jaimescookies · 6 years
Connect without Internet Connection?
       The power of media in today’s society is overwhelming and slightly terrifying. As you walk down the street, nearly every person you see will be connected to some sort of device. Whether they’re listening to music with headphone or texting as they walk, each person is connected to a phone or the internet most of the time. I have even been in a group setting where I would receive messages and social media alerts from people I am sitting right beside, and each one of them just cannot help but look at their phones and feel “connected to the world”. However, what they truly are doing is disconnecting themselves from the real world and real relationships by hiding behind a screen, and this problem is extremely prominent anywhere you look. As stated in class, teenagers are said to spend more than several hours connected to their phones each day.  The amount of texts sent by one young person in a day is the equivalent to the amount of burgers McDonalds produces, but do we really want our conversations do be the same as fast food? There has been a loss of authentic connections among young people today because many are too consumed with having the most followers. This leads to many young people creating meaningless relationships just so they can have a mass amount of friends, but the amount of true friendships are minimal. Media has become so ingrained in so many lives, and so many people depend on it heavily as their source of confidence or connections. This is a toxic trend that is only recent in our society. The generation before millennials did not even have cell phones to communicate with one another. My father constantly tells me that when he was young, people had to actually gather and hang out to feel sociable. Now the world is filled with fast thumbs and lazy people who are not gaining what they think they are out of social media. Instead it has become a crutch for people, and no one seems to want to let go.       Social media has always been a sore spot for me. Being an introverted person already, I enjoy having my small group of friends and find that having mass numbers of followers (who most are basically strangers) is kind of creepy. However, not having social media also disconnects you. While I would love to unplug and enjoy my life as I experience it in the moment, social media has also become a necessary ingredient to having a social life at all. Since so many people are involved with social media, it is now the only source of connecting with the world and staying connected. Otherwise I would not talk to anyone but myself because everyone else is on social media. This is the sad truth of the world we live in today; without a phone you are isolated from the rest of society. I actually did an art piece about this topic in high school. The painting is an appropriation on Henri Matisse’s painting “Music” which shows five individuals playing music together. In my painting however, the music instruments are replaced by phones. By changing one simple factor about the painting, the whole message changes completely. What was once a group of people interacting with one another and playing music is now a group of strangers who are not conversing with each other at all. In addition to this, one character is not given a phone and is therefore isolated from the rest of the group completely. I feel this states something about the current state of our society, and that the device that is supposed to be connecting us is actively disconnecting us at the core.
Original Piece by Henri Matisse
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My Adaptation 
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Let’s try to connect without a connection to the internet!
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jaimescookies · 6 years
Don’t Take, Appreciate
     One of the most controversial topics of conversation topics we covered was about remixing versus cultural appropriation. These topics were covered when students were asked to provide a DIY (Do It Yourself) craft and then bring it to class to present. Although not all students participated in this, there were many interesting ideas created by the students. What the students did not know however is that we would then analysis them and state whether it was a remixed idea, a mash up of things, or cultural appropriation. I found that this was an important activity because over the years, there has been many occasions of cultural appropriation not being realized on social media. For a long time, there was large controversy over white women sporting African American women hair styles such as braids. Even a celebrity like Kylie Jenner joined in on this trend, but then there was an uproar from people who were offended by this trend. Braids have always been apart of African traditions and cultures, and women in western societies very easily appropriated this style as a fashion trend. For a long period of time, women who did not have any connection to the culture whatsoever sported this look, and they received a lot of backlash from people who were not as ignorant.      This act is similar to the creation of dream catchers, which originates from another culture and is used by many without actually knowing the true meaning and purpose behind them. This is what cultural appropriation is; when a  culture feels the power to adopt an element of a monitory culture for their own. However this concept shows there is still a lack of respect between cultures, and there is still an issue of equality in this world. If there wasn’t, then more people would be mindful that dominating another culture and taking from it the most attractive qualities is a form of colonialism. There is still such an imbalance of power in this world today, and students should be educated about this topic in order to help the next generation be more mindful of what they do or say when other cultures are involved.        This topic is crucial to discuss among young people because many people are ignorant of cultural appropriation as a whole. Many well, what’s the big deal?”, but the big deal is that this ignorance demeans and offends others who cherish these traditions and culture traits. For a long time, western societies could easily get away with this kind of dominance. However in today’s society, more people of colour are idolized and respected in media that the message of cultural appropriation is shared. An example of this would be the African American actress Zendaya, who has spoken of the cultural appropriation in society and has “called out” people who misuse what is not theirs to use in the first place. Since an actress such as herself has such an influential role in media, she is able to reach out to more people to spread awareness on this issue. This awareness is so important for millennials to contain, because I believe that millennials have the power to make exponential change in society for the best. Cultural appropriation must be addressed thoroughly and fought against, because that is how this world will become more connected and equal.
