jackelynsimagines · 6 years
Hey guys!
Ok so it is currently 4/12/18 when I am writing this and I want everyone to know if you want to request an imagine just click the ask me anything link up top.
What I need to know if you want to request…
-who you want it to be with (anyone from 1D and 5SOS if you want I will do zayn imagines if requested.)
-description (what you want the imagine to be about)
-first name
- small description of yourself ( hair color, eye color, etc.)
Anyways I hope you guys are having a great day whenever you are reading this! :)
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jackelynsimagines · 6 years
Yay thank you! Look forward to reading it xx
I hope you like this imagine Tee! Here is your imagine with Niall!
Today Niall my boyfriend of a little more than a year, said he had a surprise for me and I can’t wait. Usually I’m not big on surprises but his are always the best.
I am just getting out of the shower when I see a note taped to the bathroom mirror.
~ go to the place where we first met!:)~
As soon as I finished reading this I hurried to finish getting ready. For my outfit I chose a simple pair of white shorts paired with a black tank top and black sandals. When I finished getting dressed I went back into the bathroom to quickly dry and straighten my long brown hair. And finally once I got done with doing that I decided on no makeup since Niall always says I’m naturally beautiful.So Niall said to go to the place where we first met and I started to smile just thinking about it. I start my car and start making my way to the local park. As soon as I got there I went right to the willow tree that stands in the park and I see a piece of paper pinned to the tree.
~you found the second note beautiful! Now go to the place where we first kissed!~
As I read that I start to make my way back home. We shared out first kiss after our first date on my porch steps. When I get home I see another note pinned to the door.
~ now that you found the third note go to the place where I said I love you for the first time.~
I immediately made my way inside to my living room. On our 6th month anniversary we stayed in all night. We had dinner and watched a couple of movies and after we had just finished watching a scary movie him knowing I’m not very fond of them took me in his arms and all of sudden he told me he loved me and of course I said it back.
Snapping back to reality I found the note resting on the coffee table.
~ this is the last and final note. At 5 p.m. Harry will be picking you up and driving you to me. Can’t wait to see you beautiful!~
When I finished reading this I looked at the clock and noticed that it was 4:55 p.m. I decided to just mess around on my phone waiting for Harry to get here and after 5 minutes have passed I heard a knock on my door. I go and open the door and as expected harry is standing on the other side of the door wearing a big smile on his face.
“Hi Harry!” I say to him enthusiastically.“Hi love.” He says hugging me quick “you ready?” He asks me “Sure am!”
So with that we get into his car and drive off. I just sit silently wondering what Niall has planned. After about 15 minutes passed and I noticed we have stopped and when I look out of the window I notice we are at the beach. Confused I get out of the car and as I do that so does Harry and he meets me on the other side of the car and gives me a goodbye hug
“Have fun!” He tells me “Thanks.” I say and with that he leaves.
I turn around and find a candle lit path leading onto the sand and I follow it once I get to the end of the path I notice Niall standing there and with that I walk up to him and give him a big hug.
“Hi Tee!” He says to me giving me a big hug.“Hi” I say smiling up at him“So what are we doing here?” I ask him“I brought you here for a dinner on the beach and then I have a surprise for you” he tells me.
So with that he walks me up to a table with a whole variety of foods. And for a bout and hour we are just eating and laughing and having fun. Right now we are currently walking more down the beach and after a while of walking I notice a bunch of roses and right when we get to them I notice they spell out something and as soon as I read it I gasp and turn around shocked and notice Niall is on one knee.
“Tee I know we have only been going out for a year and a couple months but in that time I have fallen completely in love with you and I can’t imagine spending the rest of my life with anyone else. You have taught me to love and have gotten me through so many low points in my life and I thank you for that. So what I wanted to ask was will you marry me?” He asks and at the end of his speech I am in tears“Yes! Yes of course!” And with that I bend down and kiss him passionately and once we pull away he slides the ring on my finger and kisses me again.
