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janorah Β· 3 years ago
Week 10 Our speaker for today was Engr. Marberth. Our topic was about bootcamp. The speaker says that we are in the search phase that means that we must search for a system or project that is related to our startup for us to know if our startup is unique or repeating. We must make a unique startup, that means it must not repeating or it must not have the same with with the existing products. I learned from today's topic that "Repeatable"- a system can be created on a consistent basis. Second is the "scalable"-a repeatable system can handle volume for a growing customer. It means that your startup can upgrade and after all this is a goal of every entrepreneur. In search phase you must discover the customer, validation of the customer otherwise you need to pivot and start all over again. Once you validated your customers, you proceed to execution phase. In execution phase, you create your customer persona where you build your company. We must identify the repeatable idea and identify solutions to solve a problem. In scalable, you initial startup can upgrade in the customer's base. In startup you need to be repeatable and scalable. Business model is all about how a company creates value for itself while delivering products or services for customers. The business model must be consistent in the value that it creates in delivering productsand services and also can handle increasing number of customers.
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janorah Β· 3 years ago
Week 7
To present yourself, you must be qualified to tell this particular story. According to the speaker, if you are a student and you have invented something, you must be a good storyteller, you must draw your audiences to listen and understand your words. You must convince your audience that you have unique invention and can solve a particular problem. That's why this is crucial to many interpreneur that this idea may be just repeating. We must remember that investors invest. And in order for your investors to suggest ideas, you must first tell your story. According to the speaker, keep your story simple and powerful.
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janorah Β· 3 years ago
Week 6
Today, our speaker Engr. Bronson G. Mabular discussed about the Pitching and Fundraising. In Investor Pitching, there are 3. First is the elevator pitch, it is a one minute pitch you tell to an investor what your product is within a one minute elevator ride. Second is the Short form pitch, this pitch is a 3-10 minutes pitch. Lastly is the Long form pitch, it is a formal pitch that tells investors everything they need to know about your company (20 minutes long). We must test our assumptions and hypotheses in order to understand more about our target market, client problems, and product. During the test, we observed that the majority of the issues raised by our responders were extremely comparable to what we expected them to face, which I found to be very encouraging. It's wonderful that our assumptions, while not all of them, were correct. And, to see if our solution is appealing to a specific target market, we did everything that was needed of us during the Market Validation phase. Interviewing more potential customers. While we did what needed to be done. We questioned ourselves and our idea. I just hope we can keep going despite the setbacks. According to the discussion, he states frame your story, that means the context is everything, keep your specific audience perspective in mind (they don't know your story but they assume they know your story), be provocative/interesting and lastly, make sure your message is understood.
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janorah Β· 3 years ago
Week 5 During week 5, Our topic was Value Proposition. Our speaker was Engr. Marberth Custer Jael. The Value Proposition Canvas is a technique for ensuring that a product or service is positioned around the values and demands of the customer. During this phase, we must identify the features of our product, as well as the problems that our target customers are experiencing and the remedies to those issues. We're behind schedule, but I don't believe it'll be too difficult to come up with one because we've done it before in another subject. I'm pleased that we were shown how to build one and put in all of the necessary components for our VPC to be exactly what our instructor desired. I hope that, as we predicted, we chose an idea that will assist a vast number of people. This week, our group made a propositional canvas. We identify the pain of the customers and how our product or project can help the customers. Value Proposition helps you design products and services that customer really wants because it gets you to focus on what matters most to them. You won't find success with the tool though if you don't learn how to use it properly. It is a tool to internationally visualize, design and test how you create value for customers.
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janorah Β· 3 years ago
Week 4
Today we discussed about Talking to users and validating the ideas. We must communicate with our product's potential users during this phase, and as someone who isn't much of a talker and has people skills, I see this as a difficulty.
We need to talk to users in order to finish what we're working on. That is why we must develop effective ways for extracting information from them. We'll be asking them about the challenges they've had, as well as providing the solution, and then they'll be talking about the specifics of the problem we're trying to solve
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janorah Β· 3 years ago
Week 3 Today, we discussed about the startup. The term startup refers to a company in the first stages of operations. Startups are founded by one or more entrepreneurs who want to develop a product or service for which they believe there is demand. According to maam Suzette, she says that we must choose the members who have good in different role, in example, their is a member who is good at speaking, that member also good at pitching. Next is the one member is not boastful. We must choose member who will not brag about the idea that he/she make or a part of the startup that he/she make. Attitude is also important in making a startup. Also, we must choose those members who we are comfortable with. Team chemistry is important to make our project successful because if we are not comfortable with our groupmates, it will be so difficult for us to make a startup. Sometimes if we don't like our groupmate/s we don't want to make our task or project that sometimes lead to unproductive results. Choosing the right team is also important, we must choose the members who we think that are responsible and also willing to help because if we choose those who don't care about the startup, it will be difficult to accomplish the tasks. We must also think if we are comfortable to be with those individuals. Maam states that we, our team will be working a lot. We must have same level of vibes or attitude. Every member has a responsibility of the team, if one of the members drag the team because of the attitude, there is a tendency that the result of your startup will be delayed or also be drag.
