thoughts on shifting + manifesting with ease. (as someone who's shifted many times, alongside manifesting)
coming back to this side of tumblr after spending years away from it has made me realized how many do you are truly the problem, it might sound kinda harsh but really. so many of you ask the same questions over and over again.. "but HOW do i do it?" "how do i shift" "how do i manifest" JUST DO IT. stop looking for signs, stop looking for methods or "cheat codes". just do it man.
your mind is so powerful and it actually kinda irritates me how many of you doubt it, just because it "seems to easy". you don't understand how you've been manipulated by society to not see your power. how have you been on loa social media, shifting social media, for soooo long — yet still don't see it?? let me tell you..
the moment i got off social media, the moment i took time to erase everything in my head and stop overthinking everything, was the moment everything came to me. i already had it, i just needed to stop telling myself i didn't.
it took me less than two weeks to get used to convincing myself i had everything i wanted, i shifted to my desired realities, and everything worked out in my favour. AFFIRMING IS ALL YOU NEED. I AM YELLING AT YOU. JUST AFFIRM.
really, please, affirm. the routine is so simple.
1. any bad thought is instantly turned positive.
ex: "i really want her waist"
"am i stupid ... i have her waist.. tbh mine even looks a little better.. am i crazy?? like actually? this must be a glitch or something cause my waist is practically identical to hers.. i literally love my waist"
exaggerate, say what you need to say to erase the negativity.
2. it's yours, so act like it..
ex: talk about ur DR normally. it's your reality, not a fantasy land you made up in a dream. ITS REAL. it's a reality. for example, i'd watch videos of my s/o in this reality, and speak about our lives in my dr. "i can't wait to see __ tonight... god i love __, it's so nice hanging out with them everyday.. wow they look so pretty in this video — i'm so lucky their mine". it's natural, they're yours aren't they? exactly, so act like it.. this is used the exact same way when manifesting..
you see someone with something you want? thinking of something you wanna do? something you wanna be? ... it's urs... so can you act like it?? like whyre u feeling sad someone else got a job promotion 😹😹 you literally got a better one ...
3. that's literally it
you don't need a fancy method (although it can give u some peace of mind.. let's be real, a lot of methods set y'all back and make you overwhelmed, blocking ur beliefs and making everything seem harder). you literally just need to live. tell yourself it's done, over and over again. nothing matters. it's done, it's yours, you have it, you're happy and fulfilled. other peoples sucess should really mean nothing to you negatively. it shouldn't make you stressed, shouldn't make you feel behind.. why would it when you have everything, you can do everything, go anywhere, and you can be anything.
it'll seem like manifesting blogs and shifting blogs just repeat the same things.. which is true, they do, because i'm telling you there's nothing more to it than what you've already read. it is that easy. all it takes is your mind. decide, and tell yourself.
as i said before, it took me barely anytime to switch my mindset once i actually started focusing on myself, my journey and not every body else's results. repeating stuff to yourself WORKS. repeating is literally ALL i did. choose what i want, told myself it's mine in any way i could describe it. and there, it's mine. ive shifted to many different realities, along side gaining a better life in this one after years of convincing myself there was nothing for me. if i can break out of the cycle, trust me you can too. i cannot describe how desperate i was at the beginning, how long i took in false info and wasted time on methods all while doubting every single thing.
so why don't you believe it? you'll sit there and tell yourself over and over again that you're ugly, or broke, or friendless... but you won't tell urself that you've shifted? that you have your dream body...? girl okay i guess....
once you realize nothing besides your mind truly matters, is when you'll be free with yourself. circumstances don't matter, past feelings don't matter, doubts don't matter, your mind is all you need.
yes this is just loa explained longer, that's the point of the post because some of u still can't get it in ur heads
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why you should stop consuming media if you want to shift.
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where your attention goes, is where energy will follow. the more you focus on something, the more real it becomes.
⭑.ᐟ i made a post a while ago saying “why you should get off social media if you want to shift”. id like to expand upon that a little more. so, here’s a “why you should stop consuming media” or at the very least “why you should consume media carefully”.
you are being programmed through everything — social media, music lyrics, television, advertising, the news. this is why meta wants tiktok b@nn3d so badly. its taking away their ability to control & their influence upon you because average people spend more time on tiktok then anything else. this can be extended to news networks because more and more people are using it as news sources. media, not just social, need your attention in order to program you. as someone who has taken classes marketing, the core of what my class was, was teaching someone to be the best manipulator. my professor said to always “play on people’s emotions”. anything that has the ability to take your attention away & live in a negative & distracted stake, is taking away your ability to create the life you want to live. a lot of — if not everything — is about power & controlling you for someones benefit.
taking this into account, you can now begin to understand why television shows are called television programs. it is programming you to think & behave & make purchases. for example, the human mind does not know the difference between real & fake. if something provokes an emotion out of you — that emotion it is still real, even it was brought on by fiction. the human brain cannot truly comprehend fiction. this is why people form such emotional attachments to fictional characters because our brains cannot distinguish that they are a character or a scenario is not real.
power comes from your attention & what you focus on; what emotion it provokes.