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jaimescookies · 6 years
Stepping Up to the Plate
      Hosting was a very interesting experience because we were the second group to present, and we still did not really know what to expect. Since we did not have a few chances to experience other hosts in order to plan for the little mistakes already made, we were instead the group that others learned from. At first, our activity was simply about students gathering in small groups; taking either one, two or three pieces of paper from a plastic bag; and state a fact about themselves given how many pieces of paper they hold. Although, what we did not foresee in this simple task is that it would push our time limit to the max before we had the chance to do the rest of what we planned. While it was a learning moment for other groups, it was a mistake on our part for not being aware of time-restraints.       Nevertheless, I believe it was still a successful hosting experience because bonds were made among the groups we organized. In smaller groups, people tend to be more open to speaking because the fear of being put on the spot in front of a whole class is removed. It is more of calm environment to get actually become familiar with other students. For someone who may not be entirely comfortable speaking in front of large groups of people, it may be overwhelming to do a name-game with the entire class because they will always be too concerned with the moment that they have to speak. This fear is a distraction, and I have been a personal victim of this fear before. In moments like these, it is hard to focus on what others are saying and the “getting to know the class” is missed because I’m to inside my own head overthinking what I’m going to say. In smaller groups, it is easier to relax and truly get to know other people in the class. I gained a friend out of this class from working in a small group, and I know other students have experienced the same. This is why I believe that our hosting experience was a success, because it provided the time for people to truly relax and talk with peers in the class. Even though it may have been a lengthy session, I believe that is what it takes for a group to bond. Since it was one of the first host sessions, this started many people in the right direction towards gaining a good friendship from the class. I feel proud to be apart of that process, and found great pride in leading the group in that kind of activity.      Leadership is such a powerful character trait, and in first year this hosting session was my only opportunity to take true initiative in a class. I believe that more courses should incorporate this kind of learning and leadership because that is what our lives will need to consist of once we are out of the classroom. These skills should be exercised as much as possible, because a good leader with experience have higher chances to be successful in this world
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jaimescookies · 6 years
Digital Film #2 (A Personal Note to Self)
  For my final media creation, I wanted to develop a film that I could ingrain my own personal values into. This idea resulted in a “time-capsule” like film, in which I could include images and messages that are personal to me. At first it was difficult to come up with my exact concrete storyboard, but in the end I believe I successfully stated what I wanted to state. To do this, I needed to film clips of things that are important to me. Since in my video I discuss how the little things in life are what matters, I shot many short clips just observing the people and things around me. When people do not realize they are being recorded, the shot captured is a true representation of that particular moment because no one is posing. This authenticity adds a unique essence to the film that I am very proud of. Although I have made videos in the past, this is the first to feature people. Normally, I feel comfortable making sets and creating characters with paper on my own. This time however was an experiment because I did not plan it out before hand like I usually do with my films. Instead, all that was done was shoot some clips at a family event and piece them together later. This was an interesting experience because for most of the creative process, I did not have a true goal. I solely just took in what was happening around me without analyzing the scenes too much, and that eventually ended up being what the film was all about; taking in the little things in this world and appreciating them for what they are.     The editing process was a different story because I know needed to create meaning with my series of random clips. In order to come up with the message I wanted to send, I watched the series of clips many times and wrote about values I cherish. Then, all it took was matching clips with my thoughts to make my video into a personal journal entry. At first I was very restricted with myself and was nervous to include such personal thoughts because I will not be the only one to view the film. However I soon moved past this because I remembered that even though I am creating for a class, I am also creating for me. One day I will look back at this film, just like I look through my old journals to find messages from myself. This is important to have because it shows that media can be used in a positive way to record moments in life. This positive use can be related to my Instagram account, which I have been using for four years as a personal photo album to look back on. Many of my most cherished moments are stored on that account, and it is also a safe backed-up platform to keep them because I will never “lose” my account. Sometimes digital media can be consuming, but other times it can be liberating—a way to express what is important to the creator. That expression may also become important to someone else, and that is also very unique about digital media. Even with my own film, another person could view it and be reminded of their own experiences or values. The feeling some clips, a voice over and some music can create as a whole is remarkable, and the process of film should be explored by anyone who has a positive message to share.
