Work Based Learning
22 posts
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jakubkujawski · 5 years ago
A signed verification of employment from the supervisor/employer - The proof of completed projects
The link below presents the 47min psytrance album, it is the unfinished version: LINK:​ ​https://soundcloud.com/blueskysounds/trance-album-01/s-gK0aTHZXRxn
This link presents a demo of the sounds that have been recorded ( this is a foley sample pack instead of the sound design sample pack):
LINK: ​https://soundcloud.com/blueskysounds/sample-pack-motion-sounds-demo-1-short/s-FJQLU1aIaqP
Here is the link to Freesound web ( the sound design sounds uploaded, the sounds where downloaded by many people): LINK: ​https://freesound.org/search/?q=jakubkujawski
This is the sample pack cover page:
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The game has not been published yet ( I am not allowed to show the work), so as the proof of the job has been done the invoice below is provided :
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jakubkujawski · 5 years ago
13 A job/project description
Compose 7 or 8 tracks and each track about 5 to 9 minutes long so the whole album will be about one hour long. The songs should be in a psytrance music genre. Each song had to be composed using special synthesizers (Alchemy, Ultrabeat, RetroSynth, ​Sculpture Synth and one new one I find​). Then the album should be played live in front of an audience using DJ equipment.
Record a sound design sample pack as a side effect from the album. This sample pack should be published on websites selling sample packs for computer games and movies.
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jakubkujawski · 5 years ago
12 “A statement of what you hoped to learn in your work based learning experience”
While working on the project, there were many changes that were not planned or foreseen and that the end result was different than planned. I will describe these changes below and give reasons for them. The initial project plan was written out in the Personal Development Plan. relying on PDP and e-diary which I led during the implementation of the project, I draw conclusions from the changes that have taken place.
The project consisted of three projects. The first was to compose an album and play it live in front of an audience using DJ equipment, the second was to record a sample pack as a byproduct from the album and publish it on the web pages of game / film developers, and the third was to work for a mobile game developer and prepare voice overs, foley sample pack and loop-able ambiences.
I have composed 6 tracks instead of 8. Each track was composed in 11 minutes, 14 minutes, 4 minutes, 7 minutes, 5 minutes and 6 minutes long. Together the album is about 47 minutes long instead of one hour long. The first attempts to record instruments took place but nothing specific was recorded due to lack of time and lack of specific planning. Also the idea of recording the album tracks with real instruments was in some way forgotten but accidentally reminded when I was struggling with lack of satisfaction and lack of confidence. I met my friends and I showed them my tracks, and they played along with the album. This Idea was not specifically added in the project plan, it was not implemented in the gantt schedule. So it was just an intention to do it.
“Last week I mentioned the lack of satisfaction of my composed tracks. To test my fears I showed these songs to my friends and I was pleasantly surprised because they liked them very much. They played them on the guitar and sounded even better, I also plan to add guitar elements to the album and can in the future organise my performance with them playing together. “ (E-diary)
The plan was also to learn how to use DJ equipment. I learned how to use this equipment with the help of a classmate (Jamie), but because of coronavirus and the closure of the university, I had no opportunity to practice and train. Also, I was not able to organise any event to play my album in front of the audience despite the fact that I made a lot of friends with the organisers of music events in bristol.
Another change in the plan was recording the album based on the learning of special selected synthesizers. Wrong time planning prevented me from learning in depth, especially not some of them took me much more time than others. The change was that I recorded most of the songs using only one synthesizer and I used presets instead of my own created sounds.
The plan did not specify how many sounds I should record, it was stated that the quality and originality of these samples created was the most important and using a special synthesizer. I composed 11 different sound design one shot sounds and 1 example had 25 of the same sounds but in different key scales and also 4 sounds of loops. It seems that I have done the project well, however I have not specified what kind of sounds I have to compose in what genre, so I was a bit confused because the sample pack was not cohesive. I decided to record a foley sample pack instead with a specific genre of the sounds and using the knowledge achieved during
recording sample pack for the game job project. I recorded the motion sounds and exactly different objects spinning in a plastic or metal bowl. Also I made two versions of the demo to show. One long and one short. Also I designed the cover page for the sample pack using graphic skills I gained during designing my logo in the first year.
