janisgoblin · 3 days
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Siberian cows, 2019 - by Marina Fomina, Russian
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janisgoblin · 3 days
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“Here are great photos from the Women's Day chess blitz tournament held in Moscow on March 8, 2011.”
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janisgoblin · 5 days
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Why is this so funny and true
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janisgoblin · 5 days
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Jean-Philippe Charbonnier Iñupiat Children, Kotzebue, Alaska 1955
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janisgoblin · 5 days
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Chloë Sevigny, 2004 | © Lizzi Bougatsos
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janisgoblin · 6 days
and is your shame helpful? is it inspiring goodness and change? or is it keeping you frozen in time unable to move on and be everything you have expanded to be?
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janisgoblin · 6 days
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janisgoblin · 6 days
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Some of the most beautiful men I've seen in Czechia so far
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janisgoblin · 6 days
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Arrowhead (Yanonē)H. O. Havemeyer Collection, Bequest of Mrs. H. O. Havemeyer, 1929 Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY Medium: Steel
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janisgoblin · 6 days
This is content, right?
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janisgoblin · 7 days
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"Various urodele amphbians, not all to the same scale." The life of vertebrates. 1962.
Internet Archive
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janisgoblin · 7 days
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Shiso leaf bandaids
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janisgoblin · 7 days
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Pair of children’s shoes decorated with lions Qing dynasty, 19th century
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janisgoblin · 13 days
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janisgoblin · 13 days
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janisgoblin · 14 days
(if I missed any popular ones, apologies, I was just looking at the most common ones to have restaurants by skimming those in the area)
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janisgoblin · 14 days
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American University
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