“I love you so much!” He tells me“I love you!” I say back
And after that we end up just having fun and swimming and talking and honestly I couldn’t of asked to have a better man in my life.
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jackelynsimagines · 6 years
Heyy :) new to tumblr (I know I’m late LOL) just requesting an imagine please. My name is Tee. I’m 19 yrs old. I have brown hair, brown eyes and have some light freckles. I’m shortish and average size. I’d love the imagine to be with Niall. I don’t have a particular scenario but maybe something cute, like a date but not standard dinner and movie. Thank you so much in advance❤️❤️❤️
Of course!!! I will have it up within the next 2-3 days😁 thanks love
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jackelynsimagines · 6 years
I’m sorry *Michael Clifford* Part 2
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~ 2 hours before the concert~
"Why are you not coming to the concert?" Ashton asks me.
"I don't want to see Michael." I exclaim.
"But it is my birthday tomorrow and I want you to be at the show!" He tells me
"Fine but I don't want Michael to know or see me." I warn him.
"Okay" he says to me.
~Michael's P.O.V.~
I'm sitting on the bed in my hotel room wondering how my life has gone to shit in just two days. I feel pathetic crying when I know it is my fault to begin with. Now here I am sobbing. Everything is because of me and I have no one to blame but myself.
I hear a knock on the door. I walk over to it and look through the peep hole and notice that it's Calum and Luke. I open the door and gesture for them to come in.
"Hey what's up?" I ask them while wiping my eyes.
"We wanted to see how you were doing." Calum Tells me.
"So... How are you?" Luke asks me
"Honestly? I feel like I'm dying. I ruined everything and this is the price I have to pay. It's all my fault anyways and I really don't deserve her forgiveness." I tell them trying not to break down in tears.
~At the show~
~(Y/N) P.O.V.~
"Is it my turn to talk?" Calum asks.
"Yes." Luke says
"Hi guys! I'm Calum and I play the bass in the band. I'm going to slow it down even more. This next song is a very special song, it's about a girl amnesia. And it goes something. Like. This!"
~Amnesia Lyrics~ (only posted some of the lyrics)
I remember the day you told me you were leaving
I remember the make-up running down your face
And the dreams you left behind you didn't need them
Like every single wish we ever made
I wish that I could wake up with amnesia
And forget about the stupid little things
Like the way it felt to fall asleep next to you
And the memories I never can escape
If today I woke up with you right beside me
Like all of this was just some twisted dream
I'd hold you closer than I ever did before
And you'd never slip away
And you'd never hear me say
I remember the day you told me you were leaving
I remember the make-up running down your face
And the dreams you left behind you didn't need them
Like every single wish we ever made
I wish that I could wake up with amnesia
And forget about the stupid little things
Like the way it felt to fall asleep next to you
And the memories I never can escape
'Cause I'm not fine at all
No, I'm really not fine at all
Tell me this is just a dream
'Cause I'm really not fine at all
During the performance it looked like Michael was about ready to break down. I notice him put his guitar down and walk off stage while hiding his face from the audience. As soon as I see that I make my way backstage showing the guard my pass and go to the dressing room to find Michael letting out heart wrenching sobs.
"Michael?" I ask
At the sound of his name he jumps and when he notices it's me he he harshly wipes his eyes. As he does that I rush over to him and wrap him up in a hug. As I do that I feel him shaking.
"I'm so sorry... I told myself that I wasn't going to be selfish and I was going to let you go... But I love you so fucking much. I don't know why I did what I did but I am so genuinely sorry." As he says this his voice is muffled.
"I forgive you. And I want to be with you again." I tell him.
He lifts his head from my shoulder and looks me in the eyes.
"Why?" He asks me.
"Because I love you too and I can't just let you go. I will regret it for the rest of my life." I tell him truthfully.
After I say this I have the sudden urge to kiss him. I slowly lean in and right when our lips meet I feel sparks. I pull away and once again look him in the eyes.
