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#oc x canon#my hero academia#hattori nara#mha#mha oc#izuku x oc#izuku midoriya x oc#izuku midoriya#tori#seven#Izutori#jasedoodles#Jasevideos
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Spruce up the Truce
Chapter 3
Izuku tossed and turned in his bed in the middle of the night. The week following his encounter with Narazumono was a lot to process. His fight with Chisaki to save a little girl who was currently staying with Aizawa, Eri. The classmates who accompanied the pro heroes all felt the weight on their shoulder from what they were all forced to endure. Some came out with more scars, emotional and physical, than others. Some didn’t come out alive at all. Well, one man didn’t make it. Sir Nighteye, the man Mirio and Izuku interned with. Mirio didn’t take his passing well but still tried his best to remain positive.
The young hero sighed as he placed both arms over his forehead, closing his eyes. He tried to find a semblance of peace knowing that Eri was now safe and in the care of the heroes around them. But the overbearing anxiety of other crime groups causing havoc worried him. Villains were getting more bold and pushy recently, Narazumono being the prime example of a sudden spring in the crime rate.
After being traumatized by one of his classmates, Yuga Aoyama, and his little “cheese surprise” Izuku became friends with the former. It was time to focus on the upcoming school festival! All the students at UA were ecstatic to show everyone an enjoyable time. It was an effective way to loosen up the students who went on the special mission during their work study internships. Izuku and Mirio decided to invite Eri, to show her how to smile since the poor thing had never had the pleasure of enjoying normal things like festivals.
The only catch was no one besides those who attended the school may enter unless granted special permission. Also, if there was any breach in the campus security, whether it was a false alarm or not, UA would have to cut the school festival short. It was the only way to ensure no more villain related incidents would occur on the campus. It was for everyone’s safety.
Despite this, the students still strived to work hard and provide fun attractions to all attending. Some wrote plays, others held beauty pageants, and class 1A had decided to have a musical performance. Izuku was recruited onto the dance team for the beginning portion of the song but would go backstage to help with lifting Aoyama like a freaking disco ball. It was a great idea that was sure to put a smile on Eri’s face.
The day of the festival, Izuku had to make a quick run to the store to buy more rope, as the safety rope he had used before was not in the best condition to be supporting Aoyama for his living-disco-ball segment. Of course, Izuku was dealt an unlucky card that day as he encountered a villain who was on his way to ruin the festival, Gentle Criminal and his petite assistant, La Brava.
They went back and forth, explaining their individual world views as they fought and scuffled. Izuku couldn’t help but feel pity for Gentle criminal, but he could not condone his current actions either. The fight dragged on longer than the boy would have liked but he was eventually able to over power the older man, much to the little assistant’s dismay.
The Pro Heroes who happened to be patrolling around the area, detained Gentle Criminal and La Brava, and agreed to let the UA school festival continue, to Izuku’s relief. He had to dash back quite literally into town to retrieve the rope and then made a beeline back to UA. Making it backstage in costume minutes before class 1A had to perform. He got scolded for almost being tardy afterwards, but he didn’t mind it.
He saw Eri beaming with joy in the crowd during the performance, so it was all worth it to him. The little girl ran up to him when they were cleaning up the set, happily explaining all her favorite parts to Izuku and the boy had to hold back tears from how his heart was overwhelmed with relief seeing Eri smile for the first time. Mirio, who had accompanied Eri, seemed overjoyed as well. The three of them enjoyed the festivities together, checking out all the other attractions.
Eri, spotting a few animals by the bushes outside, became curious, wandering away from the two teens when they weren’t looking. She got caught up in exploring, she ended up lost. The little girl blinked and looked around for Izuku and Mirio, her friends, but couldn’t see them. She tried to remain calm but ended up getting anxious and sprinting high and low to find her companions. She ended up running into one of the teens attending, making her fall onto her bottom, wincing. She looked up and was met with a tanned teenage boy, wearing heart shaped sunglasses and dusty blonde hair. He kneeled down to the girl’s level and hummed. “Where are your parents, sweetheart?” He questioned as he helped the girl onto her feet. Eri nervously fiddled with the dress the teachers of UA had given her. “I lost my friends.” She informed the teen.
