jammyisthename-blog · 6 years
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Jamerah N. Yasser                                                                              BSED-English 4
 Grand Demonstration
                           Whenever I heard the word demonstration, I always have this notion that “In everything you do, do your best!” though it would be tiresome and a burden in my part. Most of the time, I listen to my classmate’s complains on how much money they had spent in demonstration for the instructional materials, the detailed Lesson Plan that we will have to accomplish as well as the perfect outfit on such task. Because of that, I had my so called “grievance” for the said grand demonstration.
    November 09, 2018 (Friday)
                         This is it! This was the schedule I assigned. And this was also the day that I’m not feeling well at all. My body is shaking at this time, my head is like turning around maybe because I’m lacking of sleep cause this day, I slept for only three hours because I finished doing my IM’s last night. My first Grand Demo makes me feel so nervous especially when I saw the panels who are; Ma’am Dean Dean and Mrs. Gallaron and it makes me feel more nervous. I really felt so scared at this day because I know to myself that I’m really not yet ready due to my IM’s. I'm at the point where I want to go home. Until my turn came. During my demonstrating in front, my IM’s fell down and I’m distracted. I’m about to cry at that time but I stopped it and continue discussing. After then when I finished demonstrating, the panels suggested me that I need to improve my IM’s and do better for the next until they decided that I’ll do re-demo for the next day. I accept the fact because I know to myslef that I didt gave my very best. And it will me to have a better demo. When I go out to the classroom, I felt so down. I cried.
    November 12, 2018 (Monday)
 For the second time around of my Grand Demonstration, in this moment, never felt any pressure at all for I believe in myself that I can do it better. The panels of this day are Ma’am Mel and Ma’am Sevilla. I felt a little bit sad because I thought that Ma’am Gallaron would be our panel but it’s not. After the demonstration, I felt relived, contented and happy. Relieved because ”I made it!” I had overcome my fears. We really need to connect with ourselves, our materials, our feelings or response about our material, how we would like our students to feel and how we would like to achieve this connection with their hearts and minds. Contented because I know and I believed that I made my part since I gave my very best to impart and share ideas to my co-st’s. I really tried my best to make feel comfortable when learning. I thanked Ma’am Mel for letting me survived this also Ma’am Gallaron and Ma’am Dean. And lastly, I thanked GOD for guided me. I accepted the good and bad comments because I know it is for my improvement for my teaching practice. I felt so very happy at this time. For me it’s a job well done, despite of my nervous.
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jammyisthename-blog · 6 years
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If I were given a chance to go back to the past...
10th May 2014
The last day I saw my grand father walking and talking to me. I was 14 yrs old .
Few days before this, my grandfather who we called “Ama” (Lolo in tagalog) complained of abdomenal pain. We contacted the local doctor and he prescribed some tests and medicines.
After seeing the reports, he advised immediate hospitalization to my grand father, there was a kidney stone (quite big) that needed to be operated.
We searched for options in hospital to find the best one. My ama was also a heart patient, so he decided to go to a multi specialty hospital where we can get any kind of medical help quickly, if needed .
As suggested by one of our relatives, we admitted him to Cagayan De Oro Polymedic General Hospital in Velez.
That day I didn’t accompany my family to hospital (my biggest regret) .The hospital did all the tests again and decided to operate the same day.
My mother was very concerned and scared but the doctor assured that all will be fine . We will be able to take him home in next couple of days.
In the evening I went to the hospital, till then they have started operating. After half an hour the doctor came out and what he said scared the hell out of us.
He told that they are trying to revive my father but he is not responding due to anesthesia effect and his pulse was getting low so they have put him on ventilator and shifting him to ICU where he would be on life support system and dialysis also as his kidneys are not functioning properly.For some time we were not able to accept this what he just said. Our life turned upside down in such short span of time.
After that he was in ICU in that hospital for 10 days. We contacted many doctors in between but nothing could be done now. After that we transferred him to a hospital near our home with the help of our known doctor. Where he fought for 20 more days and finally left us on 10 May 2014.
Maybe I can never forgive the doctors who made such a simple kidney stone operation so much complicated that costed us my grand father’s life.
I want to relive that day so that I can stop him to go to that hospital and go to a different one instead. I just wanna thank him for giving us all our needs and wants, for being my second father when he’s still alive. For taking care of me since I was born and spoiling me. I just wanna say sorry for all the things I’ve done to him that makes him mad and to say sorry for not being a not so perfect grand daughter. I love you, we love you so much Ama!  We miss you very very much!!!!
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jammyisthename-blog · 6 years
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1) Masjid Al Haram, Mecca, Saudi Arabia
Located in the city of Mecca, this beautiful Masjid Al Haram, also called as the House of God, is one of the most sacred places in the world. Being the largest mosque in the world, this holy mosque also known as Kaaba is the magnificent place in Saudi Arabia where Muslims come from all around the world for pilgrimage. Covering the area of 88.2 acres this holy land has the capacity for around four million pilgrims and every year Pilgrims gather in very large number to perform Hajj. Kaaba has a cuboid shaped structure with simple and remarkably modest architecture. For its beautiful praying area and Islamic historical aspects, it is the center of great affiliation for Muslims who live peacefully and spend their time worshiping. At 20m from Kaaba, a very fascinating well of Zamzam water is located which started in circa, 2150 BCE and is still produces water which is also considered sacred.
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2) Masjid Al Nabawi, Medina
Al Masjid Al Nabawi is another beautiful mosque established in the city of Medina – Saudi Arabia, built by the Holy Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H) and currently in hold of Saudi government. With a beautiful green dome structure, this mosque is open for various services including learning and worshiping throughout the year. The enclosure of the mosque has been increased by hundred times and has beautiful shaded umbrellas along with the astonishing architecture of pillars and arcs. For Muslims it is one of the best places to be and worship their God. It has a very large capacity for the worshipers and the original mosque structure built by the prophet is still found existing as the hallmark of beautiful history.