₊˚⊹♡ why is this relevant ?
your thoughts & feelings create your reality.
by waking up every morning after a shifting attempt & saying “i didn’t shift, im not in my desired reality” is what you’re affirming to yourself. when you roll over & scroll on your phone, you are taking your attention away from persisting that you are in the wish fulfilled. you aren’t focusing on that you have already shifted. every shifting tiktok video is affirming that you aren’t in your desired reality. it’s reinforcing that idea of “you’ll shift tonight” “who would do this in your desired reality” “___ in my desired reality” — that you are still here. it’s hardly ever said “you’ve already shifted” on tiktok. again, this circles back to “playing on people’s emotions” — desperation & excitement. keeping people in a loop of shifting content instead of actually wanting to experience it for yourself. i will admit, practically everyone is guilty of this — self included. it definitely doesn’t come from a place of malice & i doubt it’s always intentional on anyone’s part but it’s something to consider that every shifting video you come across is a reminder that you haven’t shifted yet.
limit what you consume. for example, if you keep listening to a sad song, you’re going to be sad & pulled back into a time in your life that no longer serves you. it removes you from the present. the brain has no concept of time as it is a man-made idea. by eliminating media entirely (or limiting / being mindful of what is being fed to you & taking nothing at face value), you are getting that power back.
media keeps you distracted. it keeps you focused on other things & not your manifestations. it constantly brings back you into the 3d. the longer you’re focused on the 3d, the further away you will be removed from your manifestations & you will be pulled into things that fuel others desires.
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Candice Swanepoel CC
(bundled w 27 subliminals)
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everytime u walk into a room your walk is as memorable as candice swanepoel’s victorias secret debut
your ass is more culturally relevant than the industrial revolution
any guy who wants a girl with a bbl’s life is immediately changed when they see your thin yet undeniably curvy frame
between your icy cold gaze, your mischievous smile, your pouty lips & high angular cheekbones there’s something… sweet??? about your face
when brunette you’re a bombshell but when you’re blonde you’re a barbie bombshell. best of both worlds.
in a line up next to candice swanepoel people would think candice is the look alike
even though some might say you look better than candice, like anna nicole smith you agree “never better than candice” there’s no need to compare two queens
if u asked your friends separately they would all agree they want your perfectly plump & perky bum if they could have any of your features
people would cry if they saw u in public thinking you’re candice like that ashley 5 below taylor swift girl
you don’t try hard to look like candice like paige neiman or sum you just do…
you look like candice in your desired year with no issues
your face alone could revive victoria’s secret past its peak
like candice you still stand out in a crowd amongst VS angels
you are anatomically a copy of candice swanepoel’s body and face
have young Candice Swanepoel’s eros bow, vermillion line, vermilion borders, lower and upper lip shape and size, lower and upper lip length and width, chin
angle, eyes, width of face, longitude, side profile,
facial features, eyebrows, eyebrow
length, distance between two eyebrows and eyes, eyebrow color, lower and upper eyelid, eye shape, eye latitude and longitude angles, eyelashes, iris size, nose root, forehead, nose
bone, nostrils, nasal cartilage, nose edge, nose
thickness, nose length, nasal columella, nose
bone, philtral back, oral commission, upper lip
vermillion, lower lip vermillion, nose root, jaw
structure, upper and lower jaw alignment and
proportion, tooth shape, mouth size and mimics,
eyebrow shape, eyebrow density, eyebrow color, eye shape, eye size, eye color, eyelash color, eyelash volume, eyelash size, nose shape, nose
(anatomy credit: @breakktheice on yt)
i’ve always looked like candice swanepoel in everyone’s memory
my face and body are indistinguishable from candice swanepoel’s
people often remind you how much you look like candice
sometimes its hard to tell if a picture is of candice or of you
if you were ever to meet candice she’d tell you its like looking in a mirror
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Valley of the Dolls (1967)
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young and beautiful୨୧✧𓏲♡
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villanelle subliminal
“you should never tell a psychopath they’re a psychopath”
- be a high functioning psychopath
- be stoic
- don’t feel empathy for those who have wronged you
- be ruthless and cunning
- reign with an iron fist over all those inferior to you
- be extremely confident in a feminine way
- be smart enough to escape a russian prison
- you love the ability you hold to hurt people even if you don’t always act on it
- you are quite literally a sick fuck but you get away with it by being charming and attractive
- be incapable of feeling guilt for your actions of revenge
- real life get it back in blood
- be so intriguingly mysterious. sure everyone can recall your devastatingly beautiful face but … no one truly knows you?