This project was the only one completed entirely without changes. Despite the fact that it has not been fully included in the Personal Development Plan. This project started at the end of October and ended at the end of January. Due to the lack of organisation of this project between the other two, it made some changes regarding the performance of the planned projects. These were mainly changes in the organisation of time, I had to transfer some tasks to another day because I worked on the game job project.
I have definitely improved my confidence. I still need to improve my preparing and composing tracks for the album to make it cohesive and concise. I feel that I have improved a bit the time organisation, however I still need to improve it. I am planning to try a different type of gantt schedule or use an improved version ( I have described it in detail in my e-diary).
I worked very hard upon the projects, so the discipline was improved, the discipline will be even better when the plan next time will be planned with a balance between breaks and work. I definitely improved collaboration and networking. I met a lot of new people who are organisers and DJs. I attended many events such as Escher, ​Dazed Invites, courses organised by uni. I got feedback from real people, my friends, professional DJs and online on the Free-Sound website.
I have learned ​Alchemy, Ultrabeat, RetroSynth, ​Sculpture synths, however briefly, not deeply. I still need to improve the knowledge of using the Alchemy synth. Next time I will
plan more specifically the time devoted to each synth. I have improved mixing but not mastering. I learned how to use DJ equipment but I haven't practiced a lot and I have not mastered it. I made 2 professional sample packs which I am proud of. I haven't published them yet because of the lack of time but I am planning to do it during the holiday time. I still need to improve my file management. I signed the NDA and agreement with the employer and I gained experience of communicating with the employer. For this particular project iI did not need to use any communication software such as Slack or Discord, the communication went well by email, however next time I am planning to propose using such softwares in a larger projects.
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jakubkujawski · 5 years ago
24, 25.03 Project Reflection
To remind, for my WBL project I planned to achieve goals such as:
Trance music Album
Sample pack (as a byproduct of the album)
Game Job
   In this post I am going to talk more about the journey of my learning process rather than the work I have done. During the work there were many changes to the previously planned gantt schedule, however, I largely achieved the goal. I will explain how I have composed myself, how I have approached everything and how I have made changes.
  The beginning of my work was difficult, It was something new for me so I did not have a habit to do it as I had planned. However after trying and adjusting my plan, I finally found my rhythm to follow the schedule. 
                                        The Gantt schedule
What did work:
  The gantt schedule was very useful for me. It reminded me what I need to do each week, it disciplined and motivated me to work on established projects. Also, I clearly knew on what day I had to work and on what days I had free time to plan some events that appeared, to which it was worth to go to improve the quality of my project. Also, the gantt schedule made me realize how much time I have to the end of my project (deadline) and how soon I have to make up for some delayed work or when I need to plan some additional work. In terms of semiotics the structure of the schedule was very useful because I knew exactly on what day I have to do the work. Also coloring the cells helped me to fast and easily recognise what kind of job I need to do.
 What did not work:
  For my future gantt schedule I am planning to make additional option  (tick box or conditional choice) of whether work has been done on a given day or not, to be aware of how much work I have already done and how much I still need to do. Also, I need to plan the time to do any overdue work.
  No break causes me frustration and lack of commitment, so next time I will take a week off without remorse that I did not do the planned work. In the schedule I had such a free week but just then I had a lot of energy to work, so next time I will plan a free period of time but not fixed exactly as to date. It will be on a separate schedule with tick boxes, that I would know how much free time I have used and how much not, also the same schedule for work that is overdue. Thanks to such a plan I will be more calm and on worse days I will have evacuation time to rest and time to catch up and most importantly to do all the work on the agreed deadline. Thanks to this I will be more reliable for the future clients.
What did work:
  E-diary also disciplined and motivated me to work on established projects, however it was caused by the structure of the posts I uploaded. I'm talking about numbering each post. Just the simple numbering of each post (for example WEEK 1, WEEK 2 etc.) motivated me to the action. Because I did not want to lead to a situation when some post from a given week is missing (for example WEEK 5 and suddenly WEEK 7). So during the worst weeks I worked on the project just to have a reason to upload a new post. I shared every post every week (originally it was planned on Sunday but it was always on Monday). It was a very good idea to make notes from each day of work on the project on a separately made Google document. Thanks, I did not lose any thoughts about the work I have done.
