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jacksonldavis · 1 month ago
Jock turned Gainer because of his girlfriend 😳 . Long-Level22 on Reddit.
Came across this stud on Reddit
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Turns out he made a post about his girlfriend being really into gaining. She loves fattening him up. He feels embarrassed because everyone teases him about his weight gain but he does it for her. He said she makes him feel like a king . It’s starting off small but all those meals she’s feeding her boyfriend are starting to show. It’s only up from here . We should thank her for this gain 😂
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It started off small
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But it’s really starting to show more and more how much of a big boy he’s becoming. He can’t hide that belly 😂. Those abs are gone
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Can’t wait to see him get even fatter . These are from this year , it’s only up from here.
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jacksonldavis · 6 months ago
Cabin in the Woods
It was cold and rainy, the wind picking up speed with each passing minute. Josh had been stuck in this declining weather for five days now. No food, no shelter, nobody to keep him company. His solo backpacking trip had turned south fast, and the weather was not going to slow down anytime soon.
He had gone on a solo backpacking trip to test the feats of his endurance. His 6’5 athletic frame had always made him believe he could do anything. He trained like a dog day and night, always pushing his limits. He had acquired a belief that he could survive anything. So, when the opportunity arose to go solo backpacking during the winter break, he hopped on it as quickly as he could.
He had packed everything he thought he would need. A tent, few clothes, some dried pre- made meals to last him for 2 weeks while he set oG on his adventure. What he hadn’t anticipated was the weather.
When he started on his journey the weather would range from 39 to 50 degrees Fahrenheit. He believed his insulated tent and extra clothes would keep him warm throughout his journey. He trekked five miles into the mountains the first day before setting up camp, and another seven the second. On the third day it started to lightly snow. He wasn’t worried about the weather though, as he had those extra layers to keep him warm. After the third day he was eighteen miles into the mountains when he set up camp. The weather that night had started to pick up.
He awoke when his tent was ripped oG the ground by the howling wind, throwing him and his stuG into the air. When he hit the ground, disoriented, he could not see more than ten feet in front of him. His stuG had been tossed around and he was unable to find most of his things. One item of his he found was his jacket and another pair of slightly larger pants. He grabbed them and headed for cover under a tree he could barely make out.
While taking cover under the tree he threw his extra clothes he found over his already freezing clothes. He was concerned because the weather was not anticipated to drop below freezing for it to snow. He was confused, disoriented, and cold. He held onto the tree hoping the storm would pass.
By morning, most of the storm had passed. Although it was still snowing heavily, at least he could see somewhat further than he had before. He trekked in a straight line, hoping he was still on the trail. He could not know for sure if he was going in the right direction or even on the trail at all, as the snow had covered most of the ground. He walked for what felt like miles as the weather started to pick up to an unbearable amount. He was hungry and worried about his safety. Suddenly he saw a silhouette of a building in the distance. Although faint, he slowly made his way over, hoping it was the shelter we desperately needed.
He walked up to what appeared to be an abandoned cabin. He had not noticed any buildings on the map when he studied the map earlier but did not care. He hurried inside and shut the door behind him.
After entering, it took him a moment to collect his bearings. He looked around his surroundings not sure what to be looking for. As he gazed around the room, he saw a bunch of furniture with sheets thrown on top of them. He walked around the room ad miring the thick layer of dust that covered the floors. He pulled back the sheet on a piece of furniture to reveal an antique brown sofa. As he pulled back more sheets there was a dresser, dining table, and a side table with a lamp. He continued to walk around the small building to discover a bathroom behind a wall with a sink. This place wasn’t much, but it was enough to get through the storm.
Whoever had left here had clear out most items, except for some larger clothes in the dresser. As he looks at the clothes, they were sized too big for him to wear, but they looked warmer and drier than the clothes he was wearing. He stripped his own clothing oG to replace them with the older, much bigger clothes. He was used to wearing a size large shirt with 31 waist size jeans. These clothes sagged on his athletic frame, but he did not care. They were dry and he was out of the storm, and that was all that matters.
