful     implementations of collaborative planning, forecasting, and replenishment     have resulted in 20 to 30% improvements in forecasting accuracy as well as     ____ to ____ % reduction in order cycle times.
(TCO 11) A(n)     ____ rate simplifies each of the three primary rate factors—product,     weight, and distance.
(TCO 11) The     shipment size that equates transportation charges for different weights     and weight groups is the ____ concept.
(TCO 13) Throughput     refers to:
(TCO 13) ____     refers to a process where a product is received in a facility,     occasionally married with a product going to the same destination, and is     then shipped at the earliest time, without going into longer-term storage.
Page 3
(TCO 4) How     can advances in technology and communication influence the facility     location decision?
(TCO 9) Discuss     the relationship between automatic identification technologies and     point-of-sale systems.
(TCO 9) Discuss     the drawbacks of EDI.
(TCO 12) Forecasting     accuracy refers to the relationship between actual and forecasted demand,     and accuracy can be affected by various considerations. What is one of the     challenges with the analog technique?
(TCO 13) Distinguish     between warehouses and distribution centers.
(TCO 14) Why     is there a high risk associated with implementing Distribution Resource     Planning (DRP)?
(TCO 3) How     are carriers legally classified?
(TCO 6) What     is pick-to-light technology?
(TCO 5) Examine     the role of labeling in logistics management. Why is it needed, how is it     used?
(TCO 6) Examine     the order picking and assembly operations. Assess how and why they are     needed.
(TCO 11) Compare     and contrast the the trade-offs between price and service possible during     rate and service negotiations.
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jasonbender-blog1 · 8 years ago
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 BSOP 429 Production Activity Control and Just-in-Time with Lab – Full Course
 BSOP 429 Week 1 Written Assignment
BSOP 429 Week 1 Discussion 1 How Other Levels of OPC Affect PAC (graded)
BSOP 429 Week 1 Discussion 2 Compare and Contrast JIT and MRP (graded)
BSOP 429 Week 2 Written Assignment
BSOP 429 Week 2 Lab 1 of 6: The Scheduling Lab
BSOP 429 Week 2 Discussion 1 Lead Times (graded)
BSOP 429 Week 2 Discussion 2 Lab 1 Discussion (graded)
Q & A Forum for your questions and comments (not graded)
BSOP 429 Week 3 Written Assignment
BSOP 429 Week 3 Lab 2 of 6; Lab Scheduling
BSOP 429 Week 3 Discussion 1 Types of Constraints (graded)
BSOP 429 Week 3 Discussion 2 Lab 2 Discussion (graded)
BSOP 429 Week 4 Written Assignment
BSOP 429 Week 4 Lab 3 of 6; Scheduling, Reporting and Feedback
BSOP 429 Week 4 Discussion 1 PAC Feedback (graded)
BSOP 429 Week 4 Discussion 2 Lab 3 Discussion (graded)
 BSOP 429 Week 4 Midterm Exam (2 Versions)
 BSOP 429 Week 4 Midterm – Set 1
  (TCO 12) _____ is the objective under JIT and time-based     competition. (Points : 5)
(TCO 2) Which of the following lead-time elements can be     compressed into one well-designed PAC system? (Points : 5)
(TCO 3) What happens to inventory as the number of kanban cards     increases? (Points : 5)
(TCO 1) In managing supplier relations, which of the following     is a beneficial setup? (Points : 5)
(TCO 6) When linking marketing requirements and manufacturing     strategy, what design approaches for shop floor system should be     considered? (Points : 5)
(TCO 9) Which of the following is true? (Points : 5)
(TCO 4) According to Elyahu Goldratt, the TOC system uses a     scheduling approach called _____. (Points : 5)
(TCO 5) The amount of time covered by the basic MRP record is     called the _____. (Points : 5)
Page 2
(TCO 1) Please explain PAC. (Points : 20)
(TCO 2) How does input from other areas into PAC and the     feedback PAC provides impact PAC? Explain. (Points : 20)
(TCO 6) Discuss the differences between MRP and JIT. (Points :     20)
 BSOP 429 Week 4 Midterm – Set 2
  (TCO 12) Formal systems for shop floor control under JIT are     _____.
(TCO 2) An operation setback chart _____.
(TCO 3) In order to minimize the number of orders waiting in     the queue and maximize the number of orders processed in a center, which     of the following rules should be used?
(TCO 1) Which of the following is true?
(TCO 6) When linking marketing requirements and manufacturing     strategy, what design approaches for shop floor system should be     considered?
(TCO 9) Which of the following is true?
(TCO 4) How much of total lead time is accounted for by queue     time?
(TCO 5) Gross requirements in an MRP record are _____ because     they are stated as unique items for a given period.
Essay Type
(TCO 1) List and briefly discuss the five main parts of the     operations planning control (OPC) system.
(TCO 2) What information should be provided into PAC as     feedback and why they are important?
(TCO 6) Compare and contrast JIT and MRP.
 BSOP 429 Week 5 Written Assignment
BSOP 429 Week 5 Lab 4 of 6; JIT and PAC
BSOP 429 Week 5 Discussion 1 Reducing the Wall of Inventory (graded)
BSOP 429 Week 5 Discussion 2 Lab 4 Assignment (graded)
BSOP 429 Week 6 Written Assignment
BSOP 429 Week 6 Lab 5 of 6
BSOP 429 Week 6 Discussion 1 Supply Chain for JIT Operations (graded)
BSOP 429 Week 6 Discussion 2 (Lab 5 Assignment) (graded)
BSOP 429 Week 7 Written Assignment
BSOP 429 Week 7 Lab 6 of 6; Critical Path Method
BSOP 429 Week 7 Discussion 1 Implementation (graded)
BSOP 429 Week 7 Discussion 2 Lab 6 Assignment (graded)
 BSOP 429 Week 8 Final Exam 
  (TCO 4) The priority rule, which will sequence jobs in the     order they are received, is _____. (Points : 5)
(TCO 2) In an assignment method problem, if it takes Abe 3     hours to build a birdhouse and 4 hours for a doghouse, and Betty takes 4     hours for a birdhouse and 3 hours for a doghouse, what is the reduced cost     (in hours) of assigning Betty to build the doghouse? (Points : 5)
(TCO 2) A major difference between manufacturing and service     systems in terms of scheduling is (Points : 5)
(TCO 3) Scheduling in service systems may involve scheduling     which of the following?
(Points : 5)
(TCO 5) The owner and operator of the local franchise of     Handyman, Inc., has four jobs to do today, shown in the order they were     received:
(TCO 6) Building up an inventory of standard parts or modules     instead of immediately producing the finished end items is the essence of     (Points : 5)
(TCO 7) With regard to suppliers, JIT systems typically require     (Points : 5)
(TCO 10) Which of the following is characteristic of the JIT     philosophy? (Points : 5)
(TCO 1) In make-to-stock systems, fluctuations in sales volume     are managed through which of the following? (Points : 5)
(TCO 5) In an MRP master schedule, the planning horizon is     often separated into a series of times periods called (Points : 5)
Page 2
(TCO 8) Explain how cellular manufacturing represents a flexible     manufacturing system. (Points : 25)
(TCO 11) State the four building blocks of lean operations, and     explain how fast and simple are the two common threads that run through     them. (Points : 25)
(TCO 9) Elaborate on the statement: “The output of the system     cannot exceed the output of the bottleneck operation(s).” (Points : 25)
(TCO 4) Differentiate between infinite loading and finite     loading as two major approaches used to load work centers. (Points : 25)
(TCO 12) The theory of constraints has a goal of maximizing flow     through the entire system. (Points : 25)
(TCO 2) Refer to the following data for jobs waiting to be     processed at a single work center (jobs are shown in order of arrival):
(TCO 10) Respond to the question: “Which is better, MRP or JIT?”     (Points : 25)
(TCO 1) The design of the MPC system is influenced by some key     features of market demand and product design. Name the key features that     will lead to an assemble-to-order system and explain the rationale.     (Points : 25)
(TCO 6) Market requirements drive the choice of the shop floor     system approach. Describe and explain the type of market requirements that     would be suitable for an MRP-based system, along the lines of product     design, product variety, product volume per period, product mix changes, and     delivery schedule changes. (Points : 25)
(TCO 10) Manufacturing strategy also drives the choice of shop     floor system. Describe and explain the strategies that lend themselves to     a JIT-based system, from the perspective of WIP, changeover cost, and     process choice. (Points : 25)
 BSOP 429 Week 8 Final Exam – Set 2
  (TCO 4) The two different approaches to load work centers in     job-shop scheduling are (Points : 5)
(TCO 2) The priority rule where jobs are processed according to     the smallest ratio of due date to processing time is (Points : 5)
(TCO 2) A scheduling rule used for sequencing jobs through two     work centers is (Points : 5)
(TCO 3) The owner and operator of the local franchise of     Handyman, Inc., has four jobs to do today, shown in the order they were received:………………….If     he uses the first-come, first-served (FCFS) priority rule to schedule     these jobs, what will be the average completion time? (Points : 5)
(TCO 5) The ultimate goal of JIT operations is to have (Points     : 5)
(TCO 6) Building up an inventory of standard parts or modules     instead of immediately producing the finished end items is the essence of     (Points : 5)
(TCO 7) A kanban card is used to signal that (Points : 5)
(TCO 10) The type of processing system that is used for highly     standardized products is (Points : 5)
Page 2
(TCO 8) Does cellular manufacturing apply best to repetitive,     high-volume product or nonrepetitive, low-volume product? Explain and give     an example. (Points : 25)
(TCO 11) Validate or invalidate the statement that although     inventories are maintained, the goal of lean operations is to maintain a     minimum of safety stock. (Points : 25)
(TCO 9) Elaborate on the statement: “The output of the system     cannot exceed the output of the bottleneck operation(s).” (Points : 25)
(TCO 4) Differentiate between infinite loading and finite     loading as two major approaches used to load work centers. (Points : 25)
(TCO 12) Explain why batch process helps maximize worker     efficiency. (Points : 25)
(TCO 2) Refer to the following data for jobs waiting to be     processed at a single work center (jobs are shown in order of     arrival):………………………… Batch job requires specialized operations carried out     by different workers or group of workers and so there is a need for more     specialization and standardization. What is the schedule sequence using     the first-come, first-served (FCFS) priority rule? (Points : 25)
(TCO 10) Respond to the question: “Which is better, MRP or JIT?”     (Points : 25)
(TCO 1) The design of the MPC system is influenced by some key     features of market demand and product design. Name the key features that     will lead to a make-to-stock system and explain the rationale.(Points: 25)
(TCO 6) Market requirements drive the choice of the shop floor     system approach. Describe and explain the type of market requirements that     would be suitable for an MRP-based system, along the lines of product     design, product variety, and product volume per period, product mix     changes, and delivery schedule changes. (Points : 25)
(TCO 10) Manufacturing strategy also drives the choice of shop     floor system. Describe and explain the strategies that lend themselves to     a JIT-based system, from the perspective of WIP, changeover cost, and     process choice. (Points : 25)
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jasonbender-blog1 · 8 years ago
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 BSHS 375 Full Course all weeks discussion and Assignments
 BSHS 375 WeeK 1 DQ 1
 Identify one health information technology advancement in the last decade that had an impact on human services and is not mentioned in the readings. Describe that impact and how it improved the delivery of the service.
