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There is no ivory that isn't cracked (Indonesian Proverb)
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januarwahyudiarto · 2 years ago
I know this is too much, but you filled my nights and days. I never imagined I could be so mean to you. We were like brothers, I wished to have a brother like you. Now you hate me. Is it still possible for you to think of me as your little brother, like you said so many years ago? After all the heinous things I've done to you, I'm trying to realize that you don't deserve me at all. You deserve better friends.
One thing you should know, buddy. I regret what I did to you, I really do.
A friend who will never forgive me
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januarwahyudiarto · 3 years ago
Tumblr media
The house I live in now doesn't feel like the house I lived in before. Since my mother died a few years ago, their true nature has started to show. They think they’re fooling me, but they don’t.
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januarwahyudiarto · 3 years ago
All the good you've done will be forgotten. One bad thing that you've done will always be remembered, even by 7 generations of them. Our brains seem to have been set up to think that way.
The same guy who has this tumblr account
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januarwahyudiarto · 3 years ago
Via rideto estas pli hela ol la suno. Vi estas pli amika ol mi, se temas pri mono, vi estas pli avida ol mi. Mi scias, ke neniu estas perfekta, sed tio, kion vi faris, estis malhonoro. Domaĝe
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januarwahyudiarto · 3 years ago
Oh mia kara estro, cxu vi perdis vian racion? Mi atendis dum 5 tagoj, vi cxiam povas manĝi kion ajn vi volas dum 5 tagoj, sed mi havas nenion por manĝi! Mi ankoraux atendas la salajron, por dauxrigi mian vivon
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januarwahyudiarto · 3 years ago
Vere, kun malfacileco venos facileco. Facileco vere venos kun malfacileco
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januarwahyudiarto · 3 years ago
Unuflanke ili esperas pacon, sed aliflanke ili ne povas konservi pacon. Kiel familiano, kiu esperas pacon, mi povas nur silenti kaj rigardi ilian konduton ĉar se mi parolos, mi nur plimalbonigos la aferojn.
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januarwahyudiarto · 3 years ago
My heart is beating fast. I don't know what causes this fear to haunt me. Their eyes looked at me sweetly, but at the same time I could feel their evil intentions. I believe they are planning something very evil. They are angel-winged demons. Make bad things look good, They could start their evil plan whenever they wanted.
O Lord, let me slaughter them.
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januarwahyudiarto · 3 years ago
Trying to calm my family down was a bad decision. I've tried it, and what happened was a big disaster. Their way of thinking is the same as that of ancient humans, firm and clear but uncertain and catastrophic. They just want to be respected, but don't know how to respect others. If you can't respect others, how can you have the desire to be respected? A bunch of monkeys smarter than you guys. I know it's too much, but facts are facts.
No wonder why mother died so quickly, because she couldn't stand being among you idiots.
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januarwahyudiarto · 3 years ago
Jujur, waktu pertama tinggal di rumah ini, dan pertama kali melihat si pemilik rumah sebelumnya (sekarang rumah ini udah gw beli), gw udah menaruh rasa curiga. Raut mukanya, bukan raut wajah orang baik, meski dia murah senyum. Notaris untuk balik nama rumah pun dia yang pilih, katanya udah 'langganan'. Mereka (si pemilik rumah gw, dan si notaris) keliatan udah akrab satu sama lain. Aneh karena mereka seperti merencanakan sesuatu, hal yang sangat gw takutin. Bukan cuma itu yang bikin gw curiga, suatu ketika si pemilik rumah membacakan surat perjanjian serah terima hak milik, gw dilarang merekam, gw dilarang memfoto surat-suratnya (meski tetep gw foto secara diam-diam), yang bikin gw tambah curiga adalah, dia ngelarang gw dengan nada ngebentak (sumpah pengen gw tinju si itu orang, karena saking lebay-nya dia ngingetin gw).
Sekarang ini lagi booming artis Nirina yang bermasalah dengan para bangsat makelar tanah, dia jadi salah satu korban dari sekian banyak korban makelar tanah yang ada di Indonesia. Gw pengen cepet-cepet menyelesaikan urusan sertifikat tanah ini, semoga makelar tanah yang ada di Indonesia cepat tercium bau bangkainya, dan diberantas sampe ke akar-akarnya. Ini cuma harapan sih, kenyataannya kemungkinan untuk memberantas makelar tanah, tetep mendekati nol, atau bahkan NOL BESAR.
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januarwahyudiarto · 3 years ago
3 years
14 December 2018 - 14 December 2021 Today... 3 years ago...
Mom, it doesn't feel like you've been gone that long. It's strange that these lips haven't called your name for 3 years. Sometimes I dream about you, in my dreams I see you in good health, hear your laughter, hear all your advice. Now I'm alone in this room, fighting my fear alone. There is a desire to see you again, to treat this longing.
Mom, will you forgive all my mistakes? I can't even forgive myself. I've always felt insecure. Especially in this house. Their smiles are fake, I'm afraid they'll hurt me someday.
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januarwahyudiarto · 3 years ago
Dimanĉo, la 28-an de novembro 2021
Nenio interesa hodiaŭ. La sento de malsekureco ankoraŭ estas tie. Estas tiom da malbonaj homoj vivantaj ĉirkaŭ mi. Ili agas kiel 'najbaroj'. Ili havas du vizaĝojn, unu bonan vizaĝon ili montris al mi, kaj unu malbonan vizaĝon ili neniam montris al mi.
Ho mia Dio, mi volas ke ili tute malaperu el mia vivo. Mi volas vivi pace kaj feliĉe. Ilia ekzisto vere minacas.
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januarwahyudiarto · 4 years ago
Ada kemungkinan segala bentuk upayamu akan dicacimaki, atau diberi pujian. Makian dan hinaan adalah risiko, pujian itu bonus.
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januarwahyudiarto · 4 years ago
Pray for Indonesia, pray for the people of Majene, pray for the people of Sulawesi...
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januarwahyudiarto · 4 years ago
I wish you all the best, thought you were my last. Just please can you let me pretend to forget...
‘Pura Pura Lupa’ by Mahen (English Version)
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januarwahyudiarto · 5 years ago
I'm so sorry... My friend... I'm so sorry...
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januarwahyudiarto · 5 years ago
Ku ingin bertemu meski hanya sekian detik saja. Biar hati ini menumbuhkan bunga-bunga kerinduan, yang akan menyuburkan semangat hidupku demi dirimu. Bunda, tersenyumlah. Doamu akan selalu sama, harapmu akan terus mulia, cita-citamu akan terus luhur. Abadilah jiwamu di dunia ini.
My Longing
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