jack-patrick-skerry · 3 years
Ethics of Social Media
The current state of social media ethics: what trends are happening in the industry? What are two current cases related to social media ethics? Outline the current code of ethics for social media by a professional organization you would be interesting in joining as part of their social media staff
A very popular trend in Social Media going on in this day and age is Tik Tok.  A platform that’s made for people to make short little dance videos.  Videos can be short and to the point or can be creative and lengthy that expand over various clips.
But there’s been some legal issues with the platform in the recent months. Tik Tok is getting sued for billions of dollars over use of child data.  They might play ads that could harm and/or manipulate children
The Current Code of Ethics for social media users is 
Do not alter the facts to match your opinion.
Be conscious when quoting a source that may be subjective, to prevent any misinterpretations of the true story.
It is more than okay to voice your opinion, but do so in a respectful manner.
Respect the opinions of others; some may agree, but some may also disagree
Brands/professionals with strong social media ethical codes: what brands are utilizing proper social media ethical practices? Are there any professionals that you feel practice strong ethical behavior on social media? Support your choice with evidence. What are some takeaways you can bring forth in your own practices?
I believe that Disney is trying to do a better with social media after the whole LGBTQ controversy that’s been happening in the past couple days. As most people know, the entertainment juggernaut flipped and flopped in an attempt to reassure its employees and its massive fanbase about its position on Florida’s “Don’t Say Gay” bill. At first, Disney said absolutely nothing about the bill and that gained a lot of criticism. They were also criticized for recently donating money to politicians who supported the bill.  .In response to the backlash over Disney’s inaction, CEO Bob Chapek said that the company unequivocally stood with its LGBTQ employees, expressing that support through “the inspiring content” that the company produces. An open letter from LGBTQ Pixar staff and their allies alleged that Disney had actively scrubbed “overtly gay affection” and queer representation from their movies. 
As a result of all of this, Disney has slowly trying been trying to support the LGBTQ group with their content in the recent years. In the live action remake of Beauty and The Beast, the character of Lefou is gay. Although the movie doesn’t openly say that he is, they give all these clear indications. In Avengers Endgame, there’s the scene where Captain America is holding a support group for the people who survived the snap. One of those men talks about recently going on a date with another man. Giving another indication of a gay person. In the movie Onward, a female cop refers to having a girlfriend at home. Indicating that she’s a lesbian. Although these examples are subtle, it at least shows that Disney is slowly trying to represent LGTBQ people in their movies 
Key concepts and issues: what main concepts do you are necessary to adhere to for your own personal conduct online
For me, I’d try to keep bullying to a bare minimum if not none at all. I also don’t agree with arguing with someone who has an opposite opinion as you about something. I’ve come to the realization that nothing you say will make them change their view.  Instead, I’d prefer to respect the other’s opinion instead of criticizing it. I’d also make sure to not make any statements that typically wouldn’t be talked about in the brand because that would definitely lead to potential controversy 
What to do and what not to do: what main concepts do you feel strongly against and want to make sure you avoid on social media?
One of the concepts when looking at a brand is the numerous ads that pop up. I feel like constantly having ads is clear sign on how greedy a brand is. In order for you to get customers, you have to have them come to you instead of forcibly coming to them with these constant ad blocks. It’ll annoy them so much that they probably won’t even want to be a customer
Bullet point 5-10 core concepts that you will follow as a practicing social media professional. Include citations that you used for sources/supports for this.
Provide sources for my work
Show respect for the people on the platform
Be honest and don’t be so manipulative
Own up your mistakes if you make them and not just ignore them
Don’t try to change the narrative of something just so it’ll go along with your opinion 
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jack-patrick-skerry · 3 years
My Favorite Non-Profit Organization’s Marketing Tactics
One of my favorite Non Profit Organizations is The Salvation Army.  This is a  Protestant Christian church and an international charitable organization. The organization reports a worldwide membership of over 1.7 million, consisting of soldiers, officers and adherents collectively known as Salvationists. 
I’ve taken a look at the vanity metrics of its social media sites. I’ve been noticing a particular problem that I think should be improved. On their Instagram page, each post has this caption covering these amazing topics and information. They also have these really inspiring messages that would really encourage people to check make their donations. The problem is that the pictures look unappealing. If that makes any sense at all. They’re basically just bland logos or images that hardly have anything related to the caption. With these bland images, viewers won’t see the great and inspiring captions because nobody will click on a post that has an uninteresting image. 
There are ways that I think can help improve their social media advertisements. One of them is simply having a video of a someone explaining and telling what would typically be in a caption. Another is the post being a picture of text that is stuff that is usually said in a caption. They could also have these more these ambitious looking images or videos with effects and stuff that I think would keep the user’s attention. Another tactic is to make the picture not seem like an advertisement picture. Make it look like a selfie or personal photo that someone would post on their Instagram. 
The Salvation Army’s Instagram:  https://www.instagram.com/salvationarmyus/
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jack-patrick-skerry · 3 years
What is Social Media?
There’s a lot of different ways that I think I would honestly define Social Media. But I think my most personal way is that it’s a platform that allows people from all over the world to connect with people with similar traits as them and really see what life is like outside of your neck of the woods. It allows people to hear others opinions on topics that you may be interested in but nobody else is. Social Media also allows you to see what your friends and family are up when they’re away and not around. I also think Social Media is a way to bring people together from all over the world without even having to board a plane.                                           There’s a lot of different ways that I would characterize myself as a social media user. But I would say that I’m a hyper active social media user. I’m practically on it everyday 24/7. I have accounts on every social media platform that you can think of.  My most notable one is my YouTube channel, SuperJackster01. I’ve been doing videos on that channel for more than 8 years and getting more and more subscribers as each day goes by. I also have Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Snapchat. Social Media helps me see what all my friends are doing while they’re away at college. When looking through the comments on my YouTube, I see how many people love my work and have very similar interests as me. It feels great knowing that I have major fans.                             I do have a lot of strengths with Social Media. But I also have a couple challenges. One of my strengths is knowing that someone is a spammer when they copy and paste the same comment over and over in the comments section of a YouTube video. Another one I have is knowing what kind of content gets the most views and traction. There’s specific topics and subjects that’ll easily make your video go viral. A weakness I have is finding out if someone is legit or not. When talking to someone on Social Media, they are first seem like a real person by giving real and legitimate responses. But they eventually turn out to be a bot or spammer. I sometimes have trouble realizing if the person is real or a bot.                       There’s a lot of different things I want to learn in this class. One of those things is learning about when Social Media became a thing. Was it when Mark Zuckerberg created Facebook? Or did it start earlier than that? What was the first Social Media site?  When did Social Media become so popular? These are all things that I really hope to learn about when taking this class. I’m really looking forward to finding all this information out.                                           
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