jacket-rainbow · 1 year
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jacket-rainbow · 1 year
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jacket-rainbow · 1 year
where a superhero has to deal with a supervillain who thinks they’re their best friend
“we’re enemies - last week you tried to rob a bank”
“i got us a groupon for that new thai restaurant”
“you stole it!”
“it’s really the savings that are the crime”
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jacket-rainbow · 1 year
oh my god Dirk fully sees himself as Pechorin from Mikhael Lermontov's novel "A Hero of Our Time" in season 2!
(here's why and also why he's better than that, because I don't want to prepare for my literature exam that much. it has pictures)
Season-2 Dirk is forever doubting himself and wondering about his purpose. He goes on and on about hurting everyone around him, going through life chasing rainbows and leaving a trail of dead people behind. Well.
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Pechorin (1841, strong romantism motives + realism) is a character who represents all of that. He even describes himself as 'the fate's axe'. However, he, being all the worst qualities of the romantic, byronic heroes, is actually awful and doesn't need the universe to help him hurt other people.
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In every part of the novel, he makes life of others miserable. He doesn't pass the test of love, or friendship; he gets at least six young ladies and gentlemen killed or dishonoured, he seriously disrupts lives of even more people.
And he does it - wait for it - because he's bored. Nothing supernatural or weird happens. He just makes ladies fall in love with him to prove that he can, then abandons them and/or getting them killed; stages a duel, goes over his head for cold blooded revenge and mercilessly kills someone. He's just like that.
He also explores the idea of fate, puts his life at mortal peril and gets someone else killed instead.
And here's the difference between him and Dirk: Dirk doesn't quit being a friend. He does his best to resist the universe hurting those around him. He actually cares.
That's why watching Dirk feeling so bad about himself hurts so much - because it's not that supernatural, it's not that unimaginable in real life.
So yeah. Absolutely love the show and the character that Max Landis wrote and Samuel Barnett portrayed so well.
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jacket-rainbow · 1 year
actual top secret leaked footage of blackwing trying to get all of its projects back:
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jacket-rainbow · 1 year
like a solid 39% of what makes DGHDA so enjoyable for me to watch is Sam Barnett’s ability to go through a page and a half worth of words and 11 facial expressions in one 15 second long scene and i just want everyone to know how much i love him and his acting talent ok///
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jacket-rainbow · 1 year
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this image came to me in a nightmare
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jacket-rainbow · 1 year
so I opened automatic subs in a youtube video and they actualy went: "Directly Sadistic Detective Agency" instead of the whole holistic nonsense and I think it's beautiful. these machines sure know what they're talking about.
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jacket-rainbow · 1 year
I love the idea that Amanda is probably named to bring to mind the collocation "make amends" and indicates Todd's thing. Todd, on the other hand, behaved like a toad.
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jacket-rainbow · 1 year
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Douglas Adams is the best when it comes to describe characters
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jacket-rainbow · 1 year
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terrible news today- elijah wood, has died. 
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jacket-rainbow · 1 year
It just had to be done
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jacket-rainbow · 2 years
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this writing ai is a tumblr user i can feel it in my bones
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jacket-rainbow · 2 years
i firmly believe there is an entire season of bbc merlin where the knights and arthur and merlin just go on monster of the week quests. there's an overarching mythology and the looming danger ahead but it's okay, because this episode, we just have to deal with some errant beast. they talk by campfires and make up dumb songs on patrols. there's an entire episode focused on what gwaine does on days off. they all love each other very much and that's all that matters. this was never on screen but it's real to me and i promise you it is real and it happened and you should join me in this collective delusion
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jacket-rainbow · 2 years
So I saw this prompt once about Mordred constantly bringing up druid oppression, and I had to take it.
Mordred, at his knighting ceremony: I wish my old druid friends could see me now! Arthur: :) Mordred: But they can't. Because they're dead. Arthur: :( Mordred: Because you and your guards killed them. Arthur: . Mordred: I'm not going to the ceremony because the religious elements make me uncomfortable. Arthur: Not a religious man, eh? Mordred: I already have a religion. I'm a druid. Arthur: The Old Religion?? Mordred: Duh? Arthur: The Old Religion is bad!! Mordred: What are you gonna do, ground me? Arthur: . Mordred: Meeeerliiiin! Arthur acts like he's my father! Merlin: Don't talk sass to me or I'm telling your mother. Mordred: EMRYS Merlin: Actually don't talk to me at all. . Arthur: Merlin, I need you spend more time with Mordred and convince him to abandon the Old Religion. Merlin: This day couldn't get any worse... . Merlin, begrudgingly doing laundry with Mordred: Mordred: So... Merlin: Mordred: Do you think you effectively utilized Emrys power by saving the life of a genocidal dictator? Merlin: THIS DAY JUST GOT WORSE . Arthur: Merlin, stop breathing down Mordred's neck! We're trying to train here. Merlin, standing right behind Mordred as he spars: Merlin: Knee locking syndrome! Merlin: Mordred showed signs of it. Merlin: I'm making sure he doesn't hurt himself. Mordred: Arthur: Arthur: Yeah, okay. . Merlin, telepathically: STOP THRUSTING SO HARD Mordred, telepathically: That's what she said. Merlin: . Mordred, later, telepathically: Remember when Morgana went mad over the cognitive dissonance of being born under magic while under an oppressor's rule? Mordred: Aren't you afraid it will happen again? Merlin, bolting upright: MORDRED!!! . Merlin: You need to legalize magic. Arthur: wh Merlin: It's that or Mordred will disown you. Arthur: WH . Arthur, sweating: Yes, I have a druid son. Yes, he has magic. No, it's not a problem. Merlin: Arthur, you've got to stop leading with that every time you meet a druid.
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jacket-rainbow · 2 years
This is breaking news, 30th January 2019. A newly found medieval source on Arthurian legend…!
The 7 page manuscript depicts a battle scene written in old french and it could have been part of the text that Thomas Malory based his writings on as it predates his book (and predates every other english language source). In the battle, Merlin leads soldiers and commands a fire-breathing dragon. The manuscripts are damaged so we have to wait to know the full story but there are a few more details in the articles. The 7 fragments would equal 20 printed pages by today’s standards. What a time to be in this fandom!
More here and here
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jacket-rainbow · 2 years
Let’s be real, the guards of Camelot fucking love merlin, not only because “holy shit did you hear what he said to the king?!” But because he always treats them like they’re his friends, it’s all “hi , how are you?” “Hello, is your wife better?” “Morning, did you sleep well?” he treats them like humans and then he goes and marries the king and suddenly magic is legal and same sex marriage is legal and sure, they’ll die for the king but they’ll kill for merlin
(anon I'm so sorry this took me a minute)
Merlin is such a polite guy, I can't even wrap my head around it (Hunith raised him RIGHT)
He's invited to their weddings and has been in the ceremony for at least 4 of them
There's two older guards in the dungeons to watch the prisoners. Merlin always plays chess with one (the guard always wins.)
He exchanges books with the other, recommending reading material and having super in-depth discussions when they're both finished
Merlin high fives the new guards and sneaks them extra desserts sometimes
The guard at the gate of the kingdom has a new baby? Merlin's babysitting a week later
The guards' kids LOVE Merlin
He goes to all their birthdays
Uther's taxes have gotten too high? Merlin hears the guards talking about it and immediately goes to Arthur to see what he can do
Merlin always wants to talk to them
"What're you up to today?"
"How's your father doing?"
"Give your dog a pat from me!"
Merlin and Lance playing cards with them after dinner
He's just so friendly
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