jasmine-ohara · 10 years
Jasmine had a tendency to seek out control of a situation. It was equal parts her rich girl upbringing and being so close to her bear. As she got older and money became harder to come by, the young woman had taken matters into her own hands. It was why she found her line of work to be empowering. At the end of the day fools were fools and all Jasmine had to do was dance for a few minutes and she could get whatever she wanted. Everyone lived their life around town with a mask on their face and if they didn't they were fools. Jasmine wasn't going to walk around publicizes that she was a bear or that she had children. She wouldn't even publicly lash out on someone she didn't trust, because she figured she might as well be hanging on a wall. So many people acted foolish in town, but Jasmine believed she knew how to stay safe. The piece of her self she gave out to other people was what she wanted to do. She was in control of every situation and Jasmine always needed to be in that position.  It was why her wall hadn't come completely down in front of Simon. 
" I'm sure it is. Pleasure's mine too," Jasmine replied continuing to look up at the new bear. Her head was still filled with thoughts and questions as to why he was there. She had cubs she had to worry about and a sleuth that needed repair, she had to make sure Simon was trustworthy.  She had lived in Pickens for a few years now and knew people didn't just show up without a purpose. The world didn't work like that. Jasmine liked to keep a handle on thing's that were considered news. If new people were in town she wanted to know, especially if they were bears. The sleuth had lost a lot of bears. Good bears and that left Jasmine being somewhat judgmental as to who would come in next. Sometimes it was impossible to stop bad thing's from happening, but it was always possible to pick up after such thing's and Jasmine knew she was an important part of why the sleuth was still together even if it wasn't perfect. 
" You've been here before and came back? How long ago was this and why on Earth would you want to come back here?" Jasmine added with a half smile. Yes, this was her home, but Jasmine knew it wasn't safe. She would have packed her bags and left ages ago, but this was her family and they needed her. " Well I've been here a number of years and I'm not going give you some fake pitch and tell you it's the most beautiful place in the world. It has it's charm though and it's your decision at the end of the day. " She liked to respect people's wishes even if she didn't agree. She may have been an aggressive lady bear, but she was still a former Ivy League student who came from a well off family. She had her etiquette. " What is making you want to jump ship? Surely running into cute blondes on the street didn't scare you that bad."
Indecision || Jasmine & Simon
If he felt threatened at all by the fact that she was a part of the sleuth, or possibly the mother of the cubs that Vaughn had mentioned, then Simon didn’t broadcast it. His shoulders and arms were relaxed and there was nothing especially guarded or wary lingering in his face. The last sleuth member other than Vaughn that Simon had met had been Evelyn, and she had been beyond kind in her treatment of him. Any problems Simon might have with Vaughn did not extend to her. Evelyn had gone out of her way to lay down the protocol and help out a strange werebear. If the other members of Vaughn’s sleuth were even vaguely like her, then Simon looked forward to meeting them.
Whether it was Evelyn’s example, the safety promised from being in a very public location or the trust that Jasmine wouldn’t do something as irrational and dangerous as come at him, the man did not seem concerned. Simon didn’t doubt that he could handle her, and he was in communication with their alpha. He assumed Vaughn kept his sleuth updated on ‘bear activity in Pickens.
Jasmine’s teasing manner was endearing, but Simon wasn’t in near an easy enough frame of mind to really enjoy it. He gave her a polite smile when she continued speaking about herself, but didn’t add any more. Words were nice, but the werebear had learned long ago not to put heavy stock in them. The past year had seen that particular lesson driven home with ruthless force.Taking up Jasmine’s hand in his, Simon gave it a professional shake. His hand was hard in Jasmine’s, his palm rough and dry. Strong as the grip was, he didn’t hurt her and he released her hand after a heartbeat.
The mention of Jasmine’s job sparked a flicker of surprise in the beta’s dark eyes, especially given the pride that she was displaying through her voice. It wasn’t Jasmine dancing around partially clothed that Simon disapproved off out of hand. It was that she was probably doing this for humans; blind, unevolved cretins that didn’t have enough braincells between them to rub together. They had no idea how truly rare and beautiful Jasmine was, and didn’t deserve to be in the same room as her, let alone gawk at her. That Jasmine was proud of doing this made Simon feel a little like he was talking to a circus bear. It made the man feel vaguely sorry for her, as well as angry that this was the world they lived in. 
"It’s a pleasure to meet you, Ms. O’Hara," Simon’s tone was warm and genuine, despite his own thoughts on the she-bear’s job choice. For all his initial impressions, he would reserve judgment until Jasmine showed her true nature in her actions. "Again, I apologize for not paying attention. It’s been a long time since I was in Pickens…" Looking around them, Simon gave a quiet sigh. "Not entirely certain if I’ll be staying either." 
His talk with Vaughn hadn’t left him feeling especially assured, and Simon wasn’t interested in going from one negligent alpha to another. He hadn’t decided yet what Pickens was worth to him, and Simon missed living in a sleuth….The beta bear had a lot to think about.
