
GOT A NEW IPAD!!! It was a late birthday present but now I'm able to use Procreate!! :D
So ofc the first thing I do is draw Holly!! 🤧
(Also apologies about my handwriting - if you can't read my little annotations don't feel bad bc neither can I 🥲)
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I agree. It's interesting how Doug went out of his way not to have Lister say "I'm not gay" even though he does in "Duct Soup". Maybe Doug's learnt that leaving it more ambiguous pleases some of us fans.
I know it was fully unintentional, and part of a divisive scene, but does Lister telling Cat "I wouldn't be attracted to you if you were the most beautiful woman in the world because I'm not attracted to you," give anyone else "I like the wine, not the label" vibes?
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Even though the Highs distinguishing between "you" and "thou" isn't necessarily true to character (the distinction would imply that they regard certain people more formally/with more respect than others which I think goes against their whole deal), I do like to imagine them doing so, if only for a moment during the regular crew encountering them where High Lister and High Rimmer suddenly switch to "thou" while addressing each other, which definitely Reveals Something but unfortunately neither of their counterparts know enough about Middle/Early Modern English to pick up on what it means so they're just like "huh, what a pair of weirdos :| Anyways-"
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Holo Crime Drama/Detective AU
You're a hologram, going about your humdrum existence, brought back to continue working for a corporation that really doesn't care.
One day the boss is murdered.
No one suspects you because you're a hologram. And, no, you didn't do it. How could you?
But you're original self did.
Turns out, you're not as dead as you thought you were.
They faked their death, knowing they would be generated as a hologram. And of course you don't remember dying. Or not dying.
So while everyone was busy not mourning you and not paying you much attention, your original living self did the bloody deed.
Your biggest problem right now is that you accidentally stumbled across the truth, but what do you do? You don't want your original self to deactivate you in order to force your silence but you also have your programmed loyalty to the corporation. And you still have your original self's sense of justice.
So you play for time. Pretend that you don't know what's going on, same as everyone else. But you do go to a private detective.
He's a slob with an addiction to curry, but he is good. And he offers you something that you never had before: friendship.
Even when the case is solved, the danger has passed, and your innocence proven, you still lose your job and are warned of your imminent deactivation.
It's almost funny that the slob detective, his sidekick, and his android housekeeper fight to keep you turned on, are even willing to pay for it. They offer you a job and a place to stay.
You accept.
Sure, the electricity bill is through the roof now and causes more than a few power cuts, but it's home. They're family.
And, yep, it confuses the world that you're a hologram with a living counterpart - now in jail - disgusts them even, but you're more alive now than you ever were before. In fact, you were never dead to begin with.
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Holograms create some good potential for crime dramas in the RD universe.
e.g. someone is revived as a hologram by their cheating murdering spouse to force them to tell them where they hid the money.
Or what if a hologram claimed they were murdered and can remember it?
I just know there must a holo version of Sherlock Holmes, in TV/movie form.....or someone actually created a hologram of Sherlock Holmes.
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Fan of Red Dwarf? Join the discord server!
Whether you’re sharing your own art and writing or just want somewhere to chat about everything Red Dwarf, this is the server for you!
Join the server here! https://discord.gg/nSxTsqV
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This is the biggest active RD Discord for Tumblr users. There are others, of course. :)
I know this is probably a long shot but is there anyone currently into Red Dwarf who wants to be buddies on Discord?
My friends are getting sick of me talking to them about it (it's not their interest, it's mine) and I need someone to bounce off of before I go insane locked up in my own mind like this.
Any servers that may (hopefully?) exist would be welcomed too. I really just need people to talk to about this silly old show 😭
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the obsession some people have with their ships being canonized…..who are you, the catholic church
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Insanely funny that smoking used to be so ubiquitous that Red Dwarf had a plentiful supply of cigarettes on board for the crew
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This is good to hear! Thank you for your efforts. :D

Working on putting together a masterpost for finding Arnold Rimmer by The Sarah Michelles as Lost Media. The justice sensitivity is getting to me and I feel really dizzy now lol
I've been in touch with the songwriter, he says the albums came off streaming for arbitrary T&Cs reasons, and depending on his normal workload they'll go back up later in the year when he can find the time!
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