  Then I copied and pasted the collected notes after a whole week and shared them on the tumblr page.  After some weeks I modified a bit the structure of the posts. I added a short sentence about what each note is, to find information about the project faster. 
What did not work:
  The closer to the deadline I became more and more tired and had less and less strength and time to regularly take notes and add posts within the set time. Also, more work with other modules takes my time and energy. Next time I will reduce the amount of work I have taken on or I will ask for a longer deadline at the very beginning to achieve my goals. 
  There were many changes during the work. Some ideas did not work and I just had to change them and develop a new plan. Some things I had to give up for others. Below I will describe what the changes were and how I managed to implement them.
  First of all there were changes related to the lack of smooth workflow, e.g. when I had to compose songs based on a given synthesizer, I had problems creating a sample pack as a side effect.
  To improve the quality of work, I decided to make the album and the sound design sample pack separately.
  Then I felt that the gantt schedule was poorly planned because I was late learning the synthesizer in a given time (2 weeks per one synth), some synthesizers took a lot more time to learn. Which led me to stress, frustration and depression.
  Satisfaction was very important during the work. I wanted to feel pleasure most of the time. That's why I often changed the direction of the plan.
  My plan changed, also when I realized, what situation I am in now, what equipment is available to me, what I should do now and what I can do later. Therefore due to the small amount of time left until the deadline, I gave up doing the sound design sample pack and for this I decided to record 3 foley sample packs. I will use the knowledge and experience I gained while working with the game developer to create my new foley sample packs. 
  Also, a very important feature during the implementation of the plan is being agile when making changes. For example, now that there is an epidemic in the world due to coronavirus, many industries have been closed such as concerts, festivals, theaters and other social gatherings. The epidemic in the world also affected my plan as I wanted to publicly show my album at the club. I have to be agile and quickly find an alternative to replace my plan with another.
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jakubkujawski · 5 years ago
12.03 Sample pack “In the bowl” Demo 
Today I composed two demos of my sample pack. One short (1 minute long) and one long (3 minutes long). Demo is important because it shows to the customer the content and the quality of my sample pack. For now I composed only demos to listen to but I am going to make a video to show ideas where and in what picture the samples can be used.
13. 03 Boosting self confidence  - Album
Last week I mentioned the lack of  satisfaction of my composed tracks. To test my fears I showed these songs to my friends and I was pleasantly surprised because they liked them very much. They played them on the guitar and sounded even better, I also plan to add guitar elements to the album and can in the future organise my performance with them playing together. 
16.03 Preparing Album set
I started preparing a set for my album. The order of tracks, how many tracks I need to compose and what tracks I need to change to sound better with the guitars.
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jakubkujawski · 5 years ago
07.03   Graphic cover for Sample Pack
Today I started designing a graphic cover of my sample pack “In the bowl”. It took me a long time to project it, because I am not a graphic designer so I had to learn the software from the beginning. However I already had some skills before because last year I had designed my own logo. 
04, 05, 09.03 Sample Pack Editing / Notes / thoughts on the project
During these days I finished editing the sample pack “In the Bowl”. I trimmed each sample, made them loop-able and in the end I mixed all samples to a similar volume level. Also I made notes of the process of the work I have done (sample pack) so that when recording and editing the next sample pack, I can repeat the steps. Thanks to this I can keep the repeatability, consistency and cohesion of the work done
This week I have not done any composing for my album. It was a break week so I did not need to compose any music. However I started feeling that I am not satisfied with my songs I have composed so far. I feel like it needs more work and also by listening all the time the same tracks it becomes a little bit boring. I also feel like I have not enough time to finish all my projects at the appointed time. I feel that I will have to make further changes to my plan and focus more on either the album or sample packs.
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jakubkujawski · 5 years ago
25.02 Dazed Invites
I went to Dazed Invites 001 in The Love Inn. It was an event organized for people who are at a party organized. From DJs, promoters, festival organizers, photographers, film makers etc.  It was the first event organized and there was a presentation on how the industry works and there were some guests invited. Dave Harvey who is the owner of The Love Inn and organizer of festival “Loves save the day”, Manager of Lakota Club, Giulia Spadafora who takes photos on many parties/events in Bristol and “Blaze” who provide workshops of mindfulness. Each guest talked about their story and their work in this industry, they were giving many tips on how to become successful. The presentation was very helpful. I have learned a lot. Also I met the Lakota Manager and we shared contact for playing my psytrance album on a “Tribe of Frog” parties in the future. 
