jaibyday114 · 1 day
This is how the inside of my pussy looks like
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jaibyday114 · 1 day
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jaibyday114 · 1 day
I believe you
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jaibyday114 · 2 days
My only wish in life right now, is to:
Know who I am
Be confident in that
Mind my own fucking business.
Maybe I’m the miracle??
Type shit.
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jaibyday114 · 14 days
Remember, you must pull from your natural qualities to make music and become magnetic. If you force it, you will make noise and become repellent. (An example of this in pop culture is Chloe Bailey. She’s a naturally seductive and sweet artist but her image is forced and imbalanced. Rihanna for instance, is also naturally seductive and sweet but instead of forcing her sexuality, she blends it well with her light playfulness, making her appeal exude naturally).
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jaibyday114 · 14 days
Obedience 2 God
Faith I’m his plan
Gratitude for the present moment and what he has given me
Acknowledge limerence/ intrusive + persistent thoughts
Building self esteem
- Exploring my shadow self.
Limerence = Lust/Envy
How I see myself. Separate myself from you.
Focusing on my basic needs and responsibilities
Anxiety due to lack of feeling safe
I need more serotonin so I don’t feel like not having a companion or partner results in a loss of self
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jaibyday114 · 24 days
Dopamine doesn’t care about your happiness
Dopamine is called the reward chemical but it doesn't actually provide a lasting sense of reward. It peaks while you're chasing your goals but fades once you reach them. This means if you're counting on feeling happy after achieving something, you'll find yourself constantly searching for the next source of happiness
Serotonin is more linked to contentment and long term well being. It’s connected to feelings of happiness, calmness & emotional stability and gives you a deeper sense of satisfaction & peace
Use positive sources of dopamine to move you forward with your personal goals, but never fall into the habit of depending on it for momentary moments of happiness. You deserve more than that and should give yourself the opportunity to create long term fulfillment through better self awareness, purposeful actions & a healthy balanced life
At the end of the day, motivation, often tied to dopamine, is as fleeting as happiness. Discipline, however brings consistency, progress, and peace regardless of how you feel in the moment
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jaibyday114 · 24 days
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jaibyday114 · 27 days
You are your home. Take care of yourself.
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jaibyday114 · 27 days
Be with someone who makes you happy.
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jaibyday114 · 1 month
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jaibyday114 · 2 months
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jaibyday114 · 2 months
“…the older I get, the more I see how women are described as having gone mad, when what they’ve actually become is knowledgeable and powerful and fucking furious.”
— Sophie Heawood  (via modelcityzen)
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jaibyday114 · 2 months
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jaibyday114 · 2 months
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jaibyday114 · 2 months
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jaibyday114 · 2 months
Everyone likes to hear advice that reassures their way of thinking. But good advice challenges you. If you are not where you want to be, you should be more accepting of the latter. Triggers are for growth. If you didn’t need to hear it, it would not trigger you.
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