jadielxabrego · 4 years
Mia has hesitated to visit the Iron Forge before, it was no secret that it was the main hub for the werewolf rebellion and seeing as how she was a council member of the coalition…the reasons for her avoidance were no secret. But that was then, back before the coalition dared to authorize a raid without informing any of the representatives. It was also before her friendship with Nate became stronger. Or at least, she hoped the bond between them was stronger. Sometimes she wondered if Nate was just too kind to outright reject her little hints that she would like to be more than just friends.  
That’s why she was here in fact, right outside the bar, trying to drum up the courage to ask him point blank, if he would be opposed to them trying for a little more. Yet she was terrified, afraid that this simple request will ruin the friendship she so cherishes. Taking a deep breath she opens the door and walks in, strutting with purpose to the bar, searching for the rugged beta wolf who should be behind the bar. She can’t help but deflate when she realizes he’s nowhere in sight. She turns to look around, spotting random patrons going about their business and one individual not far from her studying whatever it was that was in front of him. Fuck. This must be one of his nights off, of all the rotten luck. That’s what she gets for wanting to surprise Nate. Her curiosity gets the best of her and she decides to see if the handsome fellow next to her might know something? Anything? Taking another deep breath she clears her throat to garner his attention. 
“Disculpe, I don’t mean to intrude but would you happen to know Nate Brennan? I guess I was expecting to find him bartending tonight.” Mia bites her lip, worrying it nervously. Her rush of bravery disappearing the longer she stayed without a friendly presence beside her. The aura and energy around the bar being one of heightened intensity, so tense,  it was impossible to ignore. Yet she felt a little relieved that the man in front of her wasn’t visibly upset at being interrupted. “Oh that’s so kind of you to offer but I couldn’t. You look like you were extremely busy.”
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A MOMENT OF CALM was exactly what jadiel needed right now. he could pore over the dossier in front of him as many times as he wanted to, but the solution to the rebellion’s pesky little human problem didn’t seem to be coming to him anytime soon. dammit all to hell, did they ever have to act fast though. with nadya captured, and an omega being held hostage within the bowels of the inferno, the fire lit beneath the rebellion’s ass had never been half as hot. the wolves in his pack meant nothing short of the world to him, he’d sooner lay his own life on the line than allow any of them to risk theirs. he just... needed to figure something out, and soon. it was like pulling teeth getting erik to commit to anything that didn’t solely benefit him, but jadiel had never been afraid to act on his own when needed. for now, he set down his documents and looked up at the person sitting down at the bar beside him with that same weary smile. 
oh, hey. he knew her. knew of her, anyway, the navarette family was well-known in amsterdam for their money and political sway. mia --- she was the council rep. he didn’t particularly trust her or her family due to their ties to the human government, but he hadn’t heard of her doing anything aside from her job. it was a crying shame. the navarettes were a good family, a strong family, they’d do well on his side of the rebellion. they were the sort of people the resistance needed in times like these, ones with enough power and influence to help turn the tide. she wasn’t here to talk business, though, didn’t even seem to know who he was --- that was fine. the more he flew beneath the radar, the better, he really didn’t have any way of knowing just how deep in the coalition's pocket mia and her family could have been. better safe than sorry ... 
even if jadiel himself hated playing it safe. 
but why was she looking for nate brennan? that got his attention. “haven’t seen him tonight, no,” jadiel said in a purposefully casual voice in response to her query, nodding back towards the bar. no --- nate wouldn’t be working tonight at all, he had a completely different job that jadiel had assigned him to, but mia certainly didn’t need to know that. was there something between the two betas? mia was a pretty girl, and nate was a lonely man whose only company was the small child he didn’t want the world to know he was looking after. still, to get tied up with a navarette ...
“never too busy for a councilwoman,” he added with an easy, lazy grin when she denied needing a drink. it was true -- he’d closed up shop for the time being, tucked away his dossier so that she couldn’t take a look at it even if she wasn’t so insanely distracted by her search for nate, and he gave her his full attention instead. he wasn’t the only one that’d noticed her presence in the bar, almost everyone else present was a member of the resistance. in this instance, she was as rare as an omega. “what’s got you looking for my man nate tonight, miss navarette?” 
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jadielxabrego · 4 years
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jadiel’s transformed wolf form. 