He stood up to his full height, placing his hands on his hips as he tilted his head. “That’s no good. Do you remember where you last saw ‘em? Try to retrace your steps.” The boy suggested to Eri. The little girl thought back, she was by the entrance of the school, she saw some cute animals and ended up lost. “Maybe, I need to go back to the entrance?” She looked up at the teenager, who nodded. “Want me to help you? If you can’t find your friends there, we can get a teacher to find them.”
Eri smiled gratefully and nodded quickly, “Yeah!” And with that, he took her hand and led her to the front doors of UA. Her friends weren’t there. “Hm. Maybe they noticed you were gone and started looking for you.” The boy pondered. “I’ve got an idea.” He looked down at the girl, her ruby red eyes met his hazel brown eyes. “What is it?”
Before she knew it, she was clinging onto the boy as they floated above the large crowd. She was beaming and giggling as she felt the gentle breeze on her face. The boy’s quirk involved levitation it seemed. “See your friends yet?” He asked, making Eri look down. She strained her eyes to try and find a familiar face.
Eventually, she spotted a boy with curly green hair, who was running around frantically. “That’s him! That’s Deku!” She pointed towards him. The teen glanced over and couldn’t help the smirk that started growing on his face. “Deku, huh?” He chuckled, making Eri glance up at him. “You know Deku?” She asked curiously.
The blonde boy glanced at her as well. “You could say that.” He smirked.
“Mr. Deku!” Eri called out as the floating boy slowly started to land on the ground. He placed Eri down so she could run up to Izuku. “Eri! Oh my gosh! I was so worried when you disappeared! Mirio and I were looking everywhere!” He kneeled down and let the child embrace him as he picked her up into his arms. “I’m really sorry. I saw some animals and then I saw a bunch of cool things that the other kids were setting up. I didn’t mean to walk away like that.” She frowned, feeling remorseful for worrying her friends like that. Izuku gave her a soft smile. “Hey, it’s alright, Eri. I’m just so glad your safe.” He reassured her, tucking a strand of her pearl white hair behind her ear.
Eri returned the smile. “This your little sister?” The blonde boy interrupted, tilting his head. Izuku glanced at the other teen. He furrowed his eyebrows at him. “No. I’m a friend. I think I know you…” He muttered, looking deep into the tan boy’s hazel eyes. The blonde smirked, “Yeah, you do.” He replied smugly.
Izuku held Eri closer to his chest. It was definitely Narazumono. But he looked different than when Izuku accidentally ran into him weeks ago. Back then, he had black hair, blue eyes, and a paler complexion. Now he was blonde, tan, and had hazel brown eyes. Surely one person couldn’t change their entire wardrobe and appearance that quickly, right?
“How bout you just call me…Seven for now.” The villain whispered, walking up to Izuku, patting Eri’s head. “Why don’t you show me around the best attractions, friend?” He smiled, convincingly kind enough to fool Eri but not Izuku. He knew the look in his eyes didn’t match the tender smile.
“You’re going by Seven?” Izuku whispered, raising an eyebrow. The blonde teen hummed. “Just a nickname I was given. Nothing too deep.” He grinned. Izuku didn’t want to provoke the situation as much as his heart begged him to. He couldn’t. Narazumono somehow managed to bypass the security protocols and avoided being caught by the pros. He had to play along for now, at least until he could get information on the villain’s motives and possibly even his identity.
“Sure. I can show you around.” Izuku forced a smile. Narazumono nodded. “Lead the way, Golden boy.” He whispered, letting Izuku take the lead. Once the hero placed Eri back on the ground he felt, Narazumono placed a hand on his shoulder and leaned down, keeping his voice low enough so that only Izuku could hear. “Try to detain me, and I won’t hesitate to give these students a festival day to remember.”