 BSHS 375 WeeK 1 DQ 2
 Discuss the benefits and limitations of integrating technology into a human services organization. Identify best practices that would invest human service practitioners in the process
 BSHS 375 WeeK 1 Individual Assignment – Information Technology Timeline Worksheet
 Complete the University of Phoenix Material: Information Technology Milestones Worksheet, available on the student website.
 BSHS 375 WeeK 1 Individual Assignment – Interoperability Paper
 Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper discussing interoperability.
 Include the following topics in your paper:
  Identify one kind of human services organization—for     example, mental health provider or foster care provider—and describe the     services provided.
  Investigate and describe the three methods of     interoperability.
  Discuss how each method of interoperability could be     integrated into the selected organization and the advantages and     disadvantages of each method.
  For each method, describe the backup plan should     technology fail.
 Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.
 BSHS 375 WeeK 2 DQ 1
 Why is it important to track client encounter? What information must be tracked in a client encounter? Identify one software application that can help track client encounters and explain how using the application could improve service delivery.
 BSHS 375 WeeK 2 DQ 2
 BSHS 375 WeeK 2 Individual Assignment – Software for Human Services Organizations Paper
 Research software applications used to track the provision of client services in human services within the kind of organization chosen in Week One.
 Identify and analyze two software applications excluding Microsoft® Excel®, PowerPoint®, and Word applications.
 Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper summarizing your research of software applications used in your chosen human services organization. Include the following in your paper:
  Identify the benefits of using this software to     centralize electronic client records and human service resources.
How would you use the selected software to track client     services?
Describe the advantages or disadvantages (if any) of     using the software.
Explain if the size of the organization helps determine     the software package chosen. Why or why not?
Identify 2 to 3 possible challenges that could occur     during implementation and how you would resolve them.
 Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.
 BSHS 375 WeeK 2 Individual Assignment Database – Demographic Information
 Resource: Database Template located on the student website
 This assignment will encompass the remaining 4 weeks of class with the final product submitted in Week Five. There are multiple worksheets that you can access using the tabs at the bottom of the Microsoft® Excel® template. You will work on one worksheet each week.
 Create data for twenty clients in the Demographic worksheet using the Database Template.
 Create automatic sort for each column so your data can be viewed in different ways.
Format the Demographic worksheet so it can be printed in a professional way.
 BSHS 375 WeeK 3 DQ 1
 Describe how technology can be used to increase client accessibility to services. Provide an example of a technology that achieved this.
 BSHS 375 WeeK 3 DQ 2
 What are some ways that information technology connects clients to online resources?
Given the amount of information on the Internet, this type of access has positive and negative implications. What are the positive and negative aspects of the availability of health-related information on the Internet?
 BSHS 375 WeeK 3 Individual Assignment Database – Encounters Information
 Complete the following:
 On the Encounters worksheet in the Database Template, enter five encounters for three of the clients that you entered in the Demographics worksheet in Week Two. The client’s name in the Encounters worksheet should be linked to the client’s name on the Demographics worksheet.
 BSHS 375 WeeK 3 Team Assignment – Technological Access to Services Paper
 Choose from the following options to complete this assignment:
 Option One
 Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper discussing how technology assists in linking clients to services.
 Include a discussion of the following topics in your paper:
  Identify three technologies that increase client     accessibility to services, such as biometric, digital alerts, smart cards,     and microchips. At least one should be an online technology helping     clients assess online resources.
  For each technology, explain which population is     targeted, the advantages and disadvantages, and the process for the client     to access the technology.
 Option Two
 Create a 12- to 15-slide presentation discussing how technology assists in linking clients to services.
 Include a discussion of the following topics in your presentation:
  Identify three technologies that increase client     accessibility to services, such as biometric, digital alerts, smart cards,     and microchips. At least one should be an online technology helping     clients assess online resources.
 For each technology, explain which population is targeted, the advantages and disadvantages, and the process for the client to access the technology.
 BSHS 375 WeeK 4 DQ 1
 Identify an example of an assistive technology used in human services. How do you think this technology impacts service delivery?
 BSHS 375 WeeK 4 DQ 2
 How would you find the healthcare educational resources available to special needs populations in your state? Are the resources easy to locate? Discuss how you found this information.
 BSHS 375 WeeK 4 Individual Assignment Database – Invoice Report
 Create automatic sort for the data on the Encounter worksheet. Go to the Invoice Report worksheet and create an invoice report that can be printed for a selected client showing the dates that they were seen at the facility and the amount due.
 BSHS 375 WeeK 4 Team Assignment – Healthcare Educational Resources Paper (My Portion)
 All team members should answer each question below and post the answer in the team forum to compare information from multiple states. The Learning Team should research a minimum of three states.
  Identify the assistive technologies available to     special needs populations in your state.
What types of assistive technologies are available?
What healthcare educational resources are available to     special needs populations?
Does your state provide a comprehensive database of     services and technologies available?
How do special needs populations access services in     your state?
What additional assistive technology is available that     is not currently used in your selected states? What are the challenges to     implement the technology?
 Write a 1,400- to 1,750-word paper to summarize team members’ answers. The paper should also include the following information:
  Describe how the Americans with Disabilities Act of     1990 affects human services.
Compare and contrast the way each state provides     assistive technology and educational resources?
Based on what you learned about various states, what     are some recommendations to enhance the way the assistive technology and     educational resources are made available?
 Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.
 BSHS 375 WeeK 5 Individual Assignment – Online Therapy Paper
Conduct an Internet search for at least three online therapy sites.
 Write a 1,050- to 1,750-word paper in which you discuss the content in each site, the professionals involved, and how the actual online interaction occurs.
 Explain how professional associations and state regulatory boards address, treat, and refer to online therapy.
 Discuss related security issues and ethical issues, such as informed consent and confidentiality.
 Discuss how client data is protected in an online therapy setting.
 Include your opinion of the advantages and disadvantages of online therapy services.
 Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. This includes citing all of your sources, including your online sources.
 BSHS 375 WeeK 5 Individual Assignment – Quality Assurance Review
 Read the scenario and complete both Part 1 and Part 2.
 Part 1
 As the director of a community-based mental health agency, you receive a phone call from a school where one of your staff is providing services to a client. The teacher reports that the staff person is very talented, but is not open to feedback and does not tailor her interventions with the client according to his behavior on a specific day. She is also frequently late. This has created conflict between the teacher and the staff person.
 Examine this particular case and figure out if services are being provided appropriately. As a director, you gather information from the teacher, the staff person, the family, and anyone else involved in the case.
 Create a list of 7 to 10 questions that help guide your information gathering process, covering three basic components of quality assurance:
  Proper provision of service
Client satisfaction with service
Proper documentation
 Explain the reasoning behind your chosen questions.
 Describe how the information gathered from your questions can help to monitor and prevent future fraud and misappropriation of services.
 Part 2
 During the investigation, the teacher revealed to you that the client had just been treated for a communicable disease
  Identify how security was breached in this scenario and     explain the impact on confidentiality and services.
In this circumstance, how would you repair the relationship with the client and preventing it from happening again?
 BSHS 375 WeeK 5 Individual Assignment Database – Graphs
 Refer to the Graph worksheet in the Database Template on the student website.
 Create a graph in the Graph worksheet of the Database Template Microsoft® Excel® template that charts clients’ age and a second graph that charts clients’ medication.
 Format each graph for printing.
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 BMGT 464 Assignment 1: Individual Level of Analysis
 Assignment 1:  Individual Level of Analysis – Case Study Analysis
Due:  January 31, by 11:59 pm
         To     recognize and better understand the effect of individual characteristics     and behavior (individual level of analysis) on organizational performance     and effectiveness.
Related to the following course objective:
         Maximize     individual contributions to the organization based on an understanding of     individual behavior
Three to four-page paper, in addition to a cover page containing your name, the course name, the date, and the professor’s name, and bibliography.
Introduction to Assignment
For this assignment, you will read and analyze Case Study 1: Reach for the Stars—Developing Salespeople, Achieving Organizational Success. The case describes information and key observations concerning manager and worker behavior. You will identify and—to evidence critical thinking skills—analyze the critical incidents (problems, situations, issues, and consequences) in the case influencing individual and organizational performance and effectiveness, and make appropriate recommendations to improve problems, meet challenges, and take advantage of opportunities.  Overall, your analysis should include:
Identification and explanation of all relevant OB     concepts and theories, using examples where appropriate
Explanation of the specific case characteristics,     incidents and/or situations that addresses the concepts or theories
Analysis of the relevance of identifying and better     understanding individual characteristics
Analysis of pros and cons of key incidents or     situations (i.e., what are the drawbacks and/or positives associated with     the situation as it related to individual performance and/or     organizational productivity and effectiveness?)
Specific recommendations to address problems,     challenges, and opportunities, and a proposed follow-up or evaluation
Read and follow all the Instructions carefully.  The paper must clearly demonstrate your ability to understand how and why individual characteristics and behavior influence organizational performance and effectiveness.  Demonstrate critical thinking, as described under higher thinking levels in Bloom’s Taxonomy (find through Google). Strive to be original along with applying data, information, and ideas from the required reading and outside research.  Use examples and research information to support claims.  Use American Psychological Association (APA) format for in-text citations and the reference list.  Use the comprehensive outline format described in Instruction 9 to present your research findings, analysis, recommendations, and significant personal learning.
1)         Review the assignment purpose, course objective, and introduction above and the Assignment Grading rubric.
2)         Read the case below, Reach for the Stars—Developing Salespeople, Achieving Organizational Success.  This case was created for BMGT 464-6380.  Your analysis must evidence understanding of the case’s specific characters, context, and circumstances. Avoid generalizations that might apply to similar cases available on the Internet or in previous courses.