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jadielxabrego · 4 years
Delilah had become a bit of a nihilist since the entire War had started. Sure, she was an Angel of Light and allegedly had ‘responsibilities’. However, she was more than a bit cross with how both sides handled this whole ordeal and how it even got here in the first place. So, she decided to strike out on her own, keep her nose clean and whatnot. She opened up a coffee shop as close to all the species as she could, making it indubitable clear that she serves all, regardless of species or alliance. Through this, she hoped to maybe show the right people that peace was possible and that people could coexist. She just…wasn’t quite ready to take it that far up the ladder.
For now, she was content doing little things like this. She’d closed up shop after nobody had shown up for at least three or four hours and decided to take the remaining coffee to some lucky souls. Settling on the Iron Forge, she took her giant canister of coffee down to the bar. Hoisting it up for the grateful bartenders, she couldn’t help but spot a familiar face. “You look like you could use coffee instead of a drink,” Delilah teased politely, settling up on the stool next to him. “You look like Hell. What have they got you doing?”
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HE’D NEVER TRUSTED ANGELS. not really. regardless of whether or not they were graced or damned or what ever the fuck the difference was between drinking demon blood and hiding behind the pearly gates of heaven, he viewed both kinds of feathered creatures as shady at best regardless of the color of their wings. the angels of light, at least, were team human above anything else, jadiel had an immense amount of sympathy and respect for the humans that had chosen to align themselves with the werewolf rebellion, but... the government itself? the one that wanted to enslave and use werewolves as their own personal breeding machines and super soldiers? nah. the fallen angels were a category all on their own, obviously he hated the bastards, but at least they were inclusive in their hatred of anything that didn’t happen to be a creature of the night. the angels of light and their goddamned superiority complexes had always gotten on his nerves, but as the co-leader of the rebel alliance, he did his best to work with them whenever possible. 
even if he wasn’t always able to keep his irritation to himself. “delilah,” he said shortly, with a strained smile aimed towards the perky brunette and her canister of coffee. señor todo poderoso, did she come with an off button or something? “i’ll stick with the strong stuff, thanks. or... the somewhat strong stuff, anyway.” he lifted his pint of beer and gestured it towards her, and when she asked about the work he’d been buried in for the past three hours, he let out a distracted laugh and swiftly shuffled the files, blueprints, and diagrams into a neat pile and subtly aimed them away from her. he wouldn’t put it past any of the light angels -- even the unbearably nice ones --- to be working with the coalition. “ah, you know. medical insurance forms and shit. nothing too interesting.” he feigned another smile, vying to change the subject by nodding towards her careen of coffee. “shop closed early tonight?” 
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jadielxabrego · 4 years
It wasn’t very often Alex was able to make it out of The Inferno these days. After the coalition raid, Raphael and Luca had been prowling The Inferno like caged animals. Security was tightened and immortal rage was simmering beneath the surface wherever he turned…it made Alex hesitant to leave Tatiana alone, lest he subject her to either of the fallen angels in charge of The Dark Alliance. But an update was required, and so Alex had shrugged on his jacket, pulled up the hood, and headed out into the chilly spring evening. There was only one place he had in mind: The Iron Forge, and he only prayed that Jadiel was the one he’d face and not his co-partner, Erik. Traffic was bustling in Amsterdam, and Alex shouldered his way through the crowds, weaving in and out of busy streets as he took the long way to the werewolf bar.
Had to make sure Raphael’s men weren’t following him, after all.
As Alex pushed open the heavy door leading into the warm, familiar bar, fat droplets of water sounded quietly on the street behind him. Rain had started for the night, so it seemed unlikely the place would crowd with people tonight. Stepping inside and allowing his eyes to adjust to the colorful lights placed around him, Alexander’s gaze snagged on a familiar face seated away from the door, sipping on a beer and looking contemplative. Alex pushed his way over to where Jadiel was seated, taking a seat and nodding towards the bar tender, who lifted a frosted mug out of a cooler underneath the counter and began to prepare Alex’s drink of choice.
“Jadiel,” Alex began, forgoing all pleasantries as he took a seat. The rebellion’s co-leader was a friend; hopefully, he would take Alex’s sense of urgency for what it was. “We need to talk. Where we won’t be overheard.”