- study social interactions like a hawk. no interaction gets past you.
- notice patterns and easily put pieces of the puzzle together
- spending your money is cool but indulging in your cold blooded animalistic nature is your favorite
- have a child like sense of humor that is jarring in comparison to your brute nature
- no one can see your inner turmoil because no one can truly decipher your rather stoic features
- people talk about you like something straight out of a stephan king novel but they can’t hide their infatuation
- you’re peculiar and strange in an alluring way
- when people talk to you they have the strangest feeling that you are simply… “other”. an uncanny valley feeling paired with your sweet honey like voice
- when you get mad the whole room turns into the arctic. you may not show it but everyone can feel your rage.
“they say she’s a dalgyal gwishin. the egg ghost. the demon with no face”
-even assassins fear you
-the mention of your name causes a cold shiver to travel down people’s spine
-everyone has heard of the beautiful but dangerous woman who happens to be you
-have the abilities and training of a world class assassin
-you’ve been trained in self defense, gun handling etc for as long as you can remember
-you are a literal killing machine
-you can slice and dice someone up like its fruit ninja
-not even muhammad ali could take you in the ring
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-how can the devil reincarnate have a face so sweet
-people may not love the fury of your wrath but they sure love to look at you
-even as a walking death note people can’t help but to feel attracted to you
-you’re jarring as fuck but with a face like that whats not to like?
-your haunting face and your fit body cancels out the fact you could kill someone in the blink of an eye
-maybe its how unnatural your aura makes you but you can’t help but to wonder if someone can truly be so beautiful
-blood red lips to match the fluids of your victims against your complexion
-you have the same succubus esque allure as jennifer check
-easily be a polyglot absorb knowledge of new languages with every breath you breathe
-blend with the locals abroad
-live in a glamorous apartment in your desired city. your apartment is cultivated and designed to your exact liking.
-money is never an issue. forget comfortable you’re ultra wealthy.
-be your bosses favorite within the workplace. your boss has a soft spot for you despite your theatrics.
-you’re the one complex female character everyone can agree to like
-you give people the same energy as a dramatic piano climax
-to new people inquiring about the mysterious beauty, you are often described as a ��living , breathing ,shopping ,psychopath”
-smell like “pretty machine” by kerosene
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the void and shifting aren’t that scary ༄
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many people are in my dms, saying that they are avoiding the term “reality shifting” and maybe a lot of you guys have exaggerated this as i make alot of posts for my permashifters and respawners as not many people do
when it comes to "shifting realities", the term isn't as deep as you think, to shift realities you don't need a 360 change, sometimes it can be small, but that's all manifesting is, shifting realities. For example let's say you have blonde hair, if you were to watch a subliminal for natural jet black hair and you get it, you have just shifted to the reality where you have black hair, nothing else changed just that you now have jet black hair instead of blonde. You can have all you want while still keeping many aspects the same for example, friends or family, you don't need to change everything o shift
We are shifting all the time, another example, let’s say you’re out shopping with a friend and they ask wether the red skirt or the blue skirt would be better, you pick red and now you have shifted to the reality where that friend owns and wears that skirt, and if you were to pick blue you would have been in a different reality where your friend owns and wears a blue skirt. We shift with everything we do. Manifesting is shifting, Shifting is manifesting. The void is just a meditative state that allows us to change even the most “impossible” things without any resistance, but you’re changing shit everyday.
The reason i’m saying this is that i mostly speak about permashifting and respawning, so people automatically think that if they shift, everything will change drastically. It won’t. Although i love you guys so much, it’s the funniest shit ever when yall ask me if you’re gonna see your family again because you want to enter the void to change the colour of your eyes 💀 (like damn you lot can be so dramatic). You’re subconscious KNOWS you so whatever you don’t want will not be there and whatever you do want will be waiting for you, wether using the void or simply affirming, you don’t need to spell it out, because again the void isn’t some genie, it’s YOU and you know you!
