JARED ANDERSON: 20 ✖ TAKEN ✖ DANCER. “But sometimes it's the sunshine that frightens us more than the big black shadows.” The name's Jared, but unless you're blind, you already knew that--just like you should already know that I'm a twenty year old dancer that's currently residing in the middle of goddamn nowhere...which just so happens to also be named Besame, California. As far as town's go, it's alright. Good people, an even better boyfriend, and it's the second longest I've ever stayed in a place. Something must be going right there. I don't neccesarily trust it, though. Something's gotta go wrong, or it'd be a goddamn miracle.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
He's a dog. He runs, he barks, he sits. Normal dog stuff.
Anytime, babe. So how’s Padalecki by the way?
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That, my friend, is how you get into shitty situations.
But where’s the fun in that, right? You gotta beat around the bush a bit at times, create some misunderstandings and then get to the point.
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That'd just be terrible. Oh, of course, but you? You don't seem like an asshole.
Not at all, and I really don’t want to risk my boss disliking me when I’m just starting to get in his good graces. Good, I would hate to give off that impression because those guys are assholes.
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True. I'll remember that, yeah. I guess we know why.
I mean what else are friends for? Well if you ever decide to watch it watch the UK version and not the US. But yeah they did cancel it.
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I thought you worked with children?
It’s cute but after a while it becomes a little much. It’s one of my patients favorite songs though so I like singing it for her.

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Wouldn’t be too good for business, huh? My boobs and I accept your apology. Nah...I think you’re good. Don’t seem too cocky.
Well, I’m glad I’m not driving the customers away. I do apologize to you and your boobs. Personally, I don’t think I’m cocky, but you know that’s what every person who’s cocky says.
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Okay, see, that’s different. I won’t post it! Record it and use it for blackmail? ...can’t make any promises.
It was two very, very spread out glasses. Not to mention the glasses were pretty small. It was pretty much one with dinner, and then one before bed. Yeah … I don’t believe you, no posting! Or keeping for blackmail!
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See, you should’ve start with that.
When you think of it that way, yes, but when you think of it as him just cocooning himself inside a blanket then it’s cute.
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Dogs are able to eat asparagus; it should be fine.
I was at the store the other day and a blind man was walking around with someone and a dog. The dog didn’t have a jacket on, but I just assumed it was a service dog. Anyways, when their backs were turned, the dog grabbed a package of asparagus. I didn’t say anything, but I should’ve. The poor dog probably ate some and puked.
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@sage0ren: @jaredsinbesame You're so sweet, darlin. Are you having a party?
@jaredsinbesame: @sage0ren As sugar. I don't know--feel like throwing me one?
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I’m fine, and no, you don’t. And I’m Jared.
Then maybe you can tell me your name after you tell me what happened. I just want to know if you’re okay, and if I need to call someone.
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@sage0ren: @jaredsinbesame Congrats! You're getting old. 😜
@jaredsinbesame: @sage0ren this is my flipping you off.
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I’ve never even heard of the bumble bee song.
There are several kids songs with hand movements. The one in my head is a bumble bee song. I guess it’s what I get since I work with kids all day.

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Oh, great. It’s Jared, actually, but I can deal with Foster.
“Well…” Her head tilted to the side. “You kinda do. Nice argument there Foster.”
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@jaredsinbesame: Two weeks from today and I'm twenty one.
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I’m not complaining. My boobs and I are quite offended, actually...but we’ll live. Never said there was. Confidence is nice in a man...just as long as you’re not cocky.
Considering how much I work, that’s probably true. Yeah, I guess that part might be a win, but no offense to your boobs, I don’t think it’s worth the risk. I don’t want to make any enemies. Hey, nothing wrong with a guy who knows he’s decent looking. I work very hard to keep my face this way.
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If you’ve never had alcohol in your life, two glasses of wine probably would’ve done you in. You have no tolerance for it yet. Please, I wouldn’t record you...and post it.
I don’t think so, because I remember everything very clearly that night, also because I made James promise not to let me get drunk. I just don’t really have time for it. Hey! Offended! Also, if I do something stupid, no recording me in my drunken haze.
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