jamisonroberts · 9 years
It's going to be orally presented.
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  Why don’t you just type it in some other font then switch it over to hand it in? 
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jamisonroberts · 9 years
Just the way it looks.
  Why is that so bad?
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jamisonroberts · 9 years
Wow Annie.
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I have no idea why, but I’ve been listening to the first and second Taylor Swift albums so much lately.
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jamisonroberts · 9 years
Great, my teacher is making me type a whole essay in Times New Roman.
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jamisonroberts · 9 years
Interesting role model to have.
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Cold, Hard, Plastic
I strive to be exactly like Regina George.
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jamisonroberts · 9 years
Hey, J names.
  Oh….. Um, I’m Jamison. It’s fine, really. Nice to meet you, Jess.
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jamisonroberts · 9 years
  It’s alright. I’m pretty good with work, so if you have a question you can ask me if i’m awake.
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jamisonroberts · 9 years
Oh, I don't mind. I just have to warn you I sometimes have very late nights and can get very frustrated with homework.
  Very true. I also play guitar so sorry if that gets annoying at any point.
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jamisonroberts · 9 years
Sounds great.
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  How about tomorrow? I’m too high to drive right now.
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jamisonroberts · 9 years
Well I guess I'll hear it, being your roommate.
  It is? I guess in Canada I am a stand out so I guess so.
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jamisonroberts · 9 years
Oh, that's really cool.
  Ya. I do! It’s very thick and hard to not notice.
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jamisonroberts · 9 years
Oh, I've seen pictures. Do you have the accent? 
  Ireland. I have lived there my whole life. It’s beautiful.
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jamisonroberts · 9 years
Any time is fine.
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  Sweet. When do you want to leave?
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jamisonroberts · 9 years
Oh, I've been here for a few weeks. Just new to this website.
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  That’s good to hear. Anyway, are you a new student? Because I’ve never seen your face before. Not that it’s a bad thing. I’m just curious.
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jamisonroberts · 9 years
Oh, I am.
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  You don’t sound too excited about that.
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jamisonroberts · 9 years
Where are you from?
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  That’s what I thought. Sorry. Don’t know the states that well.
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jamisonroberts · 9 years
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