jaden3011 · 1 month
That’s My B. It was very late when I sent this ask and I was seeing a few folks on other apps try to play off the recent lullaby as bill attempting to rationalize himself about his past/ his home’s destruction, and while I didn’t think you would come to that exact conclusion, I assumed both from your characterization of his mother in the Goldilocks fic (keep in mind I’m currently around the bathroom chapter so all I currently know about how you write her is her death chapter, which, to me, did not paint her in the best of lights). and from your talks about taking stuff about bill from bill with a grain of salt. I had assumed you would end up coming to a similar conclusion at the time.
I also do apologize if my logical comment came off as rude, your ability to get into the mindset of not only these characters, but the setting to the point of writing things that, I could honestly see Alex doing HAD he wanted a season 3, is really admirable, again, I just assumed at the time it would bring you to a different conclusion, sorry.
Also as a completely random side note, I love all the angst art I’ve been seeing of bill and his mom, I know with you being a very logical by the narrative person, you might come to a different conclusion, but the idea that bill cipher, bill “here’s a bunch of deer teeth” cipher, bill “refuses the near idea that stanly was the one that killed him” cipher (good job predicting that by the way), bill “got immediately drunk at a bar after he lost his connection to ford” cipher, had a genuinely caring mom that, as far as we know, actually believed him and loved him despite his ability to see the 3rd dimension. the idea that he got that genuine loving figure killed.
I just kinda love seeing it, no other way to describe it, watching the public reception of bill slowly go from “ideal tumblr sexyman” that we’ve had for YEARS to, in tumblr words, a poor little meow meow that’s a little fucked up actually, I just find it funny.
I don't think she believed him. Parents who believe their kids are actually seeing something real don't take their kids to eye doctors to stop them from seeing it.
I do think she loved him.
These two facts aren't contradictory. If your young child is hallucinating, he's absolutely convinced his delusions are real, and you love him, then you try to get him the medicine needed to cure his hallucinations, even if he's too young to understand how you're helping him.
She just happened to be wrong about whether Bill was hallucinating.
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jaden3011 · 3 months
Hi Sarah! Hope you’re telling well, weird question if I may?
The recent chapter of godfeels gave me thoughts, and I wanted to ask it here, you mentioned back in godfeels 2 part 3 that you gave the blessing to anyone to make fanfics about Jade’s adventures as silverbark, and now I’m curious: do we have your blessing to make….essentially godfeels OCs? folks that liter the alien worlds you’ve introduced off-screen or unnamed. EWL members not referenced in canon for one reason or another. Hell, if it’s not too indulgently cringe to suggest the idea, former colleagues of the newer cast like Dana or Silverbark that fell outta contact due to one way (simply fell outta touch) or another (drifted apart after the incident™️).
Apologizes if any of this is cringe, the recent chapter just gave me lot of thoughts about the idea of one and i wanted to ask.
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jaden3011 · 8 months
Shout out to Netflix’s avatar, which has in the span of one month, not only managed to fail to understand history with it’s last outing of live action, but is quite possibly the only time I’ve ever seen the internet collectively argue sexism in storytelling is important actually and is actually right for once because avatar is the one series where it is.
I can’t wait to see this thing bomb hard, I hope more news comes out that makes the adaption worse, no insult to all the actors that joined this project with a genuine love to the story and I know it’s not gonna be but I wanna see this thing become the Netflix equivalent of Atari’s ET.
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jaden3011 · 2 years
Texas, Technically my first anime was Sonic X but the first one I ever binge watched was fairy tail
That post about death note being "everyone's first anime" (untrue statement) made me curious and now I want to gather data for science
Can you reblog this and tell me where are you from and what was your starter anime?
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jaden3011 · 4 years
I made these edits a while ago but I'm still proud of them so
here's the first one (ft. @krysal-tepsyr, @phantomarmory, and me)
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and another (ft. my friend gabe, @zhuiya-iarksi, and @jaden3011)
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both of these panels are from hs^2
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jaden3011 · 4 years
Hello yes I like to say while I understand many some people wishing that it was Young Blood Old Souls was longer, please understand that making a TV movie would’ve took Dana and the Crew much longer and probably would’ve made the hiatus very very long, plus, fanfiction is a option, you can always make your own version
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jaden3011 · 6 years
OwO thank you ash friend:p
Koal Can I get a happy birthday even tho yesterday was my birthday
Happy birthday even though yesterday(?) was your birthday. Have diamond shaped cookie (/owo)/
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jaden3011 · 6 years
I think what you meant to say was brope or koal
So if Sauce is the opposite to Juice, what is the opposite of Shogun?
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jaden3011 · 6 years
Heart Player Wallpaper
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Featuring @tableguardian @jaden3011 @mellifluousobligation @pastelchild417 and ocs by the names of Jeff and Skirux.
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jaden3011 · 6 years
Ok good so that's why there's no femjaden
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big sip
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jaden3011 · 6 years
Actually it's more like the opposite
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I know its all in good fun but it’s always funny how when a character is genderbent suddenly they’re super bold and hyper comfortable in their sexuality LOL
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jaden3011 · 6 years
Huh, so this where you got the idea of cipah milk
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I know its all in good fun but it’s always funny how when a character is genderbent suddenly they’re super bold and hyper comfortable in their sexuality LOL
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jaden3011 · 6 years
I'm not dead :-:
so like. how's sburb
all my friends are dead! :D
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jaden3011 · 6 years
C i p a h
P l e a s e
What are your opinions on Richard Grayson?
best dick ive ever seen
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jaden3011 · 6 years
@jadedresearcher @koal-dono feel my suffering
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jaden3011 · 6 years
Yes can I please get a fucking sequel
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jaden3011 · 6 years
God dang it Shogun get this man his salad
And my pizza
Open RP
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Hello welcome to Papa John’s Pizzeria can I take your order?
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