The Stoner
70 posts
The Stoner Alejandro Lopez • Twenty • 3rd Year Music Production Major • ΖλΕWhen I first started smoking weed, I told myself I would only smoke on special occasions. Turns out, Everyday is a special occasion. Exclusive Character to Go Greek! RPG
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jandrolopez-blog · 7 years ago
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“What is it that you’re studying?” Curiosity struck him. He knew that he played in a band. Was it music that he was going for, or was it something else? Now it had him wonder about it. “I’ll get the next round,” he noted as Jandro paid for the two beers. “Unless you’re drinking both of them,” he leaned against the bar. “Maybe I’m just going to dress up as myself. I know I’m already sexy, but it’s nothing special besides that.” 
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“ Music Production... just music performance will get you nowhere in the world, you really have to do something that’s in the background of music to get far in music, production is the best I could think of,” Jandro admitted. Taking the two beers handed to him, he passed one to Cam and clinked them before taking a long sip. “ I could totally drink both of them, but nah, it’s for you,” Jandro joked. 
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jandrolopez-blog · 7 years ago
[text] → Jandro
JASON: okay that's actually not a horrible idea
JANDRO: and because I gave you the idea, I want some beef ramen.
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jandrolopez-blog · 7 years ago
bianca shivered as she sat on kappa’s roof, pulling the sleeves of her worn princeton sweatshirt over her hands. she had texted jandro almost 20 minutes ago and he still wasn’t there. she needed to be drunk and she didn’t want to do it alone. after a few more minutes, she groaned and grabbed the bottle of vodka beside her, cracking it open and taking a drink. she wrinkled her nose at the familiar burn and muttered to herself, “so much for not drinking alone.” after a few moments and a few more drinks from the bottle, she heard a sound and looked up, “took you long enough.” 
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Jandro was always there for people who needed him and getting a text from Bianca, saying she needed some company, he left the house as soon as possible. But instead of going to Kappa, Jandro stopped by the local pizza palor, getting two sizable pizzas, Jandro looked at the time as he strapped them to his bike, he was going to be late. Finally get to Kappa and getting through the girls, trying not to be seen, Jandro got up to the roof, seeing Bianca, drinking. “ I got pizza,” Jandro admitted, moving to sit beside her,” Are you okay?”
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jandrolopez-blog · 7 years ago
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“And you’ll just take over next year? Make sure you don’t burn the house down when you’re a senior. Not that I care much about your house,” he joked, giving him a faint smile. Of course he would never want to see any of the greek houses be gone and he didn’t think the other male would be capable of letting something like that happen anyway. “But he’s still basically the clown. That’s what people know him as. I don’t care if he’s other monsters. The clown is what bothers me,” he explained with a shiver. “I can promise, if I dress up, it isn’t going to be sexy.” 
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“ I mean, as long as I am here,” Jandro admitted,” I’m going for my masters degree, so I’m going to be here longer than the four years.” Not that he minded, this was most likely the best moments in Jandro’s life, and he was okay with that. “ Eh, the monsters scare me more than him,” He added, ordering two beers, paying for both of them. “ Oh why? I’m sure you can pull off the sexy look.”
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jandrolopez-blog · 7 years ago
Feeling the bite, amos’ hands tightened their grip on the hair, letting out a small sultry moan at the feeling. When the other spoke, he hummed in delight. “Glad I didn’t disappoint.” He replied before nodding his head. “I’d love that.”
He let out a groan at the grip of his hair, letting out a small laugh after. Taking the other’s hand, he gave him another, long, kiss before pulling him away from the crowd and back into the den, then to the hallway,” I think that Dan has a guest room upstairs,” Alejandro admitted, stopping at the steps to kiss Amos’ neck.
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jandrolopez-blog · 7 years ago
[text] → Jandro
JASON: free??? stuff???
JANDRO: Yeah! Like, "Dude, You totally called me and I had to hear you fucking some girl, maybe you can buy me some ramen to help me live through this trauma."
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jandrolopez-blog · 7 years ago
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bounding up the steps to alejandro’s room, upon invitation, and with a little excitement as he realised that he was going to be getting to know one of his frat brothers. and what’s more, a brother who had been at princeton for a long time. everyone knows he could certainly use the insight. he follows the corridor until he comes to the room he’d been told belonged to alejandro, knocking on it. “dude, it’s me!” he pauses as he realises jandro might not be aware of who ‘me’ is. “kenton. it’s kenton.”