"I love you." I tell him
"I love you too. More than you know. Thank you for giving me another chance."
He tells me and places his lips on mine once again.
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jackelynsimagines · 6 years
I’m sorry *Michael Clifford* Part 1
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This is going to take place at SLFLDARIENLAKE on July 6th because that was my concert!!!!!
~(Y/N) P.O.V.~
I am so excited!!! I can't wait until next week!
So I'm guessing your wondering what I'm talking about. Well my boyfriend Michael is on tour with his band right now. My best friend in the band, Ashton is helping me surprise Michael because we both have been missing each other. I'm also excited because he is performing in my hometown and I can visit friends and family since I left to go live with Michael.
(Fast forward to next week Tuesday the 5th)
I just landed at niagara international airport and now I'm searching for Ashton. I am just about ready to give up when I spot him by the baggage claim.
"ASHTON!" I yell catching not only his attention but others around me.
"Hey! How are you?" He asks hugging me once he reached me.
"I'm excited to finally see Michael after all this time." I say hugging him back.
"Well let's go then I'm guessing you want to see Michael as soon as possible!" He says
"Well what are we waiting for lets go!" I say enthusiastically while running towards the doors.
"Hey wait up!!!" Ashton sats while running to keep up with me.
~25 minutes later at the hotel~
"Ok I will meet you upstairs but here is the room key he's on the third floor room 327." Ashton tells me.
"Ok and thank you so much for everything." I say hugging him again.
"No problem, what are friends for?" He responds letting me go.
With that I walk into the hotel and go to the elevator pressing the number 3 button. I arrive at the floor and search for room 327. Once I find it I carefully and quietly open the door. I walk to the bedroom and as I do that I hear noises. I open the door quietly and am shocked at what I see! There's Michael shoving his tongue down another girls throat. I gasp loudly as my eyes start to fill with tears. Michael hears this and turns around and once he sees me his face immediately softens.
"(Y/N) wait I can explain!" Michael exclaims walking up to me and taking my hand.
"Explain what how you were just cheating on me and now your sorry because you were caught?" I ask in anger ripping my hand from his grasp.
"I'm sorry. I can't explain what I did. I am so very sorry." Michael tells me in defeat while his eyes start to tear up.
"It's over! We have been together for the past 4 years and you just threw it away for a stupid fling." I tell him while walking to the door.
"I'm not going to beg for forgiveness because I know I don't deserve it but I want you to know that I'm sorry and that I really do love you." He tells me bowing his head to hide the tears.
With that I walk out the door to only run into Ashton.
"Hey what's wrong?" He asks me noticing my tears.
"Michael cheated on me. I just walked in to see him kissing another girl." I tell him trying not to sob.
" oh my god, here let me take you to my room and you can rest there." He says to me leading me to his room
Little did you know Michael was completely breaking just a few rooms over.
~the next day~
You wake up suddenly by Ashton storming in the room.
"What's wrong?" I ask noticing his panic.
" I don't want you to freak out but Michael
Is missing." He tells me running his hands through his hair.
"What!!! Do you have any idea where he is?" I ask him
"No... I know you guys are done but can you please help us find him you know him better than anyone." He says to me
"I guess... I mean you guys do have a concert tonight." I tell him
"Thank you! You know this place better than any of us do you have any suggestions on where to check?" He asks me.
"Hold on let me think." I tell him.
I try to think of all the places he could be when it hits me!
"Ashton I think I know where he is!" I tells him.
"Where?" He asks me.
"When we first met and I showed him around here I took him to this bridge and talked about how it helped me escape reality." I tell him already walking towards the door.
"Ok then let's go!" He says to me.
~30 minutes later~
We finally arrived at the bridge and just like a thought there Michael was sitting with his head in his hands. I motion for Ashton to stay in the car and I slowly walk over to him.
"Hey..." I greet him
"What are you doing here?" He asks me his voice muffled by his hands.
