jack-finnigan · 6 years
“You know what? You are absolutely right,” she nodded, letting go of his arm to place both hands on her hips, jutting out her hip slightly. “So here are your options. We can either go on the zipper, or we can go somewhere and you can take this off of me.” She arched an eyebrow, genuinely curious about what he would choose; she figured both scared him in different ways. “What’ll it be?”
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Jack was frozen for a moment, confused expression and all. This ultimatum seemed like a trap. Was she being serious? Was there a right answer here? “Uhhh..” He uttered, chuckling at his own awkwardness and grabbing the back of his neck. “I mean, uh, I-” He dared himself to look into her eyes. “I think I’d prefer the second one if it’s a serious offer.” 
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jack-finnigan · 6 years
“Oh I listened,” she countered, mischievous smirk evident on her face. “But you should know by now, Mister Head Prefect; if someone tells me not to do something, then that’s all I want to do.” She then nuzzled his shoulder, a puppy dog pout forming. “But you’re with an angel, you can’t be in hell when you’re with me, right?” She blinked innocently, pulling out all the stops to get him on the zipper.
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He sighed at her words. He knew they were true, but that didn’t make him feel any more inclined to ride.  As she nuzzled against his shoulder and gave her best pout, he leaned down to give the top of her head a kiss. “Need I remind you that the angel ensemble is a costume.” He grinned as he gave her own words right back to her. “It can come off at any time.” 
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jack-finnigan · 6 years
His face was definitely as red as his coat, but Dominique decided she had tortured him enough. Well, at least for now. She leaned her head on his shoulder, thinking about what she wanted to do before he said the one thing they couldn’t. “Oh, you shouldn’t have said that,” she warned with a raie of an eyebrow. “We have to do the Zipper now. Come on, let’s get it over with so you can say you did it, then we can do something more tame.”
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He let out half a laugh, something he often did when he was nervous. “Oh, okay,” he said, teasing her, “so you didn’t listen at all to what I said.” He looked back up at the ride that surely was a vomit-inducer, if not a full blown death trap. “No way in Hell am I getting on that.” 
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jack-finnigan · 6 years
She flipped her hair at the compliment, then strutted up to him with a shrug. “I’m not a real angel, it’s a costume that can be removed at any. Time.” She knew exactly what she was implying, but seeing his blush like that was too adorable to pass up on. She leaned in to give him a quick peck on the lips before turning to hook her arm in his. “Alright, where are we going to first? I’m up for anything.”
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Jack could feel his palms become clammy at her suggestive words. Unsure of what to say in response he simply nodded, hoping his face wasn’t as red as the coat he wore. He smiled as she gave him a kiss and linked their arms together. It was no secret to the school that they were an official item, and yet he still got giddy when he got to show her off. Lucky gobshite he was. “Whatever you want,” he said with a grin before clarifying, “except that.” He looked in the direction of the zipper. 
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jack-finnigan · 6 years
She bit her lip as she noticed that familiar face in the crowd. She’d had people checking her out all night, but his eyes on her felt different. A good different, but she couldn’t pinpoint exactly how it felt. Either way, she smirked and placed a hand on her hip, doing a little turn. “Yup, probably the only time you’ll see me in all white,” she said. “It’s a shooting star oppourtunity to see me like this, so enjoy it while you can.” She threw in a wink before mirroring the same eye motion. “You look hot. All you need is a whip.” She twitched an eyebrow, excited to see his reaction to her words.
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Probably the only time you’ll see me in all white. Jack could think of a big reason why he really hoped that wasn’t true. “It suits you, you know,” he said with a smile. “I’ll make sure to take mental photographs all night.” He teased. As her eyes explored his frame his cheeks instantly blushed. “Thanks,” he said sheepishly. The two hadn’t done more than snog: a fact that was a source of constant insecurity and worry for Jack. He certainly was in no rush, but was petrified of being a disappointment. “That’s not very angelic,” he finally said with a chuckle. 
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jack-finnigan · 6 years
“Oh! Merde, sorry, did I hit you?” Louis asked, both frantic and apologetic. Until he saw the face of his briefcase’s victim. His face fell. Being so hyper made it more difficult to mask his facial expressions, which were already known to betray him.