And to those who want to respawn or permashift, i want you to see this message and know that shifting isn’t that deep, the void isn’t scary or some huge thing and what you want to do (shift realities) is something that you already do and have been doing since you came to be.
shifting is and will always be as easy as breathing
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I can’t believe women are willingly having children with reluctant men who they have to beg and convince to have kids with them like if that man is not kneeling at your feet sobbing begging you to bare him children if he’s not feeding you grapes and fanning you with a palm leaf for the entirety of your pregnancy if he’s not actively trying to make motherhood as easy as possible for you then why the fuck are you having kids with him?! I see women who have 4-5 kids saying their husbands have always been like this. Why on god’s green earth do you keep having his children?!?!?! You should be getting a sushi boat and a brand new Audi after giving birth at a minimum and they’re out here begging their husbands to go to the hospital with them
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OG yacht girl
yacht girl vibe
-be the yacht princess traveling through cannes
-get invited by the wealthiest of the elite onto yachts with your friends and earn money
-meet eligible bachelors easily
-be a polarizing magnet for billionaires
-sip strawberry champagne out on the deck
-lounge around 150 million dollar yachts while eating exotic tropical fruits
-have an endless yacht crew jumping to make sure you’re comfortable and not lifting a finger
-always travel to exotic, tropical, travel destinations like the almalfi coast , santorini, sardinia, ibiza, miami, jamaica, rio de janeiro, bali, fiji, thailand, monaco, bora bora, dubai, portofino, hawaii (be mindful to the locals please), aruba, puerto rico, cancun & turks and caicos on somebody else’s expense.
-easily pick up foreign languages abroad and perfectly speak it to the locals
-lounge around the yacht in nothing but a tiny bikini and heels just cause
-always have safe trips. never do anything you don’t want to and have safe travels onboard.
-everything goes your way. if you’re not happy your billionaire friend will do everything in his power to see a smile on your face. but why would you not be happy being young, hot spoiled & rich on a attractive billionaire’s yacht???
-watching you relax on your billionaire friend’s yacht is their personal favorite. however watching you run around the beach sipping an aperol spritz with your peachy cheeks covered in sand is a close second.
-find a healthy mix between eating the mediterranean diet, shellfish, acqua panna, exotic fruits & eating bonilla a la vista patatas fritas, piña coladas and smoking cuban cigars
-have a luxurious romantic dinner every night on the water level extended deck with dimly lit candles just because
-besides your shopping sprees be sure to expect new lingerie, bikinis, investment bags, peonies & macarons to be gifted to you daily while your billionaire friend is out and about just thinking about you.
-have the same larger than life 2000’s party girl vibe as paris hilton
-you choose to go with both attractive and ultra wealthy billionaires because you’re the hottest of the hottest so you can have both
-stay in a top of the line yacht with all the appliances most can only dream of
-the yacht girl lifestyle is never scary you’re never put in danger and can leave whenever you want
-despite how great yachting sounds its just another typical day for you your life is normally so luxurious and fun
-you are easily the sexiest most expensive export out of your country ever summer
-make more in one night of yachting than a small countries GDP
-despite your well travelled expensive summer experience you also make sure to maintain your summer reading and investment’s
-locals are nothing but kind to the foreign pretty girl they see on the beach
-be the evening gem of the yacht club meet
-never girl rot you’re doing hot rich bitch shit everyday
-when you’re yachting life is reminiscent of 2010 frank ocean “super rich kids” vibes of pure luxury and blatant displays of wealth
-be endlessly energetic, flirty and playful
-you make people feel insatiable for your presence
-one sniff of your scent is like a lethal drug
-when you’re not on the yacht or on land you’re traveling by private plane to your next destination
-you’re gifted with the unique ability to find at least one naturally occurring pearl every time you eat oysters
-your voice is downright erotic and gets men to do whatever you want
miranda kerr dating history
-only date billionaires