After changing a wave of exhaustion fell over him. He hurriedly headed over to the couch and slept. When he awoke, he felt refreshed and warm. Although there was no fire, he had finally escaped the cold. As he sat up on the couch a smell slapped him on the face. He had not realized how hungry he had gotten from the previous day and night being trapped in the weather with no food or water. He looked around the room confused. As his eyes swept over the table, he uncovered he gazed upon a plate with a steak, potatoes, eggs, and a glass of white fluid that resembled milk.
He became worried. Who had entered to bring the food? Was he alone? If he wasn’t alone, who and where was this mysterious person? He stood up tall and walked over to the table. There was a note next to the place that read one word.
He walked ove3r to the door and opened it, only to be hit with a wave of snow and wind knocking him to the ground. He shut the door quickly. If there was a person, there’s no way they could survive in the storm. He walked back over to the table and stared at the food. There were no chairs to sit at around the table, so he grabbed the plate and brought it back to the sofa to eat.
As he stared at the food mysteriously brought before him, his stomach growled with hunger. He grabbed the steak with his bare hand and started to slowly eat it. It was astonishingly delicious. Better than any steak he had ever eaten before. After finishing oG the steak he decided he would not eat the eggs or potatoes, as he wanted to save them for
later in case he couldn’t come across any other food. He stood up and placed the plate back on the table and grabbed the drink. As he swallowed the drink down, he noticed it was too thick and sweet to ben just milk. He did not care though. He wasn’t full but he wasn’t hungry. During the rest of the day, he stared out a small window that was placed next to the bathroom, hoping the storm would die down. It had become harder to tell what time of day it was as the sun was mostly covered by the thick clows of storm above.
When it became too dark to look out the window, he noticed he was hungry again. He decided to finish oG the food bore going to bed. He once again wasn’t full, but also wasn’t hungry. He had only wished that whoever brought this food would bring more in the morning.
When he awoke, he was disappointed. He could hear the howl of the wind. When he looked out the window, he noticed the snow must have pick up faster than before. But he did notice one positive outcome, food. There was another plate consisting of the same things he ate yesterday, but to his surprise an extra plate with some sweets. There was cupcakes, tarts, and doughnuts with what seemed to be cream coming out of the ends. There was an extra glass of that sweet thick drink. He figured because there was another plate, he could enjoy one of them now while he was hungry, and the plate of sweets later.
After finishing the first plate and first drink, he decided he needed to do something. Yesterday bored him and he needed something to do to pass the time while waiting for the storm to pass. He found a on the ground under the table and decided to dust the cabin. As the layers of dust were swept away by the rag, the building started to look a lot less abandoned. The dresser was a beautiful red stained piece with intriquite detail. The walls had a beautiful essence to them. And the room seemed more spacious.
Throughout the day cleaning, he noticed he was snacking on the second plate. When it came around time for him to eat the last plate, all he had left on it was one final vanilla cupcake and the white drink. Although he ate it, he did not feel particularly full. He decided to go to sleep earlier than planned.
As the days passed, the snow had not slowed down and the storm had progressed. It became impossible to even attempt to walk outside, as the wind was too strong and snow too thick. There continued to be plates of food when he awoke from his slumber on the couch. On the third day there were three plates, on the fourth day four, and on the fifth five. After the sixth day he assumed there would be more plated, but it had stopped at five plates. The portions seemed to grow larger every couple of days though.
On the twelfth day he became extremely concerned with his situation. The storm had not passed, and his trip was supposed to be over with. He became worried about what his family thought and what they thought had happened to him. He decided to search for his old clothes and try to embark on his journey. He found the clothes he had originally worn when hiking balled in a corner. He had not touched them since changing into the clothes
from the dresser. He undressed and attempted to put the clothes on. He noticed the shirt was a little tight, but no concern there as he assumed it might have shrunk when it got wet and balled up for over a week. Then when he tried to put his pants on, he noticed he had to suck in to button them. He was confused so he took them oG and looked at the size. These pants were the oversized pair he had put on top of his original pair. He looked at himself confused. Had he put on weight from the food he had been eating?
He threw those pair to the side and found the smaller set of pants. He felt like he always had but the jeans were not buttoning at all. He sucked in his stomach as much as possible, but the pants would not connect at the waist. He undressed into his underwear and looked at his body. He still had his abs, although they had grown a little softer, and his pecs were still firm and round with muscle. He looked the same just slightly softer, so why were his clothes not fitting?