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Jack. The person who had rejected his cousin for his sister – two people he cared very deeply about. “Uh…Yeah. Yeah, I’m Newt…” he answered awkwardly. Real subtle, Louis. He vaguely remembered something he had watched when someone showed him how Muggles had found a way to make drawings move without using any magic. “Are…are you – a, um, prince?”
“Yeah- yeah, but, uh, it’s alright,” Jack said clumsily. This was already beyond uncomfortable. As much as he wanted to just ignore Louis forever, he knew he had to man up. “No, uh, I’m a ringleader. Like, uh, a circus performer, you know?” He probably didn’t know. Jack had to remember that not everyone grew up in the muggle world like he had. “I was actually hoping to run into you,” Jack said, glad to change the subject. “I figured we should probably talk at some point. About, you know, everything.” 
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jack-finnigan · 6 years
Dominique looked good, and she knew it. She had gone as an angel, given she’d never been called an angel before since she was a baby, so today, people had to call her one. She appreciated the irony.
She had spent the first hour of the party mingling, hanging out with different people until she quickly got bored. So she was now waiting near the door, watching for her boyfriend so he could entertain her.
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The carnival was horribly awkward for Jack. Not only because he had a general fear of the rides (and clowns- fuck clowns) but also because it was a breeding ground of school rule violations. He had tried his best to remain calm and pretend to turn a blind eye, but it was killing him. He found himself counting down the minutes until the time he had agreed to meet Dominique so he could be distracted from the chaos. 
God must’ve heard his silent prayers, because He sent Jack a literal angel. 
His face lit up upon seeing her. She always looked amazing but tonight was even better than usual. “No leather? No black?” He asked as he approached her, eyeing her up and down. “Is that really you?” 
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jack-finnigan · 6 years
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Who the hell let Louis have cotton candy? The Hufflepuff already was energetic enough because of his ADHD, he did not need the copius amount of sugar he had consumed. And the Halloween festival had barely started. 
He was pretty proud of his costume. He had thought of dressing up as a famous herbologist from history, however, he ended up settling on dressing up as Newt Scamander, coat, suitcase, and all. As much as he loved herbology, Care of Magical Ceatures was a close second. 
Jack was enjoying a carnival game when he felt something hit him in the back. He turned around and saw, to his surprise, a very rambunctious Louis Weasley holding a briefcase. The two hadn’t really spoken since Jack started courting the blonde boy’s sister, but now seemed about as good a time as any. “Newt Scamander? Nice.” He said with a smile and appreciative nod, adjusting the red jacket of his own circus ringleader costume.  
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jack-finnigan · 6 years
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jack-finnigan · 6 years
         “I know you’re sorry, Jack,” she said and she raked her fingers through her strawberry blonde curls. “And honestly, you got off easy. I wanted to rip your throat out and was very close to doing so. I’m not mad anymore but if you fuck up and mess with any of my family again. It won’t matter how much my sister cares for you, I will kill you and happily go to Azkaban for it,” she said with a bright smile. And she didn’t need a truth potion, she meant every word. “But let’s face it, I’m smart enough not to get caught and my boyfriend would help me hide the body.”
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“That I do not doubt,” he conceded. Even though it hadn’t always seemed that Dominique and Victoire were on the best of terms, he never doubted their bond as sisters. Or maybe just as Weasleys. “Glad to know she cares for me, though,” he teased with a large grin. The feeling was very much mutual. 
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jack-finnigan · 6 years
           Victoire looked up at Jack. A pretty big part of her was simply glad that he hadn’t found her when the potion still had its affect on her. She took a sip of her tea and carefully set the cup down before she spoke, “You really should be worried about me feeling peaceful. But good to know.”
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“Come on,” he whined teasingly. “I did your week of rounds without any complaints. Well, maybe minimal complaints.” He was still smiling as he spoke more seriously, “I know that’s not enough to make up for what I did. But I’m trying to prove to you that I am sorry.” 
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jack-finnigan · 6 years
          Victoire lifted her cup of tea and took in a deep breath. She, like most people, was glad that Peeve’s prank was finally over. “That was completely ridiculous,” she murmured.
