From the Inside-Out School of Etiquette
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jackievernonthompson 2 years ago
How to pick something up in a ladylike manner?
How to pick something up in a ladylike manner?Always walk to the side of the item, close your feet, lock your knees, go down gracefully by bending the knees .There is a certain manner and approach that one should follow while practicing all these daily habits. Get in touch with us to learn more interesting values.
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jackievernonthompson 3 years ago
Dining Etiquette | American Dining Style | Business Dinner Etiquette
Eating with Fork and Knife during social settings says a lot about your personality. There are proper ways to hold the fork and knife in American and European dining.
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jackievernonthompson 3 years ago
American-Style Vs European-Style Dining
The American style dining is pretty different from the European style. Girl's Scouts perfecting it. The video covers everything, from the correct way of picking the knife and fork to its proper use while dining in a formal American setting. Learn the right way of using the knife to get the perfect bite-sized food. Proper instructions for placement of knife and fork while eating are mentioned as well.
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jackievernonthompson 3 years ago
馃殫 How to Enter & Exit Low-Mid-Size-High Vehicle in a Ladylike Manner | Be a Elegant lady 馃拑
Over the years many have requested a video demonstrating how to actually enter and exit a low or a high vehicle. Because I appreciate my followers so very much, I have created a demonstrative video showing you how to do as you requested. 馃憠 In this video, I've talked about how an elegant and classy lady enters and exits a Low/Mid/High vehicle. The video shows different beautiful ways a lady can enter the car. We have used various sizes of cars, from a sedan to a lifted pick-up truck. Women need to find the right way to step in and out of the vehicle to show they've been well-raised. 馃憠 Keep in mind if you are medically unable to demonstrate these protocols, it doesn't mean you are not a lady. However, if you are a lady and are able, please begin to practice these protocols to allow it to be natural for you. 馃檵 Let's spend time learning and be the best version of ourselves. We encourage you to share this video on your social media platforms to help all girls and ladies become a bit more refined. 馃憤
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jackievernonthompson 3 years ago
Table Manners | Dining Etiquette | Basic Dining Etiquette - Using Utensils
馃嵈 The video also shows the right way of using folk & knife in American Style & drinking with your dinner. Watch the full video to make your dinners look elegant. Like, comment, and share the video with your friends and family. 馃憤 Thanks for watching, subscribe to our channel for more amazing etiquette videos right now! 馃専Transform Yourself with Etiquette Protocols. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9arT7keZBbs
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jackievernonthompson 3 years ago
Do you own a private school, charter school, or run a public school? We have created a 1.5 hour workshop targeting component's needed to be in place in order to build trusting relationships between teach and student, teacher and teacher, and teacher and parents. In summary, establishing trusting and healthy relationships in this equation is paramount in order for our students to experience a successful school year. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hY0mCWyLAGY
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jackievernonthompson 3 years ago
How to pick something up in a ladylike manner ? | Picking Items off the Floor Gracefully
Always walk to the side of the item, close your feet, lock your knees, go down gracefully by bending the knees . There is a certain manner and approach that one should follow while practicing all these daily habits. Get in touch with us to learn more interesting values. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_MzsVvfJtls&t=32s
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jackievernonthompson 3 years ago
How to pick something up in a ladylike manner ?
Always walk to the side of the item, close your feet, lock your knees, go down gracefully by bending the knees . There is a certain manner and approach that one should follow while practicing all these daily habits. Get in touch with us to learn more interesting values. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_MzsVvfJtls
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jackievernonthompson 3 years ago
How to Teach Kids to Give Compliments
Teaching our children to give compliments and say Thank you and you're welcome is so very important. Expressing gratitude is crucial for happiness. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gBL8F6rmptY
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jackievernonthompson 3 years ago
How to Escort a Lady with Chivalry as a Gentleman?
I will make you learn thoroughly with the help of this video that how a gentleman should escort with a left arm. Hands straight and walk properly with chivalry. Make her sit properly on the chair after you finish escorting her. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=asSyOIEbQlY
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jackievernonthompson 3 years ago
Proper Usage of "That" | Grammar
Using the word "that" in the proper context is often overlooked. Let's review. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nl59OJ0RiZQ&t=10s
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jackievernonthompson 3 years ago
How to properly introduce yourself | The Etiquette of Proper Introductions
There is a proper way to introduce yourself. I know we've been taught from childhood a particular way. However, you will be surprised to learn that it may not be the most professional way. Take a look. I hope you learned something from this video! Please Like, Share, and subscribe! The prime motto of Inside-Out School of Etiquette is "We Serve Girls, Boys, And Adults."
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jackievernonthompson 3 years ago
Chivalry in action at West Park Seventh-day Adventist Church. 聽I am so very proud of our young men. 聽 CHIVALRY IS CERTAINLY NOT DEAD!
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jackievernonthompson 3 years ago
Do you desire to access etiquette lessons in a structured manner to become polished, refined, and graceful? 聽Well, we have created a plethora of etiquette topics just for you to access anytime and from anywhere in the world. 聽
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jackievernonthompson 3 years ago
IN NO WAY SHAPE OR FORM AM I SAYING one will indeed develop cancer by this act. I AM NOT A DOCTOR. However, I tend to think beyond just what is on google or what folks choose to disclose. 聽No claims, no absolutes! 聽Making the effort to maintain our health, lends to proper etiquette because it affects everything we do.
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jackievernonthompson 3 years ago
We will hone in on various topics such as, Table Etiquette & Protocol, Business Etiquette, Effective Communication, Sitting and Walking Gracefully, Chivalry, Power Point Presentations, Zoom operation and so much more. Once finished, you will receive your certification and become a new Certified Etiquette Consultant.
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jackievernonthompson 3 years ago
Take a look. Never clink glasses. That's improper etiquette. Simply lift the glass toward the person who is being honored or the one making the toast. If you are being honored, it is not advised to drink in your honor.
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