3)         Compose a brief abstract (no longer than a paragraph) synthesizing case highlights, putting the characters and incidents in context, and generally setting the scene for the detailed analysis to follow.
4)         Identify and analyze at least three critical incidents (problems, situations, issues, and consequences) in the case that influenced individual and organizational performance and effectiveness.  Explain how and why you think the incidents influenced individual and organizational performance and effectiveness.  Discuss the pros and cons of key incidents or situations (i.e., what are the drawbacks and/or positives associated with the situation as it related to individual performance and/or organizational productivity and effectiveness?)
5)         Make appropriate recommendations to address problems, meet challenges, and take advantage of opportunities, and propose follow-up or evaluation.
6)         Draw data, information, and ideas from at least six required resources (at least two from each of Weeks 1, 2, and 3) listed in the weekly Schedules, plus at least two credible, authoritative, relevant outside sources for a total of at least eight references.Your outside references should show a mix of scholarly and applied/practical sources, largely drawn from UMUC’s Information Library System (ILS), and including classic writings. Review APA citation materials and Tips on Research Sources in Course Content.  Cite research sources within the paper’s body using APA in-text formatting.  Include a Reference list with complete source information at the end of the paper.  See specific formatting and heading template instructions below in Instruction 9.  Alphabetize references under each subheading. Please note my preference for including publication date within in-text citations. You are expected to paraphrase, using quotes only when the source’s verbatim statements uniquely enhance meaning and understanding. Deductions will be taken when quotes are overused and found to be unnecessary.  See examples below:
In-text citation:
(Casey, 2002, p. 50). [Include publication date]
Reference citation:
Casey, C. (2002). Critical Analysis of Organizations: Theory, practice, revitalization. London: Sage.
7)         Identify and present in bold font at least six different OB concepts, theories, methods, strategies, or practices in your analysis. Demonstrate through context and/or endnotes your understanding of the terms’ definition and meaningfulness to the meet the assignment’s purpose and course objectives.
8)         Determine what significant learning and understanding you gained from your research and analysis.  Identify and evaluate at least three valuable take-aways you learned from your organization change analysis, and how you envision specifically applying them to your job or career.
9)         Use the outline below for headings and subheadings.  Your deliverable will use a comprehensive outline format with expository content under each heading to present your analysis, evaluation and recommendations in standard composition style. Feel free to add other headings, subheadings or make modifications as your findings, ideas, and assertions dictate. Use examples and cite support sources as presented above.
  Title page (your name, the course name,     assignment, the name of the organization, the date, and instructor’s name)
 Case abstract
 Critical incidents (occurrence, fact, change,     e.g., product diversification and market growth as reflected by “expanded     its product line from aging-related to sports injury-related medical     supplies and equipment” in the case study)
Critical incident 1
Critical incident 2
Critical incident 3
[and so forth]
  Recommendations (e.g., offer workshops or individual coaching     with personality tests to more effectively identify, validate, share, and     utilize personality traits, preference strengths, job-fit methods, and     interactionist perspectives—see Saylor/OBsection 3.1)
 Follow up (or evaluation—this is an area in which     outside research and resources would be a plus; e.g., how will management     determine if the intervention recommended above actually     worked? Perhaps assessing personality trait-based problem behavior     during performance refers could work, or including manager reports from     the personality tests referred to, say, three and six months after the     intervention would provide useful results…?)
   Significant learning (see Instruction 8 for     details about take-aways)
 Learning or Take-away 1
Learning or Take-away 2
Learning or Take-away 3:
and so forth
   References (required course materials and outside     research sources)
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 BMGT 380 Final Examination
 1. Sam orally agreed to sell Ramie some land for $500,000. Ramie paid Sam the $500,000; Sam gave Ramie the deed to the land. Ramie took possession of the land and began building a cabin on it. One month later, Sam tried to retake possession of the land by arguing that the contract for the sale was invalid because it was oral, not written. Sam sued Ramie to invalidate the contract and retake the land. The court will likely conclude that Sam will: a) Win; the sale exceeded $500 so the contract must be written to be valid. b) Win; all land sales contracts must be written. c) Lose; because the contract was fully executed Sam cannot rescind the contract. d) Lose; because Ramie had begun building a cabin on the property, Sam cannot rescind the contract.
2. On Tuesday, Sam offered to sell his CD collection to Sandy for $100. Sandy replied, "I’m interested. I’ll think it over and let you know Thursday whether I want to buy the CDs." On Wednesday, Sam agreed to sell the CDs to Jason, and Jason immediately gave Sam a letter that stated: "Sam, I will buy your CD collection for $100. As we agreed, I will pay you on Friday when I pick up the CDs. Yours truly, Jason." Upon Sam’s receipt of this letter on Wednesday, what best describes Sam’s contract agreement(s)? a) By forming an agreement with Jason, Sam breached his contract with Sandy.
b) Sam has formed contracts with both Jason and Sandy. c) Sam and Jason have formed a valid, enforceable contract; Sam did not form a contract with Sandy. d) Sam formed a contract with Sandy, but has not formed an enforceable contract with Jason because Jason has not yet paid for the CD collection.
3. Mac and Rhamad signed a business contract with a clause that provides that if a dispute arises they must submit to binding arbitration to resolve the dispute. After they had been doing business together for a year, a dispute arose under the terms of the contract. Rather than submit to arbitration, Mac filed a lawsuit against Rhamad. Most likely the court will: a) Hear the lawsuit because Mac cannot be compelled to submit to arbitration; he is constitutionally entitled to a jury trial if he requests a trial. b) Conduct a bench trial, then order a remedy without compelling Mac to submit to arbitration or to a jury trial. c) Compel Mac to submit to arbitration to resolve the dispute. d) Hear the lawsuit in a trial, then compel Mac to submit to arbitration, if Mac is not satisfied with the trial decision.
4. Roxy, while driving through Wyoming to her home in Montana, accidentally lost control of her car and drove it through a window into a store owned by Colt. Colt sued Roxy in a Wyoming court for damages to his store. Will the Wyoming court likely be able to exercise jurisdiction over Roxy? a) No, because Wyoming has no in personam (personal) jurisdiction over Roxy, and cannot exercise its long arm statute in cases only involving automobile accidents. b) No, because Wyoming has no in personam jurisdiction over Roxy, and cannot justify minimum contacts in this case.
c) Yes, Wyoming can exercise in personam jurisdiction in this case because any state court has personal jurisdiction in every diversity of citizenship case. d) Yes, because Wyoming can assert in personam jurisdiction over Roxy under the minimum contacts test.
5. Assume a salesperson intentionally made one of the following statements knowing that the statement was false – to a customer considering a purchase. Which statement could create liability for fraudulent misrepresentation if the customer made the purchase? a) “In my opinion, this car is in flawless mechanical condition.” b) “This crane will probably lift about 10,000 pounds.” c) “This car is a real gem.” d) “This is an original painting by the artist, Pablo Picasso.”
6. Don promised to buy his girlfriend, Sophie, a new car so Sophie sold her old car. Don now refuses to buy Sophie the car. Sophie has a job that requires her to have a car to get to work. If Sophie sues Don to enforce the promise, the likely result is that the promise will: a) Be enforced under promissory estoppel because Sophie reasonably relied on Don’s promise, to her detriment. b) Not be enforced as Sophie was not unjustly enriched simply because she did not receive the car. c) Be enforced because the car is a necessity for Sophie and all contracts for necessities are binding and enforceable for all parties even if contract formation is flawed. d) Not be enforced as Don’s promise was a gift to Sophie; Sophie gave consideration, but Don did not.
7. Reg offered to sell his motorcycle to Thelma for $8,000. Thelma replied, "Your price is too high. I will purchase your motorcycle for $7,000". Reg agreed and they committed their agreement to writing. This transaction can be characterized as: a) An enforceable contract because Reg’s acceptance of Thelma’s offer was a clearly communicated acceptance. b) An enforceable contract because Thelma’s counteroffer was less than Reg’s original offer. c) An unenforceable contract because Thelma’s offer was not the mirror image of Reg’s original offer as is required under common law contract rules. d) An unenforceable contract unless either Reg or Thelma is a merchant, as defined by the UCC, because sale of personal property contracts are valid only if one of the parties to the contract is a merchant. 8. Mary sued Don for negligence. Mary’s losses total $100,000. Under a contributory negligence system, if Mary is found to be contributorily negligent for her own injuries, what damages will Mary likely recover from Don? a) None. b) $100,000. c) $100,000 minus the percentage of fault (e.g., 20%, 60%, etc.) for which Mary was responsible. d) $100,000 minus the percentage of fault for which Mary was responsible, so long as Mary was not more than 50% responsible for the injuries.
9. Ram was walking down the sidewalk by a construction project site in a downtown area. The project was owned and operated by Modern Construction, Inc. and was surrounded by orange plastic fencing typically used for construction projects. Ram stopped to watch a metal beam being lifted by a crane on the
construction site. As the beam swung through the air, Ram thought it was going to fall and jumped forward quickly off the sidewalk and into the construction project property, falling into and smashing the orange plastic fencing. As Ram landed inside the construction project, the beam fell near Ram. The beam did not hit Ram but some rocks were thrown onto Ram as the beam fell, cutting his arm badly so that it required 35 stitches. If Ram sues Model Construction for negligence, the likely result will be that Ram will: a) Lose, because he assumed the risk as a trespasser on the construction site and trespassers can never recover damages. b) Lose, because pedestrians are always contributorily negligent in such cases involving trespassing. c) Win, because it is always foreseeable that a beam could fall on a nearby pedestrian. d) Win, if the beam fell because of Model Construction’s negligence.
10. X and Y agreed that X would sell Y his small business, including the land on which the business was situated, for $500,000. Both X and Y knew at the time the contract was formed that the business was actually worth $800,000. Is this a valid, enforceable contract? a) Yes, provided the contract was in writing, in accordance with the Statute of Frauds and the parties freely consented. b) Yes, provided the contract was in accordance with state statutory law that permits real estate sales for 40% or more below market value. c) No, because $500,000 is not valid consideration for a business worth $800,000. d) No, because X has no pre-existing legal duty to sell his business.
11. Fine Art Corp. sent a written offer to buy 10,000 pencils for a total of $10,000 from Faber Pencil Co. Both parties are merchants. Faber can accept the offer by: a) Promising to ship the pencils. b) Promptly shipping the pencils. c) Accepting the offer on Faber’s own written standard form contract. d) All of the above could be valid acceptance.