Izuku swallowed a lump in his throat but nodded. “I won’t. Can I at least inform my friends that I found Eri? They’ll be worried sick.” He requested quietly as the little girl wandered ahead, but not too far this time. Narazumono thought for a moment. “You can. Don’t try anything funny. You still don’t know what my quirk is. I’m sure you don’t want your friends to find out right now either.” He warned the hero. The hero chewed on the inside of his cheek as he texted Mirio that he found Eri but would be running some errands with her. Luckily, his excuse was convincing enough. Mirio texted back, saying that Izuku better get some treats for him as well.
The villain gave him a deceivingly joyous grin. “Awesome! Now let’s enjoy the day!” He cheered, earning a shout of agreement from Eri. Izuku was dragged around by Eri and Narazumono, avoiding the heroes and his peers like the plague. Once they had hit about every attraction, Narazumono turned to Izuku. “That was fun! I even figured out all sorts of loopholes around this campus! You’re such a helpful friend, Sweet boy.” He wrapped his arm around Izuku’s shoulder, pinching his cheek as he gave him a condescending grin. Izuku grumbled, glaring at the villain. “Don’t be so moody. Little Eri might get suspicious.” Narazumono whispered. The young hero shoved the other boy off of him. “She’s not even looking. What the hell do you want, Narazumono? Why are you even here?” He demanded, keeping his voice as level as possible so as to not attract unwanted attention. The villain smirked. “Hey, golden boy, I already told you to call me Seven. Why don’t you try saying it, hm?” He tilted his head, offering puppy dog eyes. Izuku deadpanned before rolling his eyes. “Seven.” He seethed through grit teeth. “What the hell do you want?”
The blonde hummed, smirking impossibly wider. “I like how you say my name…” He said under his breath. “But anyways, I’m not here to cause trouble. Hell, I’m not even gonna attack UA. I just like learning about my surroundings. Every little detail entices me.” His eyes trailed over to Izuku. “…and every little hero.”
Izuku felt a shiver run down his spine, but he steeled himself. “I don’t believe you. You must have some kind of plan.” He muttered, glancing to make sure Eri wasn’t looking at them. She was distracted, watching an artist paint on other teens’ faces. “I really don’t.” Seven shrugged. “I honestly didn’t think I’d be able to override the security database and get away with it. But here I am. I spent all day on this campus, and no one knew a thing. No one but you, of course.” He smiled.
Izuku clenched his fists but remained as calm as possible. “Is this a game to you?” He asked, anger boiling through his blood. “Bingo!~” Seven winked, pointing finger guns at the hero. Izuku felt his anger bubbling up to the brim. “Messing with Pro Heroes and threatening the lives of politicians? Petty theft? All of it is just to cure your boredom?” He glared dagger at Seven, who was completely unphased. “Pretty much. I don’t really have a reason to do it. I just want to.” He revealed, making Izuku’s jaw drop.
Admitting to it like it was nothing.
Izuku saw his friends approaching. Eri spotted them first and ran up to them. Now that Eri had some others to watch over her, Izuku made his move. He grabbed Seven and forcefully dragged him away, somewhere secluded so they could actually talk.
Seven let it happen, smiling all the while. Once they were away from the crowd, the boy turned around, his grip tightening as he glared at the villain. “You made a mistake coming here.” He let out lowly, earning a chuckle. “Oh? What’re you gonna do? Arrest me and ruin the fun for everyone else?” He raised an amused eyebrow.
“I will.”
At that, Seven placed his pointer finger onto Izuku’s bottom lip. “I wouldn’t do that if I were you, sweet boy.” He said in a hush. Izuku flinched at the contact but held his stance. He would not be tricked again. “And why wouldn’t I?” Izuku tilted his head away to speak.
Seven smiled. “I’m not against hurting you, y’know. I’m not against hurting your close ones either. I just wanted to fuck around today, and I did just that. So be a good boy and let me leave in peace. Or do you want to start a brawl and get Eri caught in the middle of it?”
Izuku’s gaze hardened when Eri was mentioned. “You will not lay a finger on her.” He seethed. “I won’t. If you’ll keep the peace that is.” Seven replied, muttering.