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jasmine-ohara · 10 years
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jasmine-ohara · 10 years
Elisa Toffoli - Ancora Qui 
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jasmine-ohara · 10 years
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I thought I saw a falling star...
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jasmine-ohara · 10 years
The  longer she spent standing next to the strange bear, the more she wondered what he was doing here. Jasmine didn't trust anyone until they proved themselves. It was a trait she had her whole life and only got magnified once becoming a mother. It was a well known fact that female bears with cubs tended to be just as aggressive as male bears, pair that with an already temperamental young woman and you have Jasmine. She wasn't just going to let Rogue bears walk around, especially with the way thing's have been. It seemed like a genuine clusterfuck of bad things happening in Pickens. Still, she was in public and had a certain way of carrying herself when other's could be watching. Jasmine was a bullshit artist at heart and it was a good reason why  she was still alive. 
He was nearly a foot taller than her, which seemed to make the exchange all the more awkward. Jasmine was barely 5'4'' and the heels from her boots didn't seem to help make the beta that much bigger. She still had to look up to talk to him. " It takes more than that to startle me, big guy, but I appreciate you agreeing in thinking I'm a pretty speed bump," Jasmine added raising her eyebrows slightly. She always had a teasing sound to her voice whether or not the implication was positive or not. She blamed it on her years of being a stripper. Certain pitches in her voice got her better tips. " Must have been something interesting that you were thinking about to forget entirely that other people walk around here. "
Jasmine's apprehension had subsided slightly the more she talked, but the beta did like the sound of her own voice. She had matured over her time within the sleuth to earn herself the position she held as a second in command, but she still was that arrogant former rich girl from Detroit. She needed to figure out more about Simon before giving an accurate opinion. In a way it was her job to do so. 
" Jasmine O'Hara, glorified stripper" she replied taking his hand in her own to shake it. She gave him credit for being respectful enough to offer a hand shake. " I'm one of the girls who dance around half naked in bars wearing chaps and bikini tops. "
Indecision || Jasmine & Simon
Simon noticed Jasmine’s scent immediately. For a sleuth of nine members, he was getting incredibly lucky in running into them. Literally in this case. When Jasmine steadied herself on her own, the ranger let his hands drop down. His dark eyes flicked over the smaller ‘bear, taking in her appearance curiously. She was beautiful; Simon would have been blind not to see that. He’d met Evelyn, and Vaughn had named three other female bears; Paris, Marisa and Jasmine. It took him less than a minute to realize that it wasn’t just her scent that he was picking up on, but those of other ‘bears as well. There were two distinct scents and they reminded the cubs to Simon.
"You certainly are," Simon replied, giving the woman an effortless smile. "I apologize for startling you. I was in my own head, there." Tucking his hands back into his pockets, Simon held still as Jasmine gave him a once-over of her own. He didn’t start work in the Table Rock Park for another week, so he wore unassuming dark jeans and a soft-worn t-shirt under a well-used leather jacket.
The carry-law in Southern Carolina had seen the ranger leaving his firearm in his car, but there was a pocketknife tucked into a belt sheathe at his hip. With all that Simon had recently discovered about Pickens, there was no way he was going to go through town without some sort of weapon. Proud as he was to be a werebear, Simon knew the importance of secrecy. Even without the threat of hunters in town, the ranger played things close to the chest. It would be a cold day in hell that he casually broadcasted that he was a lycan and could have claws longer than the blade he carried.
"I am. Simon Ellis, park ranger." The ‘bear held his hand out in greeting. 
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jasmine-ohara · 10 years
Just once time is never enough And if you want a piece of advice I'm sorry but I tell you what You can always keep him by A dumb luck If it's so hard for you to say I was right Then what are you gonna do? It's problem that's taken all night For something to dawn on you
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jasmine-ohara · 10 years
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265 notes · View notes
jasmine-ohara · 10 years
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jasmine-ohara · 10 years
Jasmine hated long nights of work that left her exhausted. The Beta once used to thrive on it when she was younger and didn't have to worry about anything other than what song was going to  play while she danced. Now she was balancing a million spinning plates at once and still looked good while doing it. When she'd come home from work now, instead of crashing into her bed, she had to check on her cubs. There were nights spent chasing them in bear form so they didn't chew on her furniture. On top of that, Jasmine took her Beta duties seriously and as a senior member of the sleuth she essentially had to hold down the fort when thing's were crazy. No one else in her opinion could juggle as much stuff as she did and do it well. 
Today's morning was spent running errands. She had to get a million thing's to bring back home for herself and the cubs, and was only half awake. She honestly wasn't even sure if she slept last night, cause there was nowhere in her recent memories an image of her actually drifting off to sleep. The need to get some coffee was overwhelming, because her mood was not a very playful one if she wasn't awake.