12. Ralph, a 16-year old minor, is manager for the high school football team. Ralph signed a contract to purchase alcoholic beverages from Liquormart, Inc. for the team party. This contract is: a) Void as a matter of law because it is illegal to sell alcohol to minors by state law. b) Void only if Ralph misrepresented his age and told Liquormart he was an adult. c) Valid and enforceable, but Ralph has the right to disaffirm because he is a minor. d) Valid and enforceable, if Liquormart knew that Ralph was a minor.
13. Which of the following activities may involve the use of a contract, and/or constitute a sales contract? a) Purchasing medications from a pharmacy. b) Hiring a contractor to make home repairs. c) Purchasing insurance policies from an insurance agent. d) Selling books to customers in a bookstore.
e) All of the above
14. Fay was admitted to Global Associates, an existing partnership, as a limited partner on January, 2015. In June, 2015, a partnership debt incurred in October, 2014 came due. Fay is: a) Not liable for the debt because the debt was incurred prior to her joining the partnership. b) Only liable for the debt up to the amount of her capital contribution to the partnership. c) Personally liable only for 50% of the total debt if 50% of the other partners do not pay. d) Personally liable for the full extent of the debt if the other partners do not pay.
15. Earl, a nonmerchant, offered to sell a chair to Isaac, a nonmerchant. Earl’s house caught fire and destroyed the chair before Isaac accepted Earl’s offer to buy the chair. As a result: a) The destruction of the chair constitutes an automatic, valid revocation of the offer. b) The fire does not automatically revoke the offer, but because neither Earl nor Isaac is a merchant, the offer is revocable at any time at Earl’s option. c) Earl did not validly communicate a revocation to Isaac, so Isaac still has the option of accepting Earl’s offer; if Isaac accepts the offer, Earl must obtain a similar chair for Isaac or pay Isaac the equivalent value of the chair. d) Earl’s offer is automatically revoked by the fire, unless the offer was a firm offer.
16. CC’s Day Spa, LLC, is a member-managed limited liability company. So long as it is in accordance with state law, members can agree to apportion voting rights according to: a) Participation in management. b) Capital contributions. c) The number of members. d) Any of the above.
17. Jim and Kiley are architects and general partners of JK Designs. Jim and Kiley supervise Luc, an employee of JK Designs. As general partners of JK Designs, Jim and Kiley: a) Are not personally liable for any tort(s) committed by Kiley. b) May be personally liable for malpractice committed by Luc working within the scope of his job at JK. c) Have limited liability for any of Kiley’s acts of malpractice. d) Have no liability for any torts committed by Luc.
18. Kisha operates River Valley Soccer, an athletic equipment shop as a sole proprietorship. Taxes on the business’s income are paid by: a) No one; since it is a sole proprietorship there are no business taxes. b) Kisha as the sole owner. c) The state or federal government if Kisha holds a Small Business Administration loan acquired to start her business. d) The business entity of River Valley Soccer, not Kisha personally.
19. Assume that Virginia enacted a law prohibiting, until further notice, all grocery stores in Virginia from selling all powdered spices manufactured in, or shipped from, Maryland. This law was enacted because it was discovered that the spices recently manufactured in Maryland were infected with bacteria. Determine the constitutionality of the Virginia statute. The statute is: a) Unconstitutional; it violates grocery store owners’ substantive and procedural due process rights under the 5th and 14th Amendments because they are private businesses. b) Unconstitutional; the statute imposes an undue burden on interstate commerce. c) Constitutional; it is a valid exercise of Virginia’s police power. d) Constitutional; the statute imposes an undue burden on intrastate and interstate commerce. 20. Distinguish which of the following is an advantage of limited liability companies (LLCs) over corporations. a) Only one member of a LLC must have unlimited liability as compared with corporations in which all shareholders have unlimited liability. b) LLCs can be formed without any specific steps being taken by the owners as compared with corporations that must file Articles of Incorporation with the State. c) In most cases, a LLC can choose whether to be taxed as a partnership or corporation, as compared with corporations that are subject to double corporate taxation. d) LLCs can choose whether to sell shares publically to investors, as compared to private corporations that must sell shares publically to investors.
21. Pete, who collects antique cars, hired Ann as his agent to find and purchase a 1965 Ford Mustang on his behalf. Ann found a Mustang like Pete wanted, but Ann fell in love with the car and purchased it for herself. Which of the following illustrates Ann’s liability, if any, in her duty as agent to Pete in this situation? a) Ann has not violated the duty of loyalty to Pete; she can find another Mustang for him. b) Ann has not engaged in self-dealing because she did not purchase the Mustang with Pete’s funds. c) Ann usurped an opportunity for Pete, but has not violated the duty of loyalty to Pete by competing with Pete’s interests. d) Ann violated the duty of loyalty to Pete by competing with Pete’s interests, and has usurped an opportunity for Pete.
22. Ed hired Frankie, who is 13 years old, to buy a computer on Ed’s behalf. Which of the following identifies the legal relationship between Ed and Frankie? a) This is a valid agency relationship even though Frankie is a minor, and Ed would be bound by authorized contracts Frankie enters into on Ed’s behalf. b) This is a valid agency relationship even though Frankie is a minor, but Ed would have the option of disaffirming any contracts Frankie enters into on Ed’s behalf. c) This is a valid agency relationship even though Frankie is a minor, but Frankie would not be entitled to any payment under the terms of the agency because he is a minor. d) This is an invalid agency relationship because Frankie is a minor.
23. Mediation might be more reasonable and appropriate than a trial in which of the following situations?
a) A lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of a new state statute. b) A dispute between neighbors over a property boundary. c) An alleged theft of patio furniture from the patio of a house. d) None of the above are appropriate for mediation.
Answer questions 24-25 regarding the following scenario: Scenario: Jones, a resident of Arizona, booked reservations for a vacation at Windell Hotels, Inc. in Cabo Mar, Mexico. Windell Hotels is an international hotel chain incorporated in Delaware with hotels in North and South America; Windell Hotels has no hotels in Arizona but does advertise and book reservations for all its hotels over the Internet. While a guest in the hotel in Cabo Mar, Jones was walking across the hotel lobby, and slipped and fell on the wet marble floor that had been just washed by the maintenance staff. The staff had placed a “wet floor” sign on the lobby floor on the side wall of the lobby. Jones was taken to the nearest Mexican hospital where surgery was necessary to place a pin in his broken leg. Anxious to return home and see his regular doctor, Jones flew out of Mexico shortly after the surgery. He required two plane seats and an ambulance to meet him at various airports. His health insurance would not cover his hospital stay in Mexico as it was located outside the U.S. When back in Arizona, Jones was unable to work for 8 weeks and required another surgery to remove the pin. He also required several weeks of physical therapy.
24. Jones wants to sue Windell Hotels, Inc. in federal court for $450,000 to recover all his medical expenses in Mexico and the US; for $50,000 for the cost of the plane trip from Mexico to Arizona, the 2 plane seats and ambulance costs in various airports; $10,000 for 8 weeks of lost wages; and $50,000 for pain and suffering resulting from the injury. Can he sue in federal court? a) Yes, because Federal Court always has jurisdiction over citizens of different states.
b) No, because Federal Court does not have jurisdiction in cases that do not involve federal laws. c) Yes, because the Federal Court may have jurisdiction over citizens of different states and the lawsuit involves damages greater than $75,000. d) No, because the Federal Court has no jurisdiction over an accident that occurred in Mexico.
25. It would be easier for Jones to bring the lawsuit in Arizona state court, but he wonders if the court can get Windell Hotels to come to Arizona. Can the Arizona state court impose jurisdiction over Windell Hotels to bring the company to court in Arizona? a) No, because the subject of the lawsuit took place in a foreign country. b) No, because the corporation does not have sufficient minimum contact with Arizona to allow the Arizona court to use the long arm statute to establish jurisdiction in Arizona. c) Yes, because the Jones is a resident of Arizona and he is the plaintiff in the lawsuit. d) Yes, because Windell Hotels has sufficient minimum contact with Arizona the state to justify the court’s use of the long arm statute. Scroll down please to begin the essay portion of the exam.
Section: Section II. Essay: 9 questions/50 points Questions 1-8 = 5 pts each; question 9 = 10 pts Use the answer sheet at the end of the exam. Number each answer. DO NOT recopy questions. Answer each question in complete paragraphs; do not list or answer in phrases (points will be deducted for doing so). None of these questions can be adequately/comprehensively answered in just a paragraph, so be comprehensive, in depth in your answers, but be careful to not include irrelevant information. Points will be deducted for answers that are not well justified, not sufficiently comprehensive. Use APA in text citations, as appropriate but please do not use direct quotes. Use only classroom notes/comment and assigned reading or watching materials as resources, which is all you need to complete the exam. DO NOT use any outside, Internet resources as they are often inaccurate. Follow directions carefully. Answer all parts of each question. Be sure to directly answer the question(s) asked. __________________________________________________________________ Refer to the scenario for Multiple Choice questions 24-25 above to answer the following essay question #1 only: 1. Jones sued Windell Hotels, Inc. for negligence to recover damages for his injuries resulting from the fall in the Cabo Mar hotel. Will Jones likely be successful in the negligence lawsuit against Windell Hotels? Explain fully why or why not.
2. Clarkson and Lee did not have a contract, but Clarkson completed extensive landscaping in Lee’s yard by mistake while Lee was away on vacation. Clarkson sent Lee a bill for the landscaping service but Lee refused to pay. Determine the likely result if Clark sues Lee to recover the costs of the landscaping. 3. Racer contracted in writing to drive Owner’s one-of-a-kind, specially designed championship race car in the Miami 500 Race on July 15 for a fee of $2500. On July 1, the race car was destroyed in an accidental fire in a storage warehouse where the race car was being stored prior to the race. Owner owns no other race cars, so Owner considered the contract discharged. Racer claimed that she is still entitled to the $2500 fee because she and Owner had a valid enforceable contract. Compare and contrast the rights and obligations of Racer and Owner under the contract as of July 1. 4. Compare and contrast the rights and possible liabilities for a merchant selling goods in “As Is” condition with the rights and possible liabilities for selling goods with an express warranty stating, “This product is quality Grade A”. 5. Aaron plans to open Aaron’s Pets, a pet shop selling pets and pet supplies, and plans to hire 2 part-time employees. Aaron will invest only his own money in the business. He does not expect to make any profit for at least 2 years and to make very little profit for the next 3 years after the first 2 years. He does expect to make a profit eventually. Which form of business organization is most appropriate and easiest for Aaron to use in opening his pet store – and why? (There is only one correct answer)
6. There are extensive federal regulations governing airplanes and pilots. Assume that the state of New York passed a statute containing numerous requirements,
some conflicting with federal regulations, covering operation of airplanes and licensing of airplane pilots. If the New York state statue is challenged as being unconstitutional, what is the likely result? Describe the applicable law and rationale for your conclusion.