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A FAMILIAR FACE, one that seemed every bit as exhausted as his. the assignment given to alexander barrett hadn’t been an easy one, erik had wanted to send someone that he personally was closer with, but jadiel had insisted that the irishman was the only one right for the job. being sent into the bowels of the inferno, being forced to live among and even work for the bastards in charge was even more hellish than it sounded, and to jadiel, it sounded pretty damn terrible as it was. alexander was risking his life every day in his work as a member of the rebellion, and jadiel was once again reminded of the way that he had urged him several years ago to take that dedication of his and foster it into a bid for leadership. el buen señor only knew that he’d do a damn better job than erik was doing, jadiel wondered what it would be like to have someone at his side that he could actually trust. a right hand man that wouldn’t cause a mixture of dread and disgust to sink deep into his stomach whenever he spotted him alone with a vulnerable omega.
alexander received jackson’s full attention the moment he sat down. it was rare that he was able to come above ground, if he was jeopardizing the operation, then he had to have a damn good reason behind it. “gotcha. follow me upstairs, then.” with a nod towards the corridor above the bar that led to the room he rented regularly for pack meetings, jadiel downed the last of his pint in one hearty gulp before gesturing alexander to grab hold of his own frosty pint. he clapped him on the back first, though, with a good-natured, teasing grin. “just don’t go getting any ideas, ya hear me? don’t think just because i’m a few beers in that you can take advantage of me the minute you get me alone. this ass might be mighty fine, but it sure as hell ain’t alpha bait.” he dug into his wallet to find enough cash to cover both his tab and alex’s, with a quick glance over his shoulder he was walking towards the aforementioned staircase. even in a werewolf bar, privacy would be essential for whatever it was that his fellow alpha had to disclose to him. 
“how’re you hangin’ in there?” he asked quietly as he unlocked the door to the suite, leading alexander inside and gesturing towards the desk in the corner that was covered with an array of messy folders and documents. “have you located the omega yet?” 
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jadielxabrego · 4 years
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jadielxabrego · 4 years
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jadielxabrego · 4 years
LONG, HARD, AND TIRING. those were the words that jadiel would use to describe his session at the training grounds today. as far as wolf years went, he was in his prime, but even he couldn’t deny that he remained sore for longer than just a few hours after a good spar. he had worked with the betas today --- the human government might have thought them incapable of fighting, but they deserved to learn more than rudimentary self defense. the coalition wanted them to forget all about the fact that they were wolves, nature’s number one warrior species and most apt predator. jadiel was determined to make them remember. still, they’d given him a good run around, ‘specially the younger pups, and he sent them on their way with a hearty clap to each of their backs and a promise to meet with them again later in the week. 
his day was far from over, though. a request to meet with one bunny doefoot had lifted his eyebrows higher than he’d thought possible --- what on earth could a human heiress want to do with the co-leader of the werewolf rebellion? not that she knew that was what he was, of course, she had been led to believe that he was just the alpha of a local pack in the city. but her letter had come directly to his mailbox --- printed on pink, flowery stationary and scented with perfume --- and he’d even received a follow-up phone call from one of her handlers asking him to ‘just humor her’. that had been insulting, not just to him but to the girl as well. he was the first person to vouch for a human ally, and the deerling family was well-known for their power and influence in amsterdam and beyond. not to mention their money. 
and if he could manage to spin some of that in the direction of the resistance... 
besides, he was optimistic by nature, and the blonde certainly looked friendly enough as he walked through the door of the coffee house and spotted her. jesus, she was young --- all the papers and news broadcasts quoted her as being nineteen, but she could have easily passed for several years younger. painfully, he was reminded of his two baby sisters back home in el salvador. they had the same look in their eyes as this girl did now: bright, fervent, and determined to do some good in the world. waving down a barista, he ordered a black coffee for himself before half jogging towards the heiress, he made no comment about her fluffy pink pen and notebook. she... had a brand, and she was dedicated to it. that was fine. 
“bunny, yeah?” he asked with an easy grin, pulling out the chair across from her and sliding into it. the barista brought over his drip coffee, and he thanked them warmly, brown eyes twinkling with gratitude and creasing at the corners before he focused on the blonde in front of him. “you’ve got good taste in coffee, i’ll give you that. i’m here four or five times a week, sometimes more depending on how much sleep i’ve gotten. how’re you doing?” 
