Melting Merging Deformation of Male Body
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jakkinlarethian · 6 months ago
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Can Breathe for only a bit longer...
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jakkinlarethian · 1 year ago
How I Became a Hide(out) - Part 2
I woke with a start in my own bed. I bolted out of bed and stood up, trying to figure out if what just happened to me was a dream or was real. I walked into the bathroom and looked in the mirror. I looked like me; I waved my own arms and legs, and smiled and grimaced in the mirror. I opened my mouth and looked in, and it looked all the same. As far as I could tell, maybe this was some very bizarre dream that I’d had. I went to the sink, got a cup of water and drank it with no problem. I went to the toilet and pissed a night’s worth of piss out. I seemed a bit longer than usual, but maybe that's just a bit of morning wood lingering on? Could the bodysuiting of me just been a dream? Surely that was just a vivid dream. 
I got dressed and went on about my day as if nothing had happened last night. 
Days past and my life went on as normal. The thoughts of the dream were so vivid that it stuck with me. It’s as if that it actually happened, but I guess it was just that strong of a dream. I started to forget the happening, and started to relax and go on about my business.
At the end of a very stressful week, I figured I needed to relax. Maybe beating one out would help me relax. 
I reach down and start to stroke. I guess it’s been a while because it felt more sensual than usual. I leaned back and started to enjoy the ride. 
In the thick of it, I start to notice a popping sensation with each stroke that sent me higher than I’ve ever felt. I opened my eyes and looked down. What I saw caused me to abruptly stop. 
Sticking out of my piss slit was a whole other darker glans. The popping sensation was my dick opening up at each slide and popping over the other dick's head and coming to a rest at the neck of the glans. My dick was just a sheath covering what had to be a grower sticking out several inches past my tip. It was real. It happened. There’s someone inside me!
Just then, my body started to move out of my control. My hands started stroking my (our?) Dick harder and faster. I heard and felt my mouth saying, “Oh no- you can’t start that and not finish. We’re taking it to the end.” 
He stretched my sheath of a cock way past his tip all the way back to a bunched up pile at his base. Faster and faster he stroked, taking us both over the edge. As he ejaculated, he pinched my Dick shut to make me contain all his jizz. 
“You’re going to need nutrients, I bet you were getting hungry since you’ve only been feeding me. Have some protein.”
He (we?) sat back and relaxed. There was no clean up as I had absorbed it all.
My captor then said, "I'm going to let you take control again, as you're a great place to hide me from the law and my enemies. As long as you don't try to expose me, I'll let you stay in control while I sit back for the ride. When I get activated by my manager, We will talk further about what comes next. Until then, I own you- and can take control any time I want. You don't have any muscles left to resist, all you are is a husk that will serve me well."
There it was- I was truly only a husk, hiding someone from the law. 
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jakkinlarethian · 1 year ago
How I Became a Hide(out) - Part 1
I was just minding my own business in the market, doing my daily shopping, when a man I had never seen before walked up to me and sized me up. He appeared to be a little bit taller than me, but roughly the same size. His skin was darker than mine, kind of like a mediterranean vibe.
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He said to me, “You’ll do” and yanked me into the side alley. Before I could protest, he put a capsule under my nose, which made me a little bit dizzy and made me not want to run.
He got a needle out of his bag and injected something into my neck. I felt like I couldn’t move a muscle or resist him at all. I was just standing there motionless. After he finished with the injection, he started to take off his clothes, stripping all the way naked. I tried to watch him, but my eyesight started to get cross eyed. I never had a problem with this, but it seems as if I could really start to see both sides my nose. My arms could move a little bit again and so I reached my hand to feel what was going on. As I reached and touched my nose, it pushed in caving in my face- distorting my vision further. I put both hands up to feel but all I can feel was my face collapsing in on itself, as if there was nothing in my skull anymore. Just then, my arms became limp again and fell to my sides. That jerking motion caused my head to flop forward, which made my face spread over my chest.
I could feel my arms drooping as if they were fabric. They twisted slighlty as if there was no longer any bone holding them in position. It was a very bizarre feeling.
I heard my attacker say, “You’re coming along nicely– even faster than I expected.”