7. Fran, Joe, and Mike formed a general partnership to operate a flower shop called Fresher Flowers. One of Fran’s jobs is to make deliveries using the partnership truck. In one such delivery, Fran negligently ran a stop sign, striking a car driven by Peggy, causing damage to the car and injury to Peggy.
Analyze and describe (1) the personal liability of Fran, Joe, and Mike, (2) the liability of the partnership, Fresher Flowers.
8. Mark plans to open a barbeque restaurant. He can either open the business as a sole proprietorship or obtain a franchise for “Smokin’ Hot Bar-B-Q”. Compare and contrast the advantages and disadvantages of opening the business as a sole proprietorship and a franchise.
9. 10 points Leon, a bank vice president, joined Fitness Center, Inc. (FC). He signed a contract for the membership. The contract stated, among other things, an exculpatory clause that FC… “shall not be liable for any claim, demand, cause of action of any kind whatsoever for, or on account of death, personal injury, property damage or loss of any kind resulting from or related to Member’s use of facilities or participation in any sport, exercise or activity within the club premises…”
While working out at FC, Leon sustained back injuries when a treadmill on which he was walking suddenly collapsed at FC. Leon sued FC for his injuries. Discuss: a. Is the exculpatory clause in the contract valid or invalid in Leon’s case and why? b. Possible product liability claim(s) for which Leon could sue FC and why product liability claims might be applicable to this case c. Possible ordinary (non-product liability) negligence claim for which Leon could sue FC and why a negligence claim might be applicable to this case d. The likely outcome if Leon sues FC under product liability e. The likely outcome if Leon sues FC under ordinary negligence
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jasonbender-blog1 · 8 years ago
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 BMGT 364 Assignment 3:  Applying the P-O-L-C
 The third assignment, a consultancy report, provides students with the ability to demonstrate that they have mastered the course content and can apply theories, concepts and ideas learned throughout the course to a situation that emulates a real world situation.  Students will read the case study that focuses on the four functions of management:  planning, organizing, leading and controlling (P-O-L-C) and respond to the required elements of the assignment.
Writing reports in business is commonplace so writing a consultancy report provides students the opportunity to demonstrate a skill that employers are looking for from an employee.
 Outcome Met by Completing This Assignment:
               integrate management theories and principles into management practices
         employ     effective planning processes to develop strategies, goals, and objectives     in order to enhance performance and sustainability
             organize human, physical, and financial resources for the effective and     efficient attainment of organizational goals
         demonstrate     leadership skills by communicating a shared vision, motivating and     empowering others, and creating a culture of ethical decision-making and     innovation
             develop measures and assess outcomes against plans and standards to     improve organizational effectiveness
             identify the essential characteristics of decision making and indicate the     range and types of decisions a manager makes
You have been hired as a consultant to help Mike Davis and his family to solve the problems with his business both day-to-day and over the long term (strategically).  You will create a consultancy report that covers the four functions of management.  In creating the consultancy report, you must also demonstrate how the four functions of management are interrelated showing how issues in one function impact other functions.
In speaking with Mike, Ethan and Daisy, you already know the following about the business owners:
     failed to develop or share a     mission statement;
     failed to determine the best     way to organize resources, including personnel;
     underestimates the importance     of recruitment, job design and descriptions, and training;
     assumed that motivation will     occur naturally;
     fails to define standards and     other measurable outcomes;
     ignored negative information;
     delayed actions to improve     organizational outcomes.
Be succinct in your writing but persuasive so that the recommendations will have positive outcomes for the business.
Students are not using buzz-word and are not defining terms using a dictionary.  Students are expected to present the material in a professional manner describing and explaining to the owners.  As a consultant, you should be secure in your presentation to Mike, Ethan and Daisy.  Avoid telling the owners that they should do this or must do that but write in an action-oriented manner.  Students are expected to make connections between the facts of the case study and concepts, theories, and ideas presented in the course material.
 Step 1:  Review “How to Analyze a Case Study” under Week 3 Content.
 Step 2:  Create a Word or Rich Text Format (RTF) document.  This consultancy plan should be presented in a professional manner using single space, double-spaced between paragraphs.  The final product will be between 6-8 pages in length excluding the title page, diagrams and reference page.
 Step 3:  Title page with your name, the course name, the date, and the instructor’s name.
 Step 4:  Since students are probably not familiar with writing a consultancy report, the following resources have been provided to assist in writing the report.
Outline for Consultancy Report
 Step 5:  In writing a case study, the writing is in the third person.  What this means is that there are no words such as “I, me, my, we, or us” (first person writing), nor is there use of “you or your” (second person writing).  If uncertain how to write in the third person, view this link:  http://www.quickanddirtytips.com/education/grammar/first-second-and-third-person
 Step 6:  In writing this assignment, students are expected to support the reasoning using in-text citations and a reference list.  If any material is used from a source, it must be cited and referenced.  A reference within a reference list cannot exist without an associated in-text citation and vice versa.  View the sample APA paper under Week 1 content.
 Step 7:  In writing this assignment, students are expected to paraphrase and not use direct quotes.  Learn to paraphrase by reviewing this link:  https://writing.wisc.edu/Handbook/QPA_paraphrase2.html
 Step 8:  In writing this assignment, students may use external resources but the majority of resources will come from the course readings with a wide array of readings used.  
 Step 9:  Review the grading rubric for the assignment.
 Step 10:  Read critically and analyze the case study provided under Week 8 content.   Notate the key points in the case study.
 Step 11:  Create an executive summary.   Although a report must be complete when presenting to a client, the expectation is that there is an executive summary so that the client can read quickly the main features of the report.  The executive summary should be written in a way that makes the client want to read more so it must have enough information to see the potential behind the recommendations without having to read the entire report.
So you aren’t sure how to write the executive summary.  Check out this resource to help you write the summary:
How to Write an Executive Summary:  http://articles.bplans.com/writing-an-executive-summary/
 Step 12:  Respond to the required elements of the assignment.  Be clear and concise in the writing and make sure the questions are comprehensively answered.
In creating the consultancy report, students will first     assess the business and identify specific areas of strengths and     weaknesses of the business as it relates to the components of the P-O-L-C.     In completing this section, do not create a heading for each element of     the P-O-L-C but write from the perspective of the consultant discussing     the strengths and weaknesses of the business;
Select a management model (class hierarchy, democratic     hierarchy, collaborative management or collective management) and explain     why the selected model is most appropriate for Outdoor Adventure Paintball     Park;
Develop roles and responsibility of the owners and     employees (Be creative in completing this task);  Discuss why     these positions are necessary to the business;
Discuss communication and the flow of decision making     in relation to the management model;
Make specific recommendations for improving the     management of Outdoor Adventure Paintball Park. Cover all aspects of the     P-O-L-C.  This area of the paper specifically addresses the areas of     strengths and weaknesses identified above and puts in place a plan for the     short and long –term success of the business;
Create a balanced scorecard that will help Outdoor     Adventure Paintball Park align its business activities to the vision and     strategy of the organization, improves communication and monitors     performance against goals;
Students are expected to show what they have learned in     the course by applying theories and concepts. Be sure to support your     reasoning.
  Step 13:  Using the grading rubric as a comparison, read through the paper to ensure all required elements are presented.
 Step 14: Proofread the paper for spelling and grammatical issues, and third person writing.
Use the spell and grammar check in Word as a first     measure;
Have someone who has excellent English skills to proof     the paper;
Consider submitting the paper to the Effective Writing     Center (EWC).  The EWC will provide 4-6 areas that may need     improvement. 
 Step 15:  Submit the paper in the Assignment Folder.
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jasonbender-blog1 · 8 years ago
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 BMGT 364 Assignment 2: Mini-Management Plan
 Assignment 2:  Mini-Management Plan
In the second assignment, students will complete a mini-management plan that demonstrates how an organization operates on a day-to-day basis as well as over the long run.  This assignment helps students develop the skills necessary to assess a management situation and to write a report based on the findings
A management plan is a report that includes numerous sections that cover various aspects of the business.
 Outcome Met by Completing This Assignment:
  integrate     management theories and principles into management practices
employ     effective planning processes to develop strategies, goals, and objectives     in order to enhance performance and sustainability
organize     human, physical, and financial resources for the effective and efficient     attainment of organizational goals
identify the     essential characteristics of decision making and indicate the range and     types of decisions a manager makes
In this assignment students will take the role of the Vice President of Operation creating a mini-management plan that focuses on those aspects of the business related to planning and organizing.  As Vice President of Operations, Joseph Jackson, the leader of Cyber Software, Inc., has asked you to help him solve his organizational problems.  This mini-management plan is a professionally written document that will be given to Joseph Jackson.
In writing the plan, you must use the terminology learned in the course.  Since Joe Jackson is quite knowledgeable, you are not defining terms using a dictionary but you will explain and describe concepts and ideas so Joseph Jackson understands what you mean, why the ideas are important to the business and how to implement the proposed plan.  The plan is not one in which the Vice President of Operations tells Joseph Jackson that he should do this or do that or he needs to or will do this or do that but one that is presented in an action-oriented manner.  Students are expected to make connections between the facts of the case study and concepts, theories, and ideas presented in the course readings.
The mini-management plan will structure the entire company and will cover Joseph Jackson’s organization’s mission, vision, structure and culture.
 Step 1:  Review “How to Analyze a Case Study” under Week 3 Content.
 Step 2:  Create a Word or Rich Text Format (RTF) document.  This mini-management plan should be presented in a professional manner using single space, double-spaced between paragraphs.  The final product will be between 5-7 pages in length excluding the title page, diagrams and reference page.
 Step 3:  Title page with your name, the course name, the date, and the instructor’s name.
 Step 4:  Since students are probably not familiar with writing a management plan, the following resources have been provided to assist in writing the plan.
  How     to Write a Management Plan
Management     Plan Example
Management Plan Examples
 Step 5:  In writing a case study, the writing is in the third person.  What this means is that there are no words such as “I, me, my, we, or us” (first person writing), nor is there use of “you or your” (second person writing).  If uncertain how to write in the third person, view this link:  http://www.quickanddirtytips.com/education/grammar/first-second-and-third-person
 Step 6:  In writing this assignment, students are expected to support the reasoning using in-text citations and a reference list.  If any material is used from a source, it must be cited and referenced.  A reference within a reference list cannot exist without an associated in-text citation and vice versa.  View the sample APA paper under Week 1 content.
