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A friend of mine posted this and tagged my old instagram account, asking me to share it. I figured sharing it here where I actually have a following, would be far better.
Please remember that just because the government is giving into pressure and greed, that doesn’t mean that any of this is getting any better, in a lot of ways it’s getting worse. And even if you yourself aren’t being as heavily affected anymore, there are people and communities that are.
Stay safe Darling ones, and help others remain safe too.
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The royal family employs no bodyguards. A would-be assassin discovers why.
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Geralt/Jaskier Hurt/Comfort Recs
Why yes, I am weak for the trope of “Jaskier is in pain and tries to hide it and/or Geralt thinks he’s just whining as usual” with a side-order of “Jaskier will do anything not to be left behind.”  
So! Here are some fics where that happens!  
Trying, by taylor_tut. 
Summary: A little character study. Geralt realizes that he’d been ignoring Jaskier’s quite obvious signs of illness all day and tries to make it right.
Heroics & Back Pains, by tjstar
Geralt frowns, narrowing his eyes.
“You want to say that you pulled me out of the swamp, risking your life just to save mine?”
“Yeah, I did that,” Jaskier nods as he finally realizes that it was a terribly long way. “You were out like a light, and I just couldn’t watch my dear witcher die like that.” — Jaskier’s back hurts, but he thinks his pain is nothing compared to Geralt’s. He’s wrong.
Concussion (I can’t title my stories to save my life), by taylor_tut
A request from my tumblr! Jaskier hits his head while they’re on a beastie hunt and doesn’t mention anything to Geralt. Geralt is not happy about it.
I mean, I did tell you, by julilihatfun
From my tumblr: “prompt time!!! feel free to ignore this if it doesn’t speak to you, but: what about something where jaskier keeps asking for a break and geralt thinks he’s just whining about being tired, but really, he’s been hiding a serious wound, which may or may not be infected, and he’s actually UNDERreacting? :D if you don’t like this, i can try again!”
Jaskier does try to warn Geralt that some kind of ugly plant has shot something at him and its not his fault that the Witcher does not listen! :(
Aches and Pains, by its_a_religion. 
Summary: Jaskier suffers from chronic pain and had been hiding it from Geralt until a particularly bad flare up catches him off guard days away from any town. He tries his best to press on but Geralt is having none of it. Fluff and comfort ensue.
told you so, by blarneythedinosaur
For the thirtieth time in half-as-many minutes, Geralt’s eyes darted back to his quiet travel-companion, and apparently this was just one glance too many.
Jaskier heaved a dramatic sigh and stopped in his tracks. He didn’t say anything, but there was a clear and demanding What? in the hands-on-hips posture and dead-eyed annoyance he aimed at Geralt.
Geralt stopped, too. He frowned at Jaskier critically – appraisingly – and watched as Jaskier’s attitude from moments before shrunk back within him, the bard’s arms folding over his chest in an attempt to maintain his image of stubborn petulance while also making himself a lesser target. It wasn’t working.
“Are you ill?”
Between Speech and Silence, by foxy_mulder
Summary: He knows now, Geralt has made him know clearly where he stands. He is not a friend, but a burden.
He can fix himself, it will just take a little effort on his part.
Plus, bonus reverse trope!! Sick Geralt trying to soldier on and Jaskier taking care of him. 
in sickness and in health, by some_stars
Geralt’s eyes fixed on him. They were glittering and dark, pupils dilated despite the bright sunlight; they seemed to stand out from his face, which was even paler than usual, bar the hectic red flush high on his cheekbones.
If it had been any other person, Jaskier would have known what to assume, but… “Are you sick?”
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Can you do something for me, please?
I want you to reblog this if you believe that two people can be very close and physically affectionate with one another, but still have a completely nonsexual, non-romantic relationship. 
Even if the two people in question are capable of being sexually or romantically attracted to one another. 
Because the friendship I share with someone I consider family in a way that transcends blood has been typecast as a romantic relationship ENTIRELY too many times, and I’m beginning to get sick of it. 
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Here to shitpost
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You know what’s so unique about this movement? The fact that there isn’t a designated leader. There’s no MLK; there’s no Malcolm X; there is no specific person that is leading all of this. This means that there isn’t a person the government can target and kill in order to stop the movement. The big motivator for this movement revolves around the internet.
However, this does mean that it will be very easy to lose motivation for this movement. But we can’t let that happen. So don’t stop sharing content that revolves around blm. Keep going to protests. Keep donating to funds. Keep signing petitions. Keep supporting black creators. We can’t let this movement and this motivation die until justice is served. So keep talking about it.
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How does this even happen
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Mind Just Went (Oblivion) - ambivalentangst
After years of experimentation, Tony sits in his lab, processing wave after wave of information available to him with a mere thought, and he realizes that the average person simply wouldn’t be capable of managing the stress of it all, the exabytes of data just there for the taking, even in the barest bones of Extremis’s fullest iteration.
Maybe he should feel bad that his invention, his great safety net to show his goodness, won’t reach the masses like he originally wanted.
Tony stares at his hand, and at his whim, a blaster congeals on top of it, every bit as lethal as the ones he used to have to attach manually.
(Maybe he should feel bad, but he doesn’t.)
Tony has always been told he’s too smart for his own good.
Or, a look at what it would take for Tony of the Marvel Cinematic Universe to become something superior.
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The reason Black women in fandom get so frustrated with white women in fandom (especially the ones who claim they are feminist) is that white women in fandom have decided what is good for Black women despite Black women arguing otherwise.
White women will see Black characters like Valkyrie/Brunhilde and strip her of her sexuality and decide she “doesn’t need a love interest” and suggest shipping her with Thor strips her of her power. Either this or they will claim shipping her with Thor erases her bisexuality when the meaning of bisexuality is to be attracted to more than one gender (and she already had a girlfriend, but you don’t see them fighting to have future movies explore that). White women will treat news that Ariel will be played by a Black young adult and say “little Black girls deserve better” than to see themselves as vulnerable and demure. The problem with this mindset is it neglects to acknowledge that Black women have *always* been seen as “strong and independent.” It is nothing new to us.
At the same time, white women in fandom will see themselves in a character like Rey–a woman who started off as all of the things they claimed they wanted to see in a female character: strong, independent, and likeable–and reduce her by giving her the job of *fixing* an overpowered and dangerous white villain all to keep her away from the Black character
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i only relate to peter parker on the level that his self confidence goes from “Hottest shit around. have you seen this sexy man. i could make luke cage leave jessica jones” to “i am the worst human being and i will fail so hard”
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I can understand a family having two cars. Two or more adults needing to get to work or do their own thing….but why did rich fucks get 10+ cars that’ll never leave a garage? They’re literally bragging rights, no actual use. I don’t care if they’re classics or something, they’re tools that many families desperately need.
Or like, you’re rich so you get a yacht. Ok. I think that’s over the top but ok, you wanted a nice ass boat. But….2? 3? 4? 10? Why? What use are they but sitting there and being bragging rights?
Everyone needs shelter. Rich people having a home makes sense. Two I think is greedy, but whatever devils advocate summer and winter homes whatever. But why the fuck does the richest man on earth have over 30 homes? Once again, that’s bragging rights and greed. There’s no fucking use for that.
I get collecting shit, we all have stuff we like to collect. But I think there’s a sheer difference between collecting kamen rider merch and collecting tools that are necessary to life that serve no use to you.
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