-have your eye out for the perfect billionaire
-know how to play the game for your perfect billionaire mate
-you just might end up with the CEO of your favorite social media company if you keep up the yachting
-unlike miranda you would never have a baby with a lame
-don’t yacht just for fun and money, yacht because you’re looking for your future husband to make you and your future children live a life of leisure
miranda kerr beauty
-have gorgeous dimples (or dimple lol i only have one) that make rich men weak in the knees
-have doll like apple cheeks that make you look youthful
-look naive and impressionable despite your omnipresent sex appeal
-always have a full voluminous victorias’s secret bombshell blowout
-have a face that could easily make you the highest paid model… or yacht girl
-exude unmatched sex appeal
-have skin so hydrated and dewy from sipping straight from your coconuts
-have a perfect balance between downright wanton sex appeal and neoteny to easily manipulate just about anyone
general sprinkle sprinkle
-you’ve never dated a brookie
-even a brookie would sell his soul to see you on a yacht sunbathing in the south of France
-you don’t have to perform sexual favors (unless desired) on yacht’s, you’re simply invited to a tropical luxurious summer getaway
-be gifted a cartier 18K yellow gold 7 charm ankle bracelet so your favorite billionaire can stake his claim
-other billionaires are crawling to your feet with gifts to invite you to their yacht
-other yacht billionaires get so territorial when they see you dancing on the deck table across the bay
-give the billionaire you choose to yacht with even more status amongst the elite as you’re the most expensive yacht girl
-be paid billions just to enjoy yourself
-not even “queen of yacht girls” miranda kerr could make as much as you do yachting for a night
-you don’t pay for a damn thing. in fact the only thing in your delvaux bag is sun screen and hot sauce
-your billionaire friend can’t focus when he leaves to do business deals knowing you’re lounging in the tiniest tropic of c bikini
-your billionaire is waiting at your beck and call to feed you grapes from the vine while you read just to be near you
-sure you could hang out with the old wrinkled billionaires but the hot & sexy young ones want and pay even more for you
-have the face and body people immediately think of when they hear “billionaire wife”
-be the main source of envy from other yacht girls or girls fucking for free to hop on a low tier yacht
-master social dining etiquette (your fork will always give you away)
-your private flight or emirates first class suite ticket there? paid for. your summer wardrobe? paid for. your living expenses? paid for. your shopping sprees? paid for. none of which are paid for by you. you’re just expected to bring your pretty self to be a muse of sorts.
-have 100 million dollar yachts gifted to you for existing
-after you step foot onto the yacht your billionaire friend calls someone up to change the current printed name to yours (naomi lapaglia inspo)
-you yourself are a status symbol there’s no question a man is rich if you’re on his arm
-have a figurehead on the prow designed after you (lauren sanchez inspo)
-rich men literally spit out their 1945 Domaine de la Romanée-Conti Grand Cru when they see you
-be the best seductress there ever was
-no one has more game or knows the game quite as well as you do
-billionaire men don’t mind if you’re manipulating them for your own gain they just want to be near you
-other yacht girls wouldn’t dare to approach your billionaire friend
-wealthy men are more than happy to give you all of their money just for being beautiful
-wealthy men literally feel haunted by your presence it evokes some sort of regency era longing. something for the books
-you are the ultimate prize
-men don’t care about your past as long as you’re not with someone else
-attract a chadlite billionaire that melts in your arms like frei malthus in hilda hurricane
-be gifted diamonds for every innocent kiss you give on the cheek
-unlike miranda kerr you don’t even have to make billionaire’s think you like them they just want the opportunity to be in your presence
-“a pearl necklace for your thoughts?”
summer beauty affirmations
-sex appeal seeps out of your pores you are the epitome of “walking sex”
-people on land watch you walk by as captivated as everyone in town was watching malena walk past
-have a summer essence like pamela anderson running across the beach in baywatch
-have sultry tan lines that give a forbidden fruit vibe when seen
-tan is as deep and as perfect as brooke shields in the blue lagoon
-manifest all of your desired swimwear
