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"No, that's not it!" She tried to say, but somehow the right words didn't want to leave her mouth. How could she explain something so odd? Well-- she had to try, after all, if someone could give her an answer, it would be the Cheshire Cat. "Strange things are happening... I mean... More stranger than they already are."
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Alice let an annoyed sigh come off of her carmine lips. It was quite irritating to explain something almost inexplicable.
"Their 'Wonderlands' are different from ours." She continued, looking at the Cat quite troubled. "They have 'Alices' and even completly different 'Hatters'! It's not something I have created, how do you explain that?"
“Blasted Cat, where have you been?” Alice inquired, approaching the strange, yet familiar creature. “You appear and disappear as you please, this is not quite helpful, you see.”
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Oh, Alice wished that she didn't knew what the Hatter was talking about, but she did. That fact was horribly engraved in the deepest of her heart: the loss of her loved ones, the pain, the suffering...
Pain. Suffering. Madness.
"Yes, I know... Sometimes the more you want something, the more it's hard to get." She remarked, looking down. How unfair it was to lose the happiness you once had -- as if it was just a mere ilusion. Shattered into pieces. "If it's a 'warn', then I might as well follow it."
Alice let a small, yet very delicate smile appear on her lips. She looked almost like-- the little girl who was once very innocent.
"Besides," the girl continued, looking less worried. "I guess we don't want to make Alice sad. He is worried about us."
“… Dying’s never that easy when you’re the one who’s searching for it, and yet it’s so easy for everyone you love dearly…” It was almost sad, but true. And definitely something that the Hatter knew he wasn’t supposed to let bother him. “Nn…? I’m afraid that’s not how it works with me.”
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“If I was threatening then I wouldn’t have spared the breath to pull the trigger. However—if an unnecessary death can be avoided in this hell hole then I’ll only ‘warn’.” A thin, yet still very tired smile seemed to come to form on his features soon enough. “Never let it be said that the cold and heartless Hatter didn’t have the compassion to avoid the unnecessary by developing a new habit and disobeying his master’s orders.”
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"I was expecting someone else." Alice remarked, approaching the grotesque throne, raising her head to gaze at the girl. She was, somewhat, very familar. "The Queen of Hearts, I suppose?"
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Three creatures are visiting the throne...
hanekawa-black crystal-eyed-doll iwishiwerehallucinating
♔ “Good day to you all. Now speak before I lose my interest.” The Queen spokes from her throne of flesh, pallid hues gazing down at the visitors. 
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“Forgetting pain is convenient. Remembering it is agonizing. Recovering the truth is worth the suffering. And our Wonderland though damaged is safe in memory… for now.”
Cheshire Cat from Alice: Madness Returns (via bitterspitzer)
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The Wonderland she spoke about wasn't her Wonderland, yet, little they knew about the danger.
Her Wonderland, on the other hand, was full of all sort of creatures: monsters who wanted to kill and creatures who just wanted to live. But as Alice -- the blonde boy -- said once, that Wonderland had it dangers too.
Nothing too different or horrifying to make her surprised, but even so she was careful with her surrondings. Alice didn't want to underestimate the place. Wonderland was, after all, a place full of surprises -- no matter which one they were talking about.
One, two, three... 
There they are, in the other side of the "mirror". 
"Do not look back." Alice warned, grabbing his chin delicately, preventing him from looking back. "If you look back your regrets will hunt you."
“This Wonderland is connected to another one, a Wonderland more… Welcoming…” She hesitated to use those few couple of words because she knew that Hatter would be quite upset to see more outsides. “There is a wonderful a pastry shop over there.”
Alice turned to face the boy close to her, approaching him even more. Then, as if it was the most natural thing to do, she placed her pale, cold hands on his cheeks.
“Excuse me.” She said, looking him in the eyes. “I think— All Wonderlands are connected by ‘Alice’ and I am Alice, so I guess I can open this little magic gate. Now close your eyes.”
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"Yes, this couple of months made me find other Wonderlands, different from mine." She commented, letting a small sigh come off of her carmine lips. Every Wonderland was different, but the core was the same. Perhaps even that girl had a Wonderland of her own. "So you have meet the Cheshire Cat? Which one?"
“Let me guess, you are the Alice from another Wonderland, am I correct?”
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A complete stranger 
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"Oh no, please, I beg you to not use the 'lady' part. I am just... Alice." Somewhere in her mind she hoped that what she said wasn't offend the woman. But that was the truth, like Eleonor, Alice liked to be called by her name and her name only. "I guess I am lost."
“My name is Alice.” The girl said, bowing in a brief greeting. Somehow she felt very awkward in that woman’s presence. After all, she couldn’t really tell, but Eleonor was different. “Nice to meet you, Eleonor.”
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Somehow that scene was quite familiar. She wondered why every single Rabbit was in a hurry, perhaps it was just something of their nature? "Excuse me--" She tried to say, raising a hand to grab the Rabbit's arm.
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iwishiwerehallucinating is on time
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    “Oh, dear. Oh dear. I’m late. I’m late…” The White Rabbit could be found scampering along his way, late as always. His stop watch was in his hand, which he glanced at every few seconds. He wasn’t aware of the female he passed back in his hurry.
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That girl had a-- tail? Well, Alice should by surprised by now, but after seeing so many odd things: boys with rabbit's ear, cats who could change to a human form, other Wonderlands... Yes, her having a tail was pretty normal.
"Yes, this is Wonderland," Alice answered, crossing her arms in front of her chest. "But I am not sure if this a good place for you to ease your boredom."
“It is a pleasure to meet you Alice,” she replied with a nod. Bernkastel’s violet eyes took in the surrealistic scenery around her. Her tail swished accordingly, reflecting the Witch’s curiosity despite her indifferent expression. “I don’t suppose that this place is called Wonderland perhaps?”
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When Alice goes to visit the Hatter's place, instead of the blonde boy there to greet her, as per usual, there is a note addressed to her instead. [Alice-nee! I have things to do so I'm going to disappear for a while. Be nice to Hatter and please don't kill each other by the time I get back, 'kay? Good.]
Alice did not find the blonde or the brunette there, just a little, lonely note. "I see, so I will be alone for a while." She murmured, placing the note in one of the pockets in her dress. "Well, we cannot make any promises, can we?"
Letting a soft sigh come off, the girl looked at her surrondings. A pretty, warm and messy house.
"See you later, Alice.", she finally said, closing the door behind her. "I will come back to make Hatter some company another time, although he might dislike the idea."
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「 time to sleep, Alice 」
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"Let me guess, you are the Alice from another Wonderland, am I correct?"
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“You do not need to apologize, little miss. My name is Alice, Alice Liddell. Yours?”
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"You do not need to apologize, little miss. My name is Alice, Alice Liddell. Yours?"
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“I shall disagree with the ‘lady’ part. I am not very lady-like.”
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