26.02  Learning how to use DJ console (with Jamie)
Today I caught the opportunity to learn how to use a dj console as Jamie (friend from my class) went after our Work Based Learning Lecture to rehearse his DJ set before his event. I have learned a lot. When I finish composing tracks for my album I will be able to rent the DJ console and practice what I have learned today with Jamie. I have learned not only how to use the DJ console but also I learned that I have to download RecordBox Software on my computer for preparing the tracks for the DJing. 
I have also talked with Brett ( another classmate) that he also can help me teach how to use the DJ equipment. 
28.02  First Foley Sample Pack Recording
Today I have recorded the first foley Sample pack. For My first Foley Sample pack I decided to record moving sounds, round objects spinning in the bowls. Before recording I have prepared a spotting sheet with all sounds I want to record and this helped me to prepare items for the recording. So when I went to the studio I had prepared everything. The reason why I decided to record this kind of Sample pack was because during my market research I have not found much of these kinds of sounds and also I think this was quite a clever idea.
29.02 Composing a new Psytrance Track
I started composing new psytrance track, however at some point I stopped following my gantt schedule. I realized that I enjoy using and learning only alchemy synth than the other synthesisers.  
Also the alchemy is much more complex synth than the rest and requires much more time to spend to be used properly. As I said I also like the sound of the alchemy, I decided I am going to compose the whole ( or the rest tracks) album in alchemy, so I will learn the alchemy deep, instead of learning all of them but briefly. 
01.03  Editing the  “In the Bowl” Sample Pack
I started editing the sample pack. I use Logic DAW and inside the software I started the first part of the edditing. I cut the separate sounds and name each sample. I grouped each sample to a specific type of the bowl. I decided that I want each sample to be loopable and the length of each one will be 8 bars. Together I recorded about 40 sounds. For the sample Pack I am planning to prepare a graphic cover side and a demo of the sample pack. I have learned this from market research. I am going to finish the edditing next week and I will try to do the graphic cover by myself next week too. 
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jakubkujawski · 5 years ago
20.02 Market Research
Today I decided to spend some time on market research,  particularly in Sample packs.
I found many websites where exactly I can sell my sample packs, how to make sample packs, what sample pack can contain, what format they should be and what to prepare for selling the sample packs. I should do it at the beginning of my plan. I am happy I did it today, better late than too late. During my sound design creation I came to the conclusion that I don't really know what kind of sounds I want to create. That’s why I decided to do market research also to improve my knowledge for making best sample packs. I searched what is already available on the market and what are the prices. I spent almost all day doing this and I have not finished it yet. When I finish searching available sample packs I will decide what sample pack I want to make and if the sounds will be already on the market I will try to think and make them better.
22.02  Rest
Sometimes I have ups and downs, today it was my worse day. I was very tired after a busy week I could not concentrate on anything, I had a very bad backache and I needed a rest. I haven't done any work. Luckily, I marked a week off on my gantt schedule, at the beginning of March. I will use part of this week and I will do the overdue work in that free week.
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jakubkujawski · 5 years ago
10.02   Reading Book/ Freesound post
While reading the book “Steal like an artist” I learned to create family trees of artists who I follow and who inspire me. I found an interview about my favourite artists and I found out who is their inspiration. I am going to search more about them and learn about their music they create and so on. Creating these family trees help me understand how my heroes see the world and how they create their art.
“Seeing yourself as part of a creative lineage will help you feel less alone as you start making your own stuff. I hang pictures of my favourite artists in my studio. They’re like friendly ghosts. I can almost feel them pushing me forward as I’m hunched over my desk.” (Kleon, 2012)
“Don’t just steal the style, steal the thinking behind the style. You don’t want to look like your heroes, you want to see like your heroes. “ (Kleon, 2012)
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Today I also uploaded my website. I added some more content to my “Game” subpage and “About Me” subpage. Also I added a new video on Youtube of my surround sound implementation to Unity and I posted it on my facebook Blueskysounds page.