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jaimescookies · 6 years
Change the Campus
Group Proposal:
“Guelph-Care: because Guelph students care.”
“Guelph-Care is a student-run, student-created organization which aims to provide fair, accessible, continuous health resources to University of Guelph students by adopting both equality and equity into the health-care practices and policies present on campus.”-- From our Facebook page, link provided below.
PROBLEM: Guelph-care is a student-run health-care organization which primarily focuses on providing fair, accessible, continuous health resources to University of Guelph students. This idea was created by a group of people aiming to change the school, and to do so we have to make sure we make a change to benefit people who need it. Matilda, a member of the group, mentioned that the health services for international students is extremely complicated. University can be extremely stressful to most, especially international students who have left home in order to pursue education. It is different for someone to leave Toronto to attend Guelph versus someone who came from a completely different country. The stress and anxiety of being so far away and also the need to succeed pushes some to the edge, and Guelph must be available and accessible to those students who need a helping hand. With the overwhelming amount of students on Guelph campus, it is obviously very difficult to provide top-notch service to all. However a change must be made so that there are more people united to help each other at Guelph, because no one should have to wait when physical or mental health is involved.
After speaking among peers and classmates, Guelph-Care members have determined that accessibility to mental health and physical health care services on campus is not sufficiently available to students.  Students at the University of Guelph, particularly international students, have struggled with the lack of continuous access to efficient mental health services and counselling. Individuals have reported to having to wait very long periods of time before being able to speak to a counsellor, and have related our current mental health services as being “similar to speed-dating” due to the limited number of counsellors employed at the school compared to the student mass. For a student who may be struggling in many ways, including stress from work loads and being away from home, this is not the proper system for students to feel able to feel important. Students have also complained that once they have established a relationship with one counsellor who is helping them work on their goals and figure out a path, they are scheduled with a different counsellor for the other is busy, only being forced to start the process all over again.  
Students at the University of Guelph have also experienced disadvantages because of the health-care policies currently in place at the university.  Unknown by me at first, students go without any health-care insurance for the first 6 weeks of classes and are required to pay very expensive late fees for being late to appointments on campus.  This system, supposedly aimed to better the students, is actually harming them financially, and Guelph-Care aims to reduce these stresses in students lives through other students, and make the overall mental and physical health care systems on campus more accessible, fair and inclusive for all. 
SOLUTIONS: In order to achieve equality within these health care systems in the school, we will first will raise awareness by handing out flyers and having volunteers set up ask booth so that  students may become familiar with the program.  Through the use of media such as Facebook, we aim to gain statistics and information regarding how students view our current health care systems with the public in order to understand what kind of specific help is required and employ the help of other students who also want to make change on campus. We also wish to begin a program in which students in medical or psychology programs on campus will be provided with the opportunity to work in a co-op program helping students on campus. That would allow them to use their education to make a positive difference in students lives, and perhaps could be a new way for students to earn credits for their degrees.   We would also like to work with staff on campus who can provide the proper tools and information needed to be able to properly assess the systems currently in place at the University of Guelph.
In order to make this change, Guelph-care encourages other students to step up and care about other Guelph students. If there are not enough counsellor’s on campus to keep the wait time to a minimal, then students should be able to take charge and provide assistance. Like an RA, Guelph-care provides a position for students to take initiative and look out for others. This is an important initiative because it provides experience for students in the field of mental or physical health, as well as connects the students in a way to show that we care and want to help each other succeed.
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Time to unite! Time to care.