"You know this is where I go when I need to think." I tell him
"I'm sorry... I'll just go." He tells me going to stand up. Right when he goes to walk away I grab his wrist, making him turn around.
"I don't mind if you stay." I say to him, and after I said that he sits back down next to me.
"I'm so sorry." He tells me
"It's okay..." I say to him. Once I say that he turns to me.
"But it's not okay I once again ruined something good in my life and I don't know how I'm going to get through life knowing that I hurt the one person I promised never to hurt!" He exclaims loudly
"I forgive you." I say to him while looking into his eyes.
"No you can't I deserve to be hit, you should hate me." I tells me
"But I don't." I mumble
"I love you. Is there any chance of us getting back together?" He asks me hopefully.
"I'm sorry but I can't be with someone who I can't even trust. How do I know you won't cheat on me again when you leave and I'm at home wondering if your thinking of me but in reality your not." I ask him sadly.
"I get it, well I'm going to go I have a show tonight. Will I see you there?" He asks
"No, I don't think I'm gonna go." I inform him.
"Okay... Bye" He says tearfully
I go to say bye to him but as I look in his direction I notice he is already gone.
"I don't want to see Michael." I exclaim.
"But it is my birthday tomorrow and I want you to be at the show!" He tells me
"Fine but I don't want Michael to know or see me." I warn him.
"Okay" he says to me.
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jackelynsimagines · 6 years
Hey guys!
Ok so it is currently 4/12/18 when I am writing this and I want everyone to know if you want to request an imagine just click the ask me anything link up top.
What I need to know if you want to request...
-who you want it to be with (anyone from 1D and 5SOS if you want I will do zayn imagines if requested.)
-description (what you want the imagine to be about)
-first name
- small description of yourself ( hair color, eye color, etc.)
Anyways I hope you guys are having a great day whenever you are reading this! :)
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jackelynsimagines · 6 years
Cheater *Harry Styles* Part 2
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We walk out of the hotel and get into Liam's car. I'm starting to get nervous and anxious.
"You okay?" Liam asks
"Yea, just nervous" I say
Harry's P.O.V.
I hear to boys saying that they will be back in a little bit.
As they leave I wait to make sure they left. Once I'm sure that they are gone I start walking to the bathroom.
"Why did I do it?" I ask myself while I go to get my razor.
Once I get a grasp on it I slide my Back down the wall and I start to bawl thinking about how my life turned to hell two weeks ago.
I roll up my sleeve and I start to cut each line meaning something
And as I keep thinking of the things I am I make more and more cuts.
"I don't deserve to live" I say to my self.
Your P.O.V.
After about 15 minutes in the car we finally arrive at mine and Harry's old house. As we get there I notice that none of the boys' cars are there.
"I thought you said that the boys stay here to watch Harry" I say confused
"They do but they all left so that you two could have some alone time" Liam said "I will just wait out here until your ready to go" he says
"Ok, thanks" I say to him
As I walk to the front door I start to get this uneasy feeling in my stomach like something's wrong.
I open the door and I am surprised by what I see. The whole place is trashed! I walk up the stairs and into mine and Harry's old bedroom. I notice that he's not in their. I start to look around and I notice the bathroom light is on. I walk to the door and I slowly open it.
"OH MY GOD HARRY!" I scream
There he is on the bathroom floor blood flowing from his wrists.
"I'm sorry I hurt you. I really don't deserve you." he says before he passes out
Once this happens I run down the stairs and out the door to get Liam
"Liam" I yell out of breath
"What, what's wrong?" He asks
"Harry, he's hurt can you help we need to take him to the hospital!" I say rushed
"Oh my god, let's go" he says
And with that we both run inside the house to get Harry so we can take him to the hospital.
As Liam and I are driving to the hospital I start to cry. Why would he do this? Was it really that bad?
We arrive to the hospital and run in with Liam carrying Harry.