 Step 7:  In writing this assignment, students are expected to paraphrase and not use direct quotes.  Learn to paraphrase by reviewing this link:  https://writing.wisc.edu/Handbook/QPA_paraphrase2.html
 Step 8:  In writing this assignment, students may use external resources but the majority of resources will come from the course.
Step 9:  Review the grading rubric for the assignment.
Step 10:  Read critically and analyze the case study provided under Week 5 content.   Notate the key points in the case study.
Step 11:  Create the introductory paragraph.
The introductory paragraph is the first paragraph of the paper but is typically written after writing the body of the paper (Questions students responded to above).  View this website to learn how to write an introductory paragraph:  http://www.writing.ucsb.edu/faculty/donelan/intro.html
Step 12:  Respond to the required elements of the assignment.  Be clear and concise in the writing and make sure the questions are comprehensively answered.
 Explain why      the new mission statement and vision statement are appropriate for Cyber      Software, Inc.;
 Discuss      other aspects of the planning phase that impacts Cyber Software, Inc.;
 Structure      the entire company;
  Explain      why the structure is the most appropriate structure for Cyber Software,      Inc.;
 Discuss why      other structures are not appropriate;
 Illustrate      and discuss the new structure with an organizational chart with names,      job titles, and direct reports.  Be creative but make sure the jobs      fit into the allotted budget;
Step 13:  Using the grading rubric as a comparison, read through the paper to ensure all required elements are presented.
Step 14: Proofread the paper for spelling and grammatical issues, and third person writing.
Use the     spell and grammar check in Word as a first measure;
Have someone     who has excellent English skills to proof the paper;
Consider     submitting the paper to the Effective Writing Center (EWC).  The EWC     will provide 4-6 areas that may need improvement.
Step 15:  Submit the paper in the Assignment Folder.
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jasonbender-blog1 · 8 years ago
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 BMGT 364 Assignment 1: Organizational Theory
 Assignment 1 Organizational Theory
In the first assignment, students are given a scenario in which the shipping manager who has worked for Recycled Furnishings since the inception of the company is getting ready to retire.  The scenario serves to set the stage for students to demonstrate how management theories have changed over time.  For example, managing 30 years ago is different than managing in the 21st century.
 Outcome Met by Completing This Assignment:
integrate management theories and principles into     management practices
In Part One of this case study analysis, students are to use the facts from the case study to determine two different organization theories that are demonstrated.  For Part Two, students will compare the 21st century manager to that of the main character in the case study and the implications of change in being a 21st century manager.
In selecting an organizational theory that best describes the current shipping manager, students will use the timeline to select a school of thought and a theory or theories of that time frame.  Students will need to research the theorist(s) and theories to complete the assignment and answer the questions below.  Students are expected to be thorough in responding to Part One.
In Part Two, students are going to take what they have learned in weeks 1 – 3 and compare the management skills of the current shipping manager to that of you as the new shipping manager.
 Step 1:  Analyze the Case Study (Read: How to Analyze a Case Study)
 Step 2:  Create a Word or Rich Text Format (RTF) document that is double-spaced, 12-point font.  The final product will be between 4-5 pages in length excluding the title page and reference page.
 Step 3:  Review the grading rubric for the assignment.
 Step 4:  Use headings following this format:
  Title page with title, your name, the course, the     instructor’s name;
Introduction (one paragraph that briefly describes the     situation and tells a reader the main points of the paper;
Part One;
Part Two.
 Step 5:  In writing a case study, the writing is in the third person.  What this means is that there are no words such as “I, me, my, we, or us��� (first person writing), nor is there use of “you or your” (second person writing).  If uncertain how to write in the third person, view this link:  http://www.quickanddirtytips.com/education/grammar/first-second-and-third-person
 Step 6:  In writing this assignment, students are expected to support the reasoning using in-text citations and a reference list.  If any material is used from a source, it must be cited and referenced.  A reference within a reference list cannot exist without an associated in-text citation and vice versa.  View the sample APA paper under Week 1 content.
 Step 7:  In writing this assignment, students are expected to paraphrase and not use direct quotes.  Learn to paraphrase by reviewing this link:  https://writing.wisc.edu/Handbook/QPA_paraphrase2.html
 Step 8:  In writing this assignment, students may use external resources but the majority of resources will come from the course.
 Step 9:  Read critically and analyze the following scenario:
 Part One
Recycled Furnishings is a division of an international home furnishing company called Thor Enterprises.  Recycled Furnishings makes glass sofas for outdoor use from recycled bottles and glass. The business has grown rapidly in the last thirty years and now that it has become a division of Thor Enterprises, the company is going international.  The shipping manager for Recycled Furnishings, Robert, has been in his job since the start of the company.  Prior to coming to Recycled Furnishings, Robert worked as a container manufacturing engineer at Damco, a local shipping company and worked his way up to supervisor prior to joining Recycled Furnishings. Robert, a baby boomer, quickly rose to supervisor at Damco because of his ability to optimize the way tasks were performed and his knack to implement processes so workers could be trained to perform their specialized sequence of motion in one best way.  He brought this management style to Recycled Furnishing and helped to improve the methodology of furniture assembly as well as the shipping processes.
A major shift in management occurred in the late 1980’s and early 90’s that caused Robert to reconsider his management approach.  For example, advances in technology, the organization joining a union, change in the value systems, organizational design and globalization all affected the culture of Recycled Furnishings.  Robert was successful with this transformation and contributed greatly to the company’s success.
In answering the following questions, make sure that the facts of the scenario and the course readings support the reasoning of the answers provided.
Discuss the school of thought that best describes     Robert’s management style when he first joined Recycled Furnishings.
Discuss the theorist under the identified school of     thought that best depicts Robert’s management style. What contribution did     this theorist make to management and why was his or her contribution important     to the field of management?
Select and discuss the school of thought that best     describes the management style Robert used once the shift took place? Why     is this school of thought the best choice?
Select and discuss one theorist who supports this school     of thought. Address the principles of the theory and how a manager would     do his job and interact with his staff.  How does what the theorist     proposed support the facts in the case study?
Compare and contrast the current management thought     with Robert’s early thinking;
 Part Two
Recently Robert announced his plans to retire.  You have been hired as his replacement and with the international launch on the horizon you have big shoes to fill.  You feel you are more than capable of handling the shipping manager position and characterize yourself as a 21st century manager.
As a 21st century manager, compare the way you will manage     versus the way of Robert;
What implications do the changes in management have for     the future of Thor?
How will the new approach to the job likely change the     shipping division?
Step 10:  Create the introductory paragraph.  Within this paragraph, provide a brief overview of the scenario.  Then, provide a thesis statement and tell the reader the main topics covered in the paper.  The introductory paragraph is the first paragraph of the paper but is typically written after writing the body of the paper (Questions students responded to above).  View this website to learn how to write an introductory paragraph:  http://www.writing.ucsb.edu/faculty/donelan/intro.html
Step 11:  Respond to the questions in Part One and Part Two following the format provided.  Be clear and concise in the writing and make sure the questions are comprehensively answered.
Step 12:  Using the grading rubric as a comparison, read through the paper to ensure all required elements are presented.
Step 13: Proofread the paper for spelling and grammatical issues, and third person writing.
Use the spell and grammar check in Word as a first     measure;
Have someone who has excellent English skills to proof     the paper;
Consider submitting the paper to the Effective Writing     Center (EWC).  The EWC will provide 4-6 areas that may need     improvement.
Step 14:  Submit the paper in the Assignment Folder.
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jasonbender-blog1 · 8 years ago
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 BIS 311 Final Examination Answers
 Question 1.1. (TCO 1) In the systems development life cycle, the goal of the design activity is to _____. (Points : 5)
       determine exactly what a new or modified information system should do
       create a set of detailed plans or blueprints for the system
       build the application
       ensure that the application works as desired
  Question 2.2. (TCO 2) To plan the code for a procedure, _____ uses standardized symbols to show the steps the procedure must follow to reach its goal. (Points : 5)
       a TOE chart
       a class diagram
       a flowchart
  Question 3.3. (TCO 3) Computer memory locations where programmers can temporarily store and change data while an application is running are _____. (Points : 5)
  Question 4.4. (TCO 3) In Visual Basic, which of the following correctly declares a named constant with the name strCOURSE that contains the string value “BIS311”? (Points : 5)
       Const strCOURSE As String = “BIS311”
       String Constant strCOURSE = “BIS311”
       Dim strCOURSE As “BIS311”
       Const String “BIS311” As strCOURSE
  Question 5.5. (TCO 5) A _____ structure is used in an application when a decision needs to be made, followed by an action derived from that decision. (Points : 5)
  Question 6.6. (TCO 5) If intQty contains 60, what will be the value of intPrice after executing the following code?
Select Case intQty
            Case 1 To 50
                        intPrice = 10
            Case 51 To 100
                        intPrice = 8
            Case > 100
                        intPrice = 6
            Case Else
                        intPrice = 0
End Select (Points : 5)
  Question 7.7. (TCO 6) The loop below is classified as a(n) _____ loop.
Dim intNum As Integer = 2
            MsgBox( intNum.ToString() )
            intNum *= intNum
Loop While intNum < 1000 (Points : 5)
  Question 8.8. (TCO 6) Which element of the following array contains the value “Red”?
 Dim strColors() As String = {“Red”, “Green”, “Blue”, “Yellow”} (Points : 5)
  Question 9.9. (TCO 7) The _____ of an independent Sub procedure usually begins with the Private keyword. (Points : 5)
       Call statement
       argument list
       procedure footer
       procedure header
  Question 10.10. (TCO 7) In the following function, what should go in the blank in the function header?