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jaimescookies · 6 years
Watch How You Watch
   While watching the trailer of “The Brainwashing of My Dad” by Jen Senko, examples from my own life matched the life she spoke about in 2013. Ever since the radio was invented, people have always been drawn to sitting around and listening to the opinions of others. With millennials, podcasts are a very popular source of media that many people rely on like others would rely on music. For my dad, it was listening to Howard Stern on the radio every morning as he drove to work. Even when I sat in the car, we would listen to the thoughts and opinions of that one man who would sometimes be rude and demeaning towards others. I remember an interview that my father and I listened to together on my way to school, and I recall being offended to hear such crude on the radio like that. My father seemed to pick up on that same language and humour sometimes and I always knew it was related to him listening to Howard Stern. This however is not as extreme as the father showcased in the trailer, but there are many individuals in the world who share his same story.     In todays media there is a ringleader that many follow who makes this problem of hate so extreme. Donald Trump is someone who is very vocal in media, particularly on Twitter. He has such an influence in media because of his authority and success, but his mindset and values are offensive and demeaning towards many groups of people. Interviews of Donald Trump supporters also share these mindsets, but typically are the type of people who benefit from Trumps ways. A white man can side with Trump because Trump does not have anything mean to say about white men. However, when it comes to women, people of the LGBTQ community, or people with disabilities, Trump’s views can be insulting and off-putting. Since he is so prominent in media, he is able to reach out to many people and state whatever he pleases with no regard with who sees it. Social media is such a powerful platform that so many people look to every single day, and there is most definitely a connection between what people take in versus what they put back out. As more and more eyes and ears are being bombarded with so many messages of hate, the odds are that more people will learn to hate.         The tricky part is that there is very few limitations and boundaries for people when they want to put their thoughts out there. Of course there are hate-crime laws in tact in many countries, but that does not tend to stop people from spreading the word. Unfortunately, a kind-hearted man such as the father portrayed in the film can still be brainwashed by the media and so can many others. Just the other day I listened to a man yell at Tim Horton’s servers, and the things he was stating was very similar to statements made in the video. However, I do not think much can be done for these people to save their minds. The important part to take away from this is to always be aware that this brainwashing exists, and that the media can be dangerous is used too much or depended on to the point where your own values are altered. Media cannot control if one take control of their own media intake, and in this world that control is more important than ever.
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Do not let yourself get caught up in the hate! Just change the channel
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jaimescookies · 6 years
The Power of Words
I have always been self-conscious of how I sound when I speak. Often I catch myself using different voices when talking with different people, as if my human nature is to adapt to the person I am talking to in order to fit into whatever environment I am in. Paul James Gee discusses this concept in his article ‘Teenagers in New Times: A New Literacy Studies Perspective’. I realize that I have many different social voices, which change depending on who I am around. These “social languages” are a large factor of how many young people I know identify themselves, and many examples that will soon be revealed come from a high school scene—the watering hole of teenagers where all social languages clash. Although I know if I were to be interviewed in the case study conducted by Gee, I would categorize myself as a member of the upper-middle class. When talking to someone who appears to be above me, I find my language becomes very clinical and ‘educated’ in order to impress. This can be due to the fact that I grew up in the working class and always aimed to climb higher. As stated by Gee, this is to appear to be apart of a “world of information, knowledge, argumentation, and achievements build out of these” (Gee 416). I have been conditioned to use this language with people I want to impress, such as my parents or an authority figure in my life. However in moments like these, sometimes the back of my mind tells me I’m trying to be what my culture believes to be the “perfect” person. I use language to make people think of me in a certain way, but I am not the perfect person. Language has always been a tool to distinguish one person from another, such as in modern capitalist societies. Societies have built themselves off languages, and those who are privileged and educated can speak more elegantly to class themselves higher above the lower-class. This is so ingrained into our society even still, and I find myself following suit often. My friends have always commented that my voice seems to change when I’m talking to older people. My language and tone of voice alter depending on who is listening, and even others pick up on it. My words are pronounced with more care; the words used are more extravagant. In the moment I do not realize the change but afterwards when I revert to my normal “easy-going” state with my friends I realize I am relaxing again. It is as if my body tensed up and polished myself when responding to an authority figure in order to gain respect. It is society who ingrained these character traits into me to tense up and become presentable, but these traits has also helped me be successful so far in life. What I gain from this reflection is to always be mindful and thankful of my successes, because they mostly occur because of the privileges I have in my life.
Works Cited Gee, James Paul. "Teenagers In New Times: A New Literacy Studies Perspective." Journal Of Adolescent & Adult Literacy 43.5 (2000): 412. Academic Search Premier. Web. 4 Jan. 2012.
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jaimescookies · 7 years
Terms of Service: First Digital Group Project
For this assignment, I was grouped with Grace Pires, Lily Tarrant, Rohan Nair, and Eike Bruning. While initially we believed that this video would be a breeze, it was soon discovered that it would be much more of a hurricane. However, this video also taught me about the importance of flexibility when working with others. While I would go back and change the process and outcome of this video, it was a good learning experience to gain in my first year at the university.