It was then, Izuku noticed how close the two had gotten. They were merely inches apart and none of them wanted to back away from the confrontation. They both stood their ground. “I can’t just let you leave. You are a wanted criminal. If I let you escape, I’d be aiding you. I cannot in good conscience do such a thing.” Izuku pulled on Seven’s wrist, pulling the villain closer.
Seven didn’t seem to mind it, in fact he was enjoying the proximity quite a bit. “Then I’ll help you deal with it. Look, you just wandered off when you fell down the stairs and got knocked out cold.”
Before Izuku could blink let alone react, Seven punched him as hard as he could, sending the boy down the stairwell they were standing by. “It’s been lovely spending time with you, but I’ve got plans. Later!”
That was the last thing Izuku could hear before he hit his head during the fall, knocking him out cold just as Seven had said.
Chapter 2 / Chapter 4
#mha#hattori nara#mha oc#my hero academia#narazumono#oc x canon#tori#bnha oc#boku no hero academia#izuku midoriya#spruce up the truce#mha fanfic#mha au#mha:sutt#deku x oc
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Seven 💇🏾♀️ (I have once again switched the hip that her tattoo is on)
#mha#hattori nara#mha oc#my hero academia#narazumono#oc x canon#tori#bnha oc#boku no hero academia#seven#my hero academia oc#traditional art
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Seven used to be a hero in my original concepts but I actually made her a villain for funsies lmao
I haven’t quite finished the drafts for the story I’m writing about her yet but I’ll be posting little oneshot as and snippets when I get the chance!

Seven/ Narazumono references!!
Seven is really hard to write 💀 I haven't written a character like her in a long time so this its more challenging than I anticipated
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really love dynamics that are like 'it honestly doesn't matter if you view them as romantic or platonic, the point is that they love each other. the type of love is inconsequential, all that matters is that it's there'. gotta be one of my favorite genders.
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Spruce up the Truce: drabble
Prompt: patching up the enemy
TW: a bit suggestive at the end but nothing too wack.
Izuku stopped walking through the hall of the small cabin once he heard a pained hiss, turning his head to the partially opened bathroom door. The boy moved slowly and peaked inside. He saw Seven biting her lower lip, and a feeling of worry coursed through his mind.
He opened the door to see her sitting on the closed toilet, trying to bandage herself. The bandage from the day before was on the small bin, which he saw was now covered with blood. It seemed like she was trying her hardest but having trouble doing so.
She looked up to see Izuku staring at her.
“Hey…” she said lowly, trying to seem casual about the wound on her leg that was now bleeding from her being too harsh with her tactics.
Izuku sighed and walked in. He still felt bad that she had taken the bullet for him during the Quirk Farm incident. She had pushed him aside and saved him from certain death, and the result was now sitting right in front of him. He kneeled onto the cool tile floor, placing his hands on her knees, gently pushing her legs apart to get a better look at the wound. The action made the villainess jump in shock. “What are you-“
Izuku felt that his actions took the villainess by surprise. The boy was completely oblivious to the way her face flared up and instead moved straight to the business of why he went into the bathroom in the first place.
"It seemed like maybe you could use a hand. What do you need?" He spoke calmly and softly to her, his hands moving to gently examine her leg wound.
As his fingertips gently traced around her brown skin, she tensed up, unsure of how to react. “I mean, I just had to change the bandages. Last thing I need is another wound infection.” She grimaced at the thought of putting up with a bothersome problem like that.
She watched Izuku grab a small cotton ball, dipping it in the rubbing alcohol before gazing at her with his cool jade eyes, trying to gauge if she was okay with him touching her. His lips formed into a soft smile as he looked at her.
"May I?"
Seven was still new to the whole ‘trusting’ thing so she still seemed hesitant despite the progress they had made.
After a second of contemplation, she nodded slowly, giving him her consent to do what was needed. She gripped the edges of the toilet lid in preparation for the incoming sting of rubbing alcohol.
Izuku's lips remained in a soft smile, taking her nod as the consent he was looking for. He then took the cotton ball and proceeded to gently press the soaked ball onto her leg wound.