Private Function GetRatio(dblNumerator As Double, dblDenominator As Double) _____
            Dim dblRatio As Double
            dblRatio = dblNumerator/dblDenominator
            Return dblRatio
End Function (Points : 5)
       As Integer
       As Double
  Question 11.11. (TCO 2) An application for a shipping company needs to keep track of the length, width, height, and weight of packages. Using object-oriented programming methods, in this application, the weight of a package would be represented by a(n) _____. (Points : 5)
   ��   attribute
  Question 12.12. (TCO 4) (TCO 4) Consider the following class definition:
Public Class Box
            Public Length As Double
            Public Width As Double
            Public Height As Double
            Public Function GetVolume() As Double
                        Return Length * Width * Height
            End Function
End Class
If crate is an instance of Box, which of the following statements assigns a value to a property? (Points : 5)
       crate.Length = 42
       dblVolume = crate.GetVolume()
       Call crate.Length(42)
  Question 13.13. (TCO 8) A programmer makes a connection between a Visual Basic application and a database using the _____. (Points : 5)
       Database Integration tool
       data box control
       Data Source Configuration Wizard
       Dataset Designer
  Question 14.14. (TCO 9) The components of a two-tier architecture are _____. (Points : 5)
       the primary and the secondary
       the client and the server
       the master and the subordinate
       the alpha and the beta
 Page 2
  Question 1. 1. (TCOs 1, 2, and 3) You have been asked to develop an application with the following business requirements: The user will enter an original price. When the user clicks a Calculate Sale Price button, the application will calculate a sale price by multiplying the original price by 80%. The application will display the sale price to the user.
(a) Develop a TOE chart for this application. You do not need to put it in table form, but list what would go in the Task column, what would go in the Object column, and what would go in the Event column for each row of the chart. Your chart should have at least three rows: one for input, one for processing, and one for output.
(b) Write pseudocode for the button-click event procedure in this application.
(c) Identify two variables and one constant that you would declare for this application. For each, provide a variable or constant name that follows the syntax rules of Visual Basic and the Hungarian naming convention, and an appropriate Visual Basic data type. (Points : 30)
        Question 2. 2. (TCO 5) Consider the following Visual Basic code snippet:
            If intScore >= 100 Then
                        lblMessage.Text = “Great job!”
                        lblMessage.Text = “Better luck next time”
            End If
(a) What type of control structure is this? Be as specific as possible, and justify your answer.
(b) Describe step by step how this code will be executed and what will be displayed to the user  for each of the following values of intScore: 99, 100, and 101.
(c) Rewrite this code snippet so that it still produces the same results, but changing the condition in the first line from intScore >= 100 to intScore < 100. (Points : 30)
     (a) What type of control structure is this? Be as specific as possible, and justify your answer.
The control structure is an if statement that returns a message based on the value of the variable intScore.
 (b) Describe step by step how this code will be executed and what will be displayed to the user for each of the following values of intScore: 99, 100, and 101.
For 99, the message displayed on the screen will be “Better luck next time” because 99 is less than 100.
For 100, the message will be “Great job” as the value is included in the scoop on the variable intScore. i.e. 100 =100 evaluates to true.
For 101, the message will be “Great job” as the value is included in the scoop on the variable intScore. i.e 101 >100 evaluates to true.
 (c) Rewrite this code snippet so that it still produces the same results, but changing the condition in the first line from intScore >= 100 to intScore < 100. (Points : 30)
  Question 3. 3. (TCO 6) Consider the following code snippet:
            Dim intTotal As Integer = 0
            For  intNum As Integer = 1 To 5
                        intTotal += intNum        
            Next intNum
            MessageBox.Show( intTotal.ToString() )
(a) What type of control structure is this? Be as specific as possible, and explain your answer.
(b) Identify the counter variable and the accumulator variable in this loop. Explain your answer.
(c) Describe step by step how this code will be executed and what value will be displayed in a message box to the user. (Points : 30)
     (a) What type of control structure is this? Be as specific as possible, and explain your answer.
The control structure is a “for” loop that controls the execution of the condition and incrementing the intNum variable by 1, until the value 5 is reached.
 (b) Identify the counter variable and the accumulator variable in this loop. Explain your answer.
The counter variable is intNum as it is increased by one within the loop and used to control the loop while the accumulator variable is intTotal because it stores the incremented value.
 (c) Describe step by step how this code will be executed and what value will be displayed in a message box to the user. (Points: 30)
The variable intTotal is initialised to 0, then the counter variable (intNum) is increased by one at each step until it obtains a value 5, then the loop stops. The message displayed on the screen will be:  0 1 2 3 4 5.
  Question 1. 1. (TCO 7) (a) Explain the difference between passing by value and passing by reference when passing variables to a Sub procedure or function.
(b) Describe a specific example of using a Sub procedure when you would pass a variable by value.
(c) Describe a specific example of using a Sub procedure when you would pass a variable by reference. (Points : 30)
      (a) Explain the difference between passing by value and passing by reference when passing variables to a Sub procedure or function.
Passing by value refers to a method of referencing variables by initialising them to real values while passing by reference is a reference method that involves assigning values to functions through other variables.
 (b) Describe a specific example of using a Sub procedure when you would pass a variable by value.
Function sum {
Result=12 ;}
 (c) Describe a specific example of using a Sub procedure when you would pass a variable by reference. (Points : 30)
Function sum {
a=10, b=12;
Sum=a+b ;}
  Question 2. 2. (TCOs 2 and 4) You have been asked to develop an application to keep track of employees’ scheduled vacations and ensure that all vacations are approved by the manager and that each employee does not exceed his or her maximum annual vacation time. Maximum annual vacation time is determined by the number of years the employee has worked for the firm. You are using object-oriented programming (OOP) to develop this application.
(a) Describe at least two classes that you could use in this application and what each class would represent in the real world.
(b) Describe at least two properties of each class you identified in part (a) and identify the data type you would use for each property.
(c) Describe at least one method of each class you identified in part (a), giving for each the method name and the action performed by the method. (Points : 30)
   (a) Describe at least two classes that you could use in this application and what each class would represent in the real world.
 (b) Describe at least two properties of each class you identified in part (a) and identify the data type you would use for each property.
  (c) Describe at least one method of each class you identified in part (a), giving for each the method name and the action performed by the method. (Points : 30)
  Question 3. 3. (TCOs 8, 9, and 10) (a) Explain the roles of primary and foreign keys in a relational database.
(b) In a two-tier architecture with a thin client and fat server, describe the functions performed by the client and by the server in processing a request by a user for information from a database.
(c) In a Visual Basic application that retrieves data from a database, describe the role of a TableAdapter object. (Points : 30)
(a) Explain the roles of primary and foreign keys in a relational database.
 (b) In a two-tier architecture with a thin client and fat server, describe the functions performed by the client and by the server in processing a request by a user for information from a database.
 (c) In a Visual Basic application that retrieves data from a database, describe the role of a TableAdapter object. (Points : 30)
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jasonbender-blog1 · 8 years ago
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 biotic and abiotic structure and function of an ecosystem
 In this assignment, you will investigate the biotic and abiotic structure and function of an ecosystem. You will also investigate how ecosystems recover from disturbance naturally and through human restoration.
Choose 1 of the following ecosystems:
Tropical rainforest
Coral reef
You will write an APA-style research paper about your choice of ecosystem, including the following elements:
 List at least 3 specific examples of both abiotic      components and biotic components for the ecosystem type selected.
 In your own words, explain or definebiogeochemical cycle.
 Describe the steps in the carbon cycle as an example      of one biogeochemical cycle.
 Describe 1 natural and 1 human-caused disturbance to      the ecosystem that you have chosen.
 Describe the damage to the ecosystem for each example,      including how the abiotic and biotic characteristics of the ecosystem      changed.
 How can these be sustained into the future?
 How can humans act as good stewards to assist      ecosystem recovery? Provide 1 example specific to the ecosystem that you      have chosen.
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jasonbender-blog1 · 8 years ago
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 BIOS 242 Week 3 LAB Report
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jasonbender-blog1 · 8 years ago
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 BIOS 242 Week 2 Lab Report: Aseptic Technique
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jasonbender-blog1 · 8 years ago
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 Biology Assignment 2: Homeostasis
 Assignment 2: Homeostasis
 Post your assignment to the W5: Assignment 2 Dropbox for grading by the instructor by Tuesday, May 10, 2016. The minimum length for this assignment is 1,700 words. Be sure to check your Turnitin report for your post and to make corrections before the deadline of 11:59 pm Mountain Time of the due date to avoid lack of originality problems in your work.
The maintenance of homeostasis is of major importance to all organ systems in the body and the overall survival of the individual. Explain how homeostasis is the maintenance of a dynamic range of environmental qualities rather than holding the internal environment at a set point. What would be wrong with a set point (say for body temperature) rather than a working range of temperatures?
The endocrine system is closely tied to homeostasis functioning. Give two examples of hormones (including their glands of origin and action) that play major roles in homeostatic processes in the body. What happens if these hormones are disrupted in their actions?
Also, look at how we adapt to survival in the outside world. Discuss how maintaining homeostasis gives us greater freedom of activity from dependence upon changes in the external environment. What happens during extremes that force our bodies out of homeostatic bounds? Give specific examples.
Why is the maintenance of homeostasis especially important during development of new humans within the bodies of their mothers? What can go wrong if specific homeostatic functions are disrupted?
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jasonbender-blog1 · 8 years ago
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 BIOL 103 Final Examination
 Question 1
Which statement about evolution is FALSE?
 Question 1 option:
According to evolutionary theory, you are related to a bacterium, to a yeast cell, to a snake, and to a whale. In fact, you are related to every species now alive on Earth, and to fossil species like dinosaurs as well.
Natural selection acts on genetic differences within a population to cause evolution. Individuals do not evolve.
Natural selection is about slow but steady progress. Through it, populations constantly get better-adapted. When this process is completed for all populations, evolution will come to a stop.
Evolution occurs constantly, without end; there is no endpoint in evolution.
   Question 2
Negatively charged particles are found where in an atom?
 Question 2 options:
In the nucleus
In a single layer outside the nucleus
In multiple layers outside the nucleus
Both inside and outside the nucleus
   Question 3
You have a solution that has a pH of 8 and need it to be pH 5. What do you do?
 Question 3 options:
Add water
Add a base
Add an acid
Add a buffer
   Question 4
What characteristic of carbon makes it a good backbone for creating diverse and durable molecules?
 Question 4 options:
Carbon is a large atom.
Carbon forms four covalent bonds.
Carbon forms hydrogen bonds.
All of the above
   Question 5
Which of the following structures can be found together in eukaryotic cells?
 Question 5 options:
cytoplasm and ribosomes
cytoplasm and plasma membrane
DNA and ribosomes
ribosomes and endoplasmic reticulum
   Question 6
Which of the following reactions or pathways is catabolic?
 Question 6 options:
Breaking down ATP into ADP and phosphate.
Making starch from many glucose molecules.
Photosynthesis: which builds glucose from carbon dioxide using energy from light.
Making ATP from ADP and Phosphate.
   Question 7
In a metabolic pathway, a typical control mechanism is to have: ________
 Question 7 options:
the final product have no effect on the enzyme responsible for its own production.
the final product inhibit an early step.
a reactant inhibit a late step.
a lack of reactant stimulate the pathway.
