jackaljaws · 11 days
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art trade with @bananawolfpower
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jackaljaws · 11 days
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on the up and up
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jackaljaws · 3 months
Morning Heat
1.4k Words
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Dude you don't understand she REALLY needs your help
Story after the break!! also on google docs
“S-So? Y-You gonna,,, just fuckin’ stand there or what? I-If you don’t help me out, this whole room’s getting’ painted.”
You’re more than a little stunned at the sight. You’d completely forgotten why you walked back to your room in the first place. Not that the reason seemed to matter much anymore. In front of you stands your housemate, girlfriend, wife – you’re not sure which title you should settle on, and too many feelings always bubble up for you to want to spend any more time on it.
As for her, to say she’s ‘standing’ doesn’t cut it, does it. Her legs are so crossed up that she to lean against a desk to stay upright. Her cock, squeezed between her wide, plushie thighs, dribbles against the floor. It twitches, and so does she, causing a larger glob to add itself to the growing puddle. You could smell her heat from here, and your eyes follow her paw as it runs along her massive, furred shaft. It moves slowly, as if anything more than the gentlest touch might cause the floodgates to open…
She bellows, and you snap right out of your daydream. You’re moving automatically at this point, rushing out the door and towards the kitchen. She’d need something to help…contain herself, right? You’d look for your old condoms, but – you’re pretty sure you don’t keep any for hyper wolves, assuming you keep any at all. You look through the pantry, coming across a box of Hefty bags before long. You pull one out, noting how white and rubbery it is… Yeah, this oughta do it. You almost take a single one, but foresight dictates that you ought to take the whole box.
“Hey!” You shout, stumbling as you reenter your room, “Here—”
“Thank GOD you’re back,” she cuts you right off, brusquely snatching the bag out of your hand. She opens it up, stretching it across her cock and slipping it on like a sock. You watch as she yelps at the sensation, panting and… sweating? From it all. She keeps it on as best as she can, but she’s clearly torn between that and her newfound freedom to jack herself off as much as possible. Her tail swishes behind her, sweeping the floor as she grits her teeth. Her balls tense, and the wolf bites her pouty lip so hard that you fear she’d tear the stuffing right out of it. And then…
You’re not sure how much a single garbage bag could hold. It’s not as though you’ve taken a good look at the box. It was good enough to know that it’d carry your trash without tearing. But you vaguely recall that it was in the neighborhood of ten to twenty gallons, maybe. Which is to say…
It’s astonishing just how much your girlfriend could put out.
In only a few seconds, she’s managed to inflate the bag, stretching it out into a near ball shape before letting it slip off her cock. She manages to close it before it spills…too much, and she hands it to you with a noticeably slimy paw. You take it, letting out a quiet laugh as you feel its heft. It jostles in your grip, nearly slipping out of your hand entirely before the bottom of it slorshes against the floor. You’re not sure whether to feel scared or astonished. Maybe both? Maybe a little bit aroused too??
“Fffhhuck dude, thanks… Seriously,” she pants, tongue lolling out like the dog she is. “Bwrrfh… You can, uh… Take that and do whatever… I don’t care,” she muses as she shuffles towards your bed, leaving a trail behind her as you work to tie the bag up.
Before you can get a word in, her paws are back around the base of her shaft, and a single thrust is enough to send a fat ball down to your sheets.
“Hey, c’mere, would’ja? And like… Bring another bag I guess.” She lazily demands, and you listen, silently glad that you decided to bring the whole box with you. You come up alongside the bed – your bed ­– and hand her another bag. She slips it on, letting out another grunt – probably from the abrasion. Now that you’re so close to her, her scent is intoxicating… Your head swims a bit, and you cover your nose. You feel…
“Well?” Her rough voice reaches your ears, and you snap to attention – in an almost drunk sort of way.
“H,Huh? What—What do you need?”
“You gonna, like, help me out or what? With you around, we can get this done faster.”
You agree, but you’re not entirely sure why,? You climb into bed with her, crawling between her legs. Her fat, grey beachballs are in full view, and your hands move on their own, rubbing and squeezing their squishy, gurgling, fluffy mass. Your girlfriend growls in reply, and they churn a bit.