"Someone help" I scream
This catches a nurses attention and she gets a bed and Liam places him on it. They start to rush and hurry so that they can help him.
I go to the waiting room and I sit in a chair bawling my eyes out.
"Hey it's okay he's going to be okay" and I can tell even Liam doesn't believe his own words.
Liam gets up and he takes out his phone
About 5 minutes later Liam returns and you can tell that he has been crying.
"Are you okay?" I ask
"Yeah. I'm fine. I called the boys so they should be here in about 10 minutes" he says
"Liam can I ask you a question?" I ask
"Yea anything!" He says
"Is all of this my fault?" I ask trying not to break down.
"no, none of this is your fault, never think that."
"But this would have never happened if I would have just stayed with him" I say
"no no no, you were right to leave, he cheated on you. How were you suppose to know that he would do this." As he said this four boys with red puffy eyes ran into the waiting room.
"How is he?" Louis asks
"I don't know the doctors haven't said anything yet!" Liam says
"How are you?" Niall asks as he sits down next to me.
"I'm alright" I lie, and I guess Niall noticed because after I said that he hugged me.
I started to sob as he did that.
"Mr.Styles" the doctor said
As he said that I got up and asked if he was okay.
"He's going to be fine but he is unconscious right now so only one person at a time please." He said
"(Y/N), you go first." Zayn said
"Are you sure?" I ask
"Yeah just go we will be out here if you need us" Louis said
As he said this I walked up to the doctor and asked what room Harry was in.
"Room 108" he said
"Thank you" I said
And with that I went to Harry's room.
As soon as I walked into his room I started to cry.
There he was with bandages around his wrist unconscious. I walked over to the bed and sat down in the chair next to it. I grab his hand and I start to sob.
"Why would you do this Harry? Why would you try and end your life?"
As I said this Harry started to make strange noises. I lifted my head to look at him and notice that he is starting to wake up.
Harry's P.O.V.
I don't know why but I feel like I am floating. Am I finally dead?
I started to feel pain in my right arm and I start to open my eyes.
I instantly close them once I see the bright lights. I try to open them again and this time I am actually able to keep them open. I look around the room and I notice (Y/N) looking at me and crying.
(Y/N) P.O.V.
As Harry looks at me I start to ask him questions.
"Why would you do it?" I ask
"Because I don't deserve to live after what I have done to you. You deserve so much better than me. Your life would be a whole lot better without me." Harry said starting to get testy eyed.
"Why would you say that? Do you know how worried I was? I thought you were gonna die and then I would be alone." I said
"I'm sorry." He said
"Was it really that bad?" I ask
"Yea. After you left I didn't know what to do with my life. Everything started to turn for the worse. I couldn't sleep because all that I would see when I closed my eyes was you. Do you know how painful that was? I knew you would never forgive me so I did what I had to do." He said, tears going down his face
"I love you Harry, I really do. When I saw you covered in blood I was scared. Scared because I thought I would never get to tell you I love you. You scared me."
"I thought you didn't care about me anymore. That's why I did it." Harry said
"Well I'm glad your ok. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if you died." I stated
"I love you so much." Harry said looking right into my eyes.
"I love you too. I really do." I said
"Are we going to be okay?" He asked
"Yea we are going to be fine." I said holding tightly onto his hand.
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jackelynsimagines · 6 years
Cheater *Harry Styles* Part 1
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A/N- trigger warning- self harm and if anyone needs help with anything or any advice don't be afraid to ask.
I'm taking requests so if you want one done just comment your name and a story plot.
I just got home excited to tell Harry my boyfriend of two years, about my promotion. I walk through the door and I suddenly see all these clothes scattered around. I notice that the clothes on the ground were not mine. I start to hear strange sounds coming from mine and Harry's bedroom upstairs. As I walk up the stairs I start to get really nervous.
Was he cheating on me?
As I get to the bedroom door I hear moans and groans. I open the door and I see harry on top of some blonde bimbo!
