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Applying the sacred philosophy of Yoga to a modern world in an effort to heal ourselves and our destructive ways to live in harmony with the world.
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jalayoga · 6 years ago
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hiiii 👋🏼 guess what! this August 17-24 I'll be co-hosting a Music and Yoga retreat with @thelyrical and @genghis_tuan in Ubud, Bali 🌴 "Remember The Roots" retreat will be held @soulshinebali - a bloody beautiful yoga retreat hotel founded by @michaelfranti @thelyrical will be sharing his "Messages through Music" i will be facilitating "Yoga for Resiliency" and @genghis_tuan will be running "Drumming for Joy" workshops and a sneaky cooking class 🥗 More details and bookings here: www.soulshinebali.com (find us under "Rock n Roll" retreats) come come come, let’s play in tropical paradise 🌴 . . . . #TheLyrical #JalaYoga #GenghisTuan #SoulshineBali #YogaRetreat #RememberTheRootsRetreat #Ubud (at Goa) https://www.instagram.com/p/BuGTJIiAd4X/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=19jpgzkdvj1su
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jalayoga · 6 years ago
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wow. what an honour it was to co-facilitate this wonderful event with @marja_liisa 🍃 a huge thank you to the beautiful women who attended our yoga + clay meditation... for showing up in total vulnerability... for staying open... for sharing what came up... for epic conversations from self-worth, to gratitude, to death and dying... i cried tears of appreciation and awe as i listened to each of you share what came up throughout our morning of exploration together. i feel so blessed to walk this path of sharing yoga, for amazing women and for the beautiful park we hung out in today. stay tuned for the next “Reconnect: Yoga + Clay Meditation” event in collaboration with @marja_liisa 🍃 love xxx https://www.instagram.com/p/BnxlbiJhrqE/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=yv3paybvblws
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jalayoga · 7 years ago
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this picture fills my heart with so much gratitude... and yes, the bubbling kind that makes me cry. on the weekend i had the privilege of hosting a workshop for these beautiful women... i was brought to tears a few times throughout the morning it was so special.. we used the vehicles of yoga and yoga nidra to explore the emotional body, surrendering to everything we were feeling.... and then painted with watercolours, expressing ourselves freely without judgement. my beautiful sister @izzydaymusic serenaded us as we painted, inspiring us creatively with her musical gifts. as a group , we honoured all that arose and chose to transform our challenges into colour 💜 keep your eyes peeled for another event like this with my girl izzy — we had way too much fun facilitating this xxx gratitude ! xo (at Boheme + Body Wellness Shala)
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jalayoga · 7 years ago
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home is calling me back... im heading back to india for a bit in january ... (well actually il be leaving just after christmas!) i’m taking a group of 20 people with me this time to show them around my tropical, jungle yoga home... we will be practicing yoga, getting lots of sunshine, drinking coconuts.. exploring abandoned forts.. getting massages and seeing Dr Rohit for ayurvedic advice on our health.. we will be going to the markets and adventuring out on indian boats to find dolphins.. plus heaps more. this retreat is virtually sold out. but i have had 2 spaces open up !! if you and a friend want to come to india with me in january ( 4-11th ) , i have a twin share room with your name on it. let me know as soon as possible - once it’s gone, this retreat is officially sold out 🙌🏼 side note - holy wow i’m excited to show everyone already coming the beauty that is my home in india! 🤗 (at Goa, India)
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jalayoga · 7 years ago
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today i choose to amplify softness... fluidity.. forgiveness. strength to move forward whilst remaining rooted in compassion. how about you? what are you amplifying today? love 🌞 photo | @purealohayoga (at Burleigh Heads, Queensland)
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jalayoga · 7 years ago
spend less time self sabotaging ; more time nurturing your creativity and loving yourself fiercely. x #lessonoftheday (at Bali)
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jalayoga · 7 years ago
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happy world environment day! and what a beautiful day it is to reflect on how bloody lucky we are to live on such an incredible planet. what do you do daily to minimise your footprint on the earth? me personally, i try to pick up rubbish everywhere i go and avoid plastic wherever possible. i kiss and cuddle puppies and meditate with the birds daily. i see nature through the lens of overwhelming gratitude for all it provides me with daily. plus a little bit more... anyway — i have news on this topic! 1. if your in canggu, bali - this friday i’m collaborating with my teachers to run a beach clean at echo beach! 4:30pm. all gear provided. friday 8th june. also if you can spare Rp 20-50k (a cup of coffee at home), we will be donating money to @ecobalirecycle to support the epic work they do in providing solutions! 2. if your on the gold coast, il be home at the end of the month and have beach cleans happening every month until the end of the year! see www.jalayoga.co for the events! 3. it’s also coming up to the inaugural plastic free july! a whole month dedicated to using at least plastic as you can! are you up for it? check out @plasticfreejuly 🌊 anyway, thanks for reading. sending lots of love to you xo photo / my mate @mattdraperphotography doing what he does best xxx