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“Yeah,” Jack agreed, sitting down across from his fellow head prefect. It had been a long day of breaking up fights and telling nothing but the truth, but Jack was still in an unusually happy mood. “Don’t worry, I come in peace.” He said with his hands up. They hadn’t really seen each other since she had gone off on him, but he needed to make sure things were alright between them. 
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jack-finnigan · 6 years
sofia’s smile grew giddy as she was proven correct. “i knew it. you can always tell when boys have crushes. girls, however, are a bit harder to read. have you told the special someone? oh, you should. i don’t see how they couldn’t feel the same way – you’re so nice looking and kind. that’s anyone’s dream, isn’t it?”
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Jack chuckled lightly at her reaction. She probably was right. Girls were much harder to understand than boys. He tilted his head at her compliment. “I don’t know about that.” Jack didn’t really consider himself more than average looking, at best. And as for nice, well, he might’ve blown that, too. “But thank you.” He forced himself to smile, but it wasn’t the easiest thing to talk about. “I told her and she ran away. Not that I can blame her really, considering it was kinda an ambush.” He needed to change the subject. “What about you? No special person in your life?”
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jack-finnigan · 6 years
Montague nodded, again trying to keep his smile on the small side. He was not known as an expressive individual, but you could tell when you made him genuinely happy like Jack just did. “Yes, that sounds like a good idea,” he agreed, looking around to double check there wasn’t a fight currently happening. “I have a feeling we prefects are in for a long day.”
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Jack chuckled. “As is becoming more common around here.” In the distance, Jack heard a yell. He sighed. “I’ll catch up with you later then, yeah?” 
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jack-finnigan · 6 years
“I’ll remind you the next time we have a prefect breakfast,” he smirked, making a mental note for later. Montague hadn’t taken the word “lucky” in any sexual context until Jack made it sound like that’s what he was talking about. The Ravenclaw arched an eyebrow, shaking his head as if to say “none of my business.” At Jack’s recognition, Montague had to stop himself from smiling too wide; and incredibly rare occurrence for him. “Yes, actually, I… I would love to have that honour,” he admitted. Didn’t need veritaserum to tell that truth. “Well, I hope she does. I do respect her quite a bit. But I appreciate your words a lot, Jack, thank you.”
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“It’s no problem.” Jack knew the Ravenclaw had a reputation for not being the...well...nicest guy. But he did make a good prefect in Jack’s eyes. Even if he wasn’t the most lenient with the rules. Jack wasn’t either, and here he was. Maybe Jack was stroking Montague’s ego, but he knew it might be handy to be in his good graces. “Guess we should probably go back to stopping fist fights, huh?” 
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jack-finnigan · 6 years
“We are in full agreement there,” Montague smirked, looking around at all the chaos Peeves had caused. He’d have to ask Mulci later if she had any hand in it. Montague gave a small nod at the acknowledgement. “Of course, always happy to help.” At the question he sighed in relief. “No, thank Merlin, I only drink coffee in the morning.”
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“Ahh, right. Remind me to make the switch. Although with my luck that’s what Peeves’ll target next.” He grinned. At least all this chaos was happening now. All of Jack’s skeletons were out of the closet. “Well, actually, I’ve been quite lucky lately.” He paused. “But wait- not like-” he sighed. Even at his best, Jack was cursed with being awkward. “Anyway, thanks again. You’ve been a really reliable prefect this year and it hasn’t gone unnoticed. Were you interested in potentially being a head prefect next year? I think the Headmistress thinks fondly of you.” 
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jack-finnigan · 6 years
Montague put on a small smile for Jack, no intention of being rude, but no intention of flat out lying and agreeing with him. “I’m glad you think so,” he nodded, placing his glasses back on his nose. “It’s honestly been rather exhausting for me, but perhaps you’ve been having a different experience?”
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“Well, I mean, I don’t exactly love breaking up brawling fourth-years,” he said with a shrug. “But I give the dead guy credit when he deserves it. This is the best prank he’s ever pulled.” Jack smiled lightly. “Thank you. For all your help. You know, trying to get things settled down. Did you drink any of the water?” 
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