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Alejandro was going to try to make an effort to get to know Kenton and Jason and while Dubois and Lopez were on a texting basis, the older male barely knew Kenton. So texting the younger male to come hang out in his room, Jandro set up for a night of fun while Han was off doing some homework, or something. Chilling in one of the bean bags, which were placed around the television, he pulled himself out and to the door when he heard the knock. Sneaking it open, Jandro smirked,” Kent, my man! Come in and Chill,” Jandro offered, shutting the door behind him.
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jandrolopez-blog · 7 years ago
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jandrolopez-blog · 7 years ago
[text] → Jandro
JASON: okay?????
JASON: tru but also like. i also just wanted clean clothes from my room.
JASON: im not freaking out
JASON: just annoyed
JASON: and not in the mood to jerking off rn
JANDRO: i mean, you can totally bring it up and get some free stuff.
JANDRO: and I'm sure in the end it will just bring you two closer.
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jandrolopez-blog · 7 years ago
“so i haven’t even started looking for a costume yet for tomorrow. i was way too focused on getting through the parties last weekend.. so here’s what i’m thinking: han solo again, or maybe star-lord?? fuck this holiday is so much work.”
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“ The parties were fucking tight, so I feel your pain,” Jandro admitted, laying down on Han’s bed, a smirk on his lips,” I mean...if you go for Han again, I can totally be your Chewbacca or we can totally be Spiderman and Deadpool!,” Jandro offered up, turning on his side to see Han.
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jandrolopez-blog · 7 years ago
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jandrolopez-blog · 7 years ago
[text] → Jandro
JASON: how is this relevant
JANDRO: I mean, if he's cute, then what's the harm of hearing him have sex? Sex is sex, it's not something to freak out about.
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jandrolopez-blog · 7 years ago
[text] → Jandro
JASON: an ASSHOLE apparently
JASON: and I DUNNO. i didn't exactly ask.
JASON: or listen in
JANDRO: I mean... if he's cute.
JANDRO: He's cute right?
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jandrolopez-blog · 7 years ago
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“Shouldn’t you be keeping an eye on pledges? Sometimes they can get a bit wild.” Camden hummed while turning his head to look forward as he continued to follow Jandro’s lead, not knowing where exactly it was that he wanted to go to. “It will be the same. It’s the same clown. It isn’t like they’re going to change his look again for the second chapter,” he pointed out with a shrug. “And why’s that?”
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“ I’m just a junior, let Logan or one of the the other seniors look out for them,” He teased, of course he was suppose to keep an eye on his brother pledges, but he wasn’t going to figure out where they slept at night. “ Not really, he turns into new monsters when the adults see him...so,” Jandro chuckled as he took a seat at the bar,” I just love Halloween, and I love to see what others dress up as...how sexy they can get.”
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jandrolopez-blog · 7 years ago
“Maybe…you’ve got permission to find out” He said to the other, moving himself completely against the other. Feeling the other’s lips against his own, he hummed into the kiss, fingers snaking their way up to grip the other’s hair as they kissed.
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Feeling the other’s hands in his hair, Alejandro only deepened the kiss, biting the other’s bottom lip, playfully, while he pulled away. “ Damn...You’re a good kisser,” Jandro admitted with a laugh,” Maybe we should head inside, less eyes on us,” Jandro whispered, leading them away from the crowd, dancing with Amos
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jandrolopez-blog · 7 years ago
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       If there were ever a moment in his life that he’d felt completely out of his league when it came to being conversationally adept? Right now would probably be that moment. Not only was the guy he found himself talking to starting to use his hands to explain key details of his supposed big surf day at the beach in Hawaii. But, the guy was even using mouth noises and his facial expressions were just as animated all at once. It was like experiencing a live-performance of a play or something straight from a movie, and yet this guy was doing it as if it were normal. Wow. Zach honestly didn’t know if he was impressed by the guy’s enthusiasm, or intimidated by such hype the guy was giving off. Thus why Zach kept quiet until the guy was done talking and then gave a look to make sure the guy was done speaking before he’d feel it was open for him to respond. “So, I take it this is the part of the story where you share that you and your buddies got laid by some of the chicks, am I right? Or did I ruin the second part of the story, if there is one?”.
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Jandro leaned back into the couch, set basically in the middle of the Zeta’s living room. Resting his feet onto the coffee table, the younger male scoffed,” Have you met our brothers, of course they got laid, well....the majority of them did anyway,” He could remember women coming back to the hotel rooms, but most of it was blurred out by the amounts of alcohol that he consumed,” Fuck..I’m pretty sure I had a threesome with a guy and a girl, I don’t think it was a brother though.”
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jandrolopez-blog · 7 years ago
[text] → Jandro
JASON: so my roommate totally didnt sexile me
JASON: AS i was walking into the building
JANDRO: Wait, Who's your roommate again?
JANDRO: and like, he called you while he was having sex?
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