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jalayoga · 7 years ago
everytime we resist our true nature, doubt our intuition, give away our power, question our worth or contain what is rising in us , we fall out of flow with life... #rebeccacampbell words to think about, write about, then act on what they trigger... let yourself be huge 🌞🌞🌞 video / a wobbly suryanamaskar snapped by my salty sis @purealohayoga thank you to sweet @annasoley for reminding me i have this book with me! #risesisterrise
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jalayoga · 7 years ago
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my lesson of the past month : allow love to permeate  every thought every word every action you release into the world.  even when your hurting. even when its hard. find compassion. find forgiveness. in this,  you'll find freedom. x love mol xo
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jalayoga · 7 years ago
you know when you hear something, and for a moment it challenges your ego and fucks with your head..? mooji is good for me like that. this morning he said in a podcast to me : “it is easy to be free, happy.. it is not easy to give up your loyalties to your sadness.. we create our own drama. when your love for the truth is greater than the love for the ego — you are free.” fucking boom mooji 💥 #meditation #dontworry #behappy (at Himalaya yoga Valley)
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jalayoga · 7 years ago
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life, in all of its up’s and down’s, is pretty fucking epic. and what a GIFT. your body is a miracle. your mind is powerful. own it. live passionately. x (at Gold Coast, Queensland)
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jalayoga · 7 years ago
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you know that painful experience you went through.. that story that has glued itself to your identity... this is an invitation.. if you’ve processed, and pulled lessons. if you’ve eradicated the trauma from your body. if you’ve acknowledged what the red flags look like, and walk daily - solid in your sense of self & loving yourself fiercely. your welcome to let the story go. let that part of your life dissolve into nothing but a memory. there is no need to carry it anymore, nor is there a need to look for it again. x my questions for you - who are you if your not healing something? what does forgiveness feel like in your body? notice your breathe and how it flows through your body when you mentally acknowledge you are free. x ps - if this isn’t where your at, it’s okay — in some facets of life me neither — keep on keeping on, baby. we got this x
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jalayoga · 7 years ago
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scale mountains. revel at the moon. kneel at the foot of ancient trunks. seek wisdom. find kinship + holy teachers. offer love to both, sour and soft living things. roll precious stones in your palm. carry close to you, the quill of an owl. burn the threads of flagrant grasses. do what brings you closest to feeling the weight of goodness pressing up against you. but the most noble thing you can ever do is come to be a student of your own self + heart. #sarahblondin words that just stop you in your track are the best. 💫 (at India)
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jalayoga · 7 years ago
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today i taught yoga and massaged clients all day. and i was so happy about it. my last clients giggled at me, asking how i am bouncing off the walls still if i only arrived home yesterday.. my response : “i fucking love what i do.” life is so damn beautiful, but especially when truth is the foundation of every action. when you spend your days doing exactly what you were placed on the earth to do. i’m home for 3 weeks before i fly away to see my teachers @markrobberds + @deepikamehtayoga and practice with them for a month.. if anyone wants to book in for a private yoga class and/ or a massage , send me an email to [email protected] or a direct message via the social media realm. otherwise, head on over to my facebook group “Jala Yogi’s” for free tutorials, blogs and updates of workshops etc. i also have some very exciting things coming up which will be released in the next few weeks. watch this space 💛💛💛 love mol ✨ photo || my adopted little sis i had the blessing of mentoring this past month in goa - what a shining example and reminder she was for me to get out of my own way and overcome things that scare me... @ctauzin 💫 (at Burleigh Heads, Queensland)
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jalayoga · 7 years ago
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i just heard something great in a podcast — “ how can i extend the practice of yoga off of the mat so i’m not a stretchy asshole.. “ what a hilarious, relevant sentiment. #yoga . photo / by my mama whom i miss so much x
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jalayoga · 7 years ago
what a blessing it is to be here in tropical goa, assisting my teacher @yogawithlalit . the growth i experience each time i return home - to this space; to my indian + irish yoga family, in order to help students become teachers - is phenomenal. humbled with the opportunities i’m receiving is an understatement. someone’s gonna have to force me on the plane, kicking and screaming. adults, especially yoga teachers, can have tantrums too right? #yoga #backbending (at Mandrem, Goa, India)
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jalayoga · 7 years ago
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repeat after me : i no longer have space for people who take me for granted, for i know i am worthy of so much more. say this as many times as you need until every cell in your body agrees... 🌻 . . dreaming of my crystal clear ocean ~ 2 weeks x
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