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@jadielxabrego​ ♡ ; bunny and jadiel !!
It wasn’t often that Bunny was able to sneak away from her security detail unnoticed, but as of late, she’d gotten quite good at slipping past her extensive team of bodyguards; it wasn’t that she didn’t enjoy spending time with them (Carter), but there was so much more in life that she wanted to do aside from allow herself to be ferried back and forth from dance lessons to her family’s luxurious estate in the Leaders’ Village. Adonis had still yet to fully explain to her what it was that he did for work, but she knew that it was important, and it went without saying that her father’s job was greatly important as well. Her family’s influence in Amsterdam - and throughout the rest of the continent - was second to none, and Bunny was so gosh darn tired of being the only Deerling who wasn’t allowed to use said influence to make a difference in the world. 
Getting to know Carter…he was the only werewolf she had ever met in real life, and during the time that they had spent together, Bunny had become aptly aware at the difference between the way that humans and wolves were treated. Wolves—they were the stronger, biologically superior species by far, and yet for whatever reason, they were considered second-class citizens.
It didn’t sit right with the young heiress. Not even in the slightest, and that was why she had arranged a meeting with Jadiel Abrego, the leader of a local pack in Amsterdam. Truthfully, Bunny didn’t understand much at all when it came to werewolf dynamics; the differences between alphas, betas, and omegas went right over her head. With that being said, she wanted desperately to create some sort of involvement within the werewolf community; if not for herself, then…well, for Carter. This was his world, wasn’t it? And if she wanted to get to know him better, then.. 
She had an awful lot of work ahead of her. 
Currently, she was waiting inside of the quaint little coffee shop she had arranged for Mr. Abrego to meet her at, a fluffy, pink-feathered pen held between her lips as she looked over the equally pink and equally fluffy notepad she had set in front of her. Steaming gently alongside her stationary was a warm hot chocolate made with oat milk, as well as a fresh raspberry scone, as she waited paitiently for the alpha wolf to arrive. She was both nervous and excited all at the once ; it was an honor that he had even agreed to meet with her in the first place, and she just hoped - hoped, hoped, and hoped - that he’d consider her worthy of his time. 
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jadielxabrego · 4 years
DEEP BROWN HUES finally looked up from the blueprints and diagrams laid out in front of him, it was getting late and jadiel had already been poring over the dossier for the past three hours. It had taken weeks for the rebellion’s undercover agent working the coalition compound to access the files that he had requested, and he wasn’t about to let them go to waste now. most people might have thought that a wolf’s greatest enemy was a leech, and while jadiel personally hated the bloodsucking bastards with every bone in his body, it was the humans that concerned him the most now. the night at the inferno --- how many members of his pack had been harmed? kidnapped, too, and they were still working out a way to retrieve them all in one piece. 
so he’d work as late into the night as he had to, while erik did fuck all wherever he happened to be. right now, he was at his usual spot in the iron forge, at the end of the bar with an ice cold mahou cinco estrella keeping him company. he drew back a large drink of his favorite beer, wiping the foam off his upper lip before glancing up at whoever happened to be approaching him. it was to be expected --- werewolf bar, co-leader of the resistance pack. he’d never turn anyone away. “what can i do ya for?” he asked with a wry, albeit tired smile, running a hand through his dark, curly hair and wondering idly if he should have just pulled most of it back and up off of his face with the leather band he wore around his wrist. “c’mon, sit. you look like you could use a drink or two.” 