-have a rosy gold undertone to your skin that makes you look youthful and healthy
-have the most adorable naturally rosy cheeks
-have endless amounts of hermes oran sandals in every color
-be so stunning and alluring sirens wonder if you’re one of them
-look so exotic but no one can ever pinpoint from where
-look so erotic with fruit juice running down your chest and staining your luscious red lips
-look like you just walked out of a 2000’s summer edition of vogue
-be the beach beauty in passing no one ever forgets
-radiate even more sex appeal than an angel doing a victoria’s secret swimwear photoshoot
-have the ultimate bedroom eyes. one look from you with those pretty eyes is like a siren singing the sailors to their death
-(if desired for a lighter eye color green or blue) your eyes match the color of the sea’s you grace
-your defined cheekbones could cut a bitch but your dimple faced smile melts the iciest hearts
-thick & fluffy brooke shields/ taylor hill esque eyebrows
-look like you have naturally khol lined eyes
-you are forever in your peak. you’re gonna be sexy forever
-you embody the same endless beauty and femininity as ocean waves
-always be seen with an exotic flower in your long flowing locks on the beach
-have perfect pouty sensual red lips like rosie huntington whitley
-get asked what lip tint you’re wearing (you’re not wearing one…)
-manifest a luxury collection of sunglasses
-radiate the same beauty as christy turlington in “postcard from portofino” , vogue 1992
-anything you deem to be a personal imperfection is ceasing to exist
-when people see you they don’t understand how one person can be so sexy, exotic and unbelievably beautiful
-you’re beauty reminds people of a foreign sunset over the sea with rosy pink & orange hues
-have vanta black lashes that are super long and flutter soft and slow like a butterfly’s wings
-skin is naturally clear and rejuvenated look as if you’ve had a biologique recherche facial everyday (or maybe you have…)
-the salty ocean water washes away any skin impurities you have like a hydrafacial
-your glass skin & natural skin sparkles make your skin reminiscent of a porcelain doll’s
-manifest daily spa treatments, have your billionaire friend call the top specialist to the yacht for daily lymphatic drainage & skin treatments
-radiate the same energy as 2000’s euro summer clubbing songs
-your body is always well moisturized from even layers of sunscreen & body oil
-be out of this world gorgeous
-attract seashells, shell charms & jewelry
-maintain a thick fluffy 80’s voluminous blowout
-when people see you they think you’re a victoria’s secret model doing a photoshoot on the beach
-you’re devastatingly gorgeous
-you have a one in 8 billion sort of beauty
-you could easily be Miss Universe from beauty alone
-your pores are nonexistent
-there’s so many colors in your eyes from green, grey to blue with little specs of gold
-have a beauty that looks like you’re aware of ancient beauty secrets
-you become even more stunning with every second that passes
-the sun gives your hair a natural balayage
-hair is shiny like you used the oribe gold lust nourishing oil
-hair so shiny you’re fighting keratin treatment allegations
-your sexy aura reminds people of the song “candy shop” by fifty cent
-have an incredibly ultra feminine sexually dimorphic face
-your face is forever imprinted into men’s minds just from one glance
body affirmations
-have firm supple skin
-your skin is soft like butter cream
-your skin feels like silk
-easily obtain the best tan of your life
-be immune to sun burn
-tan like an early 2000’s Brazilian bombshell
-get a brazilian tan line spray tan
-have natural sparkles on your skin
-all body hair you don’t remove turns blonde and glimmers in the sun (ie: arms, happy trail)
-you’re naturally as hairless as a sphynx cat in your bikini area, underarms & legs
-your skin is immune to sun damage so you can sunbathe all day
-effortlessly maintain a summer body year round from 98-115 pounds year round (whatever you prefer)
-your body looks so healthy and filled out in all the right places
-always maintain a fresh russian mani pedi
manifest your desired summer body products
•sol de janeiro body oil
•vacation inc whipped spf 30
•body shimmer
•la roche posay thermal spray mist
•biologique recherche protection U.V. corps spf 50 sunscreen
-have long toned legs and a flat stomach
-have full round close set perky tear drop shaped boobs that look like they’re barely restrained by your bikini top (desired cup size)
-have a tall thin body
-workout on the extended deck of the yacht. not because you need to but because you want to. it helps that you’re flaunting that lithe sexy body to other billionaires along the way.