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3) Kingdom Tower
The world’s tallest building fascinates many of the visitors from all around the world. Being a superb slender and tallest building, known as Kingdom Tower in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, Kingdom tower is the building for which the architects have decided to make it taller by just one kilometer more, so that it makes the world record. This amazing 3280ft tall building is a beautiful skyscraper that talks to the sky, would include some hotels and office space in the near future. The building is designed very carefully, keeping in mind the wind loads and capacity. It also has a beautiful circular sky terrace with a glass floor from where one can easily see the red sea.
4) King’s Fountain, Jeddah
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Kings fountain is one of the best places in Saudi Arabia and it is extremely fascinating because it is the world’s tallest fountain in city of Jeddah. The jet propels water to the height of 853 meters.  Located at the red sea, the beautiful fountain is one of the attractive places which are visible from most of the places within the city. The good thing about this fountain is that it doesn’t use fresh water but the salty sea water as a part of conservation. It gives a view of calmness and serenity during the night time when it lightens up and is seen to have different beautiful colors that enhance its beauty. The night illumination looks like as if the angels coming down on earth. It really gives a perfect view to its viewers.
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jammyisthename-blog · 6 years
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Today all the pictures we drew in art class came to life. I drew an airplane and it flew around the room. Then I drew a rocket-ship and it take me into galaxy, from there, I saw a lot of stars with their names indicated on it. After the long hours of happiness, I get back to my table and I drew a Princess and it also came to life she has these bright hopeful eyes, and sweet smiles. She’s so playful but often times play alone. She plays with her magic wand with her winged guardian. But I see something is wrong with her. She’s looking for something or probably someone. So, I tried looking deeper into her eyes; deeper into the face she portrays. Just then, I noticed she is so sad because she wants to have a Prince. In a moment of silence, I drew a frog and from the paper, the frog jump in and immediately, face the Princess. To my surprise, the Princess kissed the frog on the lips she is expecting that the frog will turn into a Prince but the frog remains as it is. And then I burst into laughter 😂
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jammyisthename-blog · 6 years
Jamerah Yasser ( July 05, 1998 )
“ You are in charge of how you react to the people and events in your life. You can either give negativity power over your life or you can choose happiness instead ” , as quoted by Vinn.
She was described by her friends as the girl, who was very silent yesterday but finally became talkative and happy to talk with today. She is Jamerah Yasser, 19 years old. She was raised up from a Muslim family. She is not a faithful church goer yet prayerful, kind and obedient to her parents and siblings who are older than her. She dislikes gossips nor saying bad words towards people behind her. She has a very good principle in life, like she said that talking about other people’s lives is not her job nor her concern either. She finds it annoying. Although she was a daughter of a well-to-do man she had never experienced having a perfect life. Like any other teens, her school days was never been easy, for she also experienced bullying. She used to wonder why do such bastard people in those days have always something negative to say towards her. Up until now in her college days, there are still  those kind of people who happen to ruin other people’s lives and making it as the basis of their own happiness. And with that experiences in life she grew up with the perspective that people have always something to say anyway and accept it as a nature of human. Also, with those experiences she had realized that to get offended by the negative comments of the people around her is a choice and anyways she is the only  expert who truly knows who really she is. Instead of focusing on the bad, she always look on the bright side of life and stay positive and happy. She  still settled to be cheerful and happy in every situation she may be; for she also learned that the greater part of people’s happiness and misery depends upon their dispositions and not upon their circumstances. She also states that sometimes happiness should not just a feeling but it should be a decision. Everybody needs to have their own stage to excel, she believes that everybody should own the freedom to choose  how to react, what to say and what to feel. Again She is Jammy that says Be you…Be Happy and stop thinking too much about what might other people think about you if you do that, you this. Because it is your life not theirs.
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jammyisthename-blog · 6 years
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“Happy Go Lucky Girl”
“God gave us everything in pairs-two hands, two eyes, two ears. But why only one heart? Because He gave another to someone else for us to go find.” - Lanie
She is Lelanie A. Demetila. She’s a girl from a good family who was well brought up. She’s also known as “Lance”. She grew up in Cagayan de Oro City. Lance is the youngest child in their family. She loves her family, her friends and most especially she loved God. She have a big faith in God and always put God first in her everyday life. She’s a type of a girl that loves eating chocolates. She considered herself as a chocoholic person.   Lelanie is just a simple citizen of our country. Sometimes, she act weird and st*pid but this are all her gaps, yes, she’s not perfect, she’s just human but at least she’s not fake at all. She’s just showing her true attitude. And for me, she’s pretty inside and out. She just find herself happy with the simple things. Appreciating the blessings God gave her.
One of her greatest fears is to be alone; she need others to be with her in her life’s journey. Lance believe also that we, human being are interdependent to one another it means that we constantly need each other in whenever and whatever we do. She really don’t like cockroaches because she find them grubby and she really afraid of them.
She’s objective and just, she dislike unfairness and conflict but at times, she’s easily deterred from her beliefs. She easily give her trust to anyone, no questions ask, complete trust but if the person breaks that trust  then it will be very hard to work on it again for her.
And Lelanie’s greatest dreams are; to become one of the most influential person on earth, to have millions of knowledge, thousands of friends and hundreds of good deeds. Her greatest aspiration is to become a famous poet.
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jammyisthename-blog · 6 years
Develop success from failures. Discouragement and failure are two of the surest stepping stones to success.
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jammyisthename-blog · 6 years
Disappointments will come and go, but discouragement is a choice that you make.
Dr. Charles Stanley
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