Sideblog of @deewithani. Sometimes I have very vivid dreams. Over 18 only, please.
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I had a strange dream last night.
I was getting on a plane to fly to a new job. I was showing someone where it was on a map. It was way above the arctic circle. I told them that I was going to be there at least 3 months before I would see them again.
It took a long time to fly there because I had to switch planes several times.
When I finally got there, I was driven to a building that was shaped like a long hexagon stacked on itself three times.
I went in. There was a front desk, a door behind the desk on the left, two doors on the left and right of the room, and an elevator behind the desk on the right. There was nothing else and no one at the desk. There was a picture frame on the desk that had a message to take the elevator to the top floor.
I took the elevator.
When it opened on the top floor, the room was more open, but was in disrepair. There were some old benches and tables in the middle of the room, chairs lining the walls, and a cafeteria window at the back of the room.
To the right was an open door and another room that you could see metal chairs in. On the lower left was a hallway that went to another elevator. On the upper left was a room with more benches and some decor that indicated it was an entertainment room, but anything 'fun' was missing.
There were a few people in the cafeteria room sitting in the chairs lining the wall. Two women and one man.
I remembered the man, I had worked with him before, several years ago. We called him 'Big Mike' at work. He looked in bad shape and his hair was long and grown out.
He asked if I was thirsty and told me that the options were water (which wasn't safe) and Coke Zero in a can.
He explained that we were all here to work in a mine because we were 'trouble' and had to be removed from the rest of society until we weren't 'trouble' anymore. The building we were in was made up of these pre-fab hexagonal buildings staked on each other and that there were 8 levels to the building, not 3. 5 of the levels were below ground and were only used as part of the mining operation. The 3 above ground were the residential levels.
We were not allowed to leave the building, but we could go anywhere in the residential levels.
He said that whoever had sent us all there really didn't care how we managed to survive as long as the mining quota was met, so the only thing they monitored was the mining levels. In the residential area, anything could happen outside of the common areas, so it was best to stay in the cafeteria as long as possible if you weren't working.
We sat and talked a while, then miners started coming in to eat because their shift was over. We started lining up to get our food, then sat down at the benches at the tables to eat while more miners packed in the room. There was not enough room for everyone, so people were pushed against each other and trying to push through the crowd to get food. (It was pinto beans and a slice of white bread, btw).
Then Temuera Morrison (WTF Tem, they said you were trouble too?) came in with another large group of miners to eat, but was asking around to see if anyone had found his 'spinner'. He asked me, and I asked if he meant 'spanner' and he said no, and went on his way.
I heard someone near me say "I bet it's up on the roof." The person I was sitting beside said to never go on the roof, because people don't come back from the roof.
And then I woke up.
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