-all body imperfections (less than ideal proportions, discoloration, scars, loose skin, acne & scretch marks) are ceasing to exist
-even though you have your summer body all year round with no help needed, you know to maintain your upmost health through diet and exercise for the victorias secret fashion show in the fall
-your plump perky ass looks so enticing in your bikini bottoms
-your 0.7 WHR is mesmerizing but your plump heart shaped ass takes the cake
-your long supermodel legs are like rich men’s kryptonite
-hear “those legs” from drooling men daily
-your legs could easily stop a MAC truck
-tan easily and surprisingly fast
-tan like its UV 11 everyday
-be between 5’7-6’2
-have a thin hourglass body like candice swanepoel
-be fully immune to body odor
-have a natural yasmeen ghauri cat walk
-full hips that move as fluidly as shakira’s
-long swan neck that is immune to neck lines
-90° shoulders
-thin ballerina arms
-pretty size 6 arched feet
-divorced thighs
-small narrow rib cage
-20 inch waist
-all of your body fat is in your perky booty
-your body naturally emits the smell of acqua di parma blu mediterraneo by acqua di parma
-“it should be a crime how microscopic your bikini is”
-wealthy billionaires almost wish you put more clothes on for the sole sake of their own sanity
-have your desired level of fame for your desired career choice
-be the best dressed at cannes film festival red carpet
-you make so much money from your main job (modeling,acting etc) you only yacht for its eligible bachelors… the extra money is tempting too
-your hair naturally grows about 2 inches everyday just to give lara lieto on the cannes film festival red carpet
-meet your desired celebrities partying on yachts after the cannes film festival
-find out who other celebrity yacht girls are
-have the best paparazzi yachting pics
(like i said you don’t have to do sexual favors this part is if you feel sexually interested in your billionaire friend if not- you can subconsciously block all of these if you desire to not claim them if so it will not apply to you. if you chose to claim them there is extra protection bennies stay safe ily. again if you don’t want these bennies they simply won’t apply to you)
-have a healthy vagina
-have an optimal vaginal flora
-your PH never gets thrown off
-have optimal vaginal wetness from sipping on coconuts all day
-coochie is wet like you take your okra supplements
-get paid a couple mil more for the occasional “accidental” nip slip
-spending money on you literally makes men horny its like edging all day long
-trips to the dressing room “do you wanna see these clothes on me?” you can look but don’t you touch
-coochie smells & taste like sweet melons
-desired handsome billionaire has desired thoughts about your body
-get paid 20 mil more for allowing your billionaire friend to watch you enjoy your bubble bath with chocolate covered strawberries & Prosecco
-“when i’m with you all i get is wild thoughts”
-on the very rare chance that you do decide to sleep with your billionaire friend they make sure you’re left with a night you’ll never forget
-do your lovemaking on the deck overlooking the ocean under the night sky
-sacral chakra is properly functioning
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This is easy stop panicking.
it’s done, pay no mind to the “time you’ve wasted” because none of it is real it’s just an experience that can change in seconds. SECONDS.
Do you guys want a SUPER COOL method that will guarantee you the void/“I AM” state. Decide you’re a master of the void, pick the reality where you’ve done it a million times and that’s it. IT’S DONE. like seriously, the 4D is your only reality. You guys need to get it through your skulls that the 3D is not real. like at all. Your 3D is something you experience, not something set in stone and as soon as you decide it without wavering it’s true. I’m not gonna be superrrr tough on you and say “you’re still here because you want to be” because some people made their dream lives to escape the horrible reality they are living in and that wouldn’t be the best thing to hear. But you’re only experiencing you’re shitty 3D because your dominant thoughts are still with it. Stop saying you get it, start wavering and coming back to the app going round a cycle.
So don’t be discouraged about how much “time you’ve wasted”. Idc if it’s been a month or 2 years. you’re gonna be okay because manifesting is instant. you could enter the void right now if you put your mind to it (literally). Please don’t be upset over another day wasted in your shitty reality because it can change in a millisecond when you decide. You don’t need two weeks to change your “void concept”. Just decide you’ve always been this confident about your abilities and keep it moving, you don’t need all these challenges that last a week to reach the void, when you can reprogram your mind in a matter of seconds.DECIDE AND ITS DONE.
YOU ARE THE CREATOR. Anything you decide is true and becomes that way in a matter of split seconds, you should be excited to manipulate the world the way you want it and get your perfect life. because i know i am
“It’s been a year and i haven’t gotten in”
“it’s been 2 months”
“i have school next week and I NEED to tap in before then, i’ve wasted so much time!!”
“I am entering the void today, like i’ve always done”
“i’ve always been this powerful”
“i don’t need the void it’s the other way around”
“who gives a shit about time, i manifest instantly, so time doesn’t matter to me”
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This challenge is to help you address concerns you may face when trying persist your desired state. I call it a discipline challenge because it is to help you maintain the key ideas of the law in your head and to keep conscious of them in order to persist your desired state. By following this challenge you will learn to accept that 4d is the real reality, this will aid in accepting your desire as nothing but an undeniable fact, help you to not be in the state of waiting, impatience and lack.
DAY 1:
This day is focused on accepting the 4D/consciousness as the real reality. This is a huge step because once you have accepted this, it will be easier to get into your dominant state as you have understood that consciousness is the only reality and accepted this. So how will we do this? Through repetition and affirmations - not in a method way but to get this idea stuck into your head. I feel like majority of us keep forgetting this and it leads onto spiralling and what not.
I know that the 4d is the only reality.
Consciousness is the only reality.
Why would I be worried if I have everything in my inner world?
I have all my desires in the 4D.