Also my samples are ready to download on freesound.org website. Nobody has downloaded them yet, but I need to just wait.
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13.02  Rescheduling / New Ideas
Today I decided to transform my plan a bit. While composing songs for my album, I found it difficult to create a sample pack as a side effect during the composition.
I decided to create a sample pack separately based on a previously planned schedule. So I will still use the same synthesizers to produce the sample pack.
The reason for my change of plans is first of all the unwillingness to give away the newly created melodies and sounds I created in the album and the problems with focusing at the same time on the composition of the album and sample pack.
I decided to create a sample pack and album separately as two different units independent of each other. The only connection between them will be that they will be created using the same synthesizers. Moreover, I decided to create 3 new sample packs recorded in a studio in a foley room.
While working on creating sounds for the game developer in January, I learned what sounds are desirable in the world of games, it opened my eyes a bit more and I decided to record more of this type of sounds. That's why I decided to record more sample packs.
I will write the new plan in my gantt schedule. That is, the duties that I will have to do to prepare the materials for recording, book the studio and record these sounds, then I will have to edit the recorded sounds, name them and organise them in legible folder order. Finally, I would like to share all 4 sample packs online for people who could buy them
I booked a studio to record the first sample pack. Then I will need about a week and a half to edit these sounds. So I will need 2 weeks to create one sample pack.
After finishing the first sample pack, I am planning to book the studio again (I can't do it right now, because I'm not sure when it will be the best time to record and I can't book the studio too many times straight away).
15. 02 New Sound design samples / Freesound Feedback
Today I produced new samples for my sound design sample pack. I created new sounds in Alchemy synth because I wanted to practice a little bit more using Alchemy as the synth is much more complicated than other synths. The samples sound like drones or machines such as grinder or helicopter.  I post some of them on the Freesound website to get feedback. I also checked if some people downloaded my previous posted samples and indeed I have got 14 downloads, it means that people like my sounds and they are happy download them. 
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jakubkujawski · 5 years ago
Today I edited the female voice overs and background sounds and I sent the final work to the client.
I worked on the Sound design Sample pack using Sculpture Synth. I created two, one shot sounds of rolling glass balls and a folder containing bouncing glass balls sound design. In the folder are 25 sounds because I played each sound in a different tune. Each sound I named is easily recognised ( for example:   01. Rolling ball (C6) or 19. Rolling ball (F#7) ).
To get feedback for my sample pack sounds, I have decided to upload some of the sounds on  freesound.org website. People can download the sounds, give me a comment on what they are thinking about the sounds and indicate the number of stars that tell about the quality of the sound. I have uploaded three sounds created in Sculpture Synth. The samples  imitate sounds of dropping gun shells on the floor or bouncing a small ball made of glass. Getting feedback from people gives me more confidence if my work is good or bad, it can give me some advice on what I can improve or not also uploading samples on freesound.org create an advert of my work.
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Today I spent the whole evening composing a new track for my album. As my gantt schedule says I should spend time on working on Sculpture Synth and indeed I worked on this synth but I was struggling to compose anything nice, sometimes are good days and sometimes are the worse days for composing. Today was worse day, but I did not give up. I decided that in that case I will continue editing a track I started a while ago.
Composing is not easy.  To compose a good quality track requires technical knowledge and good conditions for composing, by conditions I mean  there are required some professional equipment and this is my problem. I realised that my tracks do not sound good on different speakers, only they sound good on my headphones ( beyerdynamic dt 770 pro 80 ohm). I can buy the new professional studio monitors but my room is too small and I have no space to place them in the right space and position, but I will buy them anyway.
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jakubkujawski · 5 years ago
This week I have finally started working on my album and the sound design sample pack. I composed the first track and I am going to show it to the public in Elevator Sound. It is a music shop. The event is organized there on the last Thursday of the month, where everyone can bring their music and show to other people.  
 For the sample pack I created two folders; one for loops and one for one shot sounds. I found this way of creating sample packs on the Samplephonics website. All the sound designs are created in Alchemy synth.
Today I finished preparing the sounds for my GAME JOB for the client. Also I created the invoice and signed the contract. The rest of the sounds I am going to send next week as I agreed with the client. 
