jaennsisters-blog · 7 years
As of today, blogging for this blog will officially be over.  Any and all SWTOR-related blogging will now be taking place on my main blog, @darknessfactor.  Also, though I will not be deleting this blog, and you will still be able to see the character page for all my OCs, those OCs will no longer be considered my ‘canon’ characters.  They will not be blogged about on my main blog.
As you all know, I’ve been on hiatus for some time.  Lately, I’ve given a lot of thought to SWTOR - to how much I love the game versus how disappointing it’s gotten lately, as well as to whether or not I feel compelled to continue to blog for it as heavily as I have been.
The answer: I do still very much enjoy the game, for all its flaws.  So I will be continuing to play it.
However, after doing a lot of thinking about the group of characters I’ve created for this game.  At the moment, I’m sitting a 11.  Now don’t get me wrong - I love all of them.  I really do.  But I’ve been thinking about their backstories, as well as their futures beyond the game, and, well...
...some of it, I think, has gotten a bit too heavy.  For me, mostly.  I’ve thought a lot about which characters deserve happy endings, and which do not.  I’ve come to the conclusion that the characters who don’t deserve happy endings are the ones who have suffered the most in the past, and that... that doesn’t seem right to me.  Maybe if that was the case for only one of them, but it really isn’t.  
You are all probably aware of S’kora’s backstory.  She had an awful childhood.  However, the only realistic ending I can see for her is execution or lifelong imprisonment.  Ceydri was traumatized by a single, horrifying event when she was a little girl, and ends up becoming a monster.  Sehnn is in a similar situation.  This is a pattern that I have written more than once, and I no longer think it’s okay.
So I’m starting fresh.  I’ll be creating a Chiss Jedi Knight and focusing solely on her, until such time that I’m ready to create other characters to bounce her off of.  I’ll post stuff about her on my main blog.  I’d also like to try creating more male characters, as I do think that writing male characters is something of a weak point for me.  
This blog has grown surprisingly popular over the years, and I want to thank everyone who decided to follow me.  You’re welcome to follow me back over to my main blog as well, but just be aware that SWTOR is far from the only thing I blog about on there.  Other fandoms include other media types of Star Wars, Dishonored, Dragon Age: Inquisition, occasionally Once Upon a Time... there’s a large mish-mash.  I’d understand if that’s too much.  
See y’all around, hopefully.  If you see a blog called darknessfactor hanging around the swtor tags at times, just know that that’s me.  
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jaennsisters-blog · 7 years
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jaennsisters-blog · 7 years
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Scourge: The Mystics are prophets who shape the direction of Voss society. The Emperor wants to wipe out all life in the galaxy. Hardly the same thing.
Satele Shan: The dark side is subtle and insidious–as you well know. The Emperor did not begin his conquest of the galaxy by declaring his true intentions.
Jas: Just because the Mystics don’t follow the Jedi Code doesn’t make them evil.
Satele Shan: Don’t let the views of your companion corrupt what the order has taught you. A Jedi does not compromise.
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jaennsisters-blog · 7 years
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jaennsisters-blog · 7 years
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Ooh, look what you made him do.
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jaennsisters-blog · 7 years
Hey guys.  So, considering the fact that my video game interests appear to have migrated elsewhere for the moment, I’m going on hiatus for a while.  Though I still like SWTOR, and my characters, I haven’t been creating any content for it in a while.  I also haven’t felt like my heart’s been in it lately.  
You all do such wonderful art and writing, and you do so much to make up for the sub-par content that Bioware’s been pushing on us lately, but my heart hasn’t been in it.  I may come back at some point, but I don’t know when.
I’ll understand if you want to unfollow me.  See you on the flip side.
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jaennsisters-blog · 7 years
valkorion during kotet: a summary
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jaennsisters-blog · 7 years
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my fave babe with short hair.