   Question 8
Mitosis results in ______ cells and meiosis results in _______ cells.
 Question 8 options:
haploid, diploid
diploid, haploid
diploid, diploid
haploid, haploid
   Question 9
In beans yellow (Y) is dominant to green (y) and smooth (S) is dominant to wrinkled (s). What are the possible genotypes for the offspring of the following cross: YySS and YYSs.
 Question 9 options:
YYSS, YYss, yySS, yyss
YS, yS, YS, yS
Yy, SS, YY, Ss
   Question 10
Red rose color is incompletely dominant over white rose color. If a red rose is crossed with a pink rose, what percentage of the offspring will be pink?
 Question 10 options:
   Question 11
One of the products of cellular respiration is ________.
 Question 11 options:
   Question 12
An ecologist is studying all the animals, plants, fungi and bacteria, as well as the interaction among them, in a forest? He is studying the _________ in the forest.
 Question 12 options:
   Question 13
The temperature optimum for an enzyme is 37C. What will most likely happen if you increase the temperature from 37C to 50C?
 Question 13 options:
The enzyme activity will not be affected
The enzyme activity will increase
The enzyme activity will decrease
The pH will increase
   Question 14
When celery is placed in a glass of pure water the solution inside its cells is _____ compared to the water.
 Question 14 options:
selectively permeable
   Question 15
An ecosystem can be characterized as:
 Question 15 options:
populations + community.
all species, population, and community interactions for organisms in a given area.
the abiotic components of the environment.
all of the biological interactions, plus interactions with the abiotic environment, in a given area.
   Question 16
 Question 16 options:
catalyze reactions
prevent reactions from occurring
are found only in prokaryotes
all of those answers are correct
   Question 17
This term refers to the maintenance of internal stability in a creature:
 Question 17 options:
   Question 18
Steroids and waxes are
 Question 18 options:
nucleic acids
   Question 19
Active transport DOES NOT require ATP
 Question 19 options:
   Question 20
In October of 2003, a raging wildfire swept through the mountain ecosystems in Southern California, burning everything in its path to the ground and driving away all of the animals. In order for the mountain ecosystem to re-establish itself, which member of the food web has to return first?
 Question 20 options:
   Question 21
Carbohydrates are not
 Question 21 options:
stored potential energy
made mostly of nitrogen and carbon.
broken down by cellular respiration.
made by producers.
   Question 22
A primary consumer would eat:
 Question 22 options:
secondary consumers
   Question 23
Diffusion is
 Question 23 options:
One type of active transport
The movement of water across the cell membrane
The movement of molecules from an area of low concentration to an area of high concentration
The movement of molecules from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration
   Question 24
Any individual organism has the potential to adapt to its environment, if it is given enough time and possesses a mechanism to generate variation.
 Question 24 options:
   Question 25
Once an adaptation appears, it remains in all the descendants unless the species becomes extinct
 Question 25 options:
   Question 26
When a founder population has a small gene pool, evolutionary change is more likely to be rapid than if the founder population has a large gene pool.
 Question 26 options:
   Question 27
When speciation occurs, the result is a huge dramatic change in the new species.
 Question 27 options:
   Question 28
When two groups are reproductively isolated, it can be reliably predicted that speciation will follow very soon.
 Question 28 options:
   Question 29
Codons are locate on
 Question 29 options:
abiotic components
all of those
   Question 30
Fossil evidence suggests that human ancestors arose one time in Africa.
 Question 30 options:
   Question 31
Sunlight influences vitamin D production is humans.
 Question 31 options:
   Question 32
Mitochondria and chloroplasts of eukaryotic cells are very similar to prokaryotes
 Question 32 options:
   Question 33
Organisms that live in habitats with high levels of competition are more likely to produce defensive chemicals than those that live with little competition.
 Question 33 options:
   Question 34
The human population may continue to increase even though it surpasses carrying capacity.
 Question 34 options:
   Question 35
A woman’s ovum will complete Meiosis II only, if fertilization has occurred.
 Question 35 options:
   Question 36
One human disease is caused by a change in the DNA from GAA to GTA.  This change is an example of:
 Question 36 options:
crossing over
a mutation
independent assortment
   Question 37
The main function of a ribosome is to ____________________.
 Question 37 options:
extract energy from glucose
synthesize glucose
store food in the form of fat
synthesize proteins
   Question 38
The effectiveness of a medication containing growth hormone is tested on a group of young male rabbits 3 weeks of age. The best control group would be:
 Question 38 options:
any group of rabbits
a group of young male rabbits 3 weeks of age, not given the medication
a group of young female rabbits 3 weeks of age, not given the medication
no control is required; just measure whether the rabbits grew
   Question 39
The number of _______________ in the outer shell of an atom determines the type of chemical bonds an atom can make.
 Question 39 options:
   Question 40
You find a cell of a type you have never seen before.  The cell has both a nucleus and a cell wall.  Therefore, you conclude, it must be a _______________ cell.
 Question 40 options:
   Question 41
The gene pool of a population may change due to:
 Question 41 options:
genetic drift
natural selection and mutation
all of the above
   Question 42
What are “keystone species” in a community?
   Question 43
What is “pseudoscience”?
   Question 44
What are dependent variables?
    Question 45
(Required)    You have read that inorganic fertilizers contribute to water pollution and would like to make a switch from inorganic fertilizers to organic compost in your vegetable garden. A friend graciously gives you a truck load of his compost. As a good researcher and critical thinker you are not convinced that organic compost will yield better results than the inorganic fertilizer you have used for years with good results. To draw your own conclusion based on scientific evidence you decide to conduct an experiment in your garden. State a good hypothesis, design an experiment (include test subjects, sample size, control(s), dependent and independent variables, type of data collected) and hypothetical results/conclusion. Does your conclusion support the hypothesis?
   Question 46
(Required)  The habitat of one species of tropical fish is red coral reefs.  The large majority of the fish in this population are red. A few individual fish carry a mutation that prevents the production of the red pigment; as a result these individual fish are white.The temperature of the ocean where these fish live gets warmer and warmer over a 10 year period, and as a result the coral is bleached and turns white. Use what you have learned about natural selection to explain how this bleaching event may have affected the evolution this fish population (not including possible direct effects of warmer temperatures on the fish).  Use appropriate terminology about evolution in your answer, including the terms natural selection, adaptive trait, and reproductive success.
 Question 47
Describe the major land biome where you live. How have human activities affected native species? Include specific examples.
  Question 48
You scoop up a water sample from a local pond nearby, because you are curious about the possible microbes that might live there. After looking at several slides that held drops of the sample, you noticed two different kinds of cells: One kind was very small and had no separate internal structures; the other kind was much larger, and it contained several kinds of internal structures that were physically different from each other. Please name each cell and briefly describe their similarities and difference
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jasonbender-blog1 · 8 years ago
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 BIAM 530 Week 3 iLab Assignment – Comparison of GUI versus SQL
 Table of Contents
College Town University (CTU). 3
GUI and SQL Differences. 3
Graphical User Interface (GUI). 6
Structured Query Language (SQL). 6
Recommendation. 7
Appendix A.. 8
Appendix B.. 8
Appendix C.. 8
Appendix D.. 9
Appendix E.. 9
References. 10
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jasonbender-blog1 · 8 years ago
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 for any inquiry email us at  ( [email protected] )
 BI Analysis/Final Project
 this final course activity will challenge your ability to apply quantitative problem solving to analyze business performance and identity opportunities and challenges. See attached documents, installation instructions, and data files.
In this analysis project, you’re doing a consulting gig     for AdventureWorks     Cycles, a mid-sized American bicycle     manufacturer, and your client has asked you to help them get started with     business intelligence processes that can show them where they stand.
Your work for them will include a quantitative analysis     of data provided using PowerPivot, as well as a general recommendation as to where they     need to start to solve their operating challenges, and a working Excel     dashboard for monitoring important KPIs.
Note: PowerPivot requires Excel Professional 2010 (add-in) or 2013     (component), or Mac Excel 2016 (previous versions of Mac Office do not     support PowerPivot. See installation & setup instructions.
Related Files: Choose one version of project files – V1-PowerPivot or V2-Non
Both versions include: description, setup instructions, dashboard tutorial, data files
The completed Word report should be a maximum of 4 pages (plus Appendix with a dashboard screen shot), single spaced, 12 point font, blank line between block paragraphs. Include 2-4 tables or charts to illustrate your main discussion points. Each table or chart should be numbered and titled correctly, with understandable axis labels and scales, and discussed directly in your text. Also submit Excel PowerPivot working file with dashboard & slicer features. Outside sources optional.
BI Analysis Structure – Your BI analysis should include the following sections:
  Executive Summary – one paragraph, appears first, but written last, with     a short summary purpose, and conclusions from your analysis.
  Data and Methodology – a brief overview of the key characteristics of the     dataset used, what you did to arrive at your analysis and conclusions, and     the KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) you focused on for your analysis.
  Dataset details —time period covered, main entities addressed by the     data, and also mention that the dataset source is theAdventureWorks sales system and data quality is ‘reliable’.
  Tools & process used to analyze the data—Excel PowerPivot, with pivot     tables and charts.
  List of KPIs and dimensions you focused on in your analysis. Explain, in your own     words, what each means and why you used it.
  Analysis – The client wants to you to identify issues and     opportunities affecting sales revenue and profit in a targeted region of     your choice. All discussion shown in your analysis must be supported by     the data and charts you include in your report. Your creativity is     encouraged.
  Description of your target     Product Category in your chosen Territory. Identify factors such as     gross sales, profits, percentage profit, use of discounting, performance     by channel, and the major product or subcategories, etc. Use 1-2 pivot     tables or charts to support and illustrate this overview. Describe what     you found, referring to your data charts, tables.
  Recommendations – briefly describe and discuss your recommendation for     change, including the actions or changes AdventureWorksshould take to improve performance. Consider how well     these actions address the specific issue or opportunity, and if acted     upon, indicate what and how the area is impacted. For example, sales     and/or profitability may change over the next few months or year. Please     be specific about the changes, and the magnitude of change (reasonable     estimate based upon your suggestion).
  Dashboard Description – Describe your dashboard design and explain how the     charts/tables displayed in the dashboard will allow the company to monitor     the effectiveness of the recommended actions. Include the dimensions and     measures used, and indicate what comparisons were made. Include a screen     shot of your dashboard model in appendix.
  Appendix – screen shot of your dashboard design.
 Submission – submit Word report, and copy of Excel file with pivot tables, charts, and working dashboard.
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