"Harry, what the fuck" I yell
"Babe" he yells getting off the bed and trying to put his boxers on.
"Why would you do this to me" I asked tears starting to form in my eyes.
"It's not what it looks like" he said
"Then what the fuck is it?" I yelled walking to the closet.
I pulled out my suitcase and started to pack my bags.
"It was a mistake" he said, his voice cracking as he spoke.
By now the girl had already gotten dressed and left.
"Why are you lying to me? What did I do to deserve this? Was it me? Did I do something?" I spoke, tears rolling down my cheeks.
"No baby, your perfect." He said trying to wipe my tears away.
As he did that I flinched away from him and zipped up my suitcase. As I got up I looked at him and saw he was on the verge of tears.
"I am so sorry" he said
" yeah? Well you should of thought about that before you went and cheated on me." I said starting to walk downstairs and to the front door. But before I could open the door harry runs down stairs and grabs my wrist to stop me from leaving.
"Let go" I said starting to get angry
"No" Harry said trying to be strong.
"LET GO OF ME!" I yelled
"Please" Harry said as he let go of me. "Don't do this"
I grabbed my keys and walked out of the door getting into my car. As I started the car and backed out of the driveway I saw Harry running out the door screaming my name
"(Y/N)" he screamed
As I was driving down the road I saw him sit on the ground and put his head into his hands.
"Now where am I going to go?" I thought to myself. As I was driving I saw this hotel so I decided to just stay for a while till I get back on my feet.
I went inside the hotel and I went to the front desk to check out a room. When I got my key card I went to my room and just laid down on the bed. As I was looking at the ceiling a sob slipped past my lips and then there I was sobbing because of what harry did to me.
Harry P.O.V
Why am I such a fucking idiot? Why do I fuck up all the good in my life? She's never going to forgive me and now I have no one.
As I'm crying I start to throw everything in my path until I see the photo of our first anniversary on the coffee table. I slide my back against the wall until I am sitting with my knees pressed to my chest.
I don't get it. Why do I feel so much pain? Why did I ever cheat on the love of my life? I'm worthless. I don't deserve her forgiveness.
Your P.O.V
It's been 2 weeks since I found harry cheating on me and I have had nightmares of the incident every single night. I also have not been able to do anything since it happened I haven't been outside for what seems like forever. As I am about to go to bed I hear a knock on my door.
"Coming" I yell
I walk to the door and I open it. Someone I was not expecting was at the door.
"What are you doing here" I asked
"I just wanted to make sure you were alright I heard about what happened with you and Harry and I'm worried about you two." He said
"Why are you worried about Harry he's the one that cheated on me!" I stated
"Believe it or not he's not doing so good right now. He hasn't been sleeping and we always have to have one of the boys watching him because we are afraid of what he might do."Liam said
"What do you think he is going to do?" I ask
"Honestly I think he might hurt himself. He hasn't been the same since the incident."
Was it true? Is he doing as bad as me right now or is he just saying this to help Harry?
"Well what do you want me to do about it?" I ask
"Maybe you go over there to get closure, you don't have to get back with him just please sit down and talk to him" he says
"Fine but only talking" I demand
"Okay, get ready and we will go" Liam says
I get up and go get an outfit before I go to take a shower.
As I'm washing the conditioner out of my hair I start to wonder if he is really doing as bad as me. I'm nervous about how this is going to go.
I step out of the shower and I start drying off as soon as I am done doing that and getting changed I start to blow dry my hair and once I'm done with that I decide to just leave it natural and not to wear any makeup because I know it will just go to waste.
As I walk out of the bathroom I see Liam sitting on the bed on his phone.
"Ready?" I ask
"y-yeah" he says
"Are you okay?" I question
"Yeah I'm fine" He says
"Well let's go"
A/N- this was originally in one part but I had to split it up into two parts because it was too long anyways I hope you guys enjoy!:)
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