Suddenly he heard a loud crash that shook the cabin. He tried opening the door, but it barely budged. A tree had grown too heavy to support itself and had fallen over, blocking the door from opening. Somehow, he managed to stay calm. He thought to himself his family had expected him to be home already, so they probably had a team searching for him at this moment. He hadn’t wandered from the trail too far, and with the storm they would know to check every building.
He sat on the sofa and started to eat an entire plate of food to clam his nerves. After finishing one entire plate filled with potatoes, eggs, and two steaks he notices he was still hungry. He didn’t know if it was the nerves or not but decided to grab another plate. He had been eating all five of the plates but spread throughout the day, but right now he needed the food to help comfort him. He ate the next plate that was filled with fries and two burgers. He never ate like this before his hike, but he was stressed, and desperately needed to be comforted.
After the second plate he continued to ear the other three until he could not get oG the couch. He was stuGed, but happy. He came to his senses after a moment of collecting himself and was shocked. That was all of the food he was supposed to eat for the day. He became worried about what he would eat later on if he became hungry. Instead of worrying he dozed into a food coma. Blissfully unaware what was happening to him.
When he awoke, he assumed it was the same day, just much later. He looked at the five empty plates and drinks at the floor of his sofa and was curious about what he was going to do for dinner. When he looked at the table there was another five plates of food sitting on the table. He was shocked. How were there another five plates? He had only taken a couple hour nap and it was the same day. He arose from the couch, his stomach still full of the copious amounts of food he ate earlier.
His stomach had protruded from his shirt, his belly peeking out from underneath. He walked over to the dresser and pulled out another shirt and switched it with his old tight
one. It was much more comfortable. He then walked over to the table and grabbed a plate. He decided he didn’t want to waste any food. Although his body was changing it had already been two weeks since the storm had started, and it wasn’t looking like it would slow down. He decided he wanted to continue to eat the five plates and not waste any as he did not know for 100% sure that it would come the next day, although it had previously.
As it became night, he finished the last plate. His stomach distended and his forehead sweating from how much work he had to put in to finishing it all. It was the most he had ever eaten in his life. He took oG all of his clothes and admired himself. His abs were basically gone with just a faint outline of what they used to be. His pecs were softening and resting upon his slight belly, and love handles spilling over his underwear. He started grabbing at his slightly doughy belly and wondered how much weight he had put on throughout those two weeks. A slight flash of concern flashed through his mind but was overwhelmed by an intrusive idea.
He decided to go to bed and sleep oG his soreness. After waking up he noticed there were six plates of foods. All for diGerent meals with labels for each plate. This was new, as there had only been five plates for a while now and only one note saying, “Enjoy.”
Upon walking over to the table, he read each note.
Breakfast. Snack. Lunch. Snack. Dinner. Dessert.
He was in awe at the astonishing number of diGerent foods and size proportions on each plate. Breakfast consisted of six breakfast burritos that were covered in a thick layer of cheese and a giant stack of hashbrowns. The first snack plate held three cupcakes and a pack of strawberry shortcakes filled with jam. Lunch was no smaller, as the plate was stacked high with four double paddy burgers and a mountain of fries. Second snack held a stack of chocolate cookies that seemed to be as wide as his arm. Dinner was the must full plate of them all though. Three eighteen-ounce steaks smothered in gravy on a bed of collard greens and pork fat bites. And finally, dessert was an entire two tier cake with icing dripping down the sides.
He was in utter shock and disbelief about the copious amounts of food in front of him. As he gazed around the room, he noticed something new in the corner. There was a standing mirror with a clock hung on the wall right next to it. As he walked over, he gazed at himself for the first time since starting his journey. His body had fully been engulfed in fat. His love handles spilling from the sides, his abs almost fully gone and replaced with a thick layer of lard, and his previously hard pecs had started shifting into fatter moobs more than anything. Although his body had changed drastically, he enjoyed it very much. He turned to the side to admire how his ass swelled, and his thighs bulked. He never noticed how much weight he truly put on.
The clock hanging on the wall was also strange. Instead of a 12-hour clock it had twenty four markings, to mark each hour of the day. At the 6 am mark it read, “Breakfast.” It looked that every two hours there would be a new meal he was supposed to eat.