In retrospect, the issue with the creation of the Terms of Service video was that we made a simple process into a complicated one. When coming to university, independent study was what I was drawn towards. Group projects were never my favourite in high school because I always found that work often got much more complicated to complete with more minds involved, clashing with one another. As our group gathered for the first time, our initial thoughts were that this assignment would be swift and quick. However once we began pitching ideas, we quickly found we could not agree on a specific idea. This was due to the strong artistic voice of each member, particularly Rohan. As a video editor for youtube videos, he had specific ideas about how the film should be shot. However, some thoughts were just not realistic given our circumstances and too much time was wasted on coming to conclusion as a whole.
When it came time to film, it was difficult to organize a time to meet that fit with everyones class schedule. Rohan was unable to meet due to his classes, so he offered to be in charge of editing the film. The rest of the group planned to gather at the library to film, however Lily became sick and could not join. We instead met the next day and got the shots we needed when Lily was able to be present. The video clips were on my phone, so I offered to just edit them together myself but Rohan insisted he wanted to contribute so he would not feel like a numb limb. I did not see the finished product until in class, and when it was viewed I felt as if the outcome did not satisfy me. I personally would have added more creeping music to amplify the theme of someone watching you, as well as added more of the fine details such as a creative commons license at the end of the film.
While the finished project was not what I originally hoped for, it was a good learning experience. Working with others is difficult when plans become overly complicated, but from this assignment I learned that flexibility is crucial. I believe this to be a valuable lesson to have because I will always be working with others, and being able to be flexible not only will help my relationships with others but will benefit the process for my group assignment.
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jaimescookies · 7 years
Coreself Reflection
When considering who I truly am inside, only a few very prominent influences stand out among the dozens of my many quirks. I have always be one to appreciate the foundations of life, which is shown in my collage made of acrylic paint and a variety of paper. This assignment reflects an honest truth about myself, and it is honestly liberating to tell.
My core-self is represented in the piece in the image of a faceless being made of yellow and red, which to me shows the warmth I’ve learned to carry within me throughout the day. The figure is faceless because it is a metaphor for my constantly changing self. Each year I look in the mirror, it is like a new person forms with every experience I go through. My face is not constant, so my core-self does not have one. My core-self changes along side time but must remain the same when it comes to my values, which is why both core-self’s in the collage have the same faceless face.
I like to think of myself as an overly positive person, mostly because my life has not always been the most positive ride. I have had good strokes and bad strokes in this life, as has everyone else. However from those hardships I found strength. At the age of fourteen, my mother left my family to live a more passionate life. At the time, this event fought with my emotions and won the battle. Four years later at the age of eighteen, it feels satisfying to say that I am successful in my life because of that event. The darkness I faced during that period pushed me to excel in my own life in order to overcome the past. All of a sudden, I was working harder in school and getting a job so that I could create my own world in which I could control. The drama and despair surrounding my family tested my strength, and in the end of the day it was me who won. In my art piece, this is represented in the form of a green family tree. Symbols of my family members who most influence my life are shown, such as the triangle which represents my father’s stability. A version of my core-self sits at the base of the tree, holding a bouquet of flowers to honour my family and the strengths I gain from them. I am at Guelph today gaining an education and living out unique experiences because of those darker days, and I will forever be grateful for the lessons I gained.
While I mostly gain strength from my family, something that also gives strength to my core-self is my passion for nature. Nothing calms me more than the way the wind creates an orchestra of sounds in the leaves of the trees. The feeling of dirt and moss under my toes is a sensation that makes me feel like a peaceful child. Nature has provided me oasis’ wherever I go, and Guelph’s arboretum still is the main reason I attend this institution. In my art collage, my passion of nature is represented by a red tree blooming vibrant paper flowers. My core-self stands at the base of the tree again, but this time is touching the tree in awe. The colour red was used not only to compliment the green family tree, but also because it is my favourite colour. The warmth of the colour red is a feature in most of my paintings which also include the same figure of my red and yellow core-self. My passion for nature is something that never fails to calm my spirit, and I am thankful I live in an area that allows me to appreciate as much of nature as I can.
My values on the other hand have roots connected to both trees. After watching my own family experience a negative period, I strive to be positive and respectful towards the people I encounter. I value honesty and an open mind, and these are things I have learned from my family. I also value inner self-actualization and being mindful of my own state of mind which was learned after long periods spend in the woods. These values have shaped the woman I am today, and my core-self has never felt better knowing I embrace these values each and every day.
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