jabrownauthor · 3 years
Happy 2022
Hi, well the last couple of years have been awful. Covid, drama, and other shit seemed to throw itself at me during 2019-21. I’m please to say I have recently started making hand knitted socks to sell online. It’s so hard to get back into trying to publish my work without a computer or a penny to buy one that I thought I’d do this instead for a bit. Check out my work at The Writer That Knits
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jabrownauthor · 7 years
Book Sale
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Black Heart: A Vampire’s Son is now on sale.
“There she is! Get her! Kill the freak!”
She had to keep going. Had to find safety.
Her eyes focussed ahead to a house she knew. Using what little energy, she had, she forced her weak legs to carry her to the door. There, she lay her son, wrapped in a thick black blanket upon the doorstep of number 5, home to Mr and Mrs Kensington. “Goodbye,…
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jabrownauthor · 7 years
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Black Heart: Character Profiles (Jack) Jack Kensington is the 13 year old main character in the Black Heart series. The books follow his journey as he learns the truth about his family and he prepares for his all important Vampire transformation.
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jabrownauthor · 7 years
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jabrownauthor · 7 years
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Today I answered a few questions on a joint blog a few friends and I run. Hope you enjoy them.
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Question 1: in a few words, tell us, your readers, a little bit about yourself.
I was 13 years old when I wrote my first story, The Odd Bodz. I mainly write young adult novels of multiple genres. I have written fantasy type books, but have written others as well.
Question 2: What is your story, Black…
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jabrownauthor · 7 years
Newsletter January 2018
I first came up with the idea for the Black Heart series while watching a television show about a young Vampire boy. I really enjoyed all the interesting and unique characters and challenged myself to write something different. Up until then I had only written for a young audience, The Odd Bodz and I wanted to see if I could write about something completely different. I had never tried writing…
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jabrownauthor · 7 years
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Newsletter: January 2018
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jabrownauthor · 7 years
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jabrownauthor · 7 years
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jabrownauthor · 7 years
Pre Order
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I said if Bookrix didn’t work, after Christmas I would move all my work to Amazon and that’s what I have done.
Black Heart: A Vampire’s Son is now available to pre order on Amazon
Black Heart: A Vampire’s Son is the first book in the Black Heart series. It tells the story of young boy Jack Kensington who discovers he is a Vampire. He meets Bertrand Wolfgang, a vain and witty Vampire, who…
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jabrownauthor · 7 years
Writing Goals 2018
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Wednesday 27th December 2017, almost the end of the year and to be honest, I’ll be glad when this hell of a year is over. Christmas was everything I didn’t want it to be. My perfect Christmas was cancelled a couple of days before, due to unforeseen circumstances. However, I did eventually get my special Christmas card and I’m going to get another one soon. Yes, he sent me two, but it’s locked…
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jabrownauthor · 7 years
Review of 2017
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Ok, well this year hasn’t been exactly as I planned, but I can barely stick to a book plan let alone anything else. To be honest, it hasn’t been a great year. I’ve had personal stuff to deal with, which is more crap than great, there’s been more drama with my writing group, but that’s nothing new, oh, and traditional publishing failed, miserably.
I may have been offered a publishing contact, but…
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jabrownauthor · 7 years
It’s off
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Ok, now most of you know that I’ve been having problems with Bookrix and by problems, I think they’re a crap company. They don’t update sales figures and I know for certain I have sold books. I’ve had people tell me, I’ve sold books. My book was even number 1 on their flaming best sellers list, for goodness sake! But that isn’t just the problem. Weirdos. Yes you heard me loud and clear, the site…
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jabrownauthor · 7 years
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Bookrix.com December 2017Well it’s been three months since Black Heart: A Vampire’s Son went online for sale and I’m not 100% certain what I think of the website I’ve used to publish it.
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jabrownauthor · 7 years
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jabrownauthor · 7 years
New cover
Black Heart: A Vampires Son, is the first in the series by Bookrix number 1 best selling author, J A Brown (me).
Buy from Amazon, IBooks, Bookrix, Google Play, Nook, Kobo and more…
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jabrownauthor · 7 years
Story Settings
I love changing the setting in each book I write in a series. The one I am writing at the moment, is currently three books long, and each one is set in a different place. I also love changing the characters. Not all of them, but some.
Book 1: Black Heart: A Vampires Son 
Set in a castle.
Book 2 (I have fans so I’m not saying what the second book is called)
Set in an ordinary house
Book 3 (I have…
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