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janorah Β· 3 years ago
2nd week On this day, we discussed about the Opportunity Recognition and Needs Analysis and Lecture Series 1 - Startup in Real Life: Transforming My Idea to Innovation. I love the way our speaker convey the messages to the listener because they discussed the topic very concise and also I have learned something from the speaker. The first speaker Mr. Jirby, discussed the Opportunity Recognition and Needs Analysis and Lecture. From his discussion I learned about the idea of Peter Thiel and Marc Andreessen. Their idea is what we called an overlay. Mr. Peter and Mr. Marc have an idea of overlaying an idea of a western genre and the space movie so it resulted to starwars, the first popular method or an idea is by overlaying, one idea plus another idea, we have western genre known for a cowboy team movie so that was the first idea, the second idea is the space movie.. the space movie plus the western genre is resulted to what we've called starwars. Next example that Mr. Jirby discussed is the idea of internet.
This is all about how to start a business. Example yahoo, yahoo had this idea the idea of internet trend and another idea is about news and media, yahoo is the famous browser we had before. The purpose of yahoo is to give news and updates about the current issues. Yahoo! is an Internet gateway that includes a search engine and a directory of World Wide Web sites arranged by topic categories in a hierarchy. According to what I have read in the internet recently, Yang and Filo felt their website had enormous commercial potential, and Yahoo! was founded on March 2, 1995. Yang and Filo sought out entrepreneur Randy Adams' counsel for a venture capital firm referral, and Adams brought them to Michael Moritz. Next is the YouTube, the company here is the flicker, it is for the photographer, next is video. In Mr. Jirby's discussion I also learned that the two types of screening matrix are the micro and macro. The second topic was discussed by Maam Gesha, the Transforming my idea into innovation. She says that startup are temporary organizations that solve existing problems through new method. She mentioned the importance of patent if you own the idea for you to protect your ideas. This is all about how to start a business. Example yahoo, yahoo had this idea the idea of internet trend and another idea is about news and media, yahoo is the famous browser we had before. The purpose of yahoo is to give news and updates about the current issues. Yahoo! is an Internet gateway that includes a search engine and a directory of World Wide Web sites arranged by topic categories in a hierarchy. According to what I have read in the internet recently, Yang and Filo felt their website had enormous commercial potential, and Yahoo! was founded on March 2, 1995. Yang and Filo sought out entrepreneur Randy Adams' counsel for a venture capital firm referral, and Adams brought them to Michael Moritz. Next is the YouTube, the company here is the flicker, it is for the photographer, next is video. In Mr. Jirby's discussion I also learned that the two types of screening matrix are the micro and macro. The second topic was discussed by Maam Gesha, the Transforming my idea into innovation. She says that startup are temporary organizations that solve existing problems through new method. She mentioned the importance of patent if you own the idea for you to protect your ideas.
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janorah Β· 3 years ago
𝐡𝑒 π“Œπ’½π‘œ π“Žπ‘œπ“Š 𝓃𝑒𝑒𝒹𝑒𝒹 π“Œπ’½π‘’π“ƒ π“Žπ‘œπ“Š π“Œπ‘’π“‡π‘’ π“Žπ‘œπ“Šπ“ƒπ‘”π‘’π“‡ :')
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janorah Β· 3 years ago
First week
For this week, our instructor let us take the self assessment test, the MII and the MBTI. In berkley or MII, my highest percentage is Belief with a 96%, it means that I have belief in my own ideas and abilities, I can also influence other people and find motivation to overcome obstacles. For me, this is true because I am a type of a person that even though I have struggles in life, I can still managed to overcome all of those. Second from the highest percentage is resilience which is 92.5%, this only means that I view setbacks as learning opportunity instead of personal failures.
Resilient is important to individual to persevere over failures. Sometimes if I have an obstacles in life, I think of it as a motivation to continue because I believe the harder the obstacles, the more you are mold to become a better version of yourself. My least percentage of the result is Trust. I don't trust anyone easily specially someone that I've just met. It takes time to gain my trust, maybe this is because of my past experiences or traumas. I have this in my mind that even the closest friend you have or how long you are with that someone there is also a possibility that this person can betray you, the reason why I don't easily low down my wall for someone. I am also an introvert, I am more efficient doing things alone but I also believe that no man is an island and I am also willing to help others that's why I'm trying to socialize.
In the result of my MBTI self assessment test, my personality type is Advocate.The result is true because I view my purpose in life is to help other people. I tend to approach life with deep thoughtfulness and imagination. I also value deep, authentic relationships with others, and I take great care with other people’s feelings. It's like I can also feel what other people feels. I also get hurt everytime someone can't appreciate the things that I did with my best.
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janorah Β· 3 years ago
I hope something makes you laugh today. I hope something makes you smile. I hope something makes you happier than you've been in a long time. You deserve to have a nice day. You deserve happiness.
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janorah Β· 6 years ago
Honestly, I really dont have an idea how to use this πŸ˜…
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janorah Β· 6 years ago
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dark tunnel by juansen dizon
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janorah Β· 6 years ago
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Viva Kristo Hari πŸ˜‡ (at Cagayan de Oro, Philippines) https://www.instagram.com/p/BqlcUfCFL1F/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=nh4m2ebui1dj
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janorah Β· 6 years ago
Indeed ! 😊
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