jakekahana · 4 years
24. Andre Plaut
Collaborator on The Creative Department Former Apple, General Assembly, and HUGE employee he helped design Learning and Development programs for them. Now working independently designing and facilitating training programs. He has ideas about collaborating on The Creative Department, and eventually spinning it off into a second similar entity for new CEOs.
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jakekahana · 5 years
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23. Brennan Jacoby October 28, 2019
I Love Philosophy (Although I've never studied it) His approach is to help people become philosophers themselves. To question information, to think critically, to engage deeply. There may be potential for a partnership in Caveday as our material feels very complementary. There may also be opportunities to collaborate on his teaching and workshop materials.
But I also am understanding the email refrigerator to be more like philosophy.
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jakekahana · 5 years
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22. Roshi Givechi
July 29, 2019 The Braided Career is stronger (an alternative to the portfolio career)
Roshi left Ideo after 19 years. She's in a sabbatical but not really calling it that. We talked a lot about portfolio careers and taking on projects as part of a developing career. Taking night classes and as a creative person, learning in order to shift our careers. Ultiamtely, we have threads in our lives that weave together to create a braid. Having multiple strands come together stronger than just a single thread. Sometimes one of the threads frays and loosens and if you have a braid, you can unweave it and bring in a new thread.
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jakekahana · 5 years
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22. Margaret-Ellen Christensen
July 18, 2019 People Development This is the new end of HR: CSR, teaching, learning and development, Learning and ENABLEMENT, Culture, Diversity and inclusion. It's People development. Report to a Chief Experience Officer or a director of HR. Next Steps: Connect me to Nancy and Peter who do HR Contracting. Look into Culture Amp as a community and resource for HR stuff Use Creative League as a way for companies to keep employees with a "spot bonus"
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jakekahana · 5 years
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20. Ji Lee
June 13, 2019 Do Your Own PR Package each project. Find a title, find the headline that would make sense and tweet it and email it to the right reporters to get it published. Make things visual. Make things relevant. He wouldn't be here (at Fb) if it weren't for the money. He's not a business guy. He's an artist. He said "Clearly you're talented"
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jakekahana · 5 years
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19. Christine Lai
June 6, 2019 I'm doing what I want to be doing What's something I could build that would make money and promote caveday at the same time?
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jakekahana · 5 years
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Austin Kleon
May 16, 2019 I am in the Shit The first year to year and a half, don't expect any good work with a kid. Keep the practice, keep going. It gets better, then worrse, then it will even out again. You don't have to be great. Just like being good enough to have fun. All art starts with not knowing. Start off-brand (by going offline) and then weave it in.
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jakekahana · 5 years
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18. Steven Warley and Solopreneur Meetup
With Jillian Richardson, Jules Dodson, Andrei, David Nebinski, Nita Baum, Taylor Jacobson and Madeline May 16, 2019 A New Model + I can get What I want Steven is trying to make a new model of belonging, like BNI but for people like us. It brought up the distinction between Tribe, Community, Family, and Network. This is my tribe, but do I have community? Do I really belong in any? I talked a lot about my fear of growing Caveday and the safety of doing this part time on the side. The struggle of living up to my potential and what it might mean to move to the suburbs.
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jakekahana · 5 years
17. Tina Essmaker
May 16, 2019 Let The Change Happen Sharing stories of transition and moving to New York, her divorce and ending The Great Discontent. How that lead to Coaching. Next Steps: Stay in touch about Caveday and collaborating on workshops
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jakekahana · 5 years
16. Nitzan Hermon
April 10, 2019 How to Scale For Caveday, growth could be either more people for the same money. Or Less people with more depth for more money. He's very connected to coworking spaces and innovation labs. Things like New Inc and people in that space. Next Steps: Introduce him to Bud Caddell Get an intro to Tina Essmaker
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jakekahana · 5 years
21. David Grad
June 27, 2019 Family Strategy Planning David and his wife have twice spent and entire weekend with butcher paper and beers discussing their family plan. What are their career, personal, emotional goals and how do each of their plans play together? I brought this up with Lauren which started a bit of a fight. The takeaway basically being that we should have regular, less formal, less commitment-required conversations about building our lives together.