He thought to himself how he was going to be able to finish all the food within that time. He glanced at the clock and the arm was almost pointing to the breakfast hour. In his mind he decided to get to work. He hurriedly scarfed down all the hashbrowns and barely managed to eat the burritos before collapsing on the couch. His stomach fully distended. He decided to give it a rub to sooth the discomfort. He was unsure how he was going to manage to eat more later that day. When eight o’clock rolled around he pushed himself up oG the couch and looked at the snack plate. Although intimidating, he was ready to eat the whole thing. He continued this pattern until every meal was finished.
After dessert he laid on the sofa. He was fixated on the ceiling to sooth the soreness in the belly, rubbing it over and over again. He was uncomfortable, but happy that he was able to finish all of the food left for him by whatever brought it. He quickly fell into another food coma and drifted oG to sleep.
When the next morning came, he awoke to an eerie silence. There was no wind, which was odd given the storm that had trapped him. He decided to look out the window near the bathroom and to his surprise there was no more snowfall, just a thick white shiny layer left from the storm. He tried opening the door and to his surprise, the tree he thought had fallen in front of the door had shifted enough for him to squeeze his thick frame out.
The storm had passed, and he could go home. But did he want to?
He looked over at the table that was covered in his six separate meals. While considering going home to his old life, his family, and his friends he knew that he would be unrecognizable to them. They would be curious about what truly happened to him and how he managed to put on so much weight while being trapped in such a strong snowstorm. He walked over to the table and started eating his breakfast. He wanted to think about what he was going to do. As he was eating, he felt an unfamiliar sensation. His belly started to swell and bloat. It wasn’t painful, but an odd sensation. He hurriedly walked to the mirror to see what was going on. His body had fully transformed overnight. He no longer had an outline
of abs, but a full flagged belly. His pecs had turned into round fat sacks resting on his new profound gut. His ass had completely engulfed his underwear. He even developed a double chin. He was completely turning into a fat man without much he was eating, and he loved it. He moved the table to in front of the sofa and continued to eat as much as possible, even eating some meals in advance. When he was finished and couldn’t eat anymore, he stood up.
He heard a crack on the floorboard. When he looked down, he saw a light coming from beneath. He got on his hands and knees to peer through the crack and saw a room fully lit up. He grabbed an empty plate and started to rip the floorboards up with it. When he finally had broken through, he noticed there were steps near where the hole was. He climbed into the room and looked around. There were tubes and wires coming out of the walls, and a big metal chair in the middle of the room. He walked up to the chair and noticed a tube near the neck of the chair. There were two notes, one on the chair and one on the tube.
Sit on me.
Put me in your mouth.
He had listened to the notes so far, so why would he not listen to these? He put the tube in his mouth and sat on the chair, his love handles touching each side. He rested his chunky arms on the armrests. Suddenly metal restraints wrapped around his writs, ankles, and torso. As he squirmed, a thick white liquid seeped from the tube and into his mouth. It was sweet, like the drink he had been drinking throughout his time in the cabin. He swallowed as more poured in, filling his already full belly with thick creamy liquid. His stomach started to ache as he squirmed, but the sensation felt so great. He looked down as his belly started to dig into the metal restraint. He was filling up quickly and loved the feeling. He stopped fighting as more liquid filled inside of him, making him fatter. Suddenly, just as quickly as it had started, it stopped. The liquid stopped pouring from the tube and became a slight trickle from what was left behind. And the restrains unclasped from around his body parts.
As he arose, he felt the immense weight from his belly pull him forward. He leaned against the wall for support with one arm, and the other holding his fully fed belly. He slowly crawled out of the hole back into the cabin, barely making it out before he fell to the floor on his back, rubbing his belly. He held himself like this for what felt like an hour before he got up and walked to the mirror. The mirror displayed what he had become. Fully fledged in fat. His belly was starting to hang. His once ripped arms covered in a thick layer of fat. This ass and thighs full and thick. This body had completely changed within his less than three weeks stay at this cabin. While admiring himself he noticed something in the corner of his eye.
The dresser seemed to be slightly ajar. When he waddled over to it and looked inside there was a completely new wardrobe with size 5XL clothing and a note inside reading...
Welcome to your new home fatty.
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