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jaennsisters-blog · 7 years
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I was messing around with painting styles - Gimrizh, my sith warrior
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jaennsisters-blog · 7 years
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jaennsisters-blog · 7 years
[waits impatiently for Felix Iresso’s return]
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jaennsisters-blog · 7 years
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oh hey vette….
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jaennsisters-blog · 7 years
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shout out to that bird thing on Rakata prime who kept looking over Theron’s shoulder and making me laugh.
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jaennsisters-blog · 7 years
SWTOR High School Headcanons
The popular one: Risha
The nerd: Corso
The loveable loser: Talos
The resident badboy/badgirl: Kaliyo
The sportsman: Jorgan
The smartest in school: Elara
The shy/quiet one: Theron
The modest hottie: Torian
The president of the student council: Quinn
The one who falls asleep in class: Koth
The mysterious one: Lana
The know-it-all: Vette
The party animal: Kira
The always grumpy one: Khem
The weird psycho: Vaylin
The antisocial: Vector
The teacher everyone loves: Senya
The teacher everyone fears: Valkorion
The one who’s always in detention: Arcann
The one who constantly pranks others: Gault
The one who’s always late: Mako
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jaennsisters-blog · 7 years
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SWTOR: Empress Acina
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jaennsisters-blog · 7 years
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[image: screenshot from kotet chapter 2, containng dialogue
Bounty Hunty: If I go, I’m taking you with me! Empress Acina: A small part of me is enjoying this. As Empress, I am rarely able to test my martial skills any more. Nisha Kyo: I prefer to lead by example. Stay on the front lines. Empress Acina: Among the Sith, being on the front lines just makes it easier for someone to stab you in the back.
end dialogue.]
because i’m thinking about acina, of course, i’m thinking again about her kotet self, and all the things they fucked up
acina was never in the field, never on the front lines, never testing her martial skills - not in the way that marr was, not like acharon and arho and arkous, not even like hadra. acina was a reclusive weirdo who spent more of her time holed up in arcanum and other boltholes than out in the larger empire, never mind anywhere near the front lines.
i know, i know. i shouldn’t care so much about such a minor character. but for bioware to take such a minor character, who had so few established facts about her, and to disregard those few facts altogether, is symptomatic of their larger issues
(of course, master kyo would never have been anywhere near the front lines, either; she’s a diplomat, she works to prevent the front lines, not lead their charge - but this was an ambient dialogue, in which i had even less choice than most. further evidence, to me at least, that bioware had a single player class and role in mind when they wrote this mess)
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jaennsisters-blog · 7 years
also, per her kotet codex
She declared loyalty to Arcann and–allegedly–helped him eliminate several council members who refused to bow before the Eternal Throne. With her rivals out of the picture, Acina declared herself Empress of the Sith, and Arcann publicly acknowledged her claim. 
this… this is treason, my friends. if provable, even just to a level of reasonable doubt, it would destroy all illusion of the legitimacy of acina’s claim on the throne. frankly, if this were even an inkling of true, she’d have been torn apart by the sith ruling classes.
sith koolaid comes in two flavours: loyalty to the self above all others, and loyalty to the sith people above all others. acina is neither, here - she sells out and destroys the legitimate ruling body of the empire on zakuul’s say-so for a scrap of personal power. if this were even suspected, she’d have much, much bigger problems on her hands than one stunningly incompetent imperial minister.
the way this codex is worded implies the sith empire is a vassal state of zakuul, and not a power in its own right, and the sith? for their history, and for their take on their history? are not going to take that lying down.
it also turns her turning to the alliance in kotet to further treason - makes her a twice-traitor, first to her own people, and secondly to zakuul. and vaylin- vaylin, who we are told is a tyrant above and beyond even her brother (though we are told this repeatedly, while it is never really shown), vaylin would (should, were she written consistently) respond to this by making dromund kaas as viable a world as uphrades.
but nothing happens. nobody cares. acina’s gamble, whether it pays off or not, has no real consequences whatsoever, for either her or the sith.
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