She'd be able to feel the cold sting of the liquid against her sore leg. Once he finished applying the rubbing alcohol on the wound, he spoke to her, his voice being soft as warm as it had before.
"Just breathe out. It'll be over in a bit."
She did as he instructed, releasing the long breath she was holding. The girl watched as the hero wrapped her leg with such precision. He was a hero in training after all, he’d half to know how to help civilians if no other healers were available.
Her cooperation made the boy relax, knowing now she was more lenient with allowing him to aid her in her wounds. Izuku then glanced up at the girl, glad she was being very compliant, making the moment all that more special. His tone was still ever so soft as he spoke, a calm, cool demeanor permeating into his words.
"There we go. The worst part is done. I have to ask though, how are you feeling?"
Seven blinked and inspected his work, seeing that he was much better at it than she was. Then again, she rarely gets injured this badly so she hasn’t gotten too much practice with it.
“I’m okay.” She mumbled as she looked away.
The boy smirked when she averted his gaze, finding it to be funny that she was embarrassed in this situation. His eyes then followed her gaze as she looked away, his smile growing even bigger when he noticed how she chewed on her lower lip, a nervous habit.
"You know you can look at me, right?" He spoke in a low, almost teasing voice.
She scoffed at his words but kept her eyes glued to the shower curtain beside her, an obstinate look on her face.
"I know that…”
Izuku chuckled a bit at her stubbornness, the villainess looking somewhat childlike in her defiance. Though his lips were still pulled into a smile, his eyes were still soft, observing her in a caring manner.
His hand moved to place a warm hand on her chin, tilting her head so that she was looking at him once more.
"Then, look at me."
Seven sighed, allowing him to direct her head down to him. She was trying to get over her pride for him, trying her best to be humble and reciprocate his kinder energy.
It was harder than she initially thought. She wanted to wipe that smirk off his face more than anything.
A small, triumphant smile came to his lips as she looked at him. Just seeing how she acted made it evident that her defenses were starting to lower around him, as she continued to try and be kinder to him, even if it was just for a little bit.
He was content in that.
Seven huffed, standing up to return the first aid back to its designated cubby. "Thanks." She muttered, bending over to place it in the cabinet under the sink.
"No need to thank me, I’m glad you felt comfortable enough to let me aid you." He replied.
She rose and turned to him, leaning onto the sink counter. "I meant...thanks for what you did yesterday. I've never cried like that in my entire life." She whispered; her amber eyes downcast.
The boy was caught off guard by her admission. It was a vulnerable truth, one that she would normally never address. His gaze flitted to her face as she looked down a bit.
"Of course..." He whispered back.
They both stood in silence for a moment. It didn't feel tense. In fact, Seven felt as if a weight had been lifted from her shoulders by Izuku's presence.
He felt happy she let him see the more vulnerable sides of her personality, despite her initially hard exterior.
"Sev...Is it alright if I visit you every now and then?" Izuku asked, walking over to her, placing his hands on either side of the counter, caging here between the sink and his body. He meant nothing about the action but Seven still felt heat creeping up her neck at the proximity.
The villainess hummed, looking up at him. "Sev?" She repeated, a smile pulling at her lips.
Izuku raised an amused eyebrow, matching her energy. "You do like the nickname, don't you?" He teased, an uncharacteristically smug smirk on his stupid face .
She chuckled. "Call me that in front of other people and I'll kill you myself." The girl warned, no real venom in her words. "But...sure. I'd like it if you'd visit me." She whispered, leaning over him, her lips inches from him. "Try to be discreet about it though." The girl continued, as if their whole alliance wasn't already under the wraps from the public.
When she leaned forward, it threw him off. His ears burned crimson red when he saw her lips so close to his, her words sounding suggestive to him. "Are you trying to do something here?" He inquired, trying to stand his ground, but there was an underlying giddiness to his tone.
"Noooo... Whatever do you mean? I'm just warning you. Wouldn't want anyone to know you're in cahoots with a villain now, do you? It'd be a shame if they knew what I let you get away with." She chuckled, gently playing with one of his curly locks, tugging it and watching it bounce back into place softly.
