jane-the-derp · 5 years
Months later I relaIize never placed my filler rp blog ahahahaha
It's @juloxia-reblogs btw
Hey everyone. I got big news.
"So I know some of you have enjoyed following me around in my crazy life, and you still can! But I'll be doing that in a different place very soon!"
That's right! Jane, Snatch, Juloxia and Iris will soon be found on a new blog that will be bigger and better than this small one! It'll also be more interactive with the crowd so take a look for that. For now, all I'll say is that it's going to be a new AU all on it's on. Full story and everything! Anyways I'll post when the blog is open and done, but for now Jane and the gang is still open to talk to you all in the meantime. Anways stay safe out there!
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jane-the-derp · 5 years
Hey everyone. I got big news.
"So I know some of you have enjoyed following me around in my crazy life, and you still can! But I'll be doing that in a different place very soon!"
That's right! Jane, Snatch, Juloxia and Iris will soon be found on a new blog that will be bigger and better than this small one! It'll also be more interactive with the crowd so take a look for that. For now, all I'll say is that it's going to be a new AU all on it's on. Full story and everything! Anyways I'll post when the blog is open and done, but for now Jane and the gang is still open to talk to you all in the meantime. Anways stay safe out there!
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jane-the-derp · 5 years
//Ooc freakout when you realize you signed Jane up for working with both the Conductor and Grooves.... Fucking hell
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jane-the-derp · 5 years
Hey Jane how's the job going? How's the others?
"Oh, hello! My job is definitely a bit hectic. I was going to head in today to just check on everyone. I think I'd check Grooves first..." Jane is getting everything together and running out the door.
"You haven't missed much bro" Juloxia comments, looking at you all.
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jane-the-derp · 5 years
Reblog if I can come into your ask box when my muse gets bored
if we’ve never interacted before, i implore you to do this. random encounter, wrong text, anything. 
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jane-the-derp · 5 years
(Just specify which muse!)
Force my Muse to Spill their Secrets
🌧- For a heavy, emotional secret
🙃- For a lighter, slightly embarrassing secret
🌟- For a secret wish or desire of theirs
🍏- For something they secretly wish didn’t exist
🍎- For something they secretly wish did exist
❤️- For a secret crush
📲- Talk about someone/something you dislike, but only pretend to like
👁‍🗨- Talk about someone/something you like, but pretend to dislike
🍻- For something bad/mischievous you did as a child or teen that your parents don’t know about
🌜- For a ‘weird’ habit or tic that no one knows about
💃- For a talent that they like to keep hidden from others
🏹- For a talent they wish they had
👻- For something that scares or disturbs them, but they refuse to tell anyone
☢️- For a controversy or scandal they have been able to keep mostly under wraps
🐇- For a secret item they keep (stuffed animal, comfort object, etc)
📒- For a secret journal/diary they keep (Bonus: Share an entry from it!)
📔- For a secret sketchbook they keep (Bonus: Share a sketch or doodle within it!)
🖤- For something they secretly wish they could do with your muse
❓- Free Space! Ask them about a specific secret!
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jane-the-derp · 5 years
Jane decides to find a way to work for both.
"Mr. Grooves? I'm here for the interview!" (jane-the-derp)
//how am i gonna do this i’ve never applied for a job
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“Hello, darling!” He’s sitting on the counter. Jon (The receptionist) is looking as tired as always. “We should get it over with, yes?”
//would you be fine with a time skip
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jane-the-derp · 5 years
"Yes! We should!"
(Yeah we can do a skip.)
"Mr. Grooves? I'm here for the interview!" (jane-the-derp)
//how am i gonna do this i’ve never applied for a job
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“Hello, darling!” He’s sitting on the counter. Jon (The receptionist) is looking as tired as always. “We should get it over with, yes?”
//would you be fine with a time skip
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jane-the-derp · 5 years
"Oh, right, never said my name" Juloxia laughed. "I'm Juloxia and feel free to stop by if you need anything!"
Iris didn't want the youngest to stop petting him.
Three children are currently sneaking around your house. Though, one isn't exactly a kid, he's 18 years old. But the other two are kids. And they're sneaking around the house. Yeah.
Juloxia is the first to spot them out the window. “HEY! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?” She yells outside, catching the attention of the other residents.
Iris follows Juloxia, who’s walking out the front door.
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jane-the-derp · 5 years
"R-Right now?!" Jane nearly drops the calendar.
"O-Okay, I'll come over as soon as I can! Thank you so much!"
Did he check under her name?
…Oh! There it is! He might as well call her!
Ring ring!
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jane-the-derp · 5 years
Iris is purring loudly, rolling onto his side. He's loving the attention.
Juloxia decided to help the other two look for their helmet.
Three children are currently sneaking around your house. Though, one isn't exactly a kid, he's 18 years old. But the other two are kids. And they're sneaking around the house. Yeah.
Juloxia is the first to spot them out the window. “HEY! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?” She yells outside, catching the attention of the other residents.
Iris follows Juloxia, who’s walking out the front door.
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jane-the-derp · 5 years
"That's great!" Jane exclaims, standing from her seat to grab a calendar. "Do you have an times I can come in?"
Did he check under her name?
…Oh! There it is! He might as well call her!
Ring ring!
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jane-the-derp · 5 years
"Oh, right! I guess we can tackle the interview first, then I can hopefully decide." Jane replies, nearly jumping up and down in her seat. "I mean, if that's alright with you, of course."
Did he check under her name?
…Oh! There it is! He might as well call her!
Ring ring!
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jane-the-derp · 5 years
Iris sniffs the youngest's hand and soon rubs his face against it.
"A helmet, huh? Well I haven't seen any around here but you're welcome to look within reason." Juloxia shrugs, letting the kids into the yard.
Three children are currently sneaking around your house. Though, one isn't exactly a kid, he's 18 years old. But the other two are kids. And they're sneaking around the house. Yeah.
Juloxia is the first to spot them out the window. “HEY! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?” She yells outside, catching the attention of the other residents.
Iris follows Juloxia, who’s walking out the front door.
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jane-the-derp · 5 years
"Ah-! Mr. Grooves! T-This is a nice suprise!" Jane gasps, trying to keep calm over the phone. Of course he'd do it while the Conductor was recording.
"What about my resume do you want to talk about?"
Did he check under her name?
…Oh! There it is! He might as well call her!
Ring ring!
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jane-the-derp · 5 years
Oh my god, is that someone calling?! Jane quickly answers the phone, not checking the caller ID.
"This is Jane! How may I help you?" She answers in a cheerful voice.
Did he check under her name?
…Oh! There it is! He might as well call her!
Ring ring!
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jane-the-derp · 5 years
Juloxia crosses her arms, sighing. "I won't hold this against you IF you tell me what you were trying to do."
Iris tries to sniff the eldest.
Three children are currently sneaking around your house. Though, one isn't exactly a kid, he's 18 years old. But the other two are kids. And they're sneaking around the house. Yeah.
Juloxia is the first to spot them out the window. “HEY! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?” She yells outside, catching the attention of the other residents.
Iris follows Juloxia, who’s walking out the front door.
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