Jack Brofski
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jack-brofski-blog · 7 years ago
Romance is Just the Start
By: Snow~ Flower~
AN: This has most of an Alex x OC, so don't nag me for not using a canon character. SuperCorp will also be featured in here.
It's been one month since Molly came back to National City. She got Alex Danvers' number off of Maggie Sawyer and told her to meet her on the DEO rooftop. As she was waiting, she heard a gun click and put to her head.
Molly turned around to see Alex and J'onn, "J'onn. Alex," she said, trying not to sound terrified.
"Who are you?" Alex asked her.
She responded, "How about a little sparring. If you beat me, I go into a cell and stay there as long as you see fit. But if I beat you, I'll tell you what happened to me after the fight is over." Alex thought for a second then nodded.
She gave J'onn her gun and the fight began. It was hand to hand combat; one that Molly happened to use a lot. So, it was easy for her to beat Alex. After that, she explained what happened. But that, that was in the past.
It's now been about three months since Molly came back, and must she say, Alex is one cute angel...
Today was a day that she would never forget.  Molly was walking around town when a sniper got the drop on her. He shot her in the back then fled. Molly called Alex and she rushed over with a medical evac. They put her on a stretcher and loaded me into the van. She closed her eyes, trying to ignore the searing pain. But Alex saw right through Molly, she saw that she was in pain so she grabbed her hand, rubbing it and started humming something.
Now that it's been a week since she was shot and she’s finally out of the DEO, but Molly can't walk. So she’s in a wheelchair for the time being. 'God, I feel so helpless,' she thinks as Alex wheels her out of the med bay and out of the DEO. She takes Molly to her apartment which she’s happy about, has an elevator. She unlocks the door and she got herself inside and near the couch. Since she insisted she lives with her, Molly told her that she’s not getting out of the wheelchair until they go to bed.
All she said to that was, "You better not complain about your ass hurting, then." Molly laughs at that.
Molly sits there as Alex gets something to eat for herself. Molly use some technology that she got from the DEO and places it on her lap. A blue screen appears in front of me so does a keyboard. She smiles to herself as she start typing an article about Supergirl taking down Cyborg Superman. She starts typing as Alex sits on the couch, staring at what she’s typing. Molly glances at Alex and leaves it be as she keeps typing the article.
Molly wheels myself into Catco and goes to Snapper Carr’s office. She manages to get around the people and hand him the article.
He looks at her in the wheelchair and asks, “What the hell happened to you?”
“Um..” she tries to come up with an excuse and says, “I was in target practice when I was shot.” she chuckles nervously, but he buys it and lets her go.
She wheels back to the elevator as Kara catches up to her, “Hey, Molly. Where you headed?” She asks.
“I’m actually headed home,” Molly responds.
“You live with Alex, don’t you?” she asks.
‘Nosey sister,’ Molly thinks as she nod at her before she could respond, she gets into the elevator and it closes.
Molly wheels home and waits for Alex to return. she starts getting tired around 1:30 P.M. and wheels into the bedroom. She uses her strength to get herself into the bed and drifts off into slumber.
Alex gets home and walks through the door, “Molly?” she calls, wondering if Molly's still at work. She walks into the bedroom to see her sound asleep. She smiles and kisses her forehead. “Sleep well. I’ll be here if you need me,” she whispers into her ear. She smiles a little, knowing she’s there.
Alex’s phone rings and she silently curses and walks out of the room before answering, “Hello?”
“Hey, Alex. I got something to tell you. Mind of I drop by?” Kara asks over the phone.
“Uh…” Alex looks over at the bedroom. “sure. Just be quiet when you come in, because Molly's sleeping.”
“Got it. Be quiet because your girlfriend is asleep,” Kara grins.
“Kara, you're dead!” Alex whisper yells into the phone, blushing. Kara laughs and comes to their apartment. She walks in and sits on the couch with Alex sitting next to her.
“So…” she whispers, knowing Kara could hear her. “What did you need to tell me?”
“I was looking over some articles, and I found out that Molly is actually a better reporter than I am,” Kara looks down. (AN: *pats Kara*)
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