You will do these affirmations on a rampage for five minutes - I know it's giving Sammy Ingram but these ideas will be eventually impressed onto your subconscious - making it easier to occupy your state. And after the rampage do it throughout the day as well.
DAY 2:
This day is focused on addressing and overcoming problems that may assist in you falling out of your state. Most big one that majority of us suffer from is being in the state of waiting which does not make sense. Why would you be waiting, when according to the law once you accept you have your desire, that's it. It is done from then on. You have claimed it into your 4D. There is no waiting in the 4D. One thing some of us can suffer from is impatience. Why would you be impatient, when you have it all in your 4D?
This day will include a five to ten minute vaunt on why would you be waiting / be impatient. You can follow your own vaunt similar to this or add in more to this vaunt. Just take the following vaunt as an example!
Vaunt: I literally have everything in the 4d so it is pointless for me to wait. I love having everything in the 4d and the 3d does not matter to me at all. Being impatient is such a silly concept because I literally have everything in my inner world. I am satisfied with having all my desires in the 4D. I have came to acceptance that I have everything in my inner world and I could not be any happier. Waiting for my desire is such an insane thing to do because I have all my desires in the 4d.
DAY 3:
This day is focused on all those that keep looking for movement in the 3D. Sometimes people are really focused on movement, they say they have been in a state for so long and say they have never gotten their desire. It is obvious they are looking for movement and are aknowledging and dwelling on the state of not having their desire, which is silly! By doing Day 1 and 2, it should ease you into not looking for movement in the 3D.
All my desires have materialised into the 3D because the 3D only reflects my 4D.
Looking to the 3D is crazy because I have all my desires in the 4D, which is the true reality.
I have accepted that I have all my desires in 4D and looking for movement in the 3D is pointless.
Combine these affirmations with day 1 and 2 on a rampage or as a vaunt for six minutes and it will help you to accept that the 4D is the real reality. Do it with some meditation music or your favourite music that will help you to immerse into this idea.
DAY 4:
Hopefully with day 1, 2 and 3, you have came to acceptance that the 4D is the real reality, impatience and waiting for your desire is a silly thing because you have everything in your imagination and looking for movement is pointless.
From this day onwards you can successfully occupy your desired state without being in the state of impatience, lack and waiting. If you find yourself doing these, then I suggest you do day 3 again where you go on a six minute rampage / vaunt with meditation music. Hopefully this challenge will allow you to fulfil yourself that you have your desire.
Disclaimer: I cannot tell you when your desire will manifest with this challenge, that is down to how well you enforce these ideas into your imagination and stick to it, but hopefully it has disciplined you to not be in the state of lack, state of impatience and the state of waiting. It will ease you into accepting that you have all your desires in the imagination and there is nothing more for you to do. It will hopefully allow you to make your desired state of consciousness into your dominant state -> reflecting it onto the 3D.
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I love being called difficult by men who are denied access to my presence.
I used to take this comment as a warning that I’m doing too much but you know what, I am very difficult.
I’m not medium. Definitely not easy. It’s very difficult to secure my attention. It’s very difficult to impress me. It’s very difficult to link up with me cause I’m booked and very busy. I’m difficult asf
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Giulia Bersani
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gold digging is the natural result of a patriarchal society
it’s funny how in my country there’s no term to describe gold digging because it’s just the most rational and natural thing to be as a woman in a patriarchal society, 
women are raised to be gold diggers!
in a world  built by men for men, women in my country are taught to look out for themselves by choosing providers, and there’s nothing inherently malicious or bad about it, it’s sad that western society looks down on this and glorifies struggle love
gold digging is encouraged by the fathers too
it brings shame to the family to leave your daughter in the care of a broke man and even worse if that man leaves and your daughter has to return home with her kids
where i’m from, your husband should AT LEAST provide at the same level as your father or surpass him, meaning anything your father paid for: bills, food, rent, shopping money, grooming, ==>your husband now takes care of and it’s non negotiable, 
women in western society need to reframe their way of thinking about hypergamy and gold digging
it’s not some quirky greedy concept for the pretty and fortunate
it’s just about survival
we are the weaker sex, we are paid less, everything is made with men in mind not women
medical research has been built upon years of using male subjects and that’s why women get misdiagnosed
even seat belts are made with a man’s body in mind, that’s why statistically speaking women are more likely to die in car crashes
we have to look out for ourselves because the world was not made with us in mind
nothing is as natural to me as gold digging,
 in my world it’s just called self preservation 😘
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