Her words only served to worsen the heat creeping through his veins, her actions even not helping him recover in the slightest. Izuku scoffed playfully at her words.
"Is this your way of saying you still want me?" His tone was quiet, but his eyes seemed to communicate that he was willing to humor her. She had him in a very vulnerable position, and he wasn't entirely against it.
"You already know the answer to that." She muttered in his ear.
Izuku's heart throbbed. Her words echoed through his head so tenderly and teasingly. Seven was riling him up yet again. That alone was enough to make his heart skip several beats. Her tone sounded as playful as it was when they fought each other in the city streets, constantly chipping at his resolve with that tone that promised excitement that no other foe could provide him.
Before anything could escalate, she pushed him aside, cackling as she sauntered out of the bathroom in a way that felt almost taunting to the hero. He blushed a bit more as he saw her give him one last goading glance over her shoulder before stepping out of view. Was she attempting to tease the boy even more? Either way, it was working.
A soft chuckle escaped him as he shook his head, following after her. He wouldn't let her get away with that so easily.
Testing the waters with this one 😬 idk if I like it or not but playing around with their dynamic has been pretty fun.
Edit: I reworded some stuff to make it sound more cohesive lol
#my hero academia#mha oc#oc x canon#hattori nara#narazumono#tori#seven#mha#izuku midoriya#deku x oc#deku x reader#??#mha fanfiction#bnha#someone take away my computer#spruce up the truce#mha:sutt#sutt#mha au#mha deku#mha x reader#tw suggestive#implications#mha x oc#sutt snippet#izutori
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favorite hero
#seven#bnha oc#boku no hero academia#hattori nara#narazumono#mha#mha oc#my hero academia#oc x canon#izuku midoriya#tori#reposting from my og blog cuz why not?#izutori
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I really want to write a dance scene for them
#idk why but I think it'd be fun#bnha oc#mha oc#hattori nara#narazumono#tori#seven#boku no hero academia#mha#my hero academia#oc x canon#izuku midoriya#deku x oc#izutori
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Seven/ Narazumono references!!
Seven is really hard to write 💀 I haven't written a character like her in a long time so this its more challenging than I anticipated
#anywho here#have my mha oc#bnha oc#boku no hero academia#hattori nara#mha#mha oc#my hero academia#narazumono#oc x canon#tori#art#traditional art#seven
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OKAY!! I'm gonna freaking post some snippets and scenarios I had in mind for my experimental fanfic
I'm still working on how I want the characters to interreact so I'll try looking up some prompts and see what I like.
#im so nervous tho#oh well#mha#mha fanfic#bnha oc#boku no hero academia#hattori nara#mha oc#my hero academia#narazumono#oc x canon#tori#izuku midoriya#mha fanfiction#mha fanfic idea#my hero academia oc
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#mha#izuku midoriya#villain x hero#mha oc#seven#narazumono#hattori nara#tori#oc x canon#my hero academia#boku no hero academia#izuku x oc#deku x oc#bnha oc#repost technically but shhhhh#izutori
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older designs for Seven but still good enough to post
#these designs aren't relevant much to Seven anymore#they were just concepts I had#mha#my hero academia#bnha#boku no hero academia#bnha oc#mha oc#oc x canon#narazumono#hattori nara#tori#my hero academia oc
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HELLO! Welcome to the side blog!
my main blog is here! This one is just to post my silly MHA related content! It might change to different fandoms at some point but for now its just My Hero Academia.
Anyways here are the rules if you interact with my blog:
You can call me Jase!
No harassment of any kind! Positive vibes only
Please do not repost my stuff without crediting me
Feel free to ask me anything but no nsfw.
I appreciate reblogs and comments so please do not be shy to let me know your thoughts
critiques are very much welcome! If you have art tips to make my life easier please share!
I also must request that you refrain from messaging me directly, as I do not to talk directly to strangers online for personal reasons. I appreciate the compliments but if you must, use the ask box please.
I don’t mind spam liking and/or rebloging. Go nuts for all I care.
Other than that just be decent that’s all I ask really.
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