“Hhhh’awlright, you take the bottom, I’ll take the top. Got it?” She asks. You nod. And you get to work. Her cock towers over you, easily wider than your entire head. You lean in a bit, more, more… You have to rest on her massive sack to reach her base. But you manage, grabbing either side of it and stroking it as best as you can. She takes up the top end, thrusting hard enough for her sack to bounce beneath you, jostling you and bumping her bobbing shaft against your head. It doesn’t take long though, and you feel it. The churning. You hear her growl and pant, hissing as she stifles her girlish moans. Her sack seems to rumble like a dam fit to burst. And then? It does.
Just like before, that bag fills much too quickly, growing heavier and heavier, sinking until it’s wobbling atop your back. It’s a weird feeling, it’s… an arousing feeling. It’s warm.
You squirm out from beneath it, red faced as your girlfriend shoots you a toothy grin.
“Here. Take it,” she’s as curt as ever, but at least she’s tied it up for you. Not very well though, probably thanks to those fat fingers. It leaks out and onto your arms as you hold it. Not that you care right now, even as it sticks to you… It smells… heady, and like before, the bag is warm. It jostles gently as you carry it to the side, making a deep blorp. as you set it down out of the way… You’re going to be thinking about that noise a lot tonight.
“Hey, thanks, b-t-w.”
“For helping me? Dummy. I dunno what I would’a done without you,” she says with a huff as you meander back into bed with her.
“Probably plaster my room, I’m guessing?” You say, giving her a bit of a look.
“Yeah… Probably. Speakin’ of thathh…” Her voice quiets into a bit of a moan as her paw wraps around her softening cock once again, slowly stroking anew. You move to get another bag, but she grabs you with a free paw, pulling you into a tight underarm hold.
“Look, I gotta get the b—”
“You’re gonna—”
She only tightens her hold on you, and her squirming pulls your face closer to her armpit. It’s… fluffy. Almost overgrown, you think. You’d noticed it not long after you first walked in. And that thick forest of fur traps so much sweaty wolfgirl scent.
Ugh, she’s being such a slob.
As you inch closer, dipping your nose into all that fur, your worries start to erode… She loosens her grip on you, raising her arm a bit more, letting you slip deeper and deeper into your musk-drunk bliss. Your hand drifts across her fuzzy bust, finding one of her dinnerplate-sized nipples. You hear her yelp from such contact. You’re sure she’s close – close to making a huge mess – but you’re too busy huffing her pits to care. She lowers her arm over you, seemingly locking you in place, where you truly belong. Every breath is thick and heavy, causing you to nearly drool… You can taste it on your tongue.
Soon, she’s finished, and you get a glimpse of your newly painted ceiling before her muzzle fills your vision. Her fat, doggy tongue drags across your face before barging into your mouth, your lips connecting with hers. You’ll have a lot to clean up later, but… it’s no big deal. It just comes with the territory.
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jackaljaws · 4 months
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The Dragon Queen is still getting used to her new situation, but it certainly seems like she's adapting well ~
[comm for @snepril!]
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jackaljaws · 4 months
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tigey! 24 hr comm for @meow-77 !
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jackaljaws · 4 months
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It has been far too long since I've been able to indulge in anything kinky, so I figured why not draw some headspace shenanigans? Riley's such a standup fox…
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jackaljaws · 4 months
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824 notes · View notes
jackaljaws · 4 months
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Thinking about grits and remmy today but in a way so belly horny that I'm delirious
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jackaljaws · 4 months
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tigey! 24 hr comm for @meow-77 !
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jackaljaws · 4 months
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Trying to do quicker, simpler doodles, so that I can get a bit more art done and get ideas out, even if they're a smaller size!
Pale's running into some trouble from my demon Paersamos, who seems to be pulling their strings...
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jackaljaws · 4 months
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Its important to have concrete newyears resolutions! (for @feybeasts)
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jackaljaws · 4 months
Which one of your OCs would be the biggest threat if given the power to influence (not control -even villains can respect consent-) others?
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definitely Tethys, though she'd mostly just use that influence to get shiny things and free food
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jackaljaws · 4 months
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we've got a waddler!!
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jackaljaws · 4 months
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who knew heavy balls had such an... Influence??
for @feybeasts
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jackaljaws · 4 months
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"mobile" when youre a lowrider is more of a state of mind
342 notes · View notes
jackaljaws · 4 months
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258 notes · View notes
jackaljaws · 4 months
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For @rowanokiri !
Those overalls are doing a lot of heavy lifting, here…
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