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jadielxabrego · 4 years
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&&. ( jadiel ‘jackson’ abrego ) was just spotted in amsterdam. rumor has it ( he ) is a ( 36 ) year old ( alpha werewolf ) who resembles ( oscar isaac ). ( he ) has been said to be ( loyal & protective ) but also quite ( stubborn & impulsive ).with all the chaos surrounding the magical underworld, ( he ) has chosen to align with ( the werewolf resistance ). ( he ) is currently serving as ( co-leader of the werewolf resistance ). hopefully the city doesn’t devour him whole. // xander, 29, he/him, pst timezone 
hey there! i’m xan, this is my first time rping on tumblr and i’m a fun combo of excited and nervous, but plan on giving it my best. i don’t have discord currently as my work uses it as a point of contact, so i can only be signed into my company’s account while working from home (thanks covid). i can be reached via tumblr ims, tho, and will try to set up a discord account at some point if i can figure out a way to be logged into two accounts at once. for now, here’s jadiel!                                                   
name: jadiel ‘jackson’ manuel abrego
species: alpha werewolf
age: 36 years old 
birthday: august 3rd 
sexuality: possibly bisexual? haven’t fully made up my mind yet, he prefers women
positive traits: loyal, protective, confident, intuitive, passionate, selfless, resilient
negative traits: stubborn, hotheaded, impulsive, reckless, demanding
Jadiel was born in el salvador, to a single mother whose father had abandoned her before he was born. she worked tirelessly as a waitress and a housekeeper to support them, but they were never quite able to make it out of the slums, especially when she gave birth to two other children by separate fathers --- rich white men who owned the properties she tended to and told her that they’d take care of her only to not only fire her, but refuse to acknowledge the existence of either child she bore them. because of this, jadiel quickly took to supporting his family, and dropped out of highschool when he was only seventeen to provide for them by working odd jobs and even regularly competing in underground cash fights. 
One night in particular, everything went wrong. he won the heaviest purse in a seedy cage fight that had been drawn out for hours on end, it was when he was returning home to his family that he was suddenly ambushed from behind. the man that he had just fought --- he was a werewolf, and while the use of his supernatural strength had been forbidden during the match, he used them to his full extent on jadiel now. he bit at him and tore into his flesh, leaving him for dead in the backwoods that jadiel walked through to get home. 
Even though werewolves weren’t yet known to the world, it didn’t take a genius to figure out what had happened to him by the time the next full moon came around. he was un lobo, now and forever, and he made the decision then to leave his family. he was dangerous, there would be a target painted on his back the moment the werewolf that had turned him realized he was still alive and transformed, and his mother and siblings would almost certainly be killed in the fallout. instead, he told his family that he’d been offered a high-paying job in europe working on freights, and that he’d send money to them every month to continue supporting them. it broke everything inside of him to leave el salvador, but it was either that or tell his poor madre the truth about her oldest son. 
That was almost fifteen years ago. he found work in europe and sent back the majority of his wages to his family as promised, keeping only what was absolutely necessary for him to survive. he met other wolves and bonded with them, eventually he was introduced to a pack within amsterdam, and erik --- the leader who was looking for a partner. eager to prove himself, and wanting desperately to stand up for the rights of wolves now that their existence had become public knowledge to the world, jadiel offered up all of the skills and abilities he had learned as an alpha wolf. together they formed what is now known as the werewolf resistance, but jadiel trusts his co-leader no more than he did the first day that they met.
Lurking beneath erik’s supposedly sure-footed demeanor, there’s something that jadiel just doesn’t trust. something he suspects. and the way he behaves around female omegas in particular... something just isn’t right. for now he keeps his opinions to himself, but he’s largely running the resistance on his own, rebellion is in his blood and he’s out to protect the needs of his pack instead of his own... something that can’t be said for erik. 
                                            WANTED CONNECTIONS:
fellow members of the resistance! the admin team gave me permission to make the co-leader (erik) a dick, and so i’ve done so quite gladly. jadiel is relentlessly passionate when it comes to other wolves, regardless of whether or not they’ve joined the rebellion. 
people from his past that he meant years ago when he first traveled to europe, this would have been when he was just learning how to be a wolf and acclimating to his alpha status
lovers, past and present! he’s never settled down, i wouldn’t call him a manwhore but he definitely ruts it out every full moon. i’d love to find an eventual mate for him to imprint on (or maybe one that he already has but doesn’t know about?) 
FRIENDS! bros of any gender. most likely to be another wolf or a human (one that’s allied with the rebellion ofc), he really doesn’t trust angels and obviously not vampires.
proteges and apprentices, jadiel loves to take people under his wing (haunch?) and train them. he’s a really good leader in that sense, he’s always there to guide.
enemies! people he hates with utmost vitriol. most likely to be a vampire or a fallen angel, but could also be another wolf if they’re part of the coalition... he hates those bastards the most. also werewolf-hating humans.
anything else you can think of :) my ims are totally open, i’ll hit you up as well if you reply to this post!
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jadielxabrego · 4 years
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jadielxabrego · 4 years
☪ tag dump.
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