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As my face spread flat across my own chest I could feel my breathing and heartbeat distinctly. Suddenly I noticed that it was no longer beating- my chest was thinning out as if it were hollowing out. I could feel the deadweight of my arms slowly dragging down my shoulders, pressing down on my chest as it continued to hollow out. My face travelled down my chest on my torso until it was draped over my dick and balls. I could feel the empty form of my head conforming to the curve of my dick. I was a bit hard- this was such a bizarre and fantastic situation; apparently it aroused me on some level. My nose was flattened on the top bridge of my dick, my eyes could see each other on the underside of it.
The hollowing-out feeling continued with my stomach, which finally caved in on itself. My legs starting to feel wiggly. They started to collapse in on themselves, telescoping down as if they were folding in on themselves like a rolled up sock. With the final loss of any balancing that I had, I crumpled to the floor into what felt like a pile of fabric. I could feel parts of my body touching areas they shouldn't be able to. The wierdest feeling was that my leg skin touching other leg skin that was rolled on top of itself. Somehow my face had flipped and landed on top of the stack. From my perspective, It looked as if I was laying flat on the ground.
 The man stood over me, looking down at me on the ground. 
“I think you’re gonna serve my needs very nicely” he said. He picked me up, grabbing me by the top of my head. I could feel myself pulling off of the ground as if I was a blanket that had been piled on the floor. It was strange to feel part of me stretched tight from the lift versus the other parts I that I could feel folded in on themselves still down on the ground.
He put his hands in my mouth and stretched it open. He kept going far past what I thought my mouth should be able to do. He then proceeded to stick one foot down into my mouth and place his toes down into my neck. I didn’t feel any resistance from teeth or tongue or throat in anyway, it says if I was completely hollow. He proceeded to put his other foot in, stretching my mouth even wider. 
Both of his feet were now in my mouth, and I was there staring up at the back of his calves. He started to wiggle them to get them to go fully down my throat. My throat stretched accordingly, and I could feel his feet starting to dip into my chest. I was now staring up at his butt, with my lips completely cuffing around his two calves . It was as if I was swallowing him, licking him the whole way as I was going.
He put his two thumbs down in the sides of my mouth and gripped hard. He then started to pull my mouth and face upward so that his legs went deeper down into my chest. I felt his toe bump on the inside of my bellybutton, and keep going. His right toe momentarily got stuck on the inside of my dick where it joined my body– he had to wiggle around trying to get get it loose. My dick just flopped around as he did so. He finally got it loose and continued to shove his feet finally down into my thighs. My lips were now just below his butt cheeks, and my nose was firmly planted in his crack. I was staring up at his hairy back. He proceeded to pull on my leg skin, to start to bunching it up on itself so that he could fish his feet down farther into my legs.
He started to pull up my leg skin from he outside as if he were fitting his legs inside pants. I could feel my leg skin bunching up as he pulled my skin to get his feet into mine. His feet popped through my ankles and onto the soles of my foot. I could feel his toes push into mine from the inside. He pulled my foot taught, and then wiggled his toes to perfectly align them inside mine. He then pulled up on my leg skin to set his ankle in place. He did this for the other foot and then stood up.
He again shoved his fingers back into my mouth and started to tug upward. My nose dug deep into his crack and got stuck for a little bit, but he then unclenched and pulled it free. I felt my lower jaw cup his balls, and then stop. He had to move his hand around to stretch my mouth a bit wider to insert his very large cock in my mouth and down my throat. Whatever was left of my tongue licked his whole package as it slid past. I was now staring straight up his back from the position of his waist.
My mouth was now sealed around his waist like a waist band. The whole process must’ve been exciting him a little bit too because I could feel his dick nestled on the inside of my chin and it was flicking slightly. He shimmied back and forth to start to work his torso in. He again put his hands in either side of my mouth and tugged up hard, working it slowly up his torso to the underside of his chest. I could feel my bottom lip sliding over each ab and my top lip cupping his lower back. He then reached down and tugged at my leg skin to fully position his legs completely within mine. He reached down and worked my butt skin over to conpletely cup his bubble butt. Finally, he pulled out my dick and balls stretching them outward until he could align them with his shaft. It took a little bit of wiggling back-and-forth, but he was finally able to completely cup his balls and shaft. I felt like it stretched me out a couple inches longer than my dick usually was.