Today was the event called ESCHER where I played my music in public, it was a great experience, because I could hear my music outside of my room, listen to the quality of the track, I could make notes about what to improve and most importantly I saw the reaction of people who listened to my track. It was surprisingly good. People liked my tune and they were smiling at me and they congratulated me.
31.01 - 02.02
From Friday till Sunday I took part in an event called Global Game Jam. 
It was an event for computer game developers. Randomly selected groups had to create a game based on a chosen topic. In my group there were 7 people (three programmers, two graphic designers and two sound designers). The theme of the game was "REPAIR". The idea of our game was to create a 3D game, a supermarket where a disobedient child ran and dropped products on the floor. The player's task was to pick up the products back into place. My task was to compose the music and implement it into the game using the WWISE middleware. The more products lay on the floor, the music changed to more intense and stressed. I think it was a great idea, because during work I learned a lot of WWISE service and cooperation with the team. 
I will definitely take part in the next Game jam.
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jakubkujawski · 5 years ago
WEEK 2, 3
During my second and third week I had a break and I have not done any work, however I was thinking a lot about my plan and I came to the conclusion that I would like to make some changes. I would like to record more sample packs, not only related to sound design but also to foley. While working on my GAME JOB I recorded a foley sample pack and I found out some more ideas I would like to achieve. During these thoughts, I wanted to give up my desire to record the album because I had difficulty composing the song on a set date. However after thinking, I decided to continue recording the album but only after modifying the plan.
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jakubkujawski · 5 years ago
I intend to run this e-diary as evidence and as a tool that will remind me of the entire project process, problems that I may struggle with, and how I can avoid them in the future projects. The purpose of this e-diary is also to teach me whether the plan I organised in semester A is good or not.
The project consisted of three projects. The first is to compose an album and play it live in front of an audience using DJ equipment, the second is to record a sample pack as a byproduct from the album and publish it on the web pages of game / film developers, and the third is to work for a mobile game developer and prepare voice overs, foley sample pack and loop-able ambiences.
This is the first week of semester B.
I had to change the plan in my gantt. For my first day I have worked on my Game Job. I was preparing some background sounds but I was really struggling with looping them. I wasted many hours without solving the problem. I became depressed and that was the end of my work for today. However during my depression I realised that the main problem of my depression was the struggle with finding the problem solving information and I was scared to ask people for help. For my new soft skill I would like to learn how to ask people for help and how to find information more effectively.  I have decided to move uncompleted task of this day on Friday 10.01.2020.
Today I went to dBs organised Logic Pro X 101 course. I have learned how to use synthesizers such as ESM, ES1, ES2 and retro synth. The course was 3h long and I definitely Improved understanding those synthesizers. 
Today I have recorded female voice over. I have done it today instead of yesterday because my studio booking has been canceled because of some problems in the studio. I had to change the plan and move the work of day 09.01.2020 to another time. Also I went to Logic Pro X 101 course. I have learned new tricks/ shortcuts and I improved my confidence in using this software.  
I was trying to compose some music but I had very bad backache so I could not spend longer than 20min sitting in front of my computer. I am planning to start going to some yoga class to improve my back strength.
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jakubkujawski · 5 years ago
STUDIO 13.12
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New equipment, new musicians and more music. Every week the studio change. I realised that, this place is a great place to meet new great musician and start collaborating with them.
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jakubkujawski · 5 years ago
Website Update - blueskysounds.org
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I have updated my website inside the GAME  subpage. I have posted a Foley/Music project that I was working on last year but hesitate to share it. Finally the time has come for me to share my work.
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jakubkujawski · 5 years ago
Studio - New equipment (24.11)
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In our studio now we have more equipment - the drum kit, microphone stands and dynamic microphones. The drum kit has been lent from Tom’s friend, this is not a complete set, we need to buy a few stands for snare, crash and hihat. we also plan to stock up some chairs and a sofa so that there is nowhere to sit.
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jakubkujawski · 5 years ago
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Me and my good friend Tom have rented a studio ( actually two empty rooms that we have to change to studio ). We have rented this place because we want spend more time on practicing playing instruments and making more live music. Tom is very talented guitarist and singer and I am African drums drummer. We decided that we will buy a drum kit and I will learn how to play on it. Our plan is to sublet the studio for other musicians.
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