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jakekahana · 5 years
John Cleese on Creativity
Creativity is an operating system.
Creatives are much better at begin able to get into a certain mood… an ability to play and be more child-like. Not for immediate practical purposes, but for just play.
Closed/Open Mode Open - Expansive. Less purposeful. Contemplative. More inclined to humor. And more playful. Curiosity exists on its own. Closed - Productive. Limited.
Create a specific moment or time box for open mode before going to the habitual mode of going back to Closed.
Create an Oasis (or cave!) for about 45-90 minutes. Your brain needs 30 minutes to warm up anyway. And then do this regularly over time.
More creativity and originality when you’re willing to stick to the problems for longer before resolving to a solution. They were prepared to tolerate a slight discomfort and anxiety around not solving it.
Edward DeBono talks about coming up with deliberately wrong ideas. Because it’s possible that there is a stepping stone that leads to the “right” solution. It’s part of play.
Here’s how to remove creativity from the office:
Remove gap time.
Don’t have a space for me to think
Reduce play time and pack schedule
Undermine their confidence
Focus on the negatives
Always be DOING things. No sitting around. No thinking.
Demand Urgency.
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jakekahana · 5 years
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jakekahana · 5 years
15. Call With Heather LeFebre
March 5, 2019 Open (Career) Mode
Open mode and Closed mode in career just like Divergent and convergent thinking in Design Thinking. Sometimes you need to explore all options before deciding and then moving into a more specific and designing your life from that solution.
People like Heather and Dev, get diverse work across industries and categories without doing outreach. Coaching. Teaching. Speaking. Consulting. But it's because they're naturally curious people who are known for their breadth and people just reach out with ANYTHING because they keep putting things out there.
In giving a talk, she often asks “Who here has zero body pain?” understanding that almost all of us experience pain as a result of work.
"Birthday cake" company name. Layers. Sweet. Special occations.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ikigai Ikigai: the process of allowing the self's possibilities to blossom. It's understanding a venn diagram of what the world needs, what I'm good at, what I love, and what I can get paid to do.
Karōshi (過労死), which can be translated literally as "overwork death" in Japanese
Next Steps:
Connect with [email protected]
Look up PA Group
Watch John Cleese an creativity
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jakekahana · 5 years
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14. Dev Aujla
February 27, 2019 Make Your Pitch Easy To Say Yes To In finding the best way to get into companies and pitch myself in the way that I want (go in-house developing programs and workshops to help with leadership, creativity, and culture), make it easy to say yes to. Plus, it will be helpful and more productive to me. Pitch myself to only work 2-3 days a week. It will save them money. I can still deliver. And then only do a 3 month contract. See if it works. Evaluate after that. I'm confident it will. And if it doesn't it's a win-win for me. It's only about having the conversations with the right people, not applying for just a regular job.
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jakekahana · 5 years
13. Jason Cha
January 25, 2019 Focus and Definition There's a difference between Facilitation and Training. The former is working on an actual "live" problem where you can apply some direct training. The former is much more about delivering a set curriculum or program that doesn't differ. In order to really grow the business, we have to focus on either the corporate side or the community side.
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jakekahana · 5 years
12. Christine Lai
January 25, 2019 You Can Only Give From Your Overflow •Pitching yourself to a business. You want to be a team member which means you're fully invested and constantly thinking about them. But you are not a contractor (pay for my time), freelancer (pay for my work), employee (own my time), or consultant (pay for my ideas). Pitch what I want and model what is possible to create what is needed. I am a team member. Can I come into the office 2x/month, get paid a retainer, and work in a way that suits all of us? •It's not about "put your own mask on first." That's a state of emergency. It's about only being able to give from your overflow. You need to be overflowing before you can consider someone else's issue or need. What will make you overfull? •Otter.ai app records and transcribes all your conversations if you record it. •Transitionnotes.com •Ting Kelly and planning her year. •Meet Adam "Smiley" P and look into ASANA
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