With that in position, he again started working the sides mouth up so that I slowly inched over his chest. I could feel his nipples flick past my lips, as my mouth was now brought up to underneath his armpits. I can start to taste his sweaty pits as my mouth came in contact with them. He used his left arm to hook inside my mouth and pull it triple-wide out from his chest so that he could plunge his right arm down through my mouth into my arm hole. He fished it down like a glove. Once he got his arm inside of mine, he let my mouth slap back, and then proceeded to use his free arm to position my skin over his right arm. Once his fingers were completely slotted within mine, he did the same by pulling my neck back out again and fishing his left arm inside of my mouth so that he could completely fit his left arm within mine. In the process I could feel his arm scraping and pushing out, bulging my chest as it went by trying to get into the left arm sleeve. He finally got it in, including all fingers by using his already gloved hand to stretch and pull my fingers into place.
My mouth was now around his neck and with my face looking straight up at the back of his head. He put my fingers back into my mouth and stressed it wide and up and over the top of his head. He did the same with my lower jaw, stretching it up over his jaw. After a couple more tugs and pushes, he was able to guide my lips completely over his head to complete my swallowing of him whole.
He used his hands to position my face over his making sure his nose nested in mine, and that my eyes aligned with his. I hadn’t realized that my eyeballs must’ve disappeared because I could see out of what was my eyeholes. At last, it seemed as if I had completely enveloped him. He started to stretch out our arms and legs to make sure that everything was fitting snuggly. He then reached his fingers into my mouth and stretched my lips inward so that I completely covered the inside of his lips. With one final inspection, he got out a second needle and jabbed it into my facial skin. After the needle was fully injected, I could feel my skin start to expand into the insides of his mouth and coat his tongue. I could feel all of my openings start to seal into his, as if my skin was now lining all of the insides of his openings. I could feel my skin, expanding up his ass and down the urethra of his dick.
“Wow – you really fit me like a glove. You make an awesome body suit” my attacker said in my own voice. I am guessing my inner coating of his body also included his vocal cords. He now could pass as me anywhere.
The effects of the drugs must’ve still been in my system as I slowly got sleepy. I tried to fight it, but I passed out.
To be Continued...
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jakkinlarethian · 4 years ago
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He is soo into you.
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jakkinlarethian · 4 years ago
Hot Bunk
Part 1
The Navy had finally addressed one of the personal space oddities of submarine life: the hot bunk. There wasn’t a bed for everyone; sailors shared a berth with two other sailors on different shifts. Sailors often said that the bunk was usually still warm from the previous sleeping shift; thus the term “hot bunk.” In order to grant the sailors the semblance of their own personal space in such a tight environment, the Navy installed a collapsible bunk system where every sailor had their own rack with their own bedding; which flattened and folded into the wall so that the next occupant’s rack could be set up when needed. They say it was for personal hygiene improvement and to allow personal space boundaries; but the rumor was to stop sailors from jacking off to the warm musky smell of the rack’s previous occupant. It also eliminated any chance of a double heat bunk- two sailors seeking each other’s ports; as the new bunks had weight and “force” sensors that would alert the XO.  Not very fun. Seaman Nathaniel Byrne slunk into the bunk room after a long shift maintaining the sub’s nuclear reactor. There had been an odd radiation leak in the coolant system that Nate and his team had spent a lot of time trying to lock down. Nate ended up spending a lot of time up between the coolant manifolds; his slender well toned frame allowed him to get into spaces some others couldn’t. He didn’t fit in with his radiation suit on; he had to strip down to his boxers in order to fit. The chief Engineer assured him that the radiation levels weren’t a danger to him; the readings on the console were not in the red zone. It was hard work in a hot confined space; and Nate was exhausted. His chief let him off early due to all his hard work. He quickly showered off and keyed in his bunk code. The racks started rotating on their conveyor chain; his bunk set in place and unfolded itself. Nate crashed into the bunk and fell fast asleep. The bunk raised itself to upper bunk position so that his roommates could access their rack when their shift ended. Hopefully his early bedtime won’t through off the schedule too much. In his tired state, Nate forgot to set his alarm. Since he was out of sync with his usual schedule, his recurring alarm wasn’t at the right time. Nate slept through the normal time when he should have vacated his bunk.