As Jasmine walked out with a few bags in her hands and her dark sunglasses covering her eyes,  she failed to notice that getting run into was on the agenda today. " God dammit" Jasmine replied as her small stature, shifted slightly. The beta was small but she was incredibly quick on her feet and maneuvered her feet under her to prevent from tipping over and hitting the floor. She looked up and picked up a scent coming from the man who decided to use her as a speed bump. "I bet I'm the prettiest looking speed bump you've ever run into. " Jasmine replied stalling slightly to pick up on the fact that he was a bear. She started doing the numbers in her head and when she realized that another bears arrival didn't stop the truce and put her cubs in danger, Jasmine slowly lowered her guard. " You're new" She replied pulling her sunglasses off her face to look at him. 
Indecision || OPEN
Pickens had modernized, at least, it had tried to, but most of the storefronts were the same. It was nice that the little town had kept it’s quaint appearance. Simon used to hate how cutesy Pickens had been when he was younger. Now he didn’t mind. It wasn’t quite home, even if he said it was out loud. But the last place that the ‘bear had truly felt at home existed only in his memories now. Pickens was what he had right now, and he missed being a part of a sleuth.
The conversation Simon had had with the Table Rock Sleuth alpha pressed heavy on his mind. This town might be heralded as a haven for lycans in the papers, but the truth was much more complicated. Hunters, monsters in the woods, interspecies relations… And an alpha Simon wasn’t certain he believed in. The ‘bear’s brow drew in thought as he walked down the main street. He could still transfer out. There were other parks that could use a ranger with his experience.
Simon was so caught up in his thoughts that he failed to notice when someone darted out of a shop door. His shoulder knocked into them firmly, dragging his attention back to where he was. Tugging his hands out of his pockets, he half-raised them in case the stranger he had bumped into lost their balance and needed to be steadied.
"Hey, sorry about that," Simon said, looking over the person.
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jasmine-ohara · 10 years
Jasmine hadn't mean't to scare Paris, she just wanted to be as truthful as possible to what was going to happen. No one just declared a spar for the Hell of it. When it happens, there must always be a good reason. If it's for selfish purposes like to protect one of the group, whether it being yourself or a loved one, it wasn't right. Paris had a good heart when it came to thing's. She had been in Pickens along time and had seen the worst that the world had to offer. If anyone deserved to be a Beta it was her. Anyone who didn't deserve to be here, Jasmine would tell it right to their face. "It'll be okay. We just have to go about the right protocols. Thing's can come off a certain way and before we know it we have everyone at each others throats. "
"I know you are. You're incredibly respectful when it comes to the ways thing's are done around here, which speaks volumes. Besides, you came to the best for help. " Jasmine added with a smirk. She couldn't help the words that fell out of her mouth sometimes. " We'll just work until we know you're ready. It wouldn't hurt for all the bears to train more, but this important to you. Paris, I never thought this was going to be my life. If you had asked me when we met, if you thought, I'd be as protective as I am let alone a mother. I probably would have hit you. Time changes people. Usually for the better. So, don't thank me yet. We haven't started, but we will. "
The Light of Home || Paris & Jasmine
  The taste of blood filled Paris’s mouth as she realized she had bitten her lip out of pure nervousness as Jasmine spoke. “I know what I’m asking is crazy. I don’t want to cause trouble.” She played with her hands instead. Of course Jasmine would have to tell Vaughn - Paris had assumed  she herself would have to have that conversation with him. After all he was the alpha and ultimately the leader. Would he accept this? She was relieved that Jasmine understood that she wasn’t trying to take her position. She respected Jasmine too much as both a person and beta. Jasmine was a natural at this kind of life. She was a mother and a protector, but most importantly she was family. Since coming to the United States and moving to Pickens, Jasmine was the only person Paris had known for all this time. Though Jasmine wasn’t the emotional type, Paris still felt close to the other woman. They were sisters in battle and bond. 
"I promise, I wouldn’t be asking this if I wasn’t a hundred percent sure and committed to working at it. That’s why I’ve come to you for help. I also won’t try for beta until I know for sure that I am ready, and you feel that way too." She sighed, realising she had been holding a breath all this time. "Thank you Jasmine. I cant-" she bit her lip trying to find the right words, "I cannot tell you how much it means to me that you will help and support me. Once upon a time I never would have even dreamed of considering this. But I love the sleuth and the people in it too much to face loosing them again. Thank you."
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jasmine-ohara · 10 years
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358 notes · View notes
jasmine-ohara · 10 years
You stopped drinking? What brought this on? Well look at you being a complete sweetheart. Remind me to do something nice for you soon. I don't always do that, so feel special.
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I could use a drink
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jasmine-ohara · 10 years
Did I read that right? So you're buying?
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I could use a drink
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jasmine-ohara · 10 years
I could use a drink
Everyone at work thinks it's asshole night. Don't they know this is my world, they just live in it?
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5 notes · View notes
jasmine-ohara · 10 years
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jasmine-ohara · 10 years
It's still looking at life with a negative outlook as opposed to a realistic one. 
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I thought I saw a falling star...
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jasmine-ohara · 10 years
Take a hot bath. It helps. 
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Good gosh,
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