Nate was so tired that he slept right through the alert beeps that the folding rack uses to announce it is time to fold up. The occupancy sensors were malfunctioning; the optical safety sensors could not sense a presence in the bed. Perhaps Nate picked up some radiation after all; and its decay was blinding the sensors. As it turns out, the radiation may have had other effects... The bunk rack went through all of its safety protocols and was satisfied that it was empty. Even if something was left in the bunk, the pressure sensors on the bunk above would be the last line of defense; and would shut down the process when it felt resistance. It started to fold up toward the ceiling to free up space for the next occupant. Nate was startled awake when his nose brushed up against something flat. He opened his eyes to see the underside of the bunk above his touching his nose. The folding process continued pressing down on his nose; Nate thought he imagined the tip of his nose start to compress.  Even in his groggy state, Nate assured himself that the well-advertised safety system would soon sense his presence and stop the process. After all, the brochure said, the Navy can’t go around maiming all its sailors; it has to be safe. The bunk did not stop. The bunk pressed Nate’s nose flat to his face. Nate shouted out and started to move his arms and thighs up to press against the bunk to trip the sensor. As Nate exerted pressure on the underside of the bunk, his limbs felt awfully funny. The exertion of force seemed to bend them rather than apply pressure to the bunk; as if the bunk was an unmoveable force.  In this case, it was.  the pressure sensor didn’t sense anything in the trigger zone; so it continued the folding process. At this point Nate could feel the flat underside of the bunk  on his toes, legs, chest, face, and the remains of his morning wood. His wood! His dick was compressing in on itself; gaining girth as it received pressure. Nate tried to wiggle it (and the rest of himself) back and forth to try to shimmy out of the tight squeeze, but he felt too weak to do so. The bunk-stowing continued. At this point, Nate’s nose and mouth were pressed shut; so there was no longer anyway to yell out. His face started to flatten out completely; conforming to the underside of the bunk. his well defined pecs were now flattened to man boobs; as the previously toned muscle was moved to the side trying to find space. Nate could feel his legs becoming flat on top; no longer any knees or definition. As the pressure increased from the continued folding process, Nate could feel his body mass start to find paths of least resistance, which caused his profile to bulge outward. There was no longer any difference of height on his front, it was pressed flat into one continuous plane. ‘How much longer can this go on?’ Nate wondered. He was beyond freaking out, facts and ideas were racing through his head, trying to figure a way out of this mess. He seemed to remember that the bunk mattress and bedding was designed to flatten in the folding process to about an inch thick; and re-expand when opened. Maybe that would happen for him?! No slow down in the process; as the bunk continued its progress. Nate was a uniform 4” thick and thinning fast. The bunk thought it had at least 3 more inches to go to hit its designed storage position. The pressure continued to increase. Nate’s “footprint” continued to widen as he was compressed. No longer the slim profile that fit so well in the coolant manifold, he would appear to be 3x-4x his weight if 3D. Too bad he was racing to 2D. Nate was now uniformly 2” thick; and approaching 2’ wide. He gained a bit of height as his body mass shifted outward; approaching 7 feet tall. Nate had the startling realization that he stopped breathing a while ago and didn’t notice. His lungs were approaching paper thin; and didn’t have anywhere to go. The pressure continued. As the bunk rack neared its final position, Nate was now a uniform 1” thick. The mattress below him gave more than his flesh did; he took up its usual space. Nate could feel his flesh start to press against the edges of the bunk frame; he was approaching a perfect rectangle in shape. There was a vague head-shaped curve at the top; but everything from his shoulders down was squared off. Nate thought again about his dick and balls; his shaft looked to have wine bottle girth; but was cardboard thin. His balls had each flattened to platter size; and were glued to the front of his legs. Even with all of his current situation, it annoyed Nate how they felt stuck to his legs. Really it was the least of his worries. The rack was now compacted; and rotated up into the ceiling to the storage rack. Other unused racks piled on top; waiting to be called up by their owner. Nate relaxed; at least the pressure stopped building. As minutes turned to hours, Nate finally settled down and let his mind drift. Nothing to see, to do; bored. Nate drifted off to sleep.
The XO of the ship set about reviewing his normal morning shift operations routines for the ship. Night shift report, maintenance performed, duty roster- ‘That’s odd’ thought the XO, as he reviewed the Engineering Chief’s personnel report. Seaman Byrne didn’t show up for roll call. He scanned the nightly med bay log and didn’t see Byrne’s name on it. There was a notation  of time off for yesterday’s reactor maintenance, but that ended last shift. Was Byrne ok? Or intentionally skipping duty? Well- seeing that they were on a submarine; he didn’t run off. Time to alert the Sergeant-at-Arms. “Sergeant Jameson! Go roust out Seaman Byrne; seems he is late for duty.” “Yes Sir- on it sir!”
Jameson was thrilled. Byrne had turned down the opportunity to join the security detail and chose to remain in Engineering. He felt that smug punk Byrne thought he was better than him; Now Jameson had a reason to get some payback for the slight. Jameson charged down to crew’s quarters looking forward to knocking Byrne down a notch. Sergeant Jameson burst into the bunk room shouting, “Byrne- if you overslept and shirked duty, your ass is mine!” All Jameson found was a groggy ship’s cook coming off of breakfast duty. “Can I help ‘ya, Sarge?” The cook sheepishly offered. “Have you seen Byrne?” “No; he left the bunk room a mess. He didn’t stow his gear after leaving his bunk this morning.” ‘That’s another strike’ thought Jameson. “Clear out so that I can inspect his bunk.” “Sure thing.” After the cook left, Sarge keyed in his override code and called up Byrne’s bunk. The racks started rotating and flipping in and out of storage. Finally Nate’s bunk rotated down; leaving the bunk above still at the ceiling. Nate startled awake- his backside was suddenly cold and exposed. He still couldn’t see. Nate was suctioned to the underside of the bunk above. This was his chance: perhaps if he could wiggle, he could fall and escape. Sarge inspected the empty bunk for any signs as to where Nate was. He looked for contraband or anything out of the ordinary. The mattress was flatter than spec; ‘I wonder what Byrne has been doing on it?’ Sarge thought. Nate could hear someone below him. It was Sargent Jameson. Nate knew that Sarge had it in for him; but at least Sarge would uphold his oath and help his fellow sailor, right? Nate put even more effort into wiggling. He could feel his balls start to unstick from the bunk ; and an air pocket forming. Sargent had just about given up. There was no indication where Byrne had gone in his bunk. The last place to look is his locker. ‘Mind as well stow the bunk’ thought Sarge. Sarge keyed in the storage code. The bunk system started to life, jiggling Nate free. Nate landed on sarge, knocking him over. Nate was relieved- Sarge would help him right? At least bring him to the med bay? Something? “What the hell?!” Shouted Sarge. He quickly grabbed his attacker and flung him to the floor. It was only a mattress pad. Wait- or is it? Embossed on the surface seemed to be the shape of a naked man, only flattened into a smooth plane. He recognized who the mat looked like- Seaman Byrne.  Sarge reached out and touched the surface of what looked to be the man’s chest. The surface was warm to the touch; his cold hands made the surface break out in goosebumps. Just then, the mat opened its eyes. “Holy-! It is you, Byrne!” Sarge got excited. “This could be fun- I can take my revenge out on you...” Nate shuddered a bit. What would Sarge do to him?! Isn’t he going to help me get back to normal? Sarge keyed in his rack code to call up his berth. When it finally rotated into place, Sarge placed Nate on his rack and sent it back into storage. “I’ll come back for you later. All the XO needs to know is that I found you and put you on rest. Heh heh heh...” Nate was trapped again! The return of the compression eventually calmed Nate down enough to to drift off again.
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jakkinlarethian · 5 years ago
Ahhh the waves felt good on my new feet. The buff surfer didn't quite know what was in store for him; but the free weed made him not really care.
I stepped into him easily. His wrought muscular body was up to the task to hold me in. His washboard abs compressed my dad bod gut quite nicely. I could